Victor J. Strecher - Publications

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Public Health, General Psychology, Oncology

78 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Kang Y, Strecher VJ, Kim E, Falk EB. Purpose in life and conflict-related neural responses during health decision-making. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. PMID 31008647 DOI: 10.1037/Hea0000729  0.318
2018 Bidargaddi N, Almirall D, Murphy S, Nahum-Shani I, Kovalcik M, Pituch T, Maaieh H, Strecher V. To Prompt or Not to Prompt? A Microrandomized Trial of Time-Varying Push Notifications to Increase Proximal Engagement With a Mobile Health App. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 6: e10123. PMID 30497999 DOI: 10.2196/10123  0.329
2018 Kang Y, Cooper N, Pandey P, Scholz C, O'Donnell MB, Lieberman MD, Taylor SE, Strecher VJ, Dal Cin S, Konrath S, Polk TA, Resnicow K, An L, Falk EB. Effects of self-transcendence on neural responses to persuasive messages and health behavior change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 30224461 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1805573115  0.317
2018 Bidargaddi N, Pituch T, Maaieh H, Short C, Strecher V. Predicting which type of push notification content motivates users to engage in a self-monitoring app. Preventive Medicine Reports. 11: 267-273. PMID 30109172 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pmedr.2018.07.004  0.349
2018 Chakraborty B, Maiti R, Strecher VJ. The Effectiveness of Web-Based Tailored Smoking Cessation Interventions on the Quitting Process (Project Quit): Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20: e213. PMID 29925494 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.9555  0.404
2017 Kang Y, O'Donnell MB, Strecher VJ, Falk EB. Dispositional Mindfulness Predicts Adaptive Affective Responses to Health Messages and Increased Exercise Motivation. Mindfulness. 8: 387-397. PMID 28344683 DOI: 10.1007/S12671-016-0608-7  0.342
2015 Falk EB, O'Donnell MB, Tompson S, Gonzalez R, Dal Cin S, Strecher V, Cummings KM, An L. Functional brain imaging predicts public health campaign success. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 26400858 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsv108  0.34
2015 Falk EB, O'Donnell MB, Cascio CN, Tinney F, Kang Y, Lieberman MD, Taylor SE, An L, Resnicow K, Strecher VJ. Self-affirmation alters the brain's response to health messages and subsequent behavior change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 1977-82. PMID 25646442 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1500247112  0.353
2014 Kim ES, Strecher VJ, Ryff CD. Purpose in life and use of preventive health care services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 16331-6. PMID 25368165 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1414826111  0.324
2012 Jasinska AJ, Chua HF, Ho SS, Polk TA, Rozek LS, Strecher VJ. Amygdala response to smoking-cessation messages mediates the effects of serotonin transporter gene variation on quitting. Neuroimage. 60: 766-73. PMID 22245645 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.12.064  0.366
2011 Woolford SJ, Barr KL, Derry HA, Jepson CM, Clark SJ, Strecher VJ, Resnicow K. OMG do not say LOL: obese adolescents' perspectives on the content of text messages to enhance weight loss efforts. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 19: 2382-7. PMID 21869762 DOI: 10.1038/Oby.2011.266  0.332
2011 Goodrich DE, Buis LR, Janney AW, Ditty MD, Krause CW, Zheng K, Sen A, Strecher VJ, Hess ML, Piette JD, Richardson CR. Integrating an internet-mediated walking program into family medicine clinical practice: a pilot feasibility study. Bmc Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 11: 47. PMID 21702957 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6947-11-47  0.363
2011 Chua HF, Ho SS, Jasinska AJ, Polk TA, Welsh RC, Liberzon I, Strecher VJ. Self-related neural response to tailored smoking-cessation messages predicts quitting. Nature Neuroscience. 14: 426-7. PMID 21358641 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2761  0.428
2010 Richardson CR, Buis LR, Janney AW, Goodrich DE, Sen A, Hess ML, Mehari KS, Fortlage LA, Resnick PJ, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Strecher VJ, Piette JD. An online community improves adherence in an internet-mediated walking program. Part 1: results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 12: e71. PMID 21169160 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.1338  0.385
2010 Woolford SJ, Clark SJ, Strecher VJ, Resnicow K. Tailored mobile phone text messages as an adjunct to obesity treatment for adolescents. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 16: 458-61. PMID 20959393 DOI: 10.1258/Jtt.2010.100207  0.331
2010 Baker TB, Gustafson DH, Shaw B, Hawkins R, Pingree S, Roberts L, Strecher V. Relevance of CONSORT reporting criteria for research on eHealth interventions. Patient Education and Counseling. 81: S77-86. PMID 20843621 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pec.2010.07.040  0.324
2010 Joseph CLM, Havstad SL, Johnson D, Saltzgaber J, Peterson EL, Resnicow K, Ownby DR, Baptist AP, Johnson CC, Strecher VJ. Factors associated with nonresponse to a computer-tailored asthma management program for urban adolescents with asthma. Journal of Asthma. 47: 667-673. PMID 20642376 DOI: 10.3109/02770900903518827  0.384
2010 Alexander GL, McClure JB, Calvi JH, Divine GW, Stopponi MA, Rolnick SJ, Heimendinger J, Tolsma DD, Resnicow K, Campbell MK, Strecher VJ, Johnson CC. A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption. American Journal of Public Health. 100: 319-26. PMID 20019315 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2008.154468  0.377
2009 Stopponi MA, Alexander GL, McClure JB, Carroll NM, Divine GW, Calvi JH, Rolnick SJ, Strecher VJ, Johnson CC, Ritzwoller DP. Recruitment to a randomized web-based nutritional intervention trial: characteristics of participants compared to non-participants. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 11: e38. PMID 19709990 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.1086  0.411
2009 Resnicow K, Davis R, Zhang N, Tolsma D, Alexander G, Wiese C, Cross WE, Anderson JP, Calvi J, Strecher V. Tailoring a fruit and vegetable intervention on ethnic identity: results of a randomized study. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 28: 394-403. PMID 19594262 DOI: 10.1037/A0015217  0.378
2009 Chua HF, Polk T, Welsh R, Liberzon I, Strecher V. Neural responses to elements of a web-based smoking cessation program. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 144: 174-8. PMID 19592758 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-017-9-174  0.305
2009 Chakraborty B, Collins LM, Strecher VJ, Murphy SA. Developing multicomponent interventions using fractional factorial designs. Statistics in Medicine. 28: 2687-708. PMID 19575485 DOI: 10.1002/Sim.3643  0.379
2009 Collins LM, Chakraborty B, Murphy SA, Strecher V. Comparison of a phased experimental approach and a single randomized clinical trial for developing multicomponent behavioral interventions. Clinical Trials (London, England). 6: 5-15. PMID 19254929 DOI: 10.1177/1740774508100973  0.349
2009 Chua HF, Liberzon I, Welsh RC, Strecher VJ. Neural correlates of message tailoring and self-relatedness in smoking cessation programming. Biological Psychiatry. 65: 165-8. PMID 18926523 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2008.08.030  0.41
2008 Strecher VJ, McClure J, Alexander G, Chakraborty B, Nair V, Konkel J, Greene S, Couper M, Carlier C, Wiese C, Little R, Pomerleau C, Pomerleau O. The role of engagement in a tailored web-based smoking cessation program: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10: e36. PMID 18984557 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.1002  0.401
2008 Nair V, Strecher V, Fagerlin A, Ubel P, Resnicow K, Murphy S, Little R, Chakraborty B, Zhang A. Screening experiments and the use of fractional factorial designs in behavioral intervention research. American Journal of Public Health. 98: 1354-9. PMID 18556602 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2007.127563  0.382
2008 Alexander GL, Divine GW, Couper MP, McClure JB, Stopponi MA, Fortman KK, Tolsma DD, Strecher VJ, Johnson CC. Effect of incentives and mailing features on online health program enrollment. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 34: 382-8. PMID 18407004 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amepre.2008.01.028  0.384
2008 Strecher VJ, McClure JB, Alexander GL, Chakraborty B, Nair VN, Konkel JM, Greene SM, Collins LM, Carlier CC, Wiese CJ, Little RJ, Pomerleau CS, Pomerleau OF. Web-based smoking-cessation programs: results of a randomized trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 34: 373-81. PMID 18407003 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amepre.2007.12.024  0.42
2008 Resnicow K, Davis RE, Zhang G, Konkel J, Strecher VJ, Shaikh AR, Tolsma D, Calvi J, Alexander G, Anderson JP, Wiese C. Tailoring a fruit and vegetable intervention on novel motivational constructs: results of a randomized study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 35: 159-69. PMID 18401673 DOI: 10.1007/S12160-008-9028-9  0.381
2008 Johnson DA, Alexander G, Kapke A, McClure J, Wiese C, Greene S, Strecher V. Abstract PS1-28: The Relationship of Social Support and Smoking Cessation Among African Americans Enrolled in the Project Quit Study Clinical Medicine & Research. 6: 137-137. DOI: 10.3121/Cmr.6.3-4.137-A  0.328
2008 Strecher VJ. [Commentary] THE INTERNET: JUST ANOTHER SMOKING CESSATION TOOL? Addiction. 103: 485-486. DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2008.02144.X  0.353
2007 Richardson CR, Mehari KS, McIntyre LG, Janney AW, Fortlage LA, Sen A, Strecher VJ, Piette JD. A randomized trial comparing structured and lifestyle goals in an internet-mediated walking program for people with type 2 diabetes. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 4: 59. PMID 18021411 DOI: 10.1186/1479-5868-4-59  0.336
2007 Strecher V. Internet methods for delivering behavioral and health-related interventions (eHealth). Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 3: 53-76. PMID 17716048 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Clinpsy.3.022806.091428  0.352
2007 Couper MP, Peytchev A, Strecher VJ, Rothert K, Anderson J. Following up nonrespondents to an online weight management intervention: randomized trial comparing mail versus telephone. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 9: e16. PMID 17567564 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.9.2.E16  0.355
2007 Glasgow RE, Nelson CC, Kearney KA, Reid R, Ritzwoller DP, Strecher VJ, Couper MP, Green B, Wildenhaus K. Reach, engagement, and retention in an Internet-based weight loss program in a multi-site randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 9: e11. PMID 17513282 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.9.2.E11  0.345
2007 Collins LM, Murphy SA, Strecher V. The multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) and the sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART): new methods for more potent eHealth interventions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 32: S112-8. PMID 17466815 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amepre.2007.01.022  0.34
2007 Joseph CL, Peterson E, Havstad S, Johnson CC, Hoerauf S, Stringer S, Gibson-Scipio W, Ownby DR, Elston-Lafata J, Pallonen U, Strecher V. A web-based, tailored asthma management program for urban African-American high school students. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 175: 888-95. PMID 17290041 DOI: 10.1164/Rccm.200608-1244Oc  0.307
2006 Strecher VJ, Shiffman S, West R. Moderators and mediators of a web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation program among nicotine patch users. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 8: S95-101. PMID 17491176 DOI: 10.1080/14622200601039444  0.421
2006 McClure JB, Greene SM, Wiese C, Johnson KE, Alexander G, Strecher V. Interest in an online smoking cessation program and effective recruitment strategies: results from Project Quit. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 8: e14. PMID 16954124 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.8.3.E14  0.428
2006 Blow FC, Barry KL, Walton MA, Maio RF, Chermack ST, Bingham CR, Ignacio RV, Strecher VJ. The efficacy of two brief intervention strategies among injured, at-risk drinkers in the emergency department: impact of tailored messaging and brief advice. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 67: 568-78. PMID 16736077 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.2006.67.568  0.315
2006 Rothert K, Strecher VJ, Doyle LA, Caplan WM, Joyce JS, Jimison HB, Karm LM, Mims AD, Roth MA. Web-based weight management programs in an integrated health care setting: a randomized, controlled trial. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 14: 266-72. PMID 16571852 DOI: 10.1038/Oby.2006.34  0.33
2005 Marcus AC, Heimendinger J, Berman E, Strecher V, Bright MA, Allen AR, Davis SW, Julesberg K, Mowad LZ, Nguyen LH, Perocchia R, Thomsen C. A case study in dissemination: lessons learned from a pilot study involving the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service. Journal of Health Communication. 10: 219-33. PMID 16377609 DOI: 10.1080/10810730500257689  0.351
2005 Strecher VJ, Marcus A, Bishop K, Fleisher L, Stengle W, Levinson A, Fairclough DL, Wolfe P, Morra M, Davis S, Warnecke R, Heimendinger J, Nowak M. A randomized controlled trial of multiple tailored messages for smoking cessation among callers to the cancer information service. Journal of Health Communication. 10: 105-18. PMID 16377603 DOI: 10.1080/10810730500263810  0.422
2005 Heimendinger J, O'Neill C, Marcus AC, Wolfe P, Julesburg K, Morra M, Allen A, Davis S, Mowad L, Perocchia RS, Ward JD, Strecher V, Warnecke R, Nowak M, Graf I, et al. Multiple tailored messages are effective in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among callers to the Cancer Information Service. Journal of Health Communication. 10: 65-82. PMID 16377601 DOI: 10.1080/10810730500263646  0.315
2005 Collins LM, Murphy SA, Nair VN, Strecher VJ. A strategy for optimizing and evaluating behavioral interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 30: 65-73. PMID 16097907 DOI: 10.1207/S15324796Abm3001_8  0.347
2005 Williams GC, McGregor H, Borrelli B, Jordan PJ, Strecher VJ. Measuring tobacco dependence treatment outcomes: a perspective from the behavior change consortium. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 29: 11-9. PMID 15921485 DOI: 10.1207/S15324796Abm2902S_4  0.404
2005 Strecher VJ, Shiffman S, West R. Randomized controlled trial of a web-based computer-tailored smoking cessation program as a supplement to nicotine patch therapy. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 100: 682-8. PMID 15847626 DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2005.01093.X  0.385
2002 Strecher V, Wang C, Derry H, Wildenhaus K, Johnson C. Tailored interventions for multiple risk behaviors Health Education Research. 17: 619-626. PMID 12408206 DOI: 10.1093/Her/17.5.619  0.42
2000 Strecher VJ, Bishop KR, Bernhardt J, Thorp JM, Cheuvront B, Potts P. Quit for keeps: tailored smoking cessation guides for pregnancy and beyond. Tobacco Control. 9: III78-9. PMID 10982916 DOI: 10.1136/Tc.9.Suppl_3.Iii78  0.442
2000 Hornung RL, Lennon PA, Garrett JM, Devellis RF, Weinberg PD, Strecher VJ. Interactive computer technology for skin cancer prevention targeting children American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 18: 69-76. PMID 10808985 DOI: 10.1016/S0749-3797(99)00115-4  0.372
2000 Kreuter MW, Strecher VJ, Glassman B. One size does not fit all: the case for tailoring print materials. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 21: 276-83. PMID 10721433 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02895958  0.349
1999 Strecher VJ. Computer-tailored smoking cessation materials: A review and discussion Patient Education and Counseling. 36: 107-117. PMID 10223016 DOI: 10.1016/S0738-3991(98)00128-1  0.368
1999 Henderson J, Noell J, Reeves T, Robinson T, Strecher V. Developers and evaluation of interactive health communication applications American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 16: 30-34. PMID 9894552 DOI: 10.1016/S0749-3797(98)00106-8  0.33
1998 Kinsinger LS, Harris R, Qaqish B, Strecher V, Kaluzny A. Using an Office System Intervention to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Journal of General Internal Medicine. 13: 507-514. PMID 9734786 DOI: 10.1046/J.1525-1497.1998.00160.X  0.306
1996 Kreuter MW, Strecher VJ. Do tailored behavior change messages enhance the effectiveness of health risk appraisal? Results from a randomized trial. Health Education Research. 11: 97-105. PMID 10160231 DOI: 10.1093/Her/11.1.97  0.364
1996 Mudde AN, Vries Hd, Strecher VJ. Cost-Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Modalities: Comparing Apples with Oranges?☆ Preventive Medicine. 25: 708-716. PMID 8936573 DOI: 10.1006/Pmed.1996.0110  0.397
1995 Strecher VJ, Seijts GH, Kok GJ, Latham GP, Glasgow R, Devellis B, Meertens RM, Bulger DW. Goal Setting as a Strategy for Health Behavior Change Health Education &Amp; Behavior. 22: 190-200. PMID 7622387 DOI: 10.1177/109019819502200207  0.342
1995 Strecher VJ, Kreuter MW, Kobrin SC. Do cigarette smokers have unrealistic perceptions of their heart attack, cancer, and stroke risks? Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 18: 45-54. PMID 7595951 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01857704  0.351
1995 Mullen PD, Evans D, Forster J, Gottlieb NH, Kreuter M, Moon R, O'rourke T, Strecher VJ. Settings as an Important Dimension in Health Education/Promotion Policy, Programs, and Research Health Education &Amp; Behavior. 22: 329-345. PMID 7591788 DOI: 10.1177/109019819402200306  0.343
1995 Mudde AN, Kok G, Strecher VJ. Self-efficacy as a predictor for the cessation of smoking: Methodological issues and implications for smoking cessation programs Psychology & Health. 10: 353-367. DOI: 10.1080/08870449508401956  0.376
1994 Campbell MK, DeVellis BM, Strecher VJ, Ammerman AS, DeVellis RF, Sandler RS. Improving dietary behavior: The effectiveness of tailored messages in primary care settings American Journal of Public Health. 84: 783-787. PMID 8179049 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.84.5.783  0.356
1994 Hill HA, Schoenbach VJ, Kleinbaum DG, Strecher VJ, Orleans CT, Gebski VJ, Kaplan BH. A longitudinal analysis of predictors of quitting smoking among participants in a self-help intervention trial Addictive Behaviors. 19: 159-173. PMID 8036963 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4603(94)90040-X  0.422
1994 Greenberg RA, Strecher VJ, Bauman KE, Boat BW, Fowler MG, Keyes LL, Denny FW, Chapman RS, Stedman HC, LaVange LM. Evaluation of a home-based intervention program to reduce infant passive smoking and lower respiratory illness. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 17: 273-90. PMID 7932681 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01857953  0.39
1993 Strecher VJ, Bauman KE, Boat B, Fowler MG, Greenberg R, Stedman H. The role of outcome and efficacy expectations in an intervention designed to reduce infants' exposure to environmental tobacco smoke Health Education Research. 8: 137-143. PMID 11067181 DOI: 10.1093/Her/8.1.137  0.365
1993 Skinner CS, Siegfried JC, Kegler MC, Strecher VJ. The potential of computers in patient education Patient Education and Counseling. 22: 27-34. PMID 8134319 DOI: 10.1016/0738-3991(93)90086-C  0.318
1991 Greenberg RA, Bauman KE, Strecher VJ, Keyes LL, Glover LH, Haley NJ, Stedman HC, Loda FA. Passive smoking during the first year of life. American Journal of Public Health. 81: 850-853. PMID 2053659 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.81.7.850  0.348
1991 Strecher VJ, O'Malley MS, Villagra VG, Campbell EE, Gonzalez JJ, Irons TG, Kenney RD, Turner RC, Rogers CS, Lyles MF. Can residents be trained to counsel patients about quitting smoking? Results from a randomized trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 6: 9-17. PMID 1999752 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02599383  0.399
1991 Boer Dd, Kok G, Hospers HJ, Gerards FM, Strecher VJ. Health education strategies for attributional retraining and self-efficacy improvement Health Education Research. 6: 239-248. DOI: 10.1093/Her/6.2.239  0.301
1989 Greenberg RA, Bauman KE, Glover LH, Strecher VJ, Kleinbaum DG, Haley NJ, Stedman HC, Fowler MG, Loda FA. Ecology of passive smoking by young infants The Journal of Pediatrics. 114: 774-780. PMID 2715891 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3476(89)80135-0  0.338
1989 Strecher VJ, Rimer BK, Monaco KD. Development of a New Self-Help Guide — Freedom From Smoking® For You And Your Family Health Education & Behavior. 16: 101-112. PMID 2703347 DOI: 10.1177/109019818901600111  0.361
1989 Strecher VJ, Becker MH, Clark NM, Prasada-Rao P. Using patients' descriptions of alcohol consumption, diet, medication compliance, and cigarette smoking - The validity of self-reports in research and practice Journal of General Internal Medicine. 4: 160-166. PMID 2651602 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02602359  0.333
1989 Bauman KE, Strecher VJ, Greenberg RA, Haley NJ. A Comparison of Biochemical and Interview Measures of the Exposure of Infants to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Evaluation & the Health Professions. 12: 179-191. DOI: 10.1177/016327878901200204  0.327
1989 Strecher VJ, Bauman KE, Boat B, Fowler MG, Greenberg RA, Stedman H. The development and formative evaluation of a homebased intervention to reduce passive smoking by infants Health Education Research. 4: 225-232. DOI: 10.1093/Her/4.2.225  0.367
1989 Orleans CT, Strecher VJ, Schoenbach VJ, Salmon MA, Blackmon C. Smoking cessation initiatives for black Americans: Recommendations for research and intervention Health Education Research. 4: 13-25. DOI: 10.1093/Her/4.1.13  0.395
1986 Rimer BK, Strecher VJ, Keintz MK, Engstrom PF. A survey of physicians' views and practices on patient education for smoking cessation. Preventive Medicine. 15: 92-98. PMID 3714663 DOI: 10.1016/0091-7435(86)90039-3  0.397
1985 Strecher VJ, Becker MH, Kirscht JP, Eraker SA, Graham-Tomasi RP. Evaluation of a minimal-contact smoking cessation program in a health care setting Patient Education and Counseling. 7: 395-407. PMID 10274896 DOI: 10.1016/0738-3991(85)90049-7  0.443
1985 Strecher VJ, Becker MH, Kirscht JP, Eraker SA, Graham-Tomasi RP. Psychosocial aspects of changes in cigarette-smoking behavior Patient Education and Counseling. 7: 249-262. PMID 10273957 DOI: 10.1016/0738-3991(85)90033-3  0.416
1985 Eraker SA, Becker MH, Strecher VJ, Kirscht JP. Smoking behavior, cessation techniques, and the health decision model. The American Journal of Medicine. 78: 817-825. PMID 3887912 DOI: 10.1016/0002-9343(85)90289-X  0.406
Show low-probability matches.