Carl Matteau-Pelletier, Ph.D. - Publications

2013 Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) 
Biomedical Engineering

6 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2013 Rouleau L, Berti R, Ng VW, Matteau-Pelletier C, Lam T, Saboural P, Kakkar AK, Lesage F, Rhéaume E, Tardif JC. VCAM-1-targeting gold nanoshell probe for photoacoustic imaging of atherosclerotic plaque in mice. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging. 8: 27-39. PMID 23109390 DOI: 10.1002/Cmmi.1491  0.528
2011 Li B, Abran M, Matteau-Pelletier C, Rouleau L, Lam T, Sharma R, Rhéaume E, Kakkar A, Tardif JC, Lesage F. Low-cost three-dimensional imaging system combining fluorescence and ultrasound. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 16: 126010. PMID 22191927 DOI: 10.1117/1.3662455  0.536
2011 Abran M, Matteau-Pelletier C, Zerouali-Boukhal K, Tardif J, Lesage F. Combined acoustic-photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging catheter for the detection of the atherosclerotic plaque Proceedings of Spie. 7899. DOI: 10.1117/12.873928  0.577
2010 Lina JM, Matteau-Pelletier C, Dehaes M, Desjardins M, Lesage F. Wavelet-based estimation of the hemodynamic responses in diffuse optical imaging. Medical Image Analysis. 14: 606-16. PMID 20494609 DOI: 10.1016/J.Media.2010.04.006  0.507
2009 Matteau-Pelletier C, Dehaes M, Lesage F, Lina JM. 1/f noise in diffuse optical imaging and wavelet-based response estimation. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 28: 415-22. PMID 19244013 DOI: 10.1109/Tmi.2008.2006524  0.605
2008 Lina JM, Dehaes M, Matteau-Pelletier C, Lesage F. Complex wavelets applied to diffuse optical spectroscopy for brain activity detection. Optics Express. 16: 1029-50. PMID 18542176 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.16.001029  0.615
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