Daan Lenstra - Publications

1991-2006 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 

135 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Lenstra D. Special Issue “Semiconductor Laser Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications” Photonics. 7: 40. DOI: 10.3390/Photonics7020040  0.438
2019 Fabiny L, Colet P, Roy R, Lenstra D. Coherence and phase dynamics of spatially coupled solid-state lasers. Physical Review. a, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 47: 4287-4296. PMID 9909435 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.47.4287  0.428
2019 Erneux T, Lenstra D. Synchronization of Mutually Delay-Coupled Quantum Cascade Lasers with Distinct Pump Strengths Photonics. 6: 125. DOI: 10.3390/Photonics6040125  0.422
2019 Lenstra D, Schaijk TTMv, Williams KA. Toward a Feedback-Insensitive Semiconductor Laser Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 25: 1-13. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2019.2924139  0.479
2019 Lenstra D, Schaijk TTMv, Bente EAJM. Multi-Stable Operation of a Semiconductor Ring Laser Due to Spatial Hole-Burning Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 55: 8877748. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2019.2948369  0.412
2018 van Schaijk TTM, Lenstra D, Williams KA, Bente EAJM. Model and experimental validation of a unidirectional phase modulator. Optics Express. 26: 32388-32403. PMID 30645407 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.26.032388  0.332
2018 D'Agostino D, Lenstra D, Ambrosius H, Smit M. Widely tunable multimode-interference based coupled cavity laser with integrated interferometer. Optics Express. 26: 14159-14173. PMID 29877458 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.26.014159  0.379
2018 van Schaijk TTM, Lenstra D, Bente EAJM, Williams KA. Rate-equation theory of a feedback insensitive unidirectional semiconductor ring laser. Optics Express. 26: 13361-13369. PMID 29801361 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.26.013361  0.422
2018 Schaijk TTMv, Lenstra D, Bente EAJM, Williams KA. Theoretical Analysis of a Feedback Insensitive Semiconductor Ring Laser Using Weak Intracavity Isolation Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 24: 1800108. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2017.2720966  0.481
2018 Zhao D, Andreou S, Yao W, Lenstra D, Williams K, Leijtens X. Monolithically Integrated Multiwavelength Laser With Optical Feedback: Damped Relaxation Oscillation Dynamics and Narrowed Linewidth Ieee Photonics Journal. 10: 1-8. DOI: 10.1109/Jphot.2018.2876382  0.441
2015 D'Agostino D, Ambrosius HPMM, Smit MK, Lenstra D. Integrated Laser With Optical Feedback Shows Suppressed Relaxation-Oscillation Dynamics Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 27: 2292-2295. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2015.2461655  0.482
2015 Lawniczuk K, Lenstra D. Four-Wave Mixing in Monolithically Integrated Multiwavelength Lasers Manufactured in a Generic Technology Platform Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 21: 749-754. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2015.2424833  0.366
2014 Lenstra D. Relaxation-oscillation-free semiconductor laser with optical feedback Proceedings of Spie. 8980. DOI: 10.1117/12.2034112  0.479
2013 Lenstra D. Relaxation Oscillation Dynamics in Semiconductor Diode Lasers With Optical Feedback Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 25: 591-593. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2013.2246562  0.47
2012 Zhao J, Lenstra D, Santos R, Wale MJ, Smit MK, Leijtens XJM. Feedback Phase Influence on an Integrated Filtered-Feedback Laser Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 24: 2195-2197. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2012.2225610  0.408
2009 Green K, Krauskopf B, Marten F, Lenstra D. Bifurcation Analysis of a Spatially Extended Laser with Optical Feedback Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 8: 222-252. DOI: 10.1137/080712982  0.475
2008 Heck MJR, Bente EAJM, Barbarin Y, Fryda A, Jung H, Oei Y, Notzel R, Lenstra D, Smit MK. Characterization of a Monolithic Concatenated SOA/SA Waveguide Device for Picosecond Pulse Amplification and Shaping Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 44: 360-369. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2007.914764  0.376
2007 Erzgräber H, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Bifurcation analysis of a semiconductor laser with filtered optical feedback Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 6: 1-28. DOI: 10.1137/060656656  0.429
2007 Heck MJR, Bente AJM, Barbarin Y, Lenstra D, Smit MK. Monolithic Semiconductor Waveguide Device Concept for Picosecond Pulse Amplification, Isolation, and Spectral Shaping Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 43: 910-922. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2007.903363  0.39
2007 Vazquez JM, Li Z, Liu Y, Tangdiongga E, Zhang S, Lenstra D, Khoe GD, Dorren HJS. Optimization of Optical Band-Pass Filters for All-Optical Wavelength Conversion Using Genetic Algorithms Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 43: 57-64. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2006.884741  0.305
2007 Erzgräber H, Lenstra D, Krauskopf B, Fischer APA, Vemuri G. Feedback phase sensitivity of a semiconductor laser subject to filtered optical feedback: Experiment and theory Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 76. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.76.026212  0.43
2007 Wang W, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Polarization-dependent quantum beats of four-wave mixing in the Luttinger model for bulk semiconductors Physical Review B. 76: 35206. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.76.035206  0.344
2007 Wang W, Zhang J, Lenstra D. Optical Bloch equations with dual photon excitation explain the polarization dependence of four wave mixing quantum beats Optics Communications. 280: 457-462. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2007.07.023  0.357
2007 Wang W, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Photo-induced birefringence in semiconductors compared with optical fibers Optics Communications. 278: 395-401. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2007.06.005  0.336
2007 Green K, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. External cavity mode structure of a two-mode VCSEL subject to optical feedback Optics Communications. 277: 359-371. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2007.05.008  0.396
2006 Wang W, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Coherence Transfer for the Polarization Dependent Four Wave Mixing Quantum Beats in Semiconductors Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2006.Jsua71  0.307
2006 Erzgräber H, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Compound Laser Modes of Mutually Delay-Coupled Lasers Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 5: 30-65. DOI: 10.1137/040619958  0.459
2006 Heck MJR, Bente EAJM, Barbarin Y, Lenstra D, Smit MK. Simulation and design of integrated femtosecond passively mode-locked semiconductor ring lasers including integrated passive pulse shaping components Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 12: 265-276. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2006.872722  0.433
2006 Erzgräber H, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D, Fischer APA, Vemuri G. Frequency versus relaxation oscillations in a semiconductor laser with coherent filtered optical feedback Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 73. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.73.055201  0.425
2006 Sande GVD, Soriano MMC, Yousefi M, Peeters M, Danckaert J, Verschaffelt G, Lenstra D. Influence of current noise on the relaxation oscillation dynamics of semiconductor lasers Applied Physics Letters. 88: 71107. DOI: 10.1063/1.2176852  0.325
2006 Wang W, Wang Y, Allaart K, Lenstra D. All-optical limiting using nonlinear directional couplers composed of a self-focusing and a self-defocusing waveguide Applied Physics B. 83: 623-628. DOI: 10.1007/S00340-006-2200-7  0.366
2005 Ju HK, Zhang S, Lenstra D, Waardt Hd, Tangdiongga E, Khoe GD, Dorren HJS. SOA-based all-optical switch with subpicosecond full recovery Optics Express. 13: 942-947. PMID 19494957 DOI: 10.1364/Opex.13.000942  0.384
2005 Erzgräber H, Lenstra D, Krauskopf B. Modes of Mutually Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers: Dependence on the Pump Current Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2005.Jtuc48  0.426
2005 Zhang S, Owens D, Liu Y, Hill M, Lenstra D, Tzanakaki A, Khoe G-, Dorren HJS. Multistate optical memory based on serially interconnected lasers Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 17: 1962-1964. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2005.853527  0.449
2005 Tangdiongga E, Yang X, Li Z, Liu Y, Lenstra D, Khoe G-, Dorren HJS. Optical flip-flop based on two-coupled mode-locked ring lasers Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 17: 208-210. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2004.837742  0.463
2005 Li Z, Yang X, Tangdiongga E, Ju H, Khoe G-, Dorren HJS, Lenstra D. Simulation of mode-locking by nonlinear polarization rotation in a semiconductor optical amplifier Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 41: 808-816. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2005.846689  0.461
2005 Scheuten HF, Kuzmin N, Dubois G, Visser TD, Gbur G, Alkemade PFA, Blok H, 'T Hooft GW, Lenstra D, Eliel ER. Plasmon-assisted two-slit transmission: Young's experiment revisited Physical Review Letters. 94. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.94.053901  0.374
2005 Erzgräber H, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Mode structure of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers: influence of the pump current Journal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 7: 361-371. DOI: 10.1088/1464-4266/7/11/008  0.442
2005 Li Z, Liu YS, Zhang S, Ju HK, Waardt Hd, Khoe GD, Dorren HJS, Lenstra D. All-optical logic gates using semiconductor optical amplifier assisted by optical filter Electronics Letters. 41: 1397-1399. DOI: 10.1049/El:20053385  0.335
2005 Erzgraber H, Lenstra D, Krauskopf B, Wille E, Peil M, Fischer I, Elsasser W. Mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers: Mode bifurcation scenarios Optics Communications. 255: 286-296. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2005.06.016  0.454
2005 Wang W, Wang Y, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Ultrashort rectangular optical pulse generation by nonlinear directional couplers Optics Communications. 253: 164-171. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2005.04.058  0.387
2004 Schouten HF, Visser TD, Gbur G, Lenstra D, Blok H. Connection between phase singularities and the radiation pattern of a slit in a metal plate. Physical Review Letters. 93: 173901. PMID 15525077 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.93.173901  0.311
2004 Wieczorek S, Lenstra D. Spontaneously excited pulses in an optically driven semiconductor laser. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 69: 016218. PMID 14995704 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.69.016218  0.45
2004 Fischer AP, Yousefi M, Lenstra D, Carter MW, Vemuri G. Filtered optical feedback induced frequency dynamics in semiconductor lasers. Physical Review Letters. 92: 023901. PMID 14753936 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.92.023901  0.442
2004 Dorren HJS, Yang X, Tangdiongga E, Zhang S, Li Z, Hill MT, Ju H, Mishra A, Liu Y, Geldenhuys R, Lenstra D, Khoe GD. All-optical signal processing based on ultrafast nonlinearities in semiconductor optical amplifiers The Japan Society of Applied Physics. 2004: 920-921. DOI: 10.7567/Ssdm.2004.H-8-1  0.347
2004 Dorren HJS, Mishra AK, Yang X, Li Z, Ju H, Waardt Hd, Khoe D, Lenstra D. All-Optical Switching and Wavelength Conversion Based on Ultrafast Nonlinearities in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 43: 5731-5741. DOI: 10.1143/Jjap.43.5731  0.415
2004 Gavrielides AT, Lenstra D, Simpson TB, Ohtsubo J. Introduction to the Special Issue on Nonlinear Optics Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 10: 859-861. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2004.837202  0.32
2004 Yousefi M, Lenstra D, Vemuri G. Carrier inversion noise has important influence on the dynamics of a semiconductor laser Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 10: 955-960. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2004.836467  0.371
2004 Fischer APA, Yousefi M, Lenstra D, Carter MW, Vemuri G. Experimental and theoretical study of semiconductor laser dynamics due to filtered optical feedback Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 10: 944-954. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2004.835997  0.421
2004 Mishra AK, Yang X, Lenstra D, Khoe G-, Dorren HJS. Wavelength conversion employing 120-fs optical pulses in an SOA-based nonlinear polarization switch Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 10: 1180-1186. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2004.835311  0.406
2004 Zhang S, Liu Y, Lenstra D, Hill MT, Ju H, Khoe GD, Dorren HJS. Ring-laser optical flip-flop memory with single active element Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 10: 1093-1100. DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2004.835292  0.45
2004 Li G, Yang Y, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Entanglement for excitons in two quantum dots in a cavity injected with squeezed vacuum Physical Review A. 69: 14301. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.69.014301  0.303
2004 Schouten HF, Visser TD, Lenstra D. Optical vortices near sub-wavelength structures Journal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 6. DOI: 10.1088/1464-4266/6/5/031  0.379
2004 Wang W, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Semiconductor optical amplifier gain anisotropy: confinement factor against material gain Electronics Letters. 40: 1602-1603. DOI: 10.1049/El:20046945  0.388
2004 Yang XX, Mishra AK, Lenstra D, Huijskens FM, Waardt dH, Khoe GD, Dorren HJS. Sub-picosecond all-optical switch using a multi-quantum-well semiconductor optical amplifier Optics Communications. 236: 329-334. DOI: 10.1016/J.Optcom.2004.03.050  0.417
2003 Schouten H, Visser T, Gbur G, Lenstra D, Blok H. Creation and annihilation of phase singularities near a sub-wavelength slit. Optics Express. 11: 371-80. PMID 19461744 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.11.000371  0.342
2003 Yousefi M, Lenstra D, Vemuri G. Nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser with filtered optical feedback and the influence of noise. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67: 046213. PMID 12786466 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.67.046213  0.38
2003 Schouten HF, Visser TD, Lenstra D, Blok H. Light transmission through a subwavelength slit: waveguiding and optical vortices. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67: 036608. PMID 12689180 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.67.036608  0.397
2003 Schouten HF, Visser TD, Gbur G, Lenstra D, Blok H. Near-Field Optics: Phase Singularitiesand EnhancedTransmission at aSubwavelength Slit Optics & Photonics News. 14: 23-23. DOI: 10.1364/Opn.14.12.000023  0.351
2003 Schouten HF, Visser TD, Gbur G, Lenstra D, Blok H. Squeezing light through subwavelength slits: Waveguide modes, plasmons, and optical vortices Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2003.Thl3  0.367
2003 Lenstra D, Yousefi M, Fischer A, Vemuri G. Dynamics Control via Filtered Optical Feedback in Semiconductor Lasers Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2003.Thf5  0.422
2003 Dorren HJS, Yang X, Lenstra D, Waardt Hd, Khoe GD, Simoyama T, Ishikawa H, Kawashima H, Hasama T. Ultrafast refractive-index dynamics in a multiquantum-well semiconductor optical amplifier Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 15: 792-794. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2003.811332  0.422
2003 Yousefi M, Barsella A, Lenstra D, Morthier G, Baets R, McMurtry S, Vilcot J-. Rate equations model for semiconductor lasers with multilongitudinal mode competition and gain dynamics Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 39: 1229-1237. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2003.816100  0.381
2003 Dorren HJS, Lenstra D, Liu Y, Hill MT, Khoe GD. Nonlinear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers: Theory and application to all-optical flip-flop memories Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 39: 141-148. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.2002.806200  0.36
2003 Wieczorek S, Simpson TB, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Bifurcation transitions in an optically injected diode laser: theory and experiment Optics Communications. 215: 125-134. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(02)02191-0  0.417
2002 Wieczorek S, Simpson TB, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Global quantitative predictions of complex laser dynamics. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 65: 045207. PMID 12005911 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.65.045207  0.409
2002 Wieczorek S, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Multipulse excitability in a semiconductor laser with optical injection. Physical Review Letters. 88: 063901. PMID 11863808 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.88.063901  0.461
2002 Liu Y, Hill MT, De Waardt H, Khoe GD, Lenstra D, Dorren HJS. All-optical flip-flop memory based on two coupled polarisation switches Electronics Letters. 38: 904-906. DOI: 10.1049/El:20020640  0.34
2001 Søndergaard T, Lenstra D, Tromborg B. Near fields and far fields generated by sources in the presence of dielectric structures with cylindrical symmetry. Optics Letters. 26: 1705-1707. PMID 18049706 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.26.001705  0.372
2001 Wieczorek S, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Sudden chaotic transitions in an optically injected semiconductor laser Optics Letters. 26: 816-818. PMID 18040460 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.26.000816  0.438
2001 Wieczorek S, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Unnested islands of period-doublings in an injected semiconductor laser Physical Review E. 64: 56204. PMID 11736051 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.64.056204  0.41
2001 Hooijer C, Li G, Allaart K, Lenstra D. Spontaneous emission in multilayer semiconductor structures Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 37: 1161-1170. DOI: 10.1109/3.945321  0.346
2001 Graaf WVd, Pesquera L, Lenstra D. Stability and noise properties of diode lasers with phase-conjugate feedback Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 37: 562-573. DOI: 10.1109/3.914406  0.43
2001 Andersen OK, Lenstra D, Vemuri G. Phase-conjugation in two-level atoms: Comparison of quantum interference theory to exact results Optics Communications. 200: 419-427. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(01)01660-1  0.306
2000 Hooijer C, Lenstra D, Lagendijk A. Mode density inside an omnidirectional mirror is heavily directional but not small. Optics Letters. 25: 1666-8. PMID 18066309 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.25.001666  0.325
2000 Fischer APA, Andersen OK, Yousefi M, Stolte S, Lenstra D. Experimental and theoretical study of filtered optical feedback in a semiconductor laser Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 36: 375-384. DOI: 10.1109/3.825886  0.449
2000 Krauskopf B, Wieczorek S, Lenstra D. Different types of chaos in an optically injected semiconductor laser. Applied Physics Letters. 77: 1611-1613. DOI: 10.1063/1.1310213  0.416
2000 Wieczorek S, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Mechanisms for multistability in a semiconductor laser with optical injection. Optics Communications. 183: 215-226. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(00)00867-1  0.465
1999 Dubbeldam JLA, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. Excitability and coherence resonance in lasers with saturable absorber. Physical Review E. 60: 6580-6588. PMID 11970577 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.60.6580  0.442
1999 Yousefi M, Lenstra D. Dynamical behavior of a semiconductor laser with filtered external optical feedback Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 35: 970-976. DOI: 10.1109/3.766841  0.375
1999 Mirasso CR, Tartwijk GHMV, Hernandez-Garcia E, Lenstra D, Lynch S, Landais P, Phelan P, O'Gorman J, Miguel MS, Elsasser W. Self-pulsating semiconductor lasers: theory and experiment Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 35: 764-770. DOI: 10.1109/3.760324  0.368
1999 Andersen OK, Fischer APA, Lane IC, Louvergneaux E, Stolte S, Lenstra D. Experimental stability diagram of a diode laser subject to weak phase-conjugate feedback from a rubidium vapor cell Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 35: 577-582. DOI: 10.1109/3.753662  0.457
1999 Visser TD, Blok H, Lenstra D. Theory of polarization-dependent amplification in a slab waveguide with anisotropic gain and losses Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 35: 240-249. DOI: 10.1109/3.740747  0.321
1999 Andersen OK, Lenstra D, Stolte S. Quantum Interference In Phase Conjugation By Resonant, Nearly Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Physical Review A. 60: 1672-1678. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.60.1672  0.394
1999 Dubbeldam JLA, Lenstra D. Noise in slow saturable absorber mode-locked semiconductor lasers Applied Physics Letters. 75: 1066-1068. DOI: 10.1063/1.124598  0.395
1999 Wieczorek S, Krauskopf B, Lenstra D. A unifying view of bifurcations in a semiconductor laser subject to optical injection Optics Communications. 172: 279-295. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(99)00603-3  0.453
1998 Graaf WAvd, Pesquera L, Lenstra D. Stability of a diode laser with phase-conjugate feedback. Optics Letters. 23: 256-258. PMID 18084477 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.23.000256  0.403
1998 Visser TD, Lenstra D, Blok H, Fasolino A. Propagation of polarized waves in semiconductor laser amplifiers High-Power Lasers and Applications. 3283: 675-682. DOI: 10.1117/12.316719  0.362
1998 Krauskopf B, Tollenaar N, Graaf WAvd, Lenstra D. Complicated dynamics due to a heteroclinic cycle in an injected diode laser High-Power Lasers and Applications. 3283: 589-600. DOI: 10.1117/12.316710  0.435
1998 Graaf WAvd, Pesquera L, Lenstra D. Stability properties of diode lasers with phase-conjugate feedback High-Power Lasers and Applications. 3283: 522-533. DOI: 10.1117/12.316702  0.44
1998 Krauskopf B, Gray GR, Lenstra D. Bifurcations in a semiconductor laser with phase-conjugate feedback Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 3283: 510-521. DOI: 10.1117/12.316701  0.422
1998 Krauskopf B, Gray GR, Lenstra D. Semiconductor laser with phase-conjugate feedback: Dynamics and bifurcations Physical Review E. 58: 7190-7197. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.58.7190  0.408
1998 Blaauboer M, Kofman AG, Kozhekin AE, Kurizki G, Lenstra D, Lodder A. Superluminal optical phase conjugation: Pulse reshaping and instability Physical Review A. 57: 4905-4912. DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.57.4905  0.68
1998 Krauskopf B, Tollenaar N, Lenstra D. Tori and their bifurcations in an optically injected semiconductor laser Optics Communications. 156: 158-169. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(98)00434-9  0.477
1998 Blaauboer M, Kozhekin AE, Kofman AG, Kurizki G, Lenstra D, Lodder A. Superluminal pulse transmission through a phase-conjugating mirror. Optics Communications. 148: 295-299. DOI: 10.1016/S0030-4018(97)00682-2  0.696
1998 Blaauboer M, Lenstra D, Lodder A. Giant phase-conjugate reflection with a normal mirror in front of an optical phase-conjugator. Superlattices and Microstructures. 23: 937-943. DOI: 10.1006/Spmi.1997.0553  0.663
1997 van der Lem H, Lenstra D. Saturation-induced frequency shift in the noise spectrum of a birefringent vertical-cavity surface emitting laser. Optics Letters. 22: 1698-700. PMID 18188339 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.22.001698  0.416
1997 Wieland J, Mirasso CR, Lenstra D. Prevention of coherence collapse in diode lasers by dynamic targeting. Optics Letters. 22: 469-471. PMID 18183237 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.22.000469  0.39
1997 Visser TD, Blok H, Demeulenaere B, Lenstra D. Confinement factors and gain in optical amplifiers Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 33: 1763-1766. DOI: 10.1109/3.631280  0.344
1997 DeTienne DH, Gray GR, Agrawal GP, Lenstra D. Semiconductor laser dynamics for feedback from a finite-penetration-depth phase-conjugate mirror Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 33: 838-844. DOI: 10.1109/3.572159  0.484
1997 Graaf WAvd, Levine AM, Lenstra D. Diode lasers locked to noisy injection Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 33: 434-442. DOI: 10.1109/3.556013  0.439
1997 Krauskopf B, Graaf WAvd, Lenstra D. Bifurcations of relaxation oscillations in an optically injected diode laser Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B. 9: 797-809. DOI: 10.1088/1355-5111/9/5/011  0.469
1997 Mirasso CR, Mulder M, Spoelder HJW, Lenstra D. Visualization of the “Sisyphus” attractor Computers in Physics. 11: 282-286. DOI: 10.1063/1.168604  0.343
1997 Dubbeldam JLA, Leegwater JA, Lenstra D. Theory of mode-locked semiconductor lasers with finite absorber relaxation times Applied Physics Letters. 70: 1938-1940. DOI: 10.1063/1.118785  0.411
1997 Haes J, Demeulenaere B, Baets R, Lenstra D, Visser T, Blok H. Difference between TE and TM modal gain in amplifying waveguides: analysis and assessment of two perturbation approaches. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 29: 263-273. DOI: 10.1023/A:1018514424449  0.322
1996 Fischer I, Tartwijk GHMv, Levine AM, Elsässer W, Göbel E, Lenstra D. Fast Pulsing and Chaotic Itinerancy with a Drift in the Coherence Collapse of Semiconductor Lasers Physical Review Letters. 76: 220-223. PMID 10061046 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.76.220  0.453
1996 Blaauboer M, Koperdraad RT, Lodder A, Lenstra D. Size effects in the density of states in normal-metal-superconductor and superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor junctions. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 54: 4283-4288. PMID 9986332 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevb.54.4283  0.714
1996 Visser TD, Demeulenaere B, Haes J, Lenstra D, Baets R, Blok H. Confinement and modal gain in dielectric waveguides Journal of Lightwave Technology. 14: 885-887. DOI: 10.1109/50.495172  0.312
1996 Jagher PCD, Graaf WAvd, Lenstra D. Relaxation-oscillation phenomena in an injection-locked semiconductor laser Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B. 8: 805-822. DOI: 10.1088/1355-5111/8/4/004  0.416
1995 Levine AM, Tartwijk GHMv, Lenstra D, Erneux T. Diode lasers with optical feedback: Stability of the maximum gain mode. Physical Review A. 52. PMID 9912769 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.52.R3436  0.465
1995 Visser TD, Blok H, Lenstra D. Modal analysis of a planar waveguide with gain and losses Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 31: 1803-1810. DOI: 10.1109/3.466055  0.364
1995 Tartwijk GHMV, Levine AM, Lenstra D. Sisyphus effect in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 1: 466-472. DOI: 10.1109/2944.401230  0.485
1995 Tartwijk GHMv, Lenstra D. Semiconductor lasers with optical injection and feedback Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B. 7: 87-143. DOI: 10.1088/1355-5111/7/2/003  0.479
1995 Stokkum IHMv, Graaf WAvd, Lenstra D. Weighted fit of optical spectra Optics Communications. 121: 103-108. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(95)00466-4  0.325
1994 Tartwijk GHMV, Lenstra D. Nonlocal potential for class-B lasers with external optical feedback Physical Review A. 50. PMID 9911325 DOI: 10.1103/Physreva.50.R2837  0.417
1994 Tartwijk GHMv, Waardt Hd, Verbeek BH, Lenstra D. Resonant optical amplification in a laser diode: theory and experiment Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 30: 1763-1768. DOI: 10.1109/3.301640  0.405
1993 Lenstra D. Linewidth modifications due to nonorthogonality, inhomogeneity, and directionality of longitudinal laser modes Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 29: 954-960. DOI: 10.1109/3.206579  0.423
1993 van Tartwijk G, Muijres G, Lenstra D, van Exter M, Woerdman J. The semiconductor laser beyond the locking range of optical injection Electronics Letters. 29: 137. DOI: 10.1049/El:19930092  0.47
1992 Tartwijk GHMv, Linden HJCvd, Lenstra D. Theory of a diode laser with phase-conjugate feedback. Optics Letters. 17: 1590-1592. PMID 19798255 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.17.001590  0.445
1992 Özizmir E, Levine AM, Tartwijk GHMv, Lenstra D. Power spectrum of a bistable external-cavity diode laser. Optics Letters. 17: 1073-1075. PMID 19794723 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.17.001073  0.429
1992 Noteborn HJMF, Joosten HP, Lenstra D, Kaski K. Stability of a resonant tunneling diode Semiconductors. 1675: 57-66. DOI: 10.1117/12.137631  0.311
1991 Cohen JS, Lenstra D. The critical amount of optical feedback, for coherence collapse in semiconductor lasers Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 27: 10-12. DOI: 10.1109/3.73535  0.487
1991 Noteborn HJMF, Tartwijk GHMv, Joosten HP, Lenstra D. Two-period magneto-oscillations in coherent double barrier-resonant tunnelling Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 3: 4249-4256. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/3/23/013  0.32
1991 Lenstra D. Statistical theory of the multistable external-feedback laser Optics Communications. 81: 209-214. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(91)90640-Y  0.42
1989 Cohen JS, Lenstra D. Spectral properties of the coherence collapsed state of a semiconductor laser with delayed optical feedback Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 25: 1143-1151. DOI: 10.1109/3.29239  0.488
1988 Spreeuw RJ, Woerdman JP, Lenstra D. Photon band structure in a Sagnac fiber-optic ring resonator. Physical Review Letters. 61: 318-321. PMID 10039300 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.61.318  0.319
1986 Lenstra D, Kamp LPJ, Haeringen WV. Mode conversion, Bloch oscillations and Zener tunneling with light by means of the Sagnac effect Optics Communications. 60: 339-344. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(86)90067-2  0.334
1985 Lenstra D, Verbeek B, Boef AD. Coherence collapse in single-mode semiconductor lasers due to optical feedback Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 21: 674-679. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.1985.1072725  0.475
1984 Acket G, Lenstra D, Boef AD, Verbeek B. The influence of feedback intensity on longitudinal mode properties and optical noise in index-guided semiconductor lasers Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 20: 1163-1169. DOI: 10.1109/Jqe.1984.1072281  0.429
1984 Lenstra D, Vaalen MV, Jaskorzyńska B. On the theory of a single-mode laser with weak optical feedback Physica B-Condensed Matter. 125: 255-264. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(84)90009-3  0.453
1982 Tumaikin A, Haeringen WV, Lenstra D. Elliptically polarized normal waves in nonlinear optics Physica B-Condensed Matter. 114: 251-254. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(82)90044-4  0.331
1981 Tumaikin A, Haeringen WV, Lenstra D. Polarization properties of single-mode gas lasers with unusual mode patterns Optics Communications. 38: 303-308. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(81)90404-1  0.392
1980 Lenstra D. On the theory of polarization effects in gas lasers Physics Reports. 59: 299-373. DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(80)90010-1  0.382
1978 Lenstra D, Herman GC. Saturation-induced polarization preferences in two-mode oscillating gas lasers Physica B-Condensed Matter. 95: 405-411. DOI: 10.1016/0378-4363(78)90062-1  0.353
1977 Lenstra D, Haeringen WV. Mode polarization of a single mode gas laser in transverse magnetic fields Optics Communications. 23: 311-314. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4018(77)90369-8  0.336
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