Tomek Banasikowski, Ph.D. - Publications

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 

12 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Banasikowski TJ, Hawken ER. The Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis, Homeostatic Satiety, and Compulsions: What Can We Learn From Polydipsia? Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 13: 170. PMID 31417376 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2019.00170  0.605
2017 Hasbi A, Perreault ML, Shen MYF, Fan T, Nguyen T, Alijaniaram M, Banasikowski TJ, Grace AA, O'Dowd BF, Fletcher PJ, George SR. Activation of Dopamine D1-D2 Receptor Complex Attenuates Cocaine Reward and Reinstatement of Cocaine-Seeking through Inhibition of DARPP-32, ERK, and ΔFosB. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 8: 924. PMID 29354053 DOI: 10.3389/Fphar.2017.00924  0.463
2017 Perreault ML, Fan T, Banasikowski TJ, Grace AA, George SR. The atypical dopamine receptor agonist SKF 83959 enhances hippocampal and prefrontal cortical neuronal network activity in a rat model of cognitive dysfunction. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 28677227 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.13635  0.583
2015 Pezarro Schimmel LN, Banasikowski TJ, Hawken ER, Dumont EC, Beninger RJ. Brain regions associated with inverse incentive learning: c-Fos immunohistochemistry after haloperidol sensitization on the bar test in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 293: 81-88. PMID 26190766 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2015.06.041  0.648
2015 Gregory JG, Hawken ER, Banasikowski TJ, Dumont EC, Beninger RJ. A response strategy predicts acquisition of schedule-induced polydipsia in rats. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 61: 37-43. PMID 25816789 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pnpbp.2015.03.012  0.648
2012 Banasikowski TJ, Beninger RJ. Reduced expression of haloperidol conditioned catalepsy in rats by the dopamine D3 receptor antagonists nafadotride and NGB 2904. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 22: 761-8. PMID 22410316 DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2012.02.004  0.592
2012 Banasikowski TJ, MacLeod LS, Beninger RJ. Comparison of nafadotride, CNQX, and haloperidol on acquisition versus expression of amphetamine-conditioned place preference in rats. Behavioural Pharmacology. 23: 89-97. PMID 22157177 DOI: 10.1097/FBP.0b013e32834ecb32  0.556
2012 Banasikowski TJ, Beninger RJ. Haloperidol conditioned catalepsy in rats: a possible role for D1-like receptors. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology / Official Scientific Journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (Cinp). 15: 1525-34. PMID 22093169 DOI: 10.1017/S1461145711001696  0.582
2010 Banasikowski TJ, Bespalov A, Drescher K, Behl B, Unger L, Haupt A, Schoemaker H, Sullivan JP, Gross G, Beninger RJ. Double dissociation of the effects of haloperidol and the dopamine D3 receptor antagonist ABT-127 on acquisition vs. expression of cocaine-conditioned activity in rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 335: 506-15. PMID 20724485 DOI: 10.1124/jpet.110.171348  0.57
2010 Beninger RJ, Baker TW, Florczynski MM, Banasikowski TJ. Regional differences in the action of antipsychotic drugs: implications for cognitive effects in schizophrenic patients. Neurotoxicity Research. 18: 229-43. PMID 20376711 DOI: 10.1007/S12640-010-9178-Y  0.617
2010 Beninger RJ, Beuk J, Banasikowski TJ, van Adel M, Boivin GA, Reynolds JN. Subchronic phencyclidine in rats: alterations in locomotor activity, maze performance, and GABA(A) receptor binding. Behavioural Pharmacology. 21: 1-10. PMID 19949321 DOI: 10.1097/FBP.0b013e3283347091  0.601
2008 Beninger RJ, Banasikowski TJ. Dopaminergic mechanism of reward-related incentive learning: focus on the dopamine D(3) receptor. Neurotoxicity Research. 14: 57-70. PMID 18790725 DOI: 10.1007/BF03033575  0.577
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