Irene M. Hulicka, Ph.D. - Publications


12 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
1990 Morganti JB, Nehrke MF, Hulicka IM. Latitude of choice and well-being in institutionalized and noninstitutionalized elderly. Experimental Aging Research. 16: 25-33. PMID 2265662 DOI: 10.1080/03610739008253871  0.405
1990 Whitbourne SK, Hulicka IM. Ageism in undergraduate psychology texts American Psychologist. 45: 1127-1136. PMID 2252230 DOI: 10.1037//0003-066X.45.10.1127  0.536
1988 Morganti JB, Nehrke MF, Hulicka IM, Cataldo JF. Life-span differences in life satisfaction, self-concept, and locus of control. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 26: 45-56. PMID 3338866 DOI: 10.2190/Hdad-Xt0C-W8Jb-63Dr  0.41
1984 Nehrke MF, Morganti JB, Cohen SH, Hulicka IM, Whitbourne SK, Turner RR, Cataldo JF. Differences in Person-Environment Congruence between Microenvironments Canadian Journal On Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement. 3: 117-132. DOI: 10.1017/S0714980800004712  0.571
1981 Nehrke MF, Turner RR, Cohen SH, Whitbourne SK, Morganti JB, Hulicka IM. Toward a model of person-environment congruence: Development of the EPPIS Experimental Aging Research. 7: 363-379. PMID 7333333 DOI: 10.1080/03610738108259818  0.554
1980 Morganti JB, Nehrke MF, Hulicka IM. Resident and staff perceptions of latitude of choice in elderly institutionalized men. Experimental Aging Research. 6: 367-84. PMID 7428781 DOI: 10.1080/03610738008258372  0.419
1980 Nehrke MF, Hulicka IM, Morganti JB. Age differences in life satisfaction, locus of control, and self-concept. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 11: 25-33. PMID 7203651 DOI: 10.2190/Yp02-5Gk9-U9A6-Acd0  0.453
1977 Gounard BR, Hulicka IM. MAXIMIZING LEARNING EFFICIENCY IN LATER ADULTHOOD: A COGNITIVE PROBLEM‐SOLVING APPROACH Educational Gerontology. 2: 417-427. DOI: 10.1080/0360127770020405  0.318
1976 Hulicka IM, Wheeler D. RECALL SCORES OF OLD AND YOUNG PEOPLE AS A FUNCTION OF REGISTRATION INTERVALS Educational Gerontology. 1: 361-372. DOI: 10.1080/0360127760010404  0.364
1976 Hulicka IM, Morganti JB. AN UNDERGRADUATE CONCENTRATION IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING: APPROACH, PROGRAM, AND EVALUATION Educational Gerontology. 1: 107-118. DOI: 10.1080/0360127760010201  0.34
1975 Hulicka IM, Morganti JB, Cataldo JF. Perceived latitude of choice of institutionalized and noninstitutionalized elderly women. Experimental Aging Research. 1: 27-39. PMID 1053201 DOI: 10.1080/03610737508257944  0.388
1967 Hulicka IM, Sterns H, Grossman J. Age-group comparisons of paired-associate learning as a function of paced and self-paced association and response times. Journal of Gerontology. 22: 274-80. PMID 6028496 DOI: 10.1093/Geronj/22.3.274  0.539
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