Alice R. Richman, Ph.D. - Publications

2008 University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
Public Health, Pharmacy

32 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Smith JS, Vaz OM, Gaber CE, Des Marais AC, Chirumamilla B, Hendrickson L, Barclay L, Richman AR, Brooks X, Pfaff A, Brewer NT. Recruitment strategies and HPV self-collection return rates for under-screened women for cervical cancer prevention. Plos One. 18: e0280638. PMID 36952486 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280638  0.306
2020 Richman AR, Torres E, Wu Q, Kampschroeder AP. Evaluating a Community-Based Breast Cancer Prevention Program for Rural Underserved Latina and Black Women. Journal of Community Health. PMID 32529466 DOI: 10.1007/S10900-020-00856-2  0.432
2020 Torres E, Richman A, Wright W, Eldridge D, Lawson L. Abstract D028: Evaluating medical and dental students’ human papillomavirus-related cancer knowledge and perceived self-efficacy in HPV vaccine communication and recommendation practices Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp19-D028  0.321
2019 Richman AR, Torres E, Wu Q, Carlston L, O'Rorke S, Moreno C, Olsson J. Text and Email Messaging for Increasing Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Completion among Uninsured or Medicaid-insured Adolescents in Rural Eastern North Carolina. Journal of Health Care For the Poor and Underserved. 30: 1499-1517. PMID 31680111 DOI: 10.1353/Hpu.2019.0090  0.311
2019 Lea CS, Perez-Heydrich C, Des Marais AC, Richman AR, Barclay L, Brewer NT, Smith JS. Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Infrequently Screened Women Completing Human Papillomavirus Self-Collection: My Body My Test-1. Journal of Women's Health (2002). PMID 30874477 DOI: 10.1089/Jwh.2018.7141  0.431
2018 Kilfoyle KA, Des Marais AC, Ngo MA, Romocki L, Richman AR, Barclay L, Brewer NT, Rahangdale L, Smith JS. Preference for Human Papillomavirus Self-Collection and Papanicolaou: Survey of Underscreened Women in North Carolina. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. PMID 30179994 DOI: 10.1097/Lgt.0000000000000430  0.391
2018 Torres E, Richman A. Abstract B05: An evaluation of a community-based breast education and navigation program: Highlights and lessons learned from the Pitt County Breast Wellness Initiative Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 27. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp17-B05  0.433
2018 Torres E, Richman A, Wu Q. Abstract B04: Communication about HPV: Shared knowledge and HPV vaccine uptake among parents and adolescents in rural eastern North Carolina Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 27. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp17-B04  0.332
2017 Torres E, Richman AR, Schreier AM, Vohra N, Verbanac K. An Evaluation of a Rural Community-Based Breast Education and Navigation Program: Highlights and Lessons Learned. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education. PMID 29150748 DOI: 10.1007/S13187-017-1298-0  0.39
2017 Smith JS, Des Marais AC, Deal AM, Richman AR, Perez-Heydrich C, Yen-Lieberman B, Barclay L, Belinson J, Rinas A, Brewer NT. Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Collection With Papanicolaou Test Referral for Infrequently Screened Women in the United States. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. PMID 28876298 DOI: 10.1097/Olq.0000000000000681  0.396
2017 Anderson C, Breithaupt L, Des Marais A, Rastas C, Richman A, Barclay L, Brewer NT, Smith JS. Acceptability and ease of use of mailed HPV self-collection among infrequently screened women in North Carolina. Sexually Transmitted Infections. PMID 28866635 DOI: 10.1136/Sextrans-2017-053235  0.411
2017 O'Rorke S, torres E, Richman A. Abstract C91: Understanding practices, perceptions, and likelihood of recommending the HPV vaccine among doctors in rural eastern North Carolina Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 26. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp16-C91  0.333
2017 Torres E, Richman A, O'Rorke S, Field P, Carlston L. Abstract A75: Understanding Baseline Cancer Medication Adherence and Health Literacy among Cancer Patients in Eastern North Carolina Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 26. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp16-A75  0.373
2017 Torres E, Richman A, O'Rorke S, Field P, Carlston L. Abstract A74: Cancer Care Providers' Perspectives on Medication Adherence for Cancer Patients on Oral Chemotherapeutic Agents: A Qualitative Assessment Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 26. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp16-A74  0.315
2016 Torres ET, Richman AR. Abstract C23: Understanding the breast cancer experiences of rural Latina breast cancer survivors in Eastern North Carolina Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 25. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp15-C23  0.35
2016 Torres ET, Richman AR. Abstract A34: Using a community-based breast health intervention to reduce structural barriers in accessing breast cancer screening services among underserved rural Latina and black women in Eastern North Carolina Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 25. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7755.Disp15-A34  0.417
2015 Torres E, Dixon C, Richman AR. Understanding the Breast Cancer Experience of Survivors: a Qualitative Study of African American Women in Rural Eastern North Carolina. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education. PMID 25877467 DOI: 10.1007/S13187-015-0833-0  0.362
2015 Richman AR, Troutman JL, Torres E. Experiences of Cervical Cancer Survivors in Rural Eastern North Carolina: a Qualitative Assessment. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education. PMID 25778774 DOI: 10.1007/S13187-015-0809-0  0.443
2014 Galbraith KV, Gilkey MB, Smith JS, Richman AR, Barclay L, Brewer NT. Perceptions of mailed HPV self-testing among women at higher risk for cervical cancer. Journal of Community Health. 39: 849-56. PMID 25120228 DOI: 10.1007/S10900-014-9931-X  0.451
2014 Richman AR, Webb MC, Brinkley J, Martin RJ. Sexual behaviour and interest in using a sexual health mobile app to help improve and manage college students' sexual health Sex Education. 14: 310-322. DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2014.889604  0.333
2013 O'Neill SC, DeFrank JT, Vegella P, Richman AR, Henry LR, Carey LA, Brewer NT. Engaging in health behaviors to lower risk for breast cancer recurrence. Plos One. 8: e53607. PMID 23326466 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0053607  0.354
2012 Vamos CA, Richman AR, Noel-Thomas S, Daley EM. Teaching women's health from a public health perspective: development of an innovative undergraduate course. Education For Health (Abingdon, England). 25: 4-10. PMID 23787378 DOI: 10.4103/1357-6283.99192  0.523
2012 Richman AR, Daley EM, Baldwin J, Kromrey J, O'Rourke K, Perrin K. The role of pharmacists and emergency contraception: Are pharmacists' perceptions of emergency contraception predictive of their dispensing practices? Contraception. 86: 370-5. PMID 22386228 DOI: 10.1016/J.Contraception.2012.01.014  0.53
2012 Brewer NT, Richman AR, DeFrank JT, Reyna VF, Carey LA. Improving communication of breast cancer recurrence risk. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 133: 553-61. PMID 21964579 DOI: 10.1007/S10549-011-1791-9  0.352
2012 Richman AR, Haithcox-Dennis MJ, Allsbrook AR. Feasibility of a Catch-up HPV Vaccination Program Among College Students Attending a Large Rural University in the South American Journal of Sexuality Education. 7: 237-252. DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2012.707084  0.322
2011 Richman AR, Brewer NT, Liebman AK, Rinas AC, Smith JS. Optimising human papillomavirus self-testing for high risk women. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 87: 118-22. PMID 21115503 DOI: 10.1136/Sti.2010.046326  0.448
2011 Richman AR, Tzeng JP, Carey LA, Retèl VP, Brewer NT. Knowledge of genomic testing among early-stage breast cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology. 20: 28-35. PMID 20200857 DOI: 10.1002/Pon.1699  0.376
2010 Salz T, Richman AR, Brewer NT. Meta-analyses of the effect of false-positive mammograms on generic and specific psychosocial outcomes. Psycho-Oncology. 19: 1026-34. PMID 20882572 DOI: 10.1002/Pon.1676  0.351
2010 Tzeng JP, Mayer D, Richman AR, Lipkus I, Han PK, Valle CG, Carey LA, Brewer NT. Women's experiences with genomic testing for breast cancer recurrence risk. Cancer. 116: 1992-2000. PMID 20213682 DOI: 10.1002/Cncr.24990  0.413
2009 Richman AR, Daley EM. Exploring emergency contraception knowledge among Florida pharmacy school students: a preliminary assessment. Women's Health Issues : Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 19: 373-80. PMID 19800256 DOI: 10.1016/J.Whi.2009.07.010  0.564
2005 Richman A. Human Papillomavirus: A Catalyst to a Killer American Journal of Health Education. 36: 166-173. DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2005.10608179  0.393
2004 Richman AR. Emergency contraception: do we have the political will to increase access? Women's Health Issues : Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 14: 141-3. PMID 15482964 DOI: 10.1016/J.Whi.2004.04.006  0.437
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