Cady Block - Publications

Emory University, Atlanta, GA 

39 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Steinberg SN, Hewitt KC, Block CK. A neuropsychological profile for high-grade primary central nervous system neuroendocrine tumor (CNS NET): a single-case study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-15. PMID 38775448 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2024.2356281  0.76
2024 Hageboutros K, Hewitt KC, Lee GP, Bansal A, Block C, Pedersen NP, Willie JT, Loring DW, Schoenberg MR, Smith KA, Giller CA, Gross RE, Drane DL. Comparison of minimally invasive to standard temporal lobectomy approaches to epilepsy surgery: Seizure relief and visual confrontation naming outcomes. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 155: 109669. PMID 38663142 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.109669  0.752
2023 Block CK, Patel M, Risk BB, Staikova E, Loring D, Esper CD, Scorr L, Higginbotham L, Aia P, De Long MR, Wichmann T, Factor SA, Au Yong N, Willie JT, Boulis NM, et al. Reply: Deep Brain Stimulation Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Cognitive Impairment: Implications and Considerations. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 10: 1235-1236. PMID 37635771 DOI: 10.1002/mdc3.13818  0.729
2023 Varela JL, Sperling SA, Block C, O'Leary K, Hart ES, Kiselica AM. A survey of neuropsychological assessment feedback practices among neuropsychologists. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-28. PMID 37438247 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2023.2233738  0.659
2023 Padda K, Matthews RE, Karakis I, Hewitt KC, Valentin E, Block C, Shade T, Dickey A, Millis S, Willie JT, Gross RE, Drane DL. Psychiatric changes after stereotactic laser amygdalohippocampotomy for medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 145: 109332. PMID 37422933 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2023.109332  0.744
2023 Tager D, Panjeti-Moore D, Yang JC, Rivera-Cruz A, Loring DW, Staikova E, Block C, Bullinger KL, Rodriguez-Ruiz AA, Cabaniss BT, Winkel D, Bonilha L, Willie JT, Gross RE, Drane DL, et al. The effect of responsive neurostimulation (RNS) on neuropsychiatric and psychosocial outcomes in drug-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 142: 109207. PMID 37075511 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2023.109207  0.716
2023 Block CK, Patel M, Risk BB, Staikova E, Loring D, Esper CD, Scorr L, Higginbotham L, Aia P, DeLong MR, Wichmann T, Factor SA, Au Yong N, Willie JT, Boulis NM, et al. Patients with Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Benefit from Deep Brain Stimulation: A Case-Control Study. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 10: 382-391. PMID 36949802 DOI: 10.1002/mdc3.13660  0.735
2023 Krishna V, Mindel J, Sammartino F, Block C, Dwivedi AK, Van Gomple JJ, Fountain N, Fisher R. A Phase-1 Open-label Trial Evaluating Focused Ultrasound Unilateral Anterior Thalamotomy for Focal Onset Epilepsy. Epilepsia. PMID 36745000 DOI: 10.1111/epi.17535  0.653
2022 Van Patten R, Bellone JA, Schmitt TR, Gaynor L, Block C. Digital Methods of Delivering Education and Training in Neuropsychology. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. PMID 35640664 DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acac033  0.638
2022 McDonald CR, Busch RM, Reyes A, Arrotta K, Barr W, Block C, Hessen E, Loring DW, Drane DL, Hamberger MJ, Wilson SJ, Baxendale S, Hermann BP. Development and application of the International Classification of Cognitive Disorders in Epilepsy (IC-CoDE): Initial results from a multi-center study of adults with temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychology. PMID 35084879 DOI: 10.1037/neu0000792  0.738
2022 Hewitt KC, Block C, Bellone JA, Dawson EL, Garcia P, Gerstenecker A, Grabyan JM, Howard C, Kamath V, LeMonda BC, Margolis SA, McBride WF, Salinas CM, Tam DM, Walker KA, et al. Diverse experiences and approaches to tele neuropsychology: Commentary and reflections over the past year of COVID-19. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-16. PMID 35068358 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2022.2027022  0.762
2021 Norman M, Wilson SJ, Baxendale S, Barr W, Block C, Busch RM, Fernandez A, Hessen E, Loring DW, McDonald CR, Hermann BP. Addressing neuropsychological diagnostics in adults with epilepsy: Introducing the International Classification of Cognitive Disorders in Epilepsy: The IC CODE Initiative. Epilepsia Open. 6: 266-275. PMID 34033259 DOI: 10.1002/epi4.12478  0.747
2021 Drane DL, Pedersen NP, Sabsevitz DS, Block C, Dickey AS, Alwaki A, Kheder A. Cognitive and Emotional Mapping With SEEG. Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 627981. PMID 33912122 DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.627981  0.65
2021 Hewitt KC, Marra DE, Block C, Cysique LA, Drane DL, Haddad MM, Łojek E, McDonald CR, Reyes A, Eversole K, Bowers D. Central Nervous System Manifestations of COVID-19: A Critical Review and Proposed Research Agenda. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 1-15. PMID 33858556 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617721000345  0.76
2020 Loring DW, Block C, Staikova E, Miocinovic S. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Assessment of Non-Motor Features in Deep Brain Stimulation Candidates: Relationship to the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. PMID 33140081 DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acaa091  0.693
2020 Sherer M, Katz DI, Bodien YG, Arciniegas DB, Block C, Blum S, Doiron M, Frey K, Giacino JT, Graf MJP, Greenwald B, Hammond FM, Kalmar K, Kean J, Kraus MF, et al. The Post-traumatic Confusional State: A Case Definition and Diagnostic Criteria. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. PMID 32738198 DOI: 10.1016/J.Apmr.2020.06.021  0.688
2020 Bryant AM, Block C. A Neuropsychological Profile for Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis: A Single-Case Study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 1-9. PMID 31896378 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617719001292  0.68
2019 Wright KD, Maryanna K, Adams I, Block C, Monroe T, Lu Z, Scharre D, Mion L. RESTING STATE NETWORK AND MINDFULNESS IN MOTION PLUS DASH DIET IN AFRICAN AMERICANS WITH MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT Innovation in Aging. 3: S112-S113. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igz038.417  0.688
2019 Nguyen CM, Block C, Linck J, Denburg N. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY MEASURE AMONG OLDER ADULTS AND PATIENTS WITH DEMENTIA Innovation in Aging. 3: S705-S706. DOI: 10.1093/Geroni/Igz038.2594  0.705
2018 Gooding A, Block CK, Brown DS, Sunderaraman P. The trainee leadership blueprint: opportunities, benefits, and a call to action. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 32: 263-283. PMID 29471746 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1386233  0.641
2018 Roper BL, Block CK, Osborn K, Ready RE. Education and Training for Clinical Neuropsychologists in Integrated Care Settings. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. PMID 29409043 DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acx141  0.664
2018 Towns SJ, Hahn-Ketter AE, Halpern J, Block CK. Trainee perspectives on postdoctoral recruitment in clinical neuropsychology: reflections on commentaries by Bodin and Grote (2016) and Nelson et al. (2016). The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 32: 10-15. PMID 28585454 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1336256  0.658
2017 Feigon M, Block C, Guidotti Breting L, Boxley L, Dawson E, Cobia D. Work-life integration in neuropsychology: a review of the existing literature and preliminary recommendations. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-18. PMID 29235387 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1411977  0.675
2017 Vincent AS, Roebuck-Spencer TM, Cox-Fuenzalida LE, Block C, Scott JG, Kane R. Validation of ANAM for cognitive screening in a mixed clinical sample. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult. 1-10. PMID 28448160 DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2017.1314967  0.738
2017 Block C, Santos OA, Flores-Medina Y, Rivera Camacho DF, Arango-Lasprilla JC. Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Services in the United States: Brief Report from a Survey of Clinical Neuropsychologists. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 32: 369-374. PMID 28431032 DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acx002  0.673
2017 Block C, Santos OA, Flores-Medina Y, Rivera Camacho DF, Arango-Lasprilla JC. Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Services in the United States: Brief Report from a Survey of Clinical Neuropsychologists. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. PMID 28115326 DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acx002  0.651
2016 Block CK, Johnson-Greene D, Pliskin N, Boake C. Discriminating cognitive screening and cognitive testing from neuropsychological assessment: implications for professional practice. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-14. PMID 27937143 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2016.1267803  0.777
2016 Block CK, Johnson-Greene D. Psychotherapy for Families After Brain Injury. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult. 1-2. PMID 27494307 DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2016.1214428  0.626
2015 Copeland CT, Mahoney JJ, Block CK, Linck JF, Pastorek NJ, Miller BI, Romesser JM, Sim AH. Relative Utility of Performance and Symptom Validity Tests. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. PMID 26537776 DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acv065  0.678
2015 Logue E, Scarisbrick DM, Thaler NS, Mahoney JJ, Block CK, Adams R, Scott J. Criterion Validity of the WAIS-IV Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI). The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-11. PMID 26494204 DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2015.1101490  0.775
2015 Block CK, West SE, Goldin Y. Misconceptions and Misattributions About Traumatic Brain Injury: An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Pm & R : the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation. PMID 26054960 DOI: 10.1016/J.Apmr.2015.08.393  0.715
2015 Block CK, Logue E, Thaler NS, Scarisbrick DM, Mahoney JJ, Scott J, Duff K. The interaction between medical burden and anticholinergic cognitive burden on neuropsychological function in a geriatric primary care sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 30: 105-13. PMID 25549761 DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acu073  0.708
2015 Santos O, Block C, Rivera D, Arango-Lasprilla J. PROFESSIONAL ISSUES: ETHICSC-86Neuropsychology Research-Related Activities in the U.S. and Canada: Results from a Professional Survey Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 30: 594.2-594. DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acv047.288  0.662
2015 Vincent A, Roebuck-Spencer T, Tyler H, Block C, Scott J, Kane R. A-11The Utility of ANAM for Neuropsychological Screening in a Mixed Clinical Sample Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 30: 490.1-490. DOI: 10.1093/Arclin/Acv047.11  0.697
2014 Block C, Fabrizio K, Bagley B, Hannah J, Camp S, Mindingall N, Labbe D, Lokken K. Assessment of veteran and caregiver knowledge about mild traumatic brain injury in a VA Medical Center. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 29: 76-88. PMID 23524877 DOI: 10.1097/Htr.0B013E3182886D78  0.677
2013 Block C, Cianfrini L. Neuropsychological and neuroanatomical sequelae of chronic non-malignant pain and opioid analgesia. Neurorehabilitation. 33: 343-66. PMID 23949056 DOI: 10.3233/Nre-130965  0.675
2013 Block CK, West SE. Psychotherapeutic treatment of survivors of traumatic brain injury: review of the literature and special considerations. Brain Injury. 27: 775-88. PMID 23631508 DOI: 10.3109/02699052.2013.775487  0.687
2010 Block CK, Baldwin CL. Cloze probability and completion norms for 498 sentences: behavioral and neural validation using event-related potentials. Behavior Research Methods. 42: 665-70. PMID 20805588 DOI: 10.3758/Brm.42.3.665  0.645
2008 Block CK, Brock J. The relationship of pain catastrophizing to heightened feelings of distress. Pain Management Nursing : Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses. 9: 73-80. PMID 18513664 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pmn.2008.01.004  0.622
Show low-probability matches.