Velina Todorova Slavova - Publications

New Bulgarian University 
models of cognition, AI, language

8 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Slavova V. Emotional Valence Coded in the Phonemic Content – Statistical Evidence Based on Corpus Analysis Cybernetics and Information Technologies. 20: 3-21. DOI: 10.2478/Cait-2020-0012  0.318
2019 Slavova V. Towards emotion recognition in texts - a sound-symbolic experiment International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. 7: 41-51. DOI: 10.5937/Ijcrsee1902041S  0.375
2018 Slavova V. Information-Processing Model of Concept Formation – Is First Language Acquisition Universal? Cybernetics and Information Technologies. 18: 3-22. DOI: 10.2478/Cait-2018-0035  0.326
2017 Slavova VT. ON NATIVE SEMANTIC ROLES – COMPARATIVE STUDY BASED ON DATA FROM CHILD LANGUAGE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (Ijcrsee). 1 - 18. DOI: 10.5937/Ijcrsee1702001S  0.368
2005 Slavova V, A. Soschen. Parallel Language and Semantic Treatment in AGN Cybernetics and Information Technologies 0.307
2004 Slavova V.. A generalized net for natural language comprehension. Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics. 8: 131-153..  0.336
2003 Assad SE, Morin X, Barba D, Slavova V. Compression of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier. 39: 125-145. DOI: 10.2528/Pier02053002  0.358
2003 Assad SE, Morin X, Barba D, Slavova V. Compression of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data — Abstract Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 17: 747-748. DOI: 10.1163/156939303322226419  0.362
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