Matthew Kimble - Publications

1991-1993 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 

7 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2000 Kimble M, Lyons M, O'Donnell B, Nestor P, Niznikiewicz M, Toomey R. The effect of family status and schizotypy on electrophysiologic measures of attention and semantic processing. Biological Psychiatry. 47: 402-12. PMID 10704952 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(99)00184-5  0.326
1997 Nestor PG, Kimble MO, O'Donnell BF, Smith L, Niznikiewicz M, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Aberrant semantic activation in schizophrenia: a neurophysiological study. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 154: 640-6. PMID 9137119 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.154.5.640  0.442
1995 O'Donnell BF, Faux SF, McCarley RW, Kimble MO, Salisbury DF, Nestor PG, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, Shenton ME. Increased rate of P300 latency prolongation with age in schizophrenia. Electrophysiological evidence for a neurodegenerative process. Archives of General Psychiatry. 52: 544-9. PMID 7598630 DOI: 10.1001/Archpsyc.1995.03950190026004  0.476
1994 Nestor P, Shenton M, Wible C, Kimble M, Smith L, Kikinis R, McCarley R. Neuropsychological correlates of MRI measures in schizophrenia Biological Psychiatry. 35: 722. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(94)91040-5  0.486
1994 O'Donnell B, Shenton M, McCarley R, Faux S, Kimble M, Salisbury D, Kikinis R, Jolesz F. MRI and ERP evidence for a neurodegenerative course in schizophrenia Biological Psychiatry. 35: 704. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(94)90979-2  0.499
1994 O'Donnell B, van der Pahlen M, Niznikiewicz M, Kimble M, Sridhar S, McCarley R. Abnormalities of sentence production in schizophrenia Biological Psychiatry. 35: 634. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(94)90727-7  0.338
1993 Nestor PG, Shenton ME, McCarley RW, Haimson J, Smith RS, O'Donnell B, Kimble M, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA. Neuropsychological correlates of MRI temporal lobe abnormalities in schizophrenia. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 150: 1849-55. PMID 8238641 DOI: 10.1176/ajp.150.12.1849  0.424
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