Ben T. Reeb, Ph.D. - Publications

2012 Human Development University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies

11 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Lee TK, Wickrama KAS, O'Neal CW, Neppl TK, Reeb BT. Life transition events and depressive symptom trajectories during young adulthood: The influence of adverse family and individual contexts in adolescence. Developmental Psychology. PMID 36455021 DOI: 10.1037/dev0001496  0.497
2016 Stocker CM, Masarik AS, Widaman KF, Reeb BT, Boardman JD, Smolen A, Neppl TK, Conger KJ. Parenting and adolescents' psychological adjustment: Longitudinal moderation by adolescents' genetic sensitivity. Development and Psychopathology. 1-16. PMID 28027713 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579416001310  0.725
2015 Reeb BT, Wu EY, Martin MJ, Gelardi KL, Shirley Chan SY, Conger KJ. Long-term Effects of Fathers' Depressed Mood on Youth Internalizing Symptoms in Early Adulthood. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 25: 151-162. PMID 25750495 DOI: 10.1111/Jora.12112  0.705
2015 Reeb BT, Chan SY, Conger KJ, Martin MJ, Hollis ND, Serido J, Russell ST. Prospective Effects of Family Cohesion on Alcohol-Related Problems in Adolescence: Similarities and Differences by Race/Ethnicity. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 25563233 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-014-0250-4  0.693
2014 Wu EY, Reeb BT, Martin MJ, Gibbons FX, Simons RL, Conger RD. Paternal Hostility and Maternal Hostility in European American and African American Families. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 76: 638-651. PMID 25045174 DOI: 10.1111/Jomf.12107  0.494
2013 Reeb BT, Conger KJ, Martin MJ. Perceived economic strain exacerbates the effect of paternal depressed mood on hostility. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 27: 263-70. PMID 23458701 DOI: 10.1037/A0031898  0.739
2012 Conger KJ, Martin MJ, Reeb BT, Little WM, Craine JL, Shebloski B, Conger RD. Economic Hardship and Its Consequences Across Generations The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199769100.013.0002  0.635
2011 Reeb BT, Conger KJ. Mental health service utilization in a community sample of rural adolescents: the role of father-offspring relations. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 36: 661-8. PMID 21586425 DOI: 10.1093/Jpepsy/Jsr016  0.66
2010 Reeb BT, Conger KJ. The Moderating Effects of Mother-Adolescent Relations on the Longitudinal Association between Father and Offspring Depressive Symptoms. Family Science. 1: 102-111. PMID 22140605 DOI: 10.1080/19424620.2010.533608  0.752
2010 Reeb BT, Conger KJ, Wu EY. Paternal Depressive Symptoms and Adolescent Functioning: The Moderating Effect of Gender and Father Hostility. Fathering. 8: 131-142. PMID 20671810 DOI: 10.3149/Fth.0801.131  0.757
2009 Reeb BT, Conger KJ. The unique effect of paternal depressive symptoms on adolescent functioning: associations with gender and father-adolescent relationship closeness. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 23: 758-61. PMID 19803611 DOI: 10.1037/A0016354  0.759
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