John Mullennix - Publications

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Cognitive Psychology

32 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Mullennix J, Barber J, Cory T. An examination of the Kuleshov effect using still photographs. Plos One. 14: e0224623. PMID 31671134 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0224623  0.36
2011 Mullennix JW, Ross A, Smith C, Kuykendall K, Conard J, Barb S. Typicality effects on memory for voice: Implications for earwitness testimony Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25: 29-34. DOI: 10.1002/acp.1635  0.372
2007 Stern SE, Mullennix JW, Corneille O, Huart J. Distortions in the memory of the pitch of speech. Experimental Psychology. 54: 148-60. PMID 17472098 DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169.54.2.148  0.306
2007 Stern SE, Dumont M, Mullennix JW, Winters ML. Positive Prejudice Toward Disabled Persons Using Synthesized Speech Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 26: 363-380. DOI: 10.1177/0261927X07307008  0.362
2006 Stern SE, Mullennix JW, Yaroslavsky I. Persuasion and social perception of human vs. synthetic voice across person as source and computer as source conditions International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 64: 43-52. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijhcs.2005.07.002  0.326
2004 Stern SE, Mullennix JW. Sex differences in persuadability of human and computer-synthesized speech: meta-analysis of seven studies. Psychological Reports. 94: 1283-92. PMID 15362406 DOI: 10.2466/pr0.94.3c.1283-1292  0.346
2003 Mullennix JW, Stern SE, Wilson SJ, Dyson C. Social perception of male and female computer synthesized speech Computers in Human Behavior. 19: 407-424. DOI: 10.1016/S0747-5632(02)00081-X  0.311
2002 Mullennix JW, Bihon T, Bricklemyer J, Gaston J, Keener JM. Effects of variation in emotional tone of voice on speech perception. Language and Speech. 45: 255-83. PMID 12693687 DOI: 10.1177/00238309020450030301  0.389
2002 Stern SE, Mullennix JW, Wilson SJ. Effects of perceived disability on persuasiveness of computer-synthesized speech. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 411-7. PMID 12002967 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.87.2.411  0.378
2002 Spisak B, Mullennix J, Moro K, Will J, Farnsworth L. Typicality ratings of male and female voices Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 111: 2430-2430. DOI: 10.1121/1.4778325  0.398
2002 Kessler B, Treiman R, Mullennix J. Phonetic biases in voice key response time measurements Journal of Memory and Language. 47: 145-171. DOI: 10.1006/Jmla.2001.2835  0.446
2000 Stern SE, Mullennix JW, Dyson C, Wilson SJ. The persuasiveness of synthetic speech versus human speech. Human Factors. 41: 588-95. PMID 10774129 DOI: 10.1518/001872099779656680  0.383
2000 Mullennix JW, Howe JN. Selective attention in perceptual adjustments to voice. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 89: 447-57. PMID 10597581 DOI: 10.2466/pms.1999.89.2.447  0.455
1996 Mullennix JW, Johnson KA, Topcu-Durgun M, Farnsworth LM. The perceptual representation of voice gender. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 98: 3080-95. PMID 8550934 DOI: 10.1121/1.413832  0.428
1996 Topcu M, Mullennix JW, Bakalis T, Stauch M, Tracevski T. Talker variability effects on spoken word recall: Encoding or rehearsal? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 99: 2588-2603. DOI: 10.1121/1.415246  0.352
1995 Treiman R, Mullennix J, Bijeljac-Babic R, Richmond-Welty ED. The special role of rimes in the description, use, and acquisition of English orthography. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 124: 107-36. PMID 7782735 DOI: 10.1037//0096-3445.124.2.107  0.468
1992 Jusczyk PW, Pisoni DB, Mullennix J. Some consequences of stimulus variability on speech processing by 2-month-old infants. Cognition. 43: 253-91. PMID 1643815 DOI: 10.1016/0010-0277(92)90014-9  0.629
1992 Mullennix JW, Sawusch JR, Garrison LF. Automaticity and the detection of speech. Memory & Cognition. 20: 40-50. PMID 1549064 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03208252  0.695
1991 Ralston JV, Pisoni DB, Lively SE, Greene BG, Mullennix JW. Comprehension of synthetic speech produced by rule: word monitoring and sentence-by-sentence listening times. Human Factors. 33: 471-91. PMID 1835449 DOI: 10.1177/001872089103300408  0.687
1991 Mullennix J, Johnson K, Topcu M. Context effects in the perception of personal information in the speech signal Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 89: 2011-2011. DOI: 10.1121/1.2029888  0.577
1990 Mullennix JW, Pisoni DB. Stimulus variability and processing dependencies in speech perception. Perception & Psychophysics. 47: 379-90. PMID 2345691 DOI: 10.3758/BF03210878  0.681
1990 Connine CM, Mullennix J, Shernoff E, Yelen J. Word Familiarity and Frequency in Visual and Auditory Word Recognition Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 16: 1084-1096. PMID 2148581 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.16.6.1084  0.35
1990 Connine CM, Mullennix J, Shernoff E, Yelen J. Word familiarity and frequency in visual and auditory word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 16: 1084-1096. DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.16.6.1084  0.351
1989 Mullennix JW, Pisoni DB, Martin CS. Some effects of talker variability on spoken word recognition. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 85: 365-78. PMID 2921419 DOI: 10.1121/1.397688  0.67
1989 Martin CS, Mullennix JW, Pisoni DB, Summers WV. Effects of talker variability on recall of spoken word lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 15: 676-84. PMID 2526857 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.15.4.676  0.621
1989 Ralston JV, Mullennix JW, Lively SE, Greene BG, Pisoni DB. Comprehension of natural and synthetic speech Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 86. DOI: 10.1121/1.2027259  0.664
1989 Mullennix JW, Pisoni DB. Detailing the nature of talker variability effects in speech perception Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 85. DOI: 10.1121/1.2026709  0.669
1989 Ralston JV, Mullennix JW, Greene BG, Lively SE. On‐line measures of comprehension of natural and synthetic speech The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 85: S125-S125. DOI: 10.1121/1.2026704  0.347
1987 Tomiak GR, Mullennix JW, Sawusch JR. Integral processing of phonemes: evidence for a phonetic mode of perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 81: 755-64. PMID 3584684 DOI: 10.1121/1.394844  0.724
1987 Mullennix JW, Pisoni DB, Martin CS. Effects of talker uncertainty I: Auditory word recognition Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 81. DOI: 10.1121/1.2024179  0.696
1985 Sawusch JR, Mullennix JW. When Selective Adaptation and Contrast Effects Are Distinct. A Reply to Diehl, Kluender, and Parker Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 11: 242-250. DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.11.2.242  0.621
1984 Mullennix JW, Tomiak GR, Sawusch JR. Integral processing in phoneme perception The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 76: S28-S28. DOI: 10.1121/1.2021787  0.722
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