Werner Sommer - Publications

Psychology Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany 

195 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Huang X, Wong BWL, Ng HT, Sommer W, Dimigen O, Maurer U. Neural mechanism underlying preview effects and masked priming effects in visual word processing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. PMID 38956004 DOI: 10.3758/s13414-024-02904-8  0.75
2024 Li N, Wang S, Kornrumpf F, Sommer W, Dimigen O. Parafoveal and foveal N400 effects in natural reading: A timeline of semantic processing from fixation-related potentials. Psychophysiology. e14524. PMID 38297818 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14524  0.754
2024 Song B, Sommer W, Maurer U. Expectation Modulates Repetition Suppression at Later But Not Early Stages during Visual Word Recognition: Evidence from Event-related Potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-16. PMID 38261395 DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_02111  0.336
2022 Bagherzadeh-Azbari S, Lion CJ, Stephani T, Dimigen O, Sommer W. The impact of emotional facial expressions on reflexive attention depends on the aim of dynamic gaze changes: An ERP study. Psychophysiology. e14202. PMID 36331096 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14202  0.713
2022 Ma X, Modersitzki N, Maurer U, Sommer W. Neural sensitivity to faces is increased by immersion into a novel ethnic environment: Evidence from ERPs. Psychophysiology. e14147. PMID 35819753 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14147  0.495
2022 Li N, Dimigen O, Sommer W, Wang S. Parafoveal words can modulate sentence meaning: Electrophysiological evidence from an RSVP-with-flanker task. Psychophysiology. e14053. PMID 35512086 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14053  0.742
2022 Huang X, Wong WL, Tse CY, Sommer W, Dimigen O, Maurer U. Is there magnocellular facilitation of early neural processes underlying visual word recognition? Evidence from masked repetition priming with ERPs. Neuropsychologia. 170: 108230. PMID 35395249 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108230  0.725
2022 Ma X, Kang J, Li X, Maurer U, Cao X, Sommer W. Does learning different script systems affect configural visual processing? ERP evidence from early readers of Chinese and German. Psychophysiology. e14006. PMID 35150451 DOI: 10.1111/psyp.14006  0.427
2022 Sun Y, Sommer W, Li W. How accentuation influences the processing of emotional words in spoken language: An ERP study. Neuropsychologia. 108144. PMID 35007616 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108144  0.333
2021 Sommer W, Stapor K, Kończak G, Kotowski K, Fabian P, Ochab J, Bereś A, Ślusarczyk G. The N250 event-related potential as an index of face familiarity: a replication study. Royal Society Open Science. 8: 202356. PMID 34109039 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.202356  0.303
2021 Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Muñoz F, Sánchez-García J, Sommer W, Abdel Rahman R, Casado P, Jiménez-Ortega L, Espuny J, Fondevila S, Martín-Loeches M. Situating Language in a Minimal Social Context: How Seeing a Picture of the Speaker's Face Affects Language Comprehension. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 33470410 DOI: 10.1093/scan/nsab009  0.301
2020 Meyer K, Nowparast Rostami H, Ouyang G, Debener S, Sommer W, Hildebrandt A. Mechanisms of Face Specificity - Differentiating Speed and Accuracy in Face Cognition by Event-Related Potentials of Central Processing. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 134: 114-133. PMID 33276306 DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.10.016  0.318
2020 Kaur Y, Ouyang G, Sommer W, Weiss S, Zhou C, Hildebrandt A. What Does Temporal Brain Signal Complexity Reveal About Verbal Creativity? Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 14: 146. PMID 33192356 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2020.00146  0.318
2020 Kristanto D, Liu M, Liu X, Sommer W, Zhou C. Predicting reading ability from brain anatomy and function: From areas to connections. Neuroimage. 218: 116966. PMID 32439534 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2020.116966  0.374
2020 Rostami HN, Hildebrandt A, Sommer W. Sex-specific relationships between face memory and the N170 component in event-related potentials. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 32367139 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsaa059  0.353
2020 Stephani T, Kirk Driller K, Dimigen O, Sommer W. Eye contact in active and passive viewing: Event-related brain potential evidence from a combined eye tracking and EEG study. Neuropsychologia. 143: 107478. PMID 32360476 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2020.107478  0.741
2020 Xu J, Rahman RA, Sommer W. Perceived language competence modulates criteria for speech error processing: evidence from event-related potentials Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 752-765. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2018.1562558  0.378
2019 Zhang H, Liu M, Li W, Sommer W. Human voice attractiveness processing: Electrophysiological evidence. Biological Psychology. 107827. PMID 31756365 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2019.107827  0.41
2019 Liu X, Hildebrandt A, Meyer K, Sommer W, Zhou C. Patterns of individual differences in fiber tract integrity of the face processing brain network support neurofunctional models. Neuroimage. 116229. PMID 31563519 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2019.116229  0.349
2019 Storbeck F, Schlegelmilch K, Streitberger KJ, Sommer W, Ploner CJ. Delayed recognition of emotional facial expressions in Bell's palsy. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 120: 524-531. PMID 31520847 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2019.07.015  0.36
2019 Hohlfeld A, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. The nature of morphosyntactic processing during language perception. Evidence from an additional-task study in Spanish and German. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. PMID 31251954 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2019.06.016  0.438
2019 Kirk Driller K, Stephani T, Dimigen O, Sommer W. Large lateralized EDAN-like brain potentials in a gaze-shift detection task. Psychophysiology. 56: e13361. PMID 30848515 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.13361  0.739
2019 Zahedi A, Abdel Rahman R, Stürmer B, Sommer W. Common and specific loci of Stroop effects in vocal and manual tasks, revealed by event-related brain potentials and posthypnotic suggestions. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. PMID 30730196 DOI: 10.1037/Xge0000574  0.46
2019 Rabovsky M, Conrad M, Álvarez CJ, Paschke-Goldt J, Sommer W. Attentional modulation of orthographic neighborhood effects during reading: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in a psychological refractory period paradigm. Plos One. 14: e0199084. PMID 30682023 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199084  0.396
2018 Kashyap R, Bhattacharjee S, Sommer W, Zhou C. Repetition Priming Effects for Famous Faces through Dynamic Causal Modelling of Latency-Corrected Event-Related Brain Potentials. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 30549325 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.14303  0.37
2018 Recio G, Sommer W. Copycat of dynamic facial expressions: Superior volitional motor control for expressions of disgust. Neuropsychologia. PMID 30176302 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2018.08.027  0.376
2018 Ćepulić DB, Wilhelm O, Sommer W, Hildebrandt A. All categories are equal, but some categories are more equal than others: The psychometric structure of object and face cognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. PMID 29952628 DOI: 10.1037/Xlm0000511  0.34
2018 Petrakova A, Sommer W, Junge M, Hildebrandt A. Configural face perception in childhood and adolescence: An individual differences approach. Acta Psychologica. 188: 148-176. PMID 29940535 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2018.06.005  0.373
2018 Hernández-Gutiérrez D, Abdel Rahman R, Martín-Loeches M, Muñoz F, Schacht A, Sommer W. Does dynamic information about the speaker's face contribute to semantic speech processing? ERP evidence. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 104: 12-25. PMID 29715582 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2018.03.031  0.458
2018 Yan M, Sommer W. The effects of emotional significance of foveal words on the parafoveal processing of N + 2 words in reading Chinese sentences Reading and Writing. 32: 1243-1256. DOI: 10.1007/S11145-018-9914-X  0.465
2017 Nowparast Rostami H, Sommer W, Zhou C, Wilhelm O, Hildebrandt A. Structural encoding processes contribute to individual differences in face and object cognition: Inferences from psychometric test performance and event-related brain potentials. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 95: 192-210. PMID 28915366 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2017.08.017  0.41
2017 Liu X, Hildebrandt A, Recio G, Sommer W, Cai X, Wilhelm O. Individual Differences in the Speed of Facial Emotion Recognition Show Little Specificity but Are Strongly Related with General Mental Speed: Psychometric, Neural and Genetic Evidence. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 11: 149. PMID 28848411 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2017.00149  0.358
2017 Valt C, Stürmer B, Sommer W, Boehm S. Early response activation in repetition priming: an LRP study. Experimental Brain Research. PMID 28702835 DOI: 10.1007/S00221-017-5017-1  0.358
2017 Rostami HN, Saville CWN, Klein C, Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C, Hildebrandt A. COMT genotype is differentially associated with single trial variability of ERPs as a function of memory type. Biological Psychology. PMID 28648906 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2017.06.002  0.38
2017 Vicario CM, Sommer W, Kuran KA, Rafal RD. Salivary secretion and disgust: A pilot study. Acta Psychologica. 178: 18-24. PMID 28554155 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2017.05.007  0.352
2017 Meyberg S, Sommer W, Dimigen O. How microsaccades relate to lateralized ERP components of spatial attention: A co-registration study. Neuropsychologia. 99: 64-80. PMID 28254651 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2017.02.023  0.732
2017 Kornrumpf B, Dimigen O, Sommer W. Lateralization of posterior alpha EEG reflects the distribution of spatial attention during saccadic reading. Psychophysiology. 54: 809-823. PMID 28240816 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12849  0.73
2017 Meyberg S, Sinn P, Engbert R, Sommer W. Revising the link between microsaccades and the spatial cueing of voluntary attention. Vision Research. PMID 28163059 DOI: 10.1016/J.Visres.2017.01.001  0.345
2017 Ouyang G, Hildebrandt A, Sommer W, Zhou C. Exploiting the Intra-Subject Latency Variability from Single-Trial Event-Related Potentials in the P3 Time Range: A Review and Comparative Evaluation of Methods. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. PMID 28137458 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neubiorev.2017.01.023  0.388
2017 Recio G, Wilhelm O, Sommer W, Hildebrandt A. Are event-related potentials to dynamic facial expressions of emotion related to individual differences in the accuracy of processing facial expressions and identity? Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. PMID 28097516 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-016-0484-6  0.393
2017 Zahedi A, Stuermer B, Hatami J, Rostami R, Sommer W. Eliminating stroop effects with post-hypnotic instructions: Brain mechanisms inferred from EEG. Neuropsychologia. 96: 70-77. PMID 28077327 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2017.01.006  0.446
2017 Martín-Loeches M, Ouyang G, Rausch P, Stürmer B, Palazova M, Schacht A, Sommer W. Test–retest reliability of the N400 component in a sentence-reading paradigm Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 32: 1261-1272. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1330485  0.413
2017 Kaltwasser L, Hildebrandt A, Wilhelm O, Sommer W. On the relationship of emotional abilities and prosocial behavior Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 298-308. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2016.10.011  0.309
2017 Kaltwasser L, Moore K, Weinreich A, Sommer W. The influence of emotion type, social value orientation and processing focus on approach-avoidance tendencies to negative dynamic facial expressions Motivation and Emotion. 41: 532-544. DOI: 10.1007/S11031-017-9624-8  0.342
2017 Künecke J, Wilhelm O, Sommer W. Emotion Recognition in Nonverbal Face-to-Face Communication Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 41: 221-238. DOI: 10.1007/S10919-017-0255-2  0.323
2016 Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C. Reconstructing ERP amplitude effects after compensating for trial-to-trial latency jitter: A solution based on a novel application of residue iteration decomposition. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 109: 9-20. PMID 27693102 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2016.09.015  0.352
2016 Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C, Aristei S, Pinkpank T, Abdel Rahman R. Articulation Artifacts During Overt Language Production in Event-Related Brain Potentials: Description and Correction. Brain Topography. PMID 27509898 DOI: 10.1007/S10548-016-0515-1  0.43
2016 Frömer R, Stürmer B, Sommer W. Come to think of it: Contributions of reasoning abilities and training schedule to skill acquisition in a virtual throwing task. Acta Psychologica. 170: 58-65. PMID 27376186 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2016.06.010  0.304
2016 Kaltwasser L, Hildebrandt A, Wilhelm O, Sommer W. Behavioral and neuronal determinants of negative reciprocity in the ultimatum game. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 27261490 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsw069  0.31
2016 Kornrumpf B, Niefind F, Sommer W, Dimigen O. Neural Correlates of Word Recognition: A Systematic Comparison of Natural Reading and Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28: 1374-91. PMID 27167402 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_00977  0.776
2016 Hildebrandt A, Kiy A, Reuter M, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Face and Emotion Expression Processing and the Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism 5-HTTLPR/rs22531. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. PMID 27079569 DOI: 10.1111/Gbb.12295  0.334
2016 Frömer R, Stürmer B, Sommer W. The better, the bigger: The effect of graded positive performance feedback on the reward positivity. Biological Psychology. 114: 61-8. PMID 26756995 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2015.12.011  0.326
2016 Fondevila S, Aristei S, Sommer W, Jiménez-Ortega L, Casado P, Martín-Loeches M. Counterintuitive Religious Ideas and Metaphoric Thinking: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study. Cognitive Science. 40: 972-91. PMID 26146789 DOI: 10.1111/Cogs.12263  0.402
2016 Recio G, Hildebrandt A, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Individual Differences in Brain Responses to Dynamic Facial Expressions and their Relationship to Face Cognition Abilities Personality and Individual Differences. 101: 509. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2016.05.273  0.323
2016 Mante A, Hildebrandt A, Rostami H, Zhou C, Sommer W. Individual differences in the variability of oscillatory pre-stimulus activity and their relationship with face-cognition performance Personality and Individual Differences. 101: 497-498. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2016.05.222  0.328
2016 Korinth SP, Dimigen O, Sommer W, Breznitz Z. Reading training by means of disappearing text: effects on reading performance and eye movements Reading and Writing. 29: 1245-1268. DOI: 10.1007/S11145-016-9635-Y  0.712
2015 Kashyap R, Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C. Neuroanatomic Localization of Priming Effects for Famous Faces with Latency-Corrected Event-Related Potentials. Brain Research. PMID 26683085 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2015.12.001  0.378
2015 Künecke J, Sommer W, Schacht A, Palazova M. Embodied simulation of emotional valence: Facial muscle responses to abstract and concrete words. Psychophysiology. 52: 1590-8. PMID 26437895 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12555  0.403
2015 Li N, Niefind F, Wang S, Sommer W, Dimigen O. Parafoveal processing in reading Chinese sentences: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology. PMID 26289548 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12502  0.764
2015 Hohlfeld A, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. Is Semantic Processing During Sentence Reading Autonomous or Controlled? Evidence from the N400 Component in a Dual Task Paradigm. Advances in Cognitive Psychology. 11: 42-55. PMID 26203312 DOI: 10.5709/Acp-0170-2  0.475
2015 Nowparast Rostami H, Ouyang G, Bayer M, Schacht A, Zhou C, Sommer W. Dissociating the Influence of Affective Word Content and Cognitive Processing Demands on the Late Positive Potential. Brain Topography. PMID 26012382 DOI: 10.1007/S10548-015-0438-2  0.482
2015 Kornrumpf B, Sommer W. Modulation of the attentional span by foveal and parafoveal task load: An ERP study using attentional probes. Psychophysiology. 52: 1218-27. PMID 25990658 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12448  0.444
2015 Frömer R, Dimigen O, Niefind F, Krause N, Kliegl R, Sommer W. Are individual differences in reading speed related to extrafoveal visual acuity and crowding? Plos One. 10: e0121986. PMID 25789812 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0121986  0.788
2015 Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C. Updating and validating a new framework for restoring and analyzing latency-variable ERP components from single trials with residue iteration decomposition (RIDE). Psychophysiology. 52: 839-56. PMID 25630661 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12411  0.337
2015 Yan M, Sommer W. Parafoveal-on-foveal effects of emotional word semantics in reading Chinese sentences: evidence from eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 41: 1237-43. PMID 25581226 DOI: 10.1037/Xlm0000095  0.445
2015 Nigbur R, Schneider J, Sommer W, Dimigen O, Stürmer B. Ad-hoc and context-dependent adjustments of selective attention in conflict control: an ERP study with visual probes. Neuroimage. 107: 76-84. PMID 25482266 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2014.11.052  0.734
2015 Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C. A toolbox for residue iteration decomposition (RIDE)-A method for the decomposition, reconstruction, and single trial analysis of event related potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 250: 7-21. PMID 25455337 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneumeth.2014.10.009  0.318
2015 Meyberg S, Werkle-Bergner M, Sommer W, Dimigen O. Microsaccade-related brain potentials signal the focus of visuospatial attention. Neuroimage. 104: 79-88. PMID 25285375 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2014.09.065  0.736
2015 Hildebrandt A, Sommer W, Schacht A, Wilhelm O. Perceiving and remembering emotional facial expressions — A basic facet of emotional intelligence Intelligence. 50: 52-67. DOI: 10.1016/J.Intell.2015.02.003  0.338
2014 Wilhelm O, Hildebrandt A, Manske K, Schacht A, Sommer W. Test battery for measuring the perception and recognition of facial expressions of emotion. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 404. PMID 24860528 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2014.00404  0.355
2014 Recio G, Shmuilovich O, Sommer W. Should I smile or should I frown? An ERP study on the voluntary control of emotion-related facial expressions. Psychophysiology. 51: 789-99. PMID 24697711 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12220  0.36
2014 Dolzycka D, Herzmann G, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Can training enhance face cognition abilities in middle-aged adults? Plos One. 9: e90249. PMID 24632743 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0090249  0.338
2014 Schacht A, Sommer W, Shmuilovich O, Martíenz PC, Martín-Loeches M. Differential task effects on N400 and P600 elicited by semantic and syntactic violations. Plos One. 9: e91226. PMID 24614675 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0091226  0.447
2014 Schinkel S, Ivanova G, Kurths J, Sommer W. Modulation of the N170 adaptation profile by higher level factors. Biological Psychology. 97: 27-34. PMID 24530348 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2014.01.003  0.441
2014 Künecke J, Hildebrandt A, Recio G, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Facial EMG responses to emotional expressions are related to emotion perception ability. Plos One. 9: e84053. PMID 24489647 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0084053  0.326
2014 Kaltwasser L, Hildebrandt A, Recio G, Wilhelm O, Sommer W. Neurocognitive mechanisms of individual differences in face cognition: a replication and extension. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 14: 861-78. PMID 24379165 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-013-0234-Y  0.411
2014 Recio G, Schacht A, Sommer W. Recognizing dynamic facial expressions of emotion: Specificity and intensity effects in event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychology. 96: 111-25. PMID 24361701 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2013.12.003  0.346
2014 Künecke J, Hildebrandt A, Recio G, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Correlations between mean accuracy rates and mean corr actvitiy (300–800 ms) to anger, happiness and sadness within the EMG emotion classification task. Plos One. DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0084053.G003  0.314
2014 Hildebrandt A, Olderbak S, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Modeling individual differences in facial expressivity Personality and Individual Differences. 60: S36. DOI: 10.1016/J.Paid.2013.07.084  0.313
2014 Sommer W, Li N, Niefind F, Dimigen O, Wang S. Parafoveal preview effects in alphabetic languages and Chinese: Evidence from ERP/eye movement coregistration International Journal of Psychophysiology. 94: 178-179. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2014.08.759  0.711
2014 Rostami HN, Ouyang G, Bayer M, Schacht A, Zhou C, Sommer W. Dissociating the LPC to affective words from the P3b with residue iteration decomposition (RIDE) International Journal of Psychophysiology. 94: 140. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2014.08.645  0.324
2014 Ouyang G, Sommer W, Zhou C. Restoring Latency-Variable ERP Components from Single Trials: A New Approach to ERP Analysis with Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE) International Journal of Psychophysiology. 94: 519-525. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-0207-6_70  0.363
2013 Boldt A, Stürmer B, Gaschler R, Schacht A, Sommer W. Get out of here, quick! Problems with transparent labels on glass doors. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied. 19: 241-53. PMID 23937152 DOI: 10.1037/A0034079  0.366
2013 Sommer W, Stürmer B, Shmuilovich O, Martin-Loeches M, Schacht A. How about lunch? Consequences of the meal context on cognition and emotion. Plos One. 8: e70314. PMID 23936184 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0070314  0.366
2013 Recio G, Schacht A, Sommer W. Classification of dynamic facial expressions of emotion presented briefly. Cognition & Emotion. 27: 1486-94. PMID 23659578 DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.794128  0.32
2013 Yuan WJ, Dimigen O, Sommer W, Zhou C. A model of microsaccade-related neural responses induced by short-term depression in thalamocortical synapses. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 47. PMID 23630494 DOI: 10.3389/Fncom.2013.00047  0.698
2013 Lehle C, Stürmer B, Sommer W. The influence of dimensional overlap on location-related priming in the Simon task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 66: 2329-47. PMID 23581810 DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2013.778303  0.388
2013 Kaltwasser L, Ries S, Sommer W, Knight RT, Willems RM. Independence of valence and reward in emotional word processing: electrophysiological evidence. Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 168. PMID 23580258 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2013.00168  0.422
2013 Palazova M, Sommer W, Schacht A. Interplay of emotional valence and concreteness in word processing: an event-related potential study with verbs. Brain and Language. 125: 264-71. PMID 23578815 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandl.2013.02.008  0.425
2013 Hildebrandt A, Wilhelm O, Herzmann G, Sommer W. Face and object cognition across adult age. Psychology and Aging. 28: 243-8. PMID 23527744 DOI: 10.1037/A0031490  0.321
2013 Ouyang G, Schacht A, Zhou C, Sommer W. Overcoming limitations of the ERP method with Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE): a demonstration in go/no-go experiments. Psychophysiology. 50: 253-65. PMID 23316862 DOI: 10.1111/Psyp.12004  0.347
2013 Korinth SP, Sommer W, Breznitz Z. Neuronal response specificity as a marker of reading proficiency: two-fold nature of the N170 revealed after massive repetition. Neuroreport. 24: 96-100. PMID 23262470 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E32835D20B1  0.439
2013 Sommer W, Hildebrandt A, Kunina-Habenicht O, Schacht A, Wilhelm O. Sex differences in face cognition. Acta Psychologica. 142: 62-73. PMID 23232336 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2012.11.001  0.31
2013 Stürmer B, Ouyang G, Zhou C, Boldt A, Sommer W. Separating stimulus-driven and response-related LRP components with Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE). Psychophysiology. 50: 70-3. PMID 23153305 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2012.01479.X  0.358
2013 Rellecke J, Sommer W, Schacht A. Emotion effects on the n170: a question of reference? Brain Topography. 26: 62-71. PMID 23053603 DOI: 10.1007/S10548-012-0261-Y  0.368
2012 Schinkel S, Zamora-López G, Dimigen O, Sommer W, Kurths J. Order Patterns Networks (ORPAN)-a method to estimate time-evolving functional connectivity from multivariate time series. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 6: 91. PMID 23162459 DOI: 10.3389/Fncom.2012.00091  0.674
2012 Martín-Loeches M, Fernández A, Schacht A, Sommer W, Casado P, Jiménez-Ortega L, Fondevila S. The influence of emotional words on sentence processing: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence. Neuropsychologia. 50: 3262-72. PMID 22982604 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2012.09.010  0.454
2012 Boehm SG, Sommer W. Independence of data-driven and conceptually driven priming: the case of person recognition. Psychological Science. 23: 961-6. PMID 22851442 DOI: 10.1177/0956797612440098  0.326
2012 Masaki H, Murphy TI, Kamijo K, Yamazaki K, Sommer W. Foreshadowing of performance accuracy by event-related potentials: evidence from a minimal-conflict task. Plos One. 7: e38006. PMID 22701541 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0038006  0.367
2012 Bayer M, Sommer W, Schacht A. P1 and beyond: functional separation of multiple emotion effects in word recognition. Psychophysiology. 49: 959-69. PMID 22594767 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2012.01381.X  0.457
2012 Bayer M, Sommer W, Schacht A. Font size matters--emotion and attention in cortical responses to written words. Plos One. 7: e36042. PMID 22590518 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0036042  0.389
2012 Dimigen O, Kliegl R, Sommer W. Trans-saccadic parafoveal preview benefits in fluent reading: a study with fixation-related brain potentials. Neuroimage. 62: 381-93. PMID 22521255 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2012.04.006  0.802
2012 Jiménez-Ortega L, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Sel A, Fondevila S, de Tejada PH, Schacht A, Sommer W. How the emotional content of discourse affects language comprehension. Plos One. 7: e33718. PMID 22479432 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0033718  0.387
2012 Masaki H, Sommer W, Takasawa N, Yamazaki K. Neural mechanisms of timing control in a coincident timing task. Experimental Brain Research. 218: 215-26. PMID 22415201 DOI: 10.1007/S00221-012-3052-5  0.345
2012 Rellecke J, Sommer W, Schacht A. Does processing of emotional facial expressions depend on intention? Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychology. 90: 23-32. PMID 22361274 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2012.02.002  0.31
2012 Rabovsky M, Sommer W, Abdel Rahman R. The time course of semantic richness effects in visual word recognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6: 11. PMID 22347855 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2012.00011  0.482
2012 Fondevila S, Martín-Loeches M, Jiménez-Ortega L, Casado P, Sel A, Fernández-Hernández A, Sommer W. The sacred and the absurd--an electrophysiological study of counterintuitive ideas (at sentence level). Social Neuroscience. 7: 445-57. PMID 22146056 DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2011.641228  0.372
2012 Frömer R, Hafner V, Sommer W. Aiming for the bull's eye: Preparing for throwing investigated with event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology. 49: 335-44. PMID 22091907 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2011.01317.X  0.368
2012 Sangals J, Dippel G, Sommer W. Grouping mechanisms in response preparation investigated with event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology. 49: 421-6. PMID 22091759 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2011.01310.X  0.329
2012 Schacht A, Adler N, Chen P, Guo T, Sommer W. Association with positive outcome induces early effects in event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychology. 89: 130-6. PMID 22027086 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2011.10.001  0.374
2012 Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W. Knowledge scale effects in face recognition: an electrophysiological investigation. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 12: 161-74. PMID 21979895 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-011-0063-9  0.401
2012 Rabovsky M, Sommer W, Abdel Rahman R. Implicit word learning benefits from semantic richness: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 38: 1076-83. PMID 21928930 DOI: 10.1037/A0025646  0.42
2012 Kliegl R, Dambacher M, Dimigen O, Jacobs AM, Sommer W. Eye movements and brain electric potentials during reading. Psychological Research. 76: 145-58. PMID 21915693 DOI: 10.1007/S00426-011-0376-X  0.799
2012 Korinth SP, Sommer W, Breznitz Z. Does silent reading speed in normal adult readers depend on early visual processes? evidence from event-related brain potentials. Brain and Language. 120: 15-26. PMID 21903250 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandl.2011.08.003  0.461
2012 Hildebrandt A, Schacht A, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Measuring the speed of recognising facially expressed emotions. Cognition & Emotion. 26: 650-66. PMID 21902572 DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2011.602046  0.361
2012 Rabovsky M, Sommer W, Abdel Rahman R. Depth of conceptual knowledge modulates visual processes during word reading. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 24: 990-1005. PMID 21861677 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_00117  0.406
2011 Stürmer B, Nigbur R, Schacht A, Sommer W. Reward and punishment effects on error processing and conflict control. Frontiers in Psychology. 2: 335. PMID 22110464 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2011.00335  0.317
2011 Wirth M, Rahman RA, Kuenecke J, Koenig T, Horn H, Sommer W, Dierks T. Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on behaviour and electrophysiology of language production Neuropsychologia. 49: 3989-3998. PMID 22044650 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2011.10.015  0.363
2011 Dörr P, Herzmann G, Sommer W. Multiple contributions to priming effects for familiar faces: analyses with backward masking and event-related potentials. British Journal of Psychology (London, England : 1953). 102: 765-82. PMID 21988383 DOI: 10.1111/J.2044-8295.2011.02028.X  0.396
2011 Korinth SP, Sommer W, Breznitz Z. Toward an ERP-driven diagnostic approach for reading impairments. Developmental Neuropsychology. 36: 944-8. PMID 21978015 DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2011.606420  0.445
2011 Ouyang G, Herzmann G, Zhou C, Sommer W. Residue iteration decomposition (RIDE): A new method to separate ERP components on the basis of latency variability in single trials. Psychophysiology. 48: 1631-47. PMID 21895682 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2011.01269.X  0.362
2011 Rellecke J, Bakirtas AM, Sommer W, Schacht A. Automaticity in attractive face processing: brain potentials from a dual task. Neuroreport. 22: 706-10. PMID 21849915 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E32834A89Ad  0.333
2011 Rellecke J, Palazova M, Sommer W, Schacht A. On the automaticity of emotion processing in words and faces: event-related brain potentials evidence from a superficial task. Brain and Cognition. 77: 23-32. PMID 21794970 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandc.2011.07.001  0.331
2011 Dimigen O, Sommer W, Hohlfeld A, Jacobs AM, Kliegl R. Coregistration of eye movements and EEG in natural reading: analyses and review. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 140: 552-72. PMID 21744985 DOI: 10.1037/A0023885  0.787
2011 Palazova M, Mantwill K, Sommer W, Schacht A. Are effects of emotion in single words non-lexical? Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Neuropsychologia. 49: 2766-75. PMID 21684295 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2011.06.005  0.328
2011 Bayer M, Sommer W, Schacht A. Emotional words impact the mind but not the body: evidence from pupillary responses. Psychophysiology. 48: 1554-1562. PMID 21592139 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2011.01219.X  0.334
2011 Ogawa K, Masaki H, Yamazaki K, Sommer W. The influence of emotions due to verbal admonishment and encouragement on performance monitoring. Neuroreport. 22: 313-8. PMID 21464778 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E328345Bf42  0.337
2011 Schinkel S, Zamora-López G, Dimigen O, Sommer W, Kurths J. Functional network analysis reveals differences in the semantic priming task. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 197: 333-9. PMID 21376754 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneumeth.2011.02.018  0.698
2011 Lehle C, Cohen A, Sangals J, Sommer W, Stürmer B. Differential dynamics of spatial and non-spatial stimulus-response compatibility effects: a dual task LRP study. Acta Psychologica. 136: 42-51. PMID 21030005 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2010.09.013  0.357
2010 Klostermann F, Wahl M, Marzinzik F, Vesper J, Sommer W, Curio G. Speed effects of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 25: 2762-8. PMID 20939077 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.23381  0.327
2010 Kao CS, Dietrich R, Sommer W. Processing interrogative sentence mood at the semantic-syntactic interface: an electrophysiological research in Chinese, German, and Polish. Plos One. 5. PMID 20927373 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0013036  0.378
2010 Bayer M, Sommer W, Schacht A. Reading emotional words within sentences: the impact of arousal and valence on event-related potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 78: 299-307. PMID 20854848 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2010.09.004  0.34
2010 Hildebrandt A, Sommer W, Herzmann G, Wilhelm O. Structural invariance and age-related performance differences in face cognition. Psychology and Aging. 25: 794-810. PMID 20822255 DOI: 10.1037/A0019774  0.337
2010 Schacht A, Dimigen O, Sommer W. Emotions in cognitive conflicts are not aversive but are task specific. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 10: 349-56. PMID 20805536 DOI: 10.3758/Cabn.10.3.349  0.725
2010 Herzmann G, Sommer W. Effects of previous experience and associated knowledge on retrieval processes of faces: an ERP investigation of newly learned faces. Brain Research. 1356: 54-72. PMID 20673756 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2010.07.054  0.362
2010 Sangals J, Sommer W. The impact of intervening tasks on response preparation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 36: 415-29. PMID 20364927 DOI: 10.1037/A0018394  0.359
2010 Schacht A, Martín-Loeches M, Casado P, Abdel Rahman R, Sel A, Sommer W. How is sentence processing affected by external semantic and syntactic information? Evidence from event-related potentials. Plos One. 5: e9742. PMID 20305820 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0009742  0.389
2010 Herzmann G, Kunina O, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Individual differences in face cognition: brain-behavior relationships. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22: 571-89. PMID 19400675 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2009.21249  0.37
2010 Herzmann G, Kunina O, Wilhelm O, Sommer W. Individual differences in face cognition: Distinct component abilities and basic neural processes Journal of Vision. 8: 529-529. DOI: 10.1167/8.6.529  0.347
2010 Rellecke J, Schacht A, Sommer W. Automaticity of emotional face processing as revealed by task independence International Journal of Psychophysiology. 77: 235-235. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2010.06.346  0.371
2010 Palazova M, Sommer W, Schacht A. Emotion processing in words when arousal is rated: Evidence from event-related potentials International Journal of Psychophysiology. 77: 277-277. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2010.06.129  0.389
2009 Dimigen O, Valsecchi M, Sommer W, Kliegl R. Human microsaccade-related visual brain responses. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 12321-31. PMID 19793991 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.0911-09.2009  0.78
2009 Scheibe C, Schubert R, Sommer W, Heekeren HR. Electrophysiological evidence for the effect of prior probability on response preparation. Psychophysiology. 46: 758-70. PMID 19490511 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2009.00825.X  0.309
2009 De Sanctis P, Sommer W. Information transmission for one-dimensional stimuli: the role of strategies. Acta Psychologica. 131: 12-23. PMID 19268876 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2009.02.001  0.316
2009 Schacht A, Sommer W. Time course and task dependence of emotion effects in word processing. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 9: 28-43. PMID 19246325 DOI: 10.3758/Cabn.9.1.28  0.384
2009 Valsecchi M, Dimigen O, Kliegl R, Sommer W, Turatto M. Microsaccadic inhibition and P300 enhancement in a visual oddball task. Psychophysiology. 46: 635-44. PMID 19226309 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2009.00791.X  0.777
2009 Stürmer B, Sommer W, Frensch P. Conflicts as signals: Bridging the gap between conflict detection and cognitive control Psychological Research. 73: 741-743. PMID 19107511 DOI: 10.1007/S00426-008-0222-Y  0.336
2009 Schacht A, Sommer W. Emotions in word and face processing: early and late cortical responses. Brain and Cognition. 69: 538-50. PMID 19097677 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandc.2008.11.005  0.345
2009 Schacht A, Nigbur R, Sommer W. Emotions in Go/NoGo conflicts. Psychological Research. 73: 843-56. PMID 19030874 DOI: 10.1007/S00426-008-0192-0  0.34
2009 Recio G, Schacht A, Sommer W. Effects of inter-stimulus interval on skin conductance responses and event-related potentials in a Go/NoGo task. Biological Psychology. 80: 246-50. PMID 19022336 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2008.10.007  0.409
2009 Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W. Seeing what we know and understand: how knowledge shapes perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 15: 1055-63. PMID 19001567 DOI: 10.3758/Pbr.15.6.1055  0.373
2009 Martín-Loeches M, Schacht A, Casado P, Hohlfeld A, Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W. Rules and heuristics during sentence comprehension: evidence from a dual-task brain potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 21: 1365-79. PMID 18752393 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2009.21106  0.454
2008 Herzmann G, Danthiir V, Schacht A, Sommer W, Wilhelm O. Toward a comprehensive test battery for face cognition: assessment of the tasks. Behavior Research Methods. 40: 840-57. PMID 18697680 DOI: 10.3758/Brm.40.3.840  0.383
2008 Schacht A, Werheid K, Sommer W. The appraisal of facial beauty is rapid but not mandatory. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 8: 132-42. PMID 18589504 DOI: 10.3758/Cabn.8.2.132  0.449
2008 Rabovsky M, Alvarez CJ, Hohlfeld A, Sommer W. Is lexical access autonomous? Evidence from combining overlapping tasks with recording event-related brain potentials. Brain Research. 1222: 156-65. PMID 18585684 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2008.05.066  0.436
2008 Schubert R, Ritter P, Wüstenberg T, Preuschhof C, Curio G, Sommer W, Villringer A. Spatial attention related SEP amplitude modulations covary with BOLD signal in S1--a simultaneous EEG--fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 18: 2686-700. PMID 18372293 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhn029  0.343
2008 Wild-Wall N, Dimigen O, Sommer W. Interaction of facial expressions and familiarity: ERP evidence. Biological Psychology. 77: 138-49. PMID 17997008 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2007.10.001  0.735
2007 Werheid K, Schacht A, Sommer W. Facial attractiveness modulates early and late event-related brain potentials. Biological Psychology. 76: 100-8. PMID 17681418 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsycho.2007.06.008  0.32
2007 Sangals J, Wilwer M, Sommer W. Localizing practice effects in dual-task performance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 60: 860-76. PMID 17514598 DOI: 10.1080/17470210600822720  0.351
2007 Masaki H, Falkenstein M, Stürmer B, Pinkpank T, Sommer W. Does the error negativity reflect response conflict strength? Evidence from a Simon task. Psychophysiology. 44: 579-85. PMID 17437556 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2007.00522.X  0.357
2007 Herzmann G, Sommer W. Memory-related ERP components for experimentally learned faces and names: characteristics and parallel-test reliabilities. Psychophysiology. 44: 262-76. PMID 17343710 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2007.00505.X  0.375
2007 Wilhelm O, Herzmann G, Kunina O, Sommer W. Face Cognition: A Set of Distinct Mental Abilities Nature Precedings. 2: 1-1. DOI: 10.1038/Npre.2007.1385.1  0.324
2007 Deffke I, Sander T, Sommer W, Heidenreich J, Trahms L, Curio G, Lueschow A. Both early (M/N170) and later (250–650 ms) face-related activity are localized in fusiform gyrus for simultaneously acquired MEG and EEG data Clinical Neurophysiology. 118. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2006.11.060  0.318
2006 Engst FM, Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W. Memory systems for structural and semantic knowledge of faces and buildings. Brain Research. 1124: 70-80. PMID 17092491 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2006.09.038  0.38
2006 Martín-Loeches M, Nigbur R, Casado P, Hohlfeld A, Sommer W. Semantics prevalence over syntax during sentence processing: a brain potential study of noun-adjective agreement in Spanish. Brain Research. 1093: 178-189. PMID 16678138 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2006.03.094  0.429
2006 Boehm SG, Klostermann EC, Sommer W, Paller KA. Dissociating perceptual and representation-based contributions to priming of face recognition. Consciousness and Cognition. 15: 163-74. PMID 16054396 DOI: 10.1016/J.Concog.2005.06.001  0.383
2006 Sommer W, Kraft A, Naito A, Bruhn H, Brandt S. Topography and lateralization in frontal eye fields during covert spatial orienting and visual search revealed by fMRI Klinische Neurophysiologie. 37. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2006.11.229  0.336
2005 Hohlfeld A, Sommer W. Semantic processing of unattended meaning is modulated by additional task load: evidence from electrophysiology. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 24: 500-12. PMID 16099362 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cogbrainres.2005.03.001  0.457
2005 Boehm SG, Sommer W. Neural correlates of intentional and incidental recognition of famous faces. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 23: 153-63. PMID 15820624 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cogbrainres.2004.10.008  0.427
2005 Martín-Loeches M, Sommer W, Hinojosa JA. ERP components reflecting stimulus identification: contrasting the recognition potential and the early repetition effect (N250r). International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 55: 113-25. PMID 15598521 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2004.06.007  0.443
2005 Boehm SG, Sommer W, Lueschow A. Correlates of implicit memory for words and faces in event-related brain potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 55: 95-112. PMID 15598520 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2004.06.008  0.474
2004 Trenner MU, Schweinberger SR, Jentzsch I, Sommer W. Face repetition effects in direct and indirect tasks: an event-related brain potentials study. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 21: 388-400. PMID 15511654 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cogbrainres.2004.06.017  0.409
2004 Sangals J, Ross L, Sommer W. Time pressure effects on information processing in overlapping tasks: evidence from the lateralized readiness potential. Acta Psychologica. 117: 275-94. PMID 15500807 DOI: 10.1016/J.Actpsy.2004.07.001  0.347
2004 Hohlfeld A, Sangals J, Sommer W. Effects of additional tasks on language perception: an event-related brain potential investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 30: 1012-25. PMID 15355133 DOI: 10.1037/0278-7393.30.5.1012  0.433
2004 Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W, Olada E. I recognize your face, but I can't remember your name: a question of expertise? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 57: 819-34. PMID 15204119 DOI: 10.1080/02724980343000503  0.397
2004 Hohlfeld A, Mierke K, Sommer W. Is word perception in a second language more vulnerable than in one's native language? Evidence from brain potentials in a dual task setting. Brain and Language. 89: 569-79. PMID 15120547 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandl.2004.02.002  0.42
2003 Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W. Does phonological encoding in speech production always follow the retrieval of semantic knowledge? Electrophysiological evidence for parallel processing. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 16: 372-82. PMID 12706217 DOI: 10.1016/S0926-6410(02)00305-1  0.438
2003 Jentzsch I, Sommer W. Functional localization and mechanisms of sequential effects in serial reaction time tasks. Perception & Psychophysics. 64: 1169-88. PMID 12489670 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03194765  0.337
2002 Jentzsch I, Sommer W. The effect of intentional expectancy on mental processing: a chronopsychophysiological investigation. Acta Psychologica. 111: 265-82. PMID 12422949 DOI: 10.1016/S0001-6918(02)00053-7  0.382
2002 Rahman RA, Sommer W, Schweinberger SR. Brain-Potential Evidence for the Time Course of Access to Biographical Facts and Names of Familiar Persons Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 28: 366-373. PMID 11911392 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.28.2.366  0.369
2002 Sangals J, Sommer W, Leuthold H. Influences of presentation mode and time pressure on the utilisation of advance information in response preparation. Acta Psychologica. 109: 1-24. PMID 11766138 DOI: 10.1016/S0001-6918(01)00045-2  0.327
2002 Schweinberger SR, Klos T, Sommer W. Face and word recognition in patients with left and right hemispheric lesions: Evidence from reaction times and ERPs | Das erkennen von gesichtern und wörtern bei patienten mit links- bzw. rechtshemisphärischen läsionen: Reaktionszeitbefunde und ereigniskorrelierte potenziale Zeitschrift Fur Neuropsychologie. 13: 69-83. DOI: 10.1024//1016-264X.13.1.69  0.405
2001 Sommer W, Leuthold H, Schubert T. Multiple bottlenecks in information processing? An electrophysiological examination. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 8: 81-8. PMID 11340870 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03196142  0.336
2001 Jentzsch I, Sommer W. Sequence-sensitive subcomponents of P300: topographical analyses and dipole source localization. Psychophysiology. 38: 607-621. DOI: 10.1111/1469-8986.3840607  0.314
1999 Leuthold H, Sommer W. ERP correlates of error processing in spatial S-R compatibility tasks. Clinical Neurophysiology. 110: 342-357. PMID 10210624 DOI: 10.1016/S1388-2457(98)00058-3  0.372
1999 Sommer W, Leuthold H, Soetens E. Covert signs of expectancy in serial reaction time tasks revealed by event-related potentials. Perception & Psychophysics. 61: 342-53. PMID 10089765 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03206892  0.358
1998 Henke K, Schweinberger SR, Grigo A, Klos T, Sommer W. Specificity of face recognition: Recognition of exemplars of non-face objects in prosopagnosia Cortex. 34: 289-296. PMID 9606594 DOI: 10.1016/S0010-9452(08)70756-1  0.321
1998 Leuthold H, Sommer W. Postperceptual effects and P300 latency Psychophysiology. 35: 34-46. DOI: 10.1111/1469-8986.3510034  0.334
1997 Martín-Loeches M, Schweinberger SR, Sommer W. The phonological loop model of working memory: An ERP study of irrelevant speech and phonological similarity effects Memory and Cognition. 25: 471-483. PMID 9259625 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03201123  0.393
1997 Schweinberger SR, Herholz A, Sommer W. Recognizing famous voices: Influence of stimulus duration and different types of retrieval cues Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 40: 453-463. PMID 9130213 DOI: 10.1044/Jslhr.4002.453  0.389
1997 Sommer W, Komoss E, Schweinberger SR. Differential localization of brain systems subserving memory for names and faces in normal subjects with event-related potentials Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 102: 192-199. PMID 9129575 DOI: 10.1016/S0013-4694(96)95577-0  0.389
1994 Schweinberger SR, Sommer W, Stiller RM. Event-related potentials and models of performance asymmetries in face and word recognition Neuropsychologia. 32: 175-191. PMID 8190242 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3932(94)90004-3  0.355
1992 Schweinberger SR, Buse C, Freeman RB, Schonle PW, Sommer W. Memory search for faces and digits in patients with unilateral brain lesions Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 14: 839-856. PMID 1474149 DOI: 10.1080/01688639208402866  0.358
1992 Matt J, Leuthold H, Sommer W. Differential effects of voluntary expectancies on reaction times and event-related potentials: evidence for automatic and controlled expectancies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 18: 810-822. PMID 1385618 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.18.4.810  0.382
1990 Sommer W, Matt J, Leuthold H. Consciousness of attention and expectancy as reflected in event-related potentials and reaction times Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 16: 902-915. PMID 2147445 DOI: 10.1037//0278-7393.16.5.902  0.372
Show low-probability matches.