Michalis Agathocleous - Publications

2011-2017 Children's Research Institute University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States 
 2017- Children's Research Institute University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States 

20 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Qi L, Martin-Sandoval MS, Merchant S, Gu W, Eckhardt M, Mathews TP, Zhao Z, Agathocleous M, Morrison SJ. Aspartate availability limits hematopoietic stem cell function during hematopoietic regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. PMID 34450065 DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2021.07.011  0.33
2021 Jun S, Mahesula S, Mathews TP, Martin-Sandoval MS, Zhao Z, Piskounova E, Agathocleous M. The requirement for pyruvate dehydrogenase in leukemogenesis depends on cell lineage. Cell Metabolism. PMID 34375613 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.07.016  0.729
2021 DeVilbiss AW, Zhao Z, Martin-Sandoval MS, Ubellacker JM, Tasdogan A, Agathocleous M, Mathews TP, Morrison SJ. Metabolomic profiling of rare cell populations isolated by flow cytometry from tissues. Elife. 10. PMID 33470192 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.61980  0.599
2019 DiTroia SP, Percharde M, Guerquin MJ, Wall E, Collignon E, Ebata KT, Mesh K, Mahesula S, Agathocleous M, Laird DJ, Livera G, Ramalho-Santos M. Author Correction: Maternal vitamin C regulates reprogramming of DNA methylation and germline development. Nature. PMID 31719689 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-019-1699-9  0.712
2019 DiTroia SP, Percharde M, Guerquin MJ, Wall E, Collignon E, Ebata KT, Mesh K, Mahesula S, Agathocleous M, Laird DJ, Livera G, Ramalho-Santos M. Maternal vitamin C regulates reprogramming of DNA methylation and germline development. Nature. 573: 271-275. PMID 31485074 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-019-1536-1  0.738
2017 Agathocleous M, Meacham CE, Burgess RJ, Piskounova E, Zhao Z, Crane GM, Cowin BL, Bruner E, Murphy MM, Chen W, Spangrude GJ, Hu Z, DeBerardinis RJ, Morrison SJ. Ascorbate regulates haematopoietic stem cell function and leukaemogenesis. Nature. PMID 28825709 DOI: 10.1038/Nature23876  0.777
2016 Piskounova E, Agathocleous M, Mann S, DeBerardinis R, Morrison SJ. Abstract A23: Reversible metabolic changes in human melanoma cells enable distant metastasis Molecular Cancer Research. 14. DOI: 10.1158/1557-3125.Metca15-A23  0.787
2016 Piskounova E, Agathocleous M, DeBerardinis RJ, Morrison SJ. Abstract IA08: Oxidative stress inhibits distant metastasis by human melanoma cells Molecular Cancer Research. 14. DOI: 10.1158/1557-3125.Devbiolca15-Ia08  0.773
2015 Piskounova E, Agathocleous M, Murphy MM, Hu Z, Huddlestun SE, Zhao Z, Leitch AM, Johnson TM, DeBerardinis RJ, Morrison SJ. Oxidative stress inhibits distant metastasis by human melanoma cells. Nature. PMID 26466563 DOI: 10.1038/Nature15726  0.768
2014 Burgess RJ, Agathocleous M, Morrison SJ. Metabolic regulation of stem cell function. Journal of Internal Medicine. 276: 12-24. PMID 24697828 DOI: 10.1111/Joim.12247  0.65
2014 Love NK, Keshavan N, Lewis R, Harris WA, Agathocleous M. A nutrient-sensitive restriction point is active during retinal progenitor cell differentiation. Development (Cambridge, England). 141: 697-706. PMID 24449845 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.103978  0.619
2014 Shi X, Hu Z, Piskounova E, Agathocleous M, Morrison S, DeBerardinis R. Identifying metabolomic features that predict metastasis of melanoma from a primary site Cancer & Metabolism. 2. DOI: 10.1186/2049-3002-2-S1-P67  0.746
2014 Piskounova E, Agathocleous M, Hu Z, Morrison S. Metabolic mechanisms regulating distinct steps of the melanoma metastatic cascade Cancer & Metabolism. 2. DOI: 10.1186/2049-3002-2-S1-P56  0.771
2014 Agathocleous M, Hu Z, Morrison S. A metabolic map of hematopoietic stem cells Cancer & Metabolism. 2. DOI: 10.1186/2049-3002-2-S1-P1  0.642
2013 Agathocleous M, Harris WA. Metabolism in physiological cell proliferation and differentiation. Trends in Cell Biology. 23: 484-92. PMID 23756093 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tcb.2013.05.004  0.663
2012 Agathocleous M, Love NK, Randlett O, Harris JJ, Liu J, Murray AJ, Harris WA. Metabolic differentiation in the embryonic retina. Nature Cell Biology. 14: 859-64. PMID 22750943 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb2531  0.769
2009 Agathocleous M, Iordanova I, Willardsen MI, Xue XY, Vetter ML, Harris WA, Moore KB. A directional Wnt/beta-catenin-Sox2-proneural pathway regulates the transition from proliferation to differentiation in the Xenopus retina. Development (Cambridge, England). 136: 3289-99. PMID 19736324 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.040451  0.546
2009 Agathocleous M, Harris WA. From progenitors to differentiated cells in the vertebrate retina. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 25: 45-69. PMID 19575661 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Cellbio.042308.113259  0.629
2007 Agathocleous M, Locker M, Harris WA, Perron M. A general role of hedgehog in the regulation of proliferation. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 6: 156-9. PMID 17245127 DOI: 10.4161/Cc.6.2.3745  0.708
2006 Locker M, Agathocleous M, Amato MA, Parain K, Harris WA, Perron M. Hedgehog signaling and the retina: insights into the mechanisms controlling the proliferative properties of neural precursors. Genes & Development. 20: 3036-48. PMID 17079690 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.391106  0.683
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