David J. Williamson, Ph.D - Publications


18 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2007 Hillier A, Beversdorf DQ, Raymer AM, Williamson DJ, Heilman KM. Abnormal emotional word ratings in Parkinson's disease. Neurocase. 13: 81-5. PMID 17566939 DOI: 10.1080/13554790701300500  0.398
2001 Raymer AM, Bandy D, Adair JC, Schwartz RL, Williamson DJ, Gonzalez Rothi LJ, Heilman KM. Effects of bromocriptine in a patient with crossed nonfluent aphasia: a case report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 82: 139-44. PMID 11239301 DOI: 10.1053/Apmr.2001.18056  0.441
2000 Crucian GP, Hughes JD, Barrett AM, Williamson DJ, Bauer RM, Bowers D, Heilman KM. Emotional and physiological responses to false feedback. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 36: 623-47. PMID 11195911 DOI: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70542-2  0.65
2000 Schwartz RL, Adair JC, Raymer AM, Williamson DJ, Crosson B, Rothi LJ, Nadeau SE, Heilman KM. Conceptual apraxia in probable Alzheimer's disease as demonstrated by the Florida Action Recall Test. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 6: 265-70. PMID 10824498 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617700633015  0.561
1999 Jacobs DH, Adair JC, Williamson DJ, Na DL, Gold M, Foundas AL, Shuren JE, Cibula JE, Heilman KM. Apraxia and motor-skill acquisition in Alzheimer's disease are dissociable. Neuropsychologia. 37: 875-80. PMID 10408654 DOI: 10.1016/S0028-3932(98)00139-0  0.623
1999 Raymer AM, Merians AS, Adair JC, Schwartz RL, Williamson DJ, Rothi LJ, Poizner H, Heilman KM. Crossed apraxia: implications for handedness. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 35: 183-99. PMID 10369092 DOI: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70793-7  0.431
1999 Adair JC, Schwartz RL, Williamson DJ, Raymer AM, Heilman KM. Articulatory processes and phonologic dyslexia. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology. 12: 121-7. PMID 10223260  0.382
1998 Williamson DJ, Adair JC, Raymer AM, Heilman KM. Object and action naming in Alzheimer's disease. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 34: 601-10. PMID 9800093 DOI: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70517-3  0.421
1998 Nadeau SE, Williamson DJ, Crosson B, Gonzalez Rothi LJ, Heilman KM. Functional imaging: heterogeneity in task strategy and functional anatomy and the case for individual analysis. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology. 11: 83-96. PMID 9652489  0.582
1998 Na DL, Adair JC, Williamson DJ, Schwartz RL, Haws B, Heilman KM. Dissociation of sensory-attentional from motor-intentional neglect. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 64: 331-8. PMID 9527144 DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.64.3.331  0.451
1997 Nadeau SE, Hammond E, Williamson DJ, Crosson B. Resting and stimulated states in functional imaging studies: evidence of differences in attentional and intentional set. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology. 10: 162-73. PMID 9297709  0.505
1997 Mennemeier M, Crosson B, Williamson DJ, Nadeau SE, Fennell E, Valenstein E, Heilman KM. Tapping, talking and the thalamus: possible influence of the intralaminar nuclei on basal ganglia function. Neuropsychologia. 35: 183-93. PMID 9025122 DOI: 10.1016/S0028-3932(96)00062-0  0.679
1997 Schwartz RL, Adair JC, Na D, Williamson DJ, Heilman KM. Spatial bias: attentional and intentional influence in normal subjects. Neurology. 48: 234-42. PMID 9008524 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.48.1.234  0.426
1996 Adair JC, Williamson DJ, Schwartz RL, Heilman KM. Ventral tegmental area injury and frontal lobe disorder. Neurology. 46: 842-3. PMID 8618699  0.371
1995 Adair JC, Williamson DJ, Heilman KM. Eyelid opening apraxia in focal cortical degeneration. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 58: 508-9. PMID 7794398 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.58.4.508-B  0.342
1995 Adair JC, Williamson DJ, Jacobs DH, Na DL, Heilman KM. Neglect of radial and vertical space: importance of the retinotopic reference frame. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 58: 724-8. PMID 7608675 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.58.6.724  0.43
1994 Crosson B, Williamson DJ, Shukla SS, Honeyman JC, Nadeau SE. A technique to localize activation in the human brain with technetium-99m-HMPAO SPECT: a validation study using visual stimulation. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 35: 755-63. PMID 8176455  0.483
1993 Chatterjee A, Morris MK, Bowers D, Williamson DJ, Doty L, Heilman KM. Cholinergic treatment of an amnestic man with a basal forebrain lesion: theoretical implications. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 56: 1282-9. PMID 8270928 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.56.12.1282  0.567
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