Ganna Balagura - Publications

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Neurogenetics, Epilepsy

14 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Baginska U, Balagura G, Toonen RF, Verhage M. High-throughput assay for regulated secretion of neuropeptides in mouse and human neurons. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107321. PMID 38677517 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107321  0.402
2024 Iacomino M, Houerbi N, Fortuna S, Howe J, Li S, Scorrano G, Riva A, Cheng KW, Steiman M, Peltekova I, Yusuf A, Baldassari S, Tamburro S, Scudieri P, Musante I, ... ... Balagura G, et al. Allelic heterogeneity and abnormal vesicle recycling in -related neurodevelopmental disorders. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 17: 1268013. PMID 38650658 DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2024.1268013  0.301
2022 Stamberger H, Crosiers D, Balagura G, Bonardi CM, Basu A, Cantalupo G, Chiesa V, Christensen J, Dalla Bernardina B, Ellis CA, Furia F, Gardiner F, Giron C, Guerrini R, Klein KM, et al. Natural History Study of STXBP1-Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy Into Adulthood. Neurology. 99: e221-e233. PMID 35851549 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000200715  0.365
2022 Balagura G, Xian J, Riva A, Marchese F, Ben Zeev B, Rios L, Sirsi D, Accorsi P, Amadori E, Astrea G, Baldassari S, Beccaria F, Boni A, Budetta M, Cantalupo G, et al. Epilepsy Course and Developmental Trajectories in -DEE. Neurology. Genetics. 8: e676. PMID 35655584 DOI: 10.1212/NXG.0000000000000676  0.451
2022 Scala M, Drouot N, MacLennan SC, Wessels MW, Krygier M, Pavinato L, Telegrafi A, de Man SA, van Slegtenhorst M, Iacomino M, Madia F, Scudieri P, Uva P, Giacomini T, Nobile G, ... ... Balagura G, et al. De novo truncating NOVA2 variants affect alternative splicing and lead to heterogeneous neurodevelopmental phenotypes. Human Mutation. PMID 35607920 DOI: 10.1002/humu.24414  0.337
2022 Accogli A, Lu S, Musante I, Scudieri P, Rosenfeld JA, Severino M, Baldassari S, Iacomino M, Riva A, Balagura G, Piccolo G, Minetti C, Roberto D, Xia F, Razak R, et al. Loss of Neuron Navigator 2 Impairs Brain and Cerebellar Development. Cerebellum (London, England). PMID 35218524 DOI: 10.1007/s12311-022-01379-3  0.339
2021 Xian J, Parthasarathy S, Ruggiero SM, Balagura G, Fitch E, Helbig K, Gan J, Ganesan S, Kaufman MC, Ellis CA, Lewis-Smith D, Galer P, Cunningham K, O'Brien M, Cosico M, et al. Assessing the landscape of STXBP1-related disorders in 534 individuals. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 35190816 DOI: 10.1093/brain/awab327  0.478
2021 Houtman SJ, Lammertse HCA, van Berkel AA, Balagura G, Gardella E, Ramautar JR, Reale C, Møller RS, Zara F, Striano P, Misra-Isrie M, van Haelst MM, Engelen M, van Zuijen TL, Mansvelder HD, et al. Syndrome Is Characterized by Inhibition-Dominated Dynamics of Resting-State EEG. Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 775172. PMID 35002760 DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.775172  0.461
2021 Riva A, Golda A, Balagura G, Amadori E, Vari MS, Piccolo G, Iacomino M, Lattanzi S, Salpietro V, Minetti C, Striano P. New Trends and Most Promising Therapeutic Strategies for Epilepsy Treatment. Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 753753. PMID 34950099 DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.753753  0.308
2021 Lewis-Smith D, Galer PD, Balagura G, Kearney H, Ganesan S, Cosico M, O'Brien M, Vaidiswaran P, Krause R, Ellis CA, Thomas RH, Robinson PN, Helbig I. Modeling seizures in the Human Phenotype Ontology according to contemporary ILAE concepts makes big phenotypic data tractable. Epilepsia. PMID 33949685 DOI: 10.1111/epi.16908  0.3
2021 Riva A, Coppola A, Balagura G, Scala M, Iacomino M, Marchese F, Amadori E, Lattanzi S, Meo R, Striano S, Salpietro V, Zara F, Minetti C, Striano P, Bilo L. Temporal-parietal-occipital epilepsy in GEFS+ associated with SCN1A mutation. Epileptic Disorders : International Epilepsy Journal With Videotape. 23: 397-401. PMID 33851920 DOI: 10.1684/epd.2021.1266  0.345
2020 Balagura G, Cacciatore M, Grasso EA, Striano P, Verrotti A. Fenfluramine for the Treatment of Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Cns Drugs. 34: 1001-1007. PMID 32875491 DOI: 10.1007/s40263-020-00755-z  0.3
2020 Balagura G, Riva A, Marchese F, Iacomino M, Madia F, Giacomini T, Mancardi MM, Amadori E, Vari MS, Salpietro V, Russo A, Messana T, Vignoli A, Chiesa V, Giordano L, et al. Clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations in PRRT2 Italian patients. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology : Ejpn : Official Journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society. PMID 32651081 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ejpn.2020.06.005  0.437
2018 Brigo F, Striano P, Balagura G, Belcastro V. Emerging drugs for the treatment of Dravet syndrome. Expert Opinion On Emerging Drugs. 23: 261-269. PMID 30482063 DOI: 10.1080/14728214.2018.1552937  0.314
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