Christina W. Hoven - Publications

Adult and Child Psychiatry Columbia University, New York, NY 

151 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Lustig S, Kaess M, Schnyder N, Michel C, Brunner R, Tubiana A, Kahn JP, Sarchiapone M, Hoven CW, Barzilay S, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Cozman D, et al. The impact of school-based screening on service use in adolescents at risk for mental health problems and risk-behaviour. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 35488938 DOI: 10.1007/s00787-022-01990-z  0.323
2021 Musa GJ, Cheslack-Postava K, Svob C, Hernández D, Tang H, Duque-Villa Y, Keating W, Amsel L, Bresnahan M, Ryan M, Baccarelli AA, Prada D, Huang-Chiang P, Jardines C, Geronazzo-Alman L, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Mental Health of High-Risk Urban Youth: The Housing Subsidies Paradox. Race and Social Problems. 13: 22-33. PMID 34149954 DOI: 10.1007/s12552-021-09322-7  0.375
2021 Musa GJ, Geronazzo-Alman L, Fan B, Cheslack-Postava K, Bavley R, Wicks J, Bresnahan M, Amsel L, Fiano E, Saxe G, Kummerfeld E, Ma S, Hoven CW. Neighborhood characteristics and psychiatric disorders in the aftermath of mass trauma: A representative study of New York City public school 4th-12th graders after 9/11. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 138: 584-590. PMID 33992981 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.002  0.332
2020 Kaess M, Schnyder N, Michel C, Brunner R, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn JP, Keeley H, et al. Twelve-month service use, suicidality and mental health problems of European adolescents after a school-based screening for current suicidality. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 33320300 DOI: 10.1007/s00787-020-01681-7  0.344
2020 Kishon R, Geronazzo-Alman L, Teichman M, Teichman Y, Cheslack-Postava K, Fan B, Duarte CS, Wicks J, Musa GJ, Djalovski A, Tadmor B, Moreno DR, Cycowicz Y, Amsel L, Bresnahan M, ... Hoven CW, et al. Parental Occupational Exposure is Associated with Their Children's Psychopathology: A Study of Families of Israeli First Responders. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. PMID 32769795 DOI: 10.1097/Jom.0000000000001971  0.335
2020 Li Y, Shi X, McReynolds LS, Tang H, Chen H, Wang T, Zhang Y, Geng F, Fan F, Hoven CW. Depressive symptoms between parent and adolescent survivors: A longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of Affective Disorders. 265: 139-145. PMID 32090735 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2020.01.038  0.334
2020 McMahon EM, Corcoran P, Keeley H, Clarke M, Coughlan H, Wasserman D, Hoven CW, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Healy C, Cannon M. Risk and protective factors for psychotic experiences in adolescence: a population-based study. Psychological Medicine. 1-9. PMID 32026792 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291719004136  0.451
2020 Kahn JP, Cohen RF, Tubiana A, Legrand K, Wasserman C, Carli V, Apter A, Balazs J, Banzer R, Baralla F, Barzilai S, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Influence of coping strategies on the efficacy of YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health): a universal school-based suicide preventive program. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 32025960 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-020-01476-W  0.412
2020 Benatov J, Klomek AB, Shira B, Apter A, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn J, et al. Doing Nothing is Sometimes Worse: Comparing Avoidant versus Approach Coping Strategies with Peer Victimization and Their Association to Depression and Suicide Ideation Journal of School Violence. 19: 456-469. DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2020.1738941  0.438
2020 Cycowicz Y, Moreno D, Cuchacovich S, Merrin J, Hoven C. Sex Differences in Stress Responses in Adolescents With and Without Family History of Substance Use Disorder Biological Psychiatry. 87. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2020.02.574  0.372
2020 Moreno DR, Bista K, Ryan M, Amsel L, Hoven C, Cycowicz Y. Brain Activation During Immediate Reward Options in At-Risk Adolescents With Average-High and Low IQ Biological Psychiatry. 87. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2020.02.390  0.336
2019 Kaess M, Eppelmann L, Brunner R, Parzer P, Resch F, Carli V, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven CW, Apter A, Balazs J, Barzilay S, Bobes J, Cosman D, Horvath LO, et al. Life Events Predicting the First Onset of Adolescent Direct Self-Injurious Behavior-A Prospective Multicenter Study. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. PMID 31677986 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2019.08.018  0.362
2019 Barzilay S, Apter A, Snir A, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Hadlaczky G, Balazs J, Kereszteny A, Brunner R, Kaess M, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Cosman D, Haring C, et al. A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school-based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 60: 1104-1111. PMID 31512239 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.13119  0.413
2019 Bousoño M, Al-Halabí S, Burón P, Garrido M, Díaz-Mesa EM, Galván G, García-Álvarez L, Velasco Á, Rodríguez-Revuelta J, Wasserman C, Carli V, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D, Bousoño M, et al. Consumo de alcohol y factores de riesgo de conductas autolesivas en adolescentes españoles Adicciones. 33: 53-62. PMID 31018001 DOI: 10.20882/Adicciones.1239  0.362
2019 Ghinea D, Koenig J, Parzer P, Brunner R, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D, Resch F, Kaess M. Longitudinal development of risk-taking and self-injurious behavior in association with late adolescent borderline personality disorder symptoms. Psychiatry Research. 273: 127-133. PMID 30641342 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2019.01.010  0.367
2019 Levi-Belz Y, Gavish-Marom T, Barzilay S, Apter A, Carli V, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. Psychosocial Factors Correlated with Undisclosed Suicide Attempts to Significant Others: Findings from the Adolescence SEYLE Study. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 49: 759-773. PMID 29851140 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12475  0.335
2019 McMahon E, Corcoran P, Keeley H, Clarke M, Coughlan H, Wasserman D, Hoven C, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Cannon M. P38 Risk and protective factors for psychotic experiences in adolescence: a population-based study Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 73. DOI: 10.1136/Jech-2019-Ssmabstracts.189  0.474
2018 Gambadauro P, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Haring C, Hoven CW, Iosue M, Kaess M, Kahn JP, et al. Psychopathology is associated with reproductive health risk in European adolescents. Reproductive Health. 15: 186. PMID 30400907 DOI: 10.1186/S12978-018-0618-0  0.438
2018 Balázs J, Miklósi M, Keresztény A, Hoven CW, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Apter A, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn JP, Postuvan V, et al. Comorbidity of Physical and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescent: Functional Impairment, Self-Rated Health and Subjective Well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15. PMID 30096890 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph15081698  0.405
2018 Serrano MB, Al-Halabí S, Burón P, Garrido M, Díaz-Mesa EM, Galván G, García-Álvarez L, Velasco Á, Wasserman C, Carli V, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D, Bousoño M, García-Portilla MP, et al. Factores predictores del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes: datos de un estudio prospectivo de 1 año de seguimiento Adicciones. 31: 52-63. PMID 30059577 DOI: 10.20882/Adicciones.998  0.329
2018 Brunstein Klomek A, Barzilay S, Apter A, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Hadlaczky G, Balazs J, Kereszteny A, Brunner R, Kaess M, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Cosman D, Haring C, et al. Bi-directional longitudinal associations between different types of bullying victimization, suicide ideation/attempts, and depression among a large sample of European adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. PMID 30024024 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.12951  0.413
2018 Horváth LO, Balint M, Ferenczi-Dallos G, Farkas L, Gadoros J, Gyori D, Kereszteny A, Meszaros G, Szentivanyi D, Velo S, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Wasserman D, et al. Direct Self-Injurious Behavior (D-SIB) and Life Events among Vocational School and High School Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15. PMID 29795028 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph15061068  0.332
2018 Ahern S, Burke LA, McElroy B, Corcoran P, McMahon EM, Keeley H, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Banzer R, Bobes J, Brunner R, et al. A cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based suicide prevention programmes. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 29442231 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-018-1120-5  0.37
2018 Gambadauro P, Carli V, Hadlaczky G, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Banzer R, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Farkas L, Haring C, Hoven CW, Kaess M, Kahn JP, et al. Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents. Plos One. 13: e0191451. PMID 29420612 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0191451  0.374
2018 Snir A, Apter A, Barzilay S, Feldman D, Rafaeli E, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. Explicit Motives, Antecedents, and Consequences of Direct Self-Injurious Behaviors. Crisis. 39: 255-266. PMID 29216755 DOI: 10.1027/0227-5910/A000493  0.327
2017 McMahon EM, Corcoran P, Keeley H, Cannon M, Carli V, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Banzer R, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cozman D, Haring C, Kaess M, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Mental health difficulties and suicidal behaviours among young migrants: multicentre study of European adolescents. Bjpsych Open. 3: 291-299. PMID 29234521 DOI: 10.1192/Bjpo.Bp.117.005322  0.476
2017 Denton ED, Musa GJ, Hoven C. Suicide behaviour among Guyanese orphans: Identification of suicide risk and protective factors in a low- to middle- income country. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 1-9. PMID 29092690 DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2017.1372286  0.415
2017 Barzilay S, Brunstein Klomek A, Apter A, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Balazs J, Kereszteny A, Brunner R, Kaess M, Bobes J, Saiz P, Cosman D, et al. Bullying Victimization and Suicide Ideation and Behavior Among Adolescents in Europe: A 10-Country Study. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. PMID 28391968 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2017.02.002  0.46
2017 Banzer R, Haring C, Buchheim A, Oehler S, Carli V, Wasserman C, Kaess M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Hoven CW, Kahn JP, et al. Factors associated with different smoking status in European adolescents: results of the SEYLE study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 28386649 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-017-0980-4  0.41
2017 Barzilay S, Apter AS, Carli V, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. 3.48 Prospective Predictors of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in a Multinational Study of Adolescents Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 56. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaac.2017.09.196  0.412
2016 Geronazzo-Alman L, Eisenberg R, Shen S, Duarte CS, Musa GJ, Wicks J, Fan B, Doan T, Guffanti G, Bresnahan M, Hoven CW. Cumulative exposure to work-related traumatic events and current post-traumatic stress disorder in New York City's first responders. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 74: 134-143. PMID 28161583 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2016.12.003  0.333
2016 McMahon EM, Corcoran P, O'Regan G, Keeley H, Cannon M, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Balint M, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cozman D, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Physical activity in European adolescents and associations with anxiety, depression and well-being. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 27277894 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-016-0875-9  0.401
2016 Kaess M, Parzer P, Brunner R, Koenig J, Durkee T, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Bobes J, Cosman D, Värnik A, Resch F, Wasserman D. Pathological Internet Use Is on the Rise Among European Adolescents. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. PMID 27267140 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2016.04.009  0.378
2016 Wartberg L, Brunner R, Kriston L, Durkee T, Parzer P, Fischer-Waldschmidt G, Resch F, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Carli V, Wasserman D, Thomasius R, Kaess M. Psychopathological factors associated with problematic alcohol and problematic Internet use in a sample of adolescents in Germany. Psychiatry Research. 240: 272-277. PMID 27138817 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2016.04.057  0.354
2016 Brunstein Klomek A, Snir A, Apter A, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn JP, et al. Association between victimization by bullying and direct self injurious behavior among adolescence in Europe: a ten-country study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 27010553 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-016-0840-7  0.43
2016 Durkee T, Carli V, Floderus B, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs JA, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Hoven CW, Kaess M, Kahn JP, et al. Pathological Internet Use and Risk-Behaviors among European Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13. PMID 27005644 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph13030294  0.444
2016 Nakar O, Brunner R, Schilling O, Chanen A, Fischer G, Parzer P, Carli V, Wasserman D, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Resch F, Kaess M. Developmental trajectories of self-injurious behavior, suicidal behavior and substance misuse and their association with adolescent borderline personality pathology. Journal of Affective Disorders. 197: 231-238. PMID 26995466 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2016.03.029  0.427
2016 Kaess M, Parzer P, Brunner R, Koenig J, Durkee T, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Bobes J, Cosman D, Värnik A, Resch F, Wasserman D. Pathological Internet Use Is on the Rise Among European Adolescents Journal of Adolescent Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.04.009  0.326
2016 Wartberg L, Durkee T, Kriston L, Parzer P, Fischer-Waldschmidt G, Resch F, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Carli V, Wasserman D, Thomasius R, Brunner R, Kaess M. Psychometric Properties of a German Version of the Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ) in two Independent Samples of Adolescents International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/S11469-016-9654-6  0.364
2015 Kasahara-Kiritani M, Hadlaczky G, Westerlund M, Carli V, Wasserman C, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, McMahon EM, Cosman D, Farkas L, Haring C, Kaess M, Kahn JP, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Reading Books and Watching Films as a Protective Factor against Suicidal Ideation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 12: 15937-42. PMID 26694431 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph121215032  0.355
2015 Strittmatter E, Parzer P, Brunner R, Fischer G, Durkee T, Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D, Resch F, Kaess M. A 2-year longitudinal study of prospective predictors of pathological Internet use in adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 26526444 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-015-0779-0  0.343
2015 Kahn JP, Tubiana A, Cohen RF, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. Important Variables When Screening for Students at Suicidal Risk: Findings from the French Cohort of the SEYLE Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 12: 12277-90. PMID 26437422 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph121012277  0.408
2015 Wasserman D, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C. Methodology of the SEYLE trial on suicide prevention in schools - Authors' reply The Lancet. 386: 854. PMID 26335877 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00012-4  0.338
2015 Barzilay S, Feldman D, Snir A, Apter A, Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. The interpersonal theory of suicide and adolescent suicidal behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders. 183: 68-74. PMID 26001665 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2015.04.047  0.425
2015 Strittmatter E, Kaess M, Parzer P, Fischer G, Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Durkee T, Apter A, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Sisask M, Värnik P, et al. Pathological Internet use among adolescents: Comparing gamers and non-gamers. Psychiatry Research. 228: 128-35. PMID 25959265 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2015.04.029  0.366
2015 Qiao J, Wang Z, Geronazzo-Alman L, Amsel L, Duarte C, Lee S, Musa G, Long J, He X, Doan T, Hirsch J, Hoven CW. Brain activity classifies adolescents with and without a familial history of substance use disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 219. PMID 25954186 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2015.00219  0.379
2015 Cotter P, Kaess M, Corcoran P, Parzer P, Brunner R, Keeley H, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Cosman D, Haring C, et al. Help-seeking behaviour following school-based screening for current suicidality among European adolescents. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 50: 973-82. PMID 25656270 DOI: 10.1007/S00127-015-1016-3  0.426
2015 Wasserman D, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Wall M, Eisenberg R, Hadlaczky G, Kelleher I, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Guillemin F, et al. School-based suicide prevention programmes: the SEYLE cluster-randomised, controlled trial. Lancet (London, England). 385: 1536-44. PMID 25579833 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61213-7  0.409
2015 Banzer R, Haring C, Buchheim A, Oehler S, Carli V, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Kaess M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, et al. Risk Factors and Comorbidities for Occasional and Daily Smoking in European Adolescents: Results of the Seyle Project European Psychiatry. 30: 515. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(15)30404-1  0.42
2014 Rüütel E, Sisask M, Värnik A, Värnik P, Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, et al. Alcohol consumption patterns among adolescents are related to family structure and exposure to drunkenness within the family: results from the SEYLE project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11: 12700-15. PMID 25493392 DOI: 10.3390/Ijerph111212700  0.349
2014 Kaess M, Durkee T, Brunner R, Carli V, Parzer P, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Apter A, Balazs J, Balint M, Bobes J, Cohen R, Cosman D, Cotter P, et al. Pathological Internet use among European adolescents: psychopathology and self-destructive behaviours. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 23: 1093-102. PMID 24888750 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-014-0562-7  0.471
2014 Goodwin RD, Hottinger K, Pena L, Chacko A, Feldman J, Wamboldt MZ, Hoven C. Asthma and mental health among youth in high-risk service settings. The Journal of Asthma : Official Journal of the Association For the Care of Asthma. 51: 639-44. PMID 24628526 DOI: 10.3109/02770903.2014.897728  0.359
2014 Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Chiesa F, Guffanti G, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Iosue M, Kaess M, Kahn JP, et al. A newly identified group of adolescents at "invisible" risk for psychopathology and suicidal behavior: findings from the SEYLE study. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (Wpa). 13: 78-86. PMID 24497256 DOI: 10.1002/Wps.20088  0.408
2014 Graeff-Martins AS, Hoven CW, Wu P, Bin F, Duarte CS. Use of mental health services by children and adolescents six months after the World Trade Center attack. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 65: 263-5. PMID 24492905 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201200586  0.429
2014 Sarchiapone M, Mandelli L, Carli V, Iosue M, Wasserman C, Hadlaczky G, Hoven CW, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kaess M, et al. Hours of sleep in adolescents and its association with anxiety, emotional concerns, and suicidal ideation. Sleep Medicine. 15: 248-54. PMID 24424101 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2013.11.780  0.307
2014 Kaess M, Brunner R, Parzer P, Carli V, Apter A, Balazs JA, Bobes J, Coman HG, Cosman D, Cotter P, Durkee T, Farkas L, Feldman D, Haring C, Iosue M, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Risk-behaviour screening for identifying adolescents with mental health problems in Europe. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 23: 611-20. PMID 24248753 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-013-0490-Y  0.45
2014 Brunner R, Kaess M, Parzer P, Fischer G, Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Resch F, Apter A, Balazs J, Barzilay S, Bobes J, Corcoran P, Cosmanm D, et al. Life-time prevalence and psychosocial correlates of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior: a comparative study of findings in 11 European countries. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 55: 337-48. PMID 24215434 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.12166  0.418
2014 Sisask M, Värnik P, Värnik A, Apter A, Balazs J, Balint M, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Feldman D, Haring C, Kahn JP, Poštuvan V, Tubiana A, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Teacher satisfaction with school and psychological well-being affects their readiness to help children with mental health problems Health Education Journal. 73: 382-393. DOI: 10.1177/0017896913485742  0.385
2014 Balazs J, Miklósi M, Kereszteny A, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. EPA-1427 – Anxiety and Physical Co-Morbidity European Psychiatry. 29: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78628-6  0.441
2014 D'Aulerio M, Carli V, Iosue M, Basilico F, Maria DA, Recchia L, Balazs J, Germanavicius A, Waller TIM, Masip C, Varnik AIRI, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. EPA-1120 - Objective and methodologies of supreme.project for youth suicide prevention through internet and media European Psychiatry. 29: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78389-0  0.457
2014 D'Aulerio M, Carli V, Iosue M, Basilico F, Recchia L, Apter ALAN, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Kahn J, Postuvan VITA, Saiz P, Varnik AIRI, Wasserman C, ... Hoven C, et al. EPA-1110 - Association between truancy and suicidality among european young. preliminary data from an italian sample. we-stay project European Psychiatry. 29: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78381-6  0.47
2014 Nemes B, Cozman D, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Wasserman D. EPA-0695 - Family disintegration due to workforce migration and suicidal behavior in adolescents European Psychiatry. 29: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78059-9  0.475
2014 Cozman D, Nemes B, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Wasserman D. EPA-0694 - Life events and depression in adolescents European Psychiatry. 29: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78058-7  0.343
2013 Carli V, Wasserman C, Wasserman D, Sarchiapone M, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Guillemin F, Haring C, Kaess M, Kahn JP, Keeley H, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. The saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE) randomized controlled trial (RCT): methodological issues and participant characteristics. Bmc Public Health. 13: 479. PMID 23679917 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-479  0.445
2013 Balázs J, Miklósi M, Keresztény A, Hoven CW, Carli V, Wasserman C, Apter A, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Cotter P, Haring C, Iosue M, Kaess M, Kahn JP, et al. Adolescent subthreshold-depression and anxiety: psychopathology, functional impairment and increased suicide risk. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 54: 670-7. PMID 23330982 DOI: 10.1111/Jcpp.12016  0.408
2013 Kelleher I, Keeley H, Corcoran P, Ramsay H, Wasserman C, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman D, Cannon M. Childhood trauma and psychosis in a prospective cohort study: Cause, effect, and directionality American Journal of Psychiatry. 170: 734-741. DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2012.12091169  0.32
2013 Carli V, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman D. P.7.e.001 Risk behaviours and psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in European schools European Neuropsychopharmacology. 23. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(13)70973-8  0.398
2013 Brunner R, Kaess M, Parzer P, Fischer G, Resch F, Carli V, Hoven C, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. 3038 – Characteristics of Non-suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Attempts among Adolescents in Europe: Results from the European Research Consortium Seyle European Psychiatry. 28: 1-1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)77531-X  0.471
2013 Carli V, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman D. 2577 – Prevalence of risk behaviours and psychopathology among european youth European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)77247-X  0.488
2013 Iosue M, Carli V, D’Aulerio M, Basilico F, Recchia L, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Durkee T, Haring C, Kahn JP, Keeley H, ... ... Hoven C, et al. 1857 – Peer relationships and adolescents mental health: finding from the seyle project in italy European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76819-6  0.502
2013 D’aulerio M, Carli V, Iosue M, Basilico F, Marco AMD, Recchia L, Balazs J, Germanavicius A, Hamilton R, Masip C, Mschin N, Varnik A, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, et al. 1849 – Young and suicide prevention programs through internet and media: supreme European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76813-5  0.461
2013 D’Aulerio M, Carli V, Iosue M, Basilico F, Recchia L, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Brunner R, Cosman D, Kahn JP, Postuvan V, Saiz P, Varnik A, Wasserman C, ... Hoven C, et al. 1827 – Prevalence of risk behaviours among european young. preliminary data from an italian sample we-stay project European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76791-9  0.414
2013 Carli V, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman D. 1682 – Working in europe to stop truancy among youth (WE-STAY) European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76671-9  0.462
2013 Durkee T, Kaess M, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Wasserman D. 1672 – Pathological internet use among european adolescents: psychopathology and self-destructive behaviors European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76661-6  0.45
2013 Nemes B, Cozman D, Wasserman D, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven C. 1639 – Social intolerance and risk-taking behaviors in european adolescents European Psychiatry. 28: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76630-6  0.37
2013 Kelleher I, Corcoran P, Keeley H, Wigman JTW, Devlin N, Ramsay H, Wasserman C, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, Wasserman D, Cannon M. Psychotic symptoms and population risk for suicide attempt a prospective cohort study Jama Psychiatry. 70: 940-948. DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2013.140  0.433
2012 Wasserman C, Hoven CW, Wasserman D, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Al-Halabí S, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Cosman D, Farkas L, Feldman D, Fischer G, Graber N, Haring C, et al. Suicide prevention for youth--a mental health awareness program: lessons learned from the Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) intervention study. Bmc Public Health. 12: 776. PMID 22971152 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-776  0.388
2012 Suzuki K, Asaga R, Sourander A, Hoven CW, Mandell D. Cyberbullying and adolescent mental health. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 24: 27-35. PMID 22909909 DOI: 10.1515/Ijamh.2012.005  0.443
2012 Wu P, Li LP, Jin J, Yuan XH, Liu X, Fan B, Fuller C, Yao-Gui L, Hoven CW. Need for mental health services and service use among high school students in China. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 63: 1026-31. PMID 22855251 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.201200090  0.424
2012 Carli V, Durkee T, Wasserman D, Hadlaczky G, Despalins R, Kramarz E, Wasserman C, Sarchiapone M, Hoven CW, Brunner R, Kaess M. The association between pathological internet use and comorbid psychopathology: A systematic review Psychopathology. 46: 1-13. PMID 22854219 DOI: 10.1159/000337971  0.346
2012 Durkee T, Kaess M, Carli V, Parzer P, Wasserman C, Floderus B, Apter A, Balazs J, Barzilay S, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Cotter P, Despalins R, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Prevalence of pathological internet use among adolescents in Europe: demographic and social factors. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 107: 2210-22. PMID 22621402 DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2012.03946.X  0.431
2012 Kakade M, Duarte CS, Liu X, Fuller CJ, Drucker E, Hoven CW, Fan B, Wu P. Adolescent substance use and other illegal behaviors and racial disparities in criminal justice system involvement: findings from a US national survey. American Journal of Public Health. 102: 1307-10. PMID 22594721 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2012.300699  0.392
2012 Kelleher I, Keeley H, Corcoran P, Lynch F, Fitzpatrick C, Devlin N, Molloy C, Roddy S, Clarke MC, Harley M, Arseneault L, Wasserman C, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, et al. Clinicopathological significance of psychotic experiences in non-psychotic young people: evidence from four population-based studies British Journal of Psychiatry. 201: 26-32. PMID 22500011 DOI: 10.1192/Bjp.Bp.111.101543  0.44
2012 Akesson B, Smyth JM, Mandell DJ, Doan T, Donina K, Hoven CW. Parental involvement with the criminal justice system and the effects on their children: a collaborative model for researching vulnerable families. Social Work in Public Health. 27: 148-64. PMID 22239383 DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2012.629898  0.357
2012 Iosue M, Carli V, D’Aulerio M, Basilico F, Domenico AD, Recchia L, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. P-1426 - Depression and suicidal ideation among italian adolescents. Preliminary results from the SEYLE project European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)75593-1  0.465
2012 D’Aulerio M, Carli V, Iosue M, Basilico F, Domenico AD, Recchia L, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. P-1416 - Awareness method in truancy prevention programs: WE-STAY project European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)75583-9  0.446
2012 Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Wasserman D. P-1413 - Working in Europe to stop truancy among youths (WE-STAY) project European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)75580-3  0.42
2012 Balazs J, Miklósi M, Keresztény Á, Apter A, Bobes J, Brunner R, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Haring C, Kahn J, Postuvan V, Resch F, Varnik A, Sarchiapone M, Hoven C, et al. P-259 - Prevalence of adolescent depression in Europe European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)74426-7  0.394
2012 Alman LG, Guffanti G, Fan B, Duarte C, Wu P, Musa G, Cohen P, Poli M, Hoven C. O-15 - Latent class analysis of ptsd symptoms among 6,733 New York City students exposed to 9/11 European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)74115-9  0.376
2012 Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. AS24-02 - Prevalence of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles in european adolescents European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)74021-X  0.469
2012 Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Carli V, Hoven C, Wasserman D. AS24-01 - Suicide and affective disorders in adolescents, preliminary results from the seyle project European Psychiatry. 27: 1. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(12)74020-8  0.48
2012 Levkowitz S, Snir A, Feldman D, Apter A, Carli V, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Wasserman D. Prospective predictors of adolescent suicidal behavior, as viewed through the interpersonal theory of suicide Neuropsychiatrie De L'Enfance Et De L'Adolescence. 60. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neurenf.2012.04.278  0.411
2011 Duarte CS, Wu P, Cheung A, Mandell DJ, Fan B, Wicks J, Musa GJ, Hoven CW. Media use by children and adolescents from New York City 6 months after the WTC attack. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 24: 553-6. PMID 21882251 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.20687  0.342
2011 Lindstrom KM, Mandell DJ, Musa GJ, Britton JC, Sankin LS, Mogg K, Bradley BP, Ernst M, Doan T, Bar-Haim Y, Leibenluft E, Pine DS, Hoven CW. Attention orientation in parents exposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and their children. Psychiatry Research. 187: 261-6. PMID 20970198 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2010.09.005  0.312
2010 Comer JS, Fan B, Duarte CS, Wu P, Musa GJ, Mandell DJ, Albano AM, Hoven CW. Attack-Related life disruption and child psychopathology in New York city public schoolchildren 6-months post-9/11 Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 39: 460-469. PMID 20589558 DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2010.486314  0.418
2010 Paasivirta ME, Duarte CS, Wu P, Bin F, Goodman RF, Brown EJ, Andrews HF, Hoven CW. Factor structure of the Youth Coping In Traumatic Times (YCITT) scale. Psychiatry Research. 179: 357-62. PMID 20537402 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2009.03.018  0.313
2010 Hoven CW, Mandell DJ, Bertolote JM. Prevention of mental ill-health and suicide: public health perspectives. European Psychiatry : the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 25: 252-6. PMID 20452753 DOI: 10.1016/J.Eurpsy.2010.01.011  0.403
2010 Wasserman D, Carli V, Wasserman C, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Bracale R, Brunner R, Bursztein-Lipsicas C, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Durkee T, Feldman D, Gadoros J, Guillemin F, ... ... Hoven CW, et al. Saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE): a randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health. 10: 192. PMID 20388196 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-192  0.448
2010 Wu P, Goodwin RD, Fuller C, Liu X, Comer JS, Cohen P, Hoven CW. The relationship between anxiety disorders and substance use among adolescents in the community: specificity and gender differences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 39: 177-88. PMID 20084563 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-008-9385-5  0.412
2010 Carli V, Wasserman C, Hoven C, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D. W02-02 - Saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE): a European project for mental health promotion among European adolescents European Psychiatry. 25: 139. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(10)70139-5  0.454
2009 Lehti V, Niemela S, Hoven CW, Mandell D, Sourander A. Mental health, substance use and suicidal behaviour among young indigenous people in the Arctic: a systematic review. Social Science & Medicine. 69: 1194-1203. PMID 19700231 DOI: 10.1016/J.Socscimed.2009.07.045  0.431
2009 Hoven CW, Duarte CS, Wu P, Doan T, Singh N, Mandell DJ, Bin F, Teichman Y, Teichman M, Wicks J, Musa G, Cohen P. Parental exposure to mass violence and child mental health: the First Responder and WTC Evacuee Study. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 12: 95-112. PMID 19484384 DOI: 10.1007/S10567-009-0047-2  0.347
2009 Hoven CW, Wasserman D, Wasserman C, Mandell DJ. Awareness in nine countries: a public health approach to suicide prevention. Legal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 11: S13-7. PMID 19282224 DOI: 10.1016/J.Legalmed.2009.01.106  0.453
2009 Duarte CS, Bordin IA, Green GR, Hoven CW. Measuring child exposure to violence and mental health reactions in epidemiological studies: challenges and current issues. CiãªNcia & SaãºDe Coletiva. 14: 487-96. PMID 19197423 DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232009000200017  0.397
2008 Wu P, Hoven CW, Liu X, Fuller CJ, Fan B, Musa G, Wicks J, Mandell D, Cook JA. The relationship between depressive symptom levels and subsequent increases in substance use among youth with severe emotional disturbance. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 69: 520-7. PMID 18612567 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2008.69.520  0.349
2008 Hoven CW, Doan T, Musa GJ, Jaliashvili T, Duarte CS, Ovuga E, Ismayilov F, Rohde LA, Dmitrieva T, Du Y, Yeghiyan M, Din AS, Apter A, Mandell DJ. Worldwide child and adolescent mental health begins with awareness: a preliminary assessment in nine countries. International Review of Psychiatry (Abingdon, England). 20: 261-70. PMID 18569178 DOI: 10.1080/09540260801995950  0.43
2008 Wu P, Hoven CW, Okezie N, Fuller CJ, Cohen P. Alcohol Abuse and Depression in Children and Adolescents Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. 17: 51-69. DOI: 10.1300/J029V17N02_04  0.371
2006 Bird HR, Canino GJ, Davies M, Duarte CS, Febo V, Ramírez R, Hoven C, Wicks J, Musa G, Loeber R. A study of disruptive behavior disorders in Puerto Rican youth: I. Background, design, and survey methods. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 45: 1032-1041. PMID 16926610 DOI: 10.1097/01.Chi.0000227878.58027.3D  0.364
2006 Duarte CS, Hoven CW, Wu P, Bin F, Cotel S, Mandell DJ, Nagasawa M, Balaban V, Wernikoff L, Markenson D. Posttraumatic stress in children with first responders in their families. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 19: 301-6. PMID 16612825 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.20120  0.355
2006 Wu P, Duarte CS, Mandell DJ, Fan B, Liu X, Fuller CJ, Musa G, Cohen M, Cohen P, Hoven CW. Exposure to the World Trade Center attack and the use of cigarettes and alcohol among New York City public high-school students. American Journal of Public Health. 96: 804-7. PMID 16571705 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2004.058925  0.322
2005 Goodwin RD, Messineo K, Bregante A, Hoven CW, Kairam R. Prevalence of probable mental disorders among pediatric asthma patients in an inner-city clinic. The Journal of Asthma : Official Journal of the Association For the Care of Asthma. 42: 643-7. PMID 16266954 DOI: 10.1080/02770900500264770  0.313
2005 Hoven CW, Duarte CS, Lucas CP, Wu P, Mandell DJ, Goodwin RD, Cohen M, Balaban V, Woodruff BA, Bin F, Musa GJ, Mei L, Cantor PA, Aber JL, Cohen P, et al. Psychopathology among New York city public school children 6 months after September 11. Archives of General Psychiatry. 62: 545-52. PMID 15867108 DOI: 10.1001/Archpsyc.62.5.545  0.4
2004 Cook JA, Burke-Miller J, Fitzgibbon G, Grey DD, Heflinger CA, Paulson RI, Stein-Seroussi A, Kelleher KJ, Hoven CW, Mulkern V. Effects of alcohol and drug use on inpatient and residential treatment among youth with severe emotional disturbance in Medicaid-funded behavioral health care plans. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 36: 463-71. PMID 15751484 DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2004.10524429  0.307
2004 Cook JA, Heflinger CA, Hoven CW, Kelleher KJ, Mulkern V, Paulson RI, Stein-Seroussi A, Fitzgibbon G, Burke-Miller J, Williams M, Kim JB. A multi-site study of Medicaid-funded managed care versus fee-for-service plans' effects on mental health service utilization of children with severe emotional disturbance. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 31: 384-402. PMID 15602140 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02287691  0.34
2004 Wu P, Hoven CW, Liu X, Cohen P, Fuller CJ, Shaffer D. Substance use, suicidal ideation and attempts in children and adolescents. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 34: 408-20. PMID 15585462 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.34.4.408.53733  0.463
2004 Hoven CW, Duarte CS, Wu P, Erickson EA, Musa GJ, Mandell DJ. Exposure to Trauma and Separation Anxiety in Children After the WTC attack Applied Developmental Science. 8: 172-183. DOI: 10.1207/S1532480Xads0804_1  0.343
2003 Duarte C, Hoven C, Berganza C, Bordin I, Bird H, Miranda CT. Child mental health in Latin America: Present and future epidemiologic research International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 33: 203-222. PMID 15089004 DOI: 10.2190/4Wjb-Bw16-2Tge-565W  0.468
2003 Goodwin RD, Kroenke K, Hoven CW, Spitzer RL. Major depression, physical illness, and suicidal ideation in primary care Psychosomatic Medicine. 65: 501-505. PMID 12883095 DOI: 10.1097/01.Psy.0000041544.14277.Ec  0.357
2003 Goodwin RD, Hoven CW, Murison R, Hotopf M. Association between childhood physical abuse and gastrointestinal disorders and migraine in adulthood. American Journal of Public Health. 93: 1065-7. PMID 12835180 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.93.7.1065  0.379
2003 Wu P, Hoven CW, Fuller CJ. Factors associated with adolescents receiving drug treatment: findings from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 30: 190-201. PMID 12710372 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02289807  0.378
2003 Goodwin RD, Marusic A, Hoven CW. Suicide attempts in the United States: the role of physical illness. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 56: 1783-8. PMID 12639594 DOI: 10.1016/S0277-9536(02)00174-0  0.415
2003 Gordon RA, Savage C, Lahey BB, Goodman SH, Jensen PS, Rubio-Stipec M, Hoven CW. Family and neighborhood income: Additive and multiplicative associations with youths' well-being Social Science Research. 32: 191-219. DOI: 10.1016/S0049-089X(02)00047-9  0.313
2002 Goodwin RD, Hoven CW, Lyons JS, Stein MB. Mental health service utilization in the United States. The role of personality factors. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 37: 561-6. PMID 12545232 DOI: 10.1007/S00127-002-0563-6  0.394
2002 Goodwin RD, Marusic A, Hoven CW. Diabetes and suicidal ideation among youth in the community. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 156: 841. PMID 12144378 DOI: 10.1001/Archpedi.156.8.841  0.308
2002 Wu P, Hoven CW, Tiet Q, Kovalenko P, Wicks J. Factors associated with adolescent utilization of alcohol treatment services. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 28: 353-69. PMID 12014820 DOI: 10.1081/Ada-120002978  0.353
2002 Coplan JD, Moreau D, Chaput F, Martinez JM, Hoven CW, Mandell DJ, Gorman JM, Pine DS. Salivary cortisol concentrations before and after carbon-dioxide inhalations in children. Biological Psychiatry. 51: 326-33. PMID 11958784 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(01)01250-1  0.328
2001 Kovalenko PA, Hoven CW, Wu P, Wicks J, Mandell DJ, Tiet Q. Association between allergy and anxiety disorders in youth. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 35: 815-21. PMID 11990892 DOI: 10.1046/J.1440-1614.2001.00961.X  0.4
2001 Tiet QQ, Bird HR, Hoven CW, Moore R, Wu P, Wicks J, Jensen PS, Goodman S, Cohen P. Relationship between specific adverse life events and psychiatric disorders Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 29: 153-164. PMID 11321630 DOI: 10.1023/A:1005288130494  0.343
2001 Wu P, Hoven CW, Cohen P, Liu X, Moore RE, Tiet Q, Okezie N, Wicks J, Bird HR. Factors associated with use of mental health services for depression by children and adolescents. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 52: 189-95. PMID 11157117 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ps.52.2.189  0.435
2001 Tiet QQ, Bird HR, Hoven CW, Wu P, Moore R, Davies M. Resilience in the Face of Maternal Psychopathology and Adverse Life Events Journal of Child and Family Studies. 10: 347-365. DOI: 10.1023/A:1012528910206  0.31
2000 Pine DS, Klein RG, Coplan JD, Papp LA, Hoven CW, Martinez J, Kovalenko P, Mandell DJ, Moreau D, Klein DF, Gorman JM. Differential carbon dioxide sensitivity in childhood anxiety disorders and nonill comparison group. Archives of General Psychiatry. 57: 960-7. PMID 11015814 DOI: 10.1001/Archpsyc.57.10.960  0.313
2000 Bird HR, Davies M, Fisher P, Narrow WE, Jensen PS, Hoven C, Cohen P, Dulcan MK. How specific is specific impairment Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39: 1182-1189. PMID 10986816 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-200009000-00019  0.304
2000 Feldman MJ, Bird HR, Hoven C, Moore RE, Bin F. Sexual attitudes and associated psychiatric features among youths in a community sample. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39: 1047-54. PMID 10939234 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-200008000-00021  0.432
2000 Flisher AJ, Kramer RA, Hoven CW, King RA, Bird HR, Davies M, Gould MS, Greenwald S, Lahey BB, Regier DA, Schwab-Stone M, Shaffer D. Risk behavior in a community sample of children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39: 881-7. PMID 10892230 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-200007000-00017  0.395
2000 Kovalenko PA, Hoven CW, Wicks J, Moore RE, Mandell DJ, Liu H. Seasonal variations in internalizing, externalizing, and substance use disorders in youth. Psychiatry Research. 94: 103-19. PMID 10808036 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-1781(00)00140-2  0.377
1999 Wu P, Hoven CW, Bird HR, Moore RE, Cohen P, Alegria M, Dulcan MK, Goodman SH, Horwitz SM, Lichtman JH, Narrow WE, Rae DS, Regier DA, Roper MT. Depressive and disruptive disorders and mental health service utilization in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 38: 1081-90; discussion . PMID 10504806 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-199909000-00010  0.453
1999 Jensen PS, Kettle L, Roper MT, Sloan MT, Dulcan MK, Hoven C, Bird HR, Bauermeister JJ, Payne JD. Are stimulants overprescribed? Treatment of ADHD in four U.S. communities Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 38: 797-804. PMID 10405496 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-199907000-00008  0.342
1998 Glied S, Bowen Garrett A, Hoven C, Rubio-Stipec M, Regier D, Moore RE, Goodman S, Wu P, Bird H. Child outpatient mental health service use: why doesn't insurance matter? The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 1: 173-187. PMID 11967395 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-176X(199812)1:4<173::Aid-Mhp23>3.0.Co;2-7  0.353
1998 Narrow WE, Regier DA, Goodman SH, Rae DS, Roper MT, Bourdon KH, Hoven C, Moore R. A comparison of federal definitions of severe mental illness among children and adolescents in four communities. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 49: 1601-8. PMID 9856624 DOI: 10.1176/Ps.49.12.1601  0.44
1998 Tiet QQ, Bird HR, Davies M, Hoven C, Cohen P, Jensen PS, Goodman S. Adverse life events and resilience Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 37: 1191-1200. PMID 9808931 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-199811000-00020  0.333
1998 Goodman SH, Hoven CW, Narrow WE, Cohen P, Fielding B, Alegria M, Leaf PJ, Kandel D, Horwitz SM, Bravo M, Moore R, Dulcan MK. Measurement of risk for mental disorders and competence in a psychiatric epidemiologic community survey: the National Institute of Mental Health Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (MECA) Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 33: 162-73. PMID 9567666 DOI: 10.1007/S001270050039  0.47
1998 Weissman MM, Broadhead WE, Olfson M, Sheehan DV, Hoven C, Conolly P, Fireman BH, Farber L, Blacklow RS, Higgins ES, Leon AC. A diagnostic aid for detecting (DSM-IV) mental disorders in primary care. General Hospital Psychiatry. 20: 1-11. PMID 9506249 DOI: 10.1016/S0163-8343(97)00122-9  0.324
1997 Olfson M, Fireman B, Weissman MM, Leon AC, Sheehan DV, Kathol RG, Hoven C, Farber L. Mental disorders and disability among patients in a primary care group practice. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 154: 1734-40. PMID 9396954 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.154.12.1734  0.324
1997 Flisher AJ, Kramer RA, Grosser RC, Alegria M, Bird HR, Bourdon KH, Goodman SH, Greenwald S, Horwitz SM, Moore RE, Narrow WE, Hoven CW. Correlates of unmet need for mental health services by children and adolescents. Psychological Medicine. 27: 1145-54. PMID 9300518 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291797005412  0.452
1997 Glied S, Hoven CW, Moore RE, Garrett AB, Regier DA. Children's access to mental health care: does insurance matter? Health Affairs (Project Hope). 16: 167-74. PMID 9018954 DOI: 10.1377/Hlthaff.16.1.167  0.426
1997 Flisher AJ, Kramer RA, Hoven CW, Greenwald S, Alegria M, Bird HR, Canino G, Connell R, Moore RE. Psychosocial characteristics of physically abused children and adolescents Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 36: 123-131. PMID 9000790 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-199701000-00026  0.459
1997 Glied S, Hoven CW, Bowen Garrett A, Moore RE, Leaf P, Bird HR, Goodman S, Regier D, Alegria M. Measuring child mental health status for services research Journal of Child and Family Studies. 6: 177-190. DOI: 10.1023/A:1025098607720  0.397
1997 Bird HR, Andrews H, Schwab-Stone M, Goodman S, Dulcan M, Richters J, Rubio-Stipec M, Moore RE, Chiang POH, Hoven C, Canino G, Fisher P, Gould MS. Global measures of impairment for epidemiologic and clinical use with children and adolescents International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 6: 295-307. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1234-988X(199612)6:4<295::Aid-Mpr173>3.3.Co;2-5  0.361
1996 Leaf PJ, Alegria M, Cohen P, Goodman SH, Horwitz SM, Hoven CW, Narrow WE, Vaden-Kiernan M, Regier DA. Mental health service use in the community and schools: results from the four-community MECA Study. Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 35: 889-97. PMID 8768348 DOI: 10.1097/00004583-199607000-00014  0.458
1995 Lish JD, Weissman MM, Adams PB, Hoven CW, Bird H. Family psychiatric screening instruments for epidemiologic studies: pilot testing and validation. Psychiatry Research. 57: 169-80. PMID 7480383 DOI: 10.1016/0165-1781(95)02632-7  0.352
1995 Lorenz G, Hoven C, Andrews HF, Bird H. Marital discord and psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents Journal of Child and Family Studies. 4: 341-358. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02233967  0.374
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