Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal - Publications

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 

21 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Pando-Naude V, Matthews TE, Højlund A, Jakobsen S, Østergaard K, Johnsen E, Garza-Villarreal EA, Witek MAG, Penhune V, Vuust P. Dopamine dysregulation in Parkinson's disease flattens the pleasurable urge to move to musical rhythms. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 37724707 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16128  0.498
2023 Mercadillo RE, Garza-Villarreal EA. Case Report: "" A patient's experience with music-induced analgesia for chronic pain. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1141829. PMID 37187565 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1141829  0.325
2023 Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Anckaerts C, Angeles-Valdez D, Ayad F, Barrière DA, Blockx I, Bortel A, Broadwater M, Cardoso BM, Célestine M, Chavez-Negrete JE, Choi S, Christiaen E, Clavijo P, ... ... Garza-Villarreal EA, et al. Author Correction: A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 37072562 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01328-1  0.603
2023 Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Anckaerts C, Angeles-Valdez D, Ayad F, Barrière DA, Blockx I, Bortel A, Broadwater M, Cardoso BM, Célestine M, Chavez-Negrete JE, Choi S, Christiaen E, Clavijo P, ... ... Garza-Villarreal EA, et al. A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 36973511 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01286-8  0.599
2022 Cruz-Carrillo G, Trujillo-Villarreal LA, Ángeles-Valdez D, Concha L, Garza-Villarreal EA, Camacho-Morales A. Prenatal Cafeteria Diet Primes Anxiety-like Behavior Associated to Defects in Volume and Diffusion in the Fimbria-fornix of Mice Offspring. Neuroscience. 511: 70-85. PMID 36592924 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.12.021  0.547
2022 Domínguez-Arriola ME, Olalde-Mathieu VE, Garza-Villarreal EA, Barrios FA. The Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Presents Structural Variations Associated with Empathy and Emotion Regulation in Psychotherapists. Brain Topography. PMID 35988094 DOI: 10.1007/s10548-022-00910-3  0.612
2022 Lunde SJ, Vuust P, Garza-Villarreal EA, Kirsch I, Møller A, Vase L. Music-Induced Analgesia in Healthy Participants Is Associated With Expected Pain Levels but Not Opioid or Dopamine-Dependent Mechanisms. Frontiers in Pain Research (Lausanne, Switzerland). 3: 734999. PMID 35445208 DOI: 10.3389/fpain.2022.734999  0.587
2021 Lazcano I, Cisneros-Mejorado A, Concha L, Ortiz-Retana JJ, Garza-Villarreal EA, Orozco A. MRI- and histologically derived neuroanatomical atlas of the Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl). Scientific Reports. 11: 9850. PMID 33972650 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89357-3  0.567
2021 Møller C, Garza-Villarreal EA, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Bærentsen KB, Chakravarty MM, Vuust P. Audiovisual structural connectivity in musicians and non-musicians: a cortical thickness and diffusion tensor imaging study. Scientific Reports. 11: 4324. PMID 33619288 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83135-x  0.558
2021 Garza-Villarreal EA, Alcala-Lozano R, Fernandez-Lozano S, Morelos-Santana E, Dávalos A, Villicaña V, Alcauter S, Castellanos FX, Gonzalez-Olvera JJ. Clinical and functional connectivity outcomes of 5-Hz repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation as an add-on treatment in cocaine use disorder: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. PMID 33508499 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.01.003  0.564
2021 Pando-Naude V, Toxto S, Fernandez-Lozano S, Parsons CE, Alcauter S, Garza-Villarreal EA. Gray and white matter morphology in substance use disorders: a neuroimaging systematic review and meta-analysis. Translational Psychiatry. 11: 29. PMID 33431833 DOI: 10.1038/s41398-020-01128-2  0.629
2020 Garcia-Saldivar P, Garimella A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Mendez FA, Concha L, Merchant H. PREEMACS: Pipeline for Preprocessing and Extraction of the Macaque Brain Surface. Neuroimage. 117671. PMID 33359348 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117671  0.565
2019 Pando-Naude V, Barrios FA, Alcauter S, Pasaye EH, Vase L, Brattico E, Vuust P, Garza-Villarreal EA. Functional connectivity of music-induced analgesia in fibromyalgia. Scientific Reports. 9: 15486. PMID 31664132 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-51990-4  0.729
2019 Lunde SJ, Vuust P, Garza-Villarreal EA, Vase L. Reply to Martin-Saavedra and Saade-Lemus. Pain. 160: 1483-1484. PMID 31107417 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001534  0.437
2019 Lunde SJ, Vuust P, Garza-Villarreal EA, Vase L. Music-induced analgesia: how does music relieve pain? Pain. 160: 989-993. PMID 30507782 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001452  0.587
2018 Haumann NT, Vuust P, Bertelsen F, Garza-Villarreal EA. Influence of Musical Enculturation on Brain Responses to Metric Deviants. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: 218. PMID 29720932 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00218  0.523
2017 Garza-Villarreal EA, Pando V, Vuust P, Parsons C. Music-Induced Analgesia in Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pain Physician. 20: 597-610. PMID 29149141  0.58
2015 Garza-Villarreal EA, Jiang Z, Vuust P, Alcauter S, Vase L, Pasaye EH, Cavazos-Rodriguez R, Brattico E, Jensen TS, Barrios FA. Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1051. PMID 26257695 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2015.01051  0.731
2015 Dohn A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Chakravarty MM, Hansen M, Lerch JP, Vuust P. Gray- and white-matter anatomy of absolute pitch possessors. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 25: 1379-88. PMID 24304583 DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bht334  0.549
2014 Garza-Villarreal EA, Wilson AD, Vase L, Brattico E, Barrios FA, Jensen TS, Romero-Romo JI, Vuust P. Music reduces pain and increases functional mobility in fibromyalgia. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 90. PMID 24575066 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2014.00090  0.705
2012 Dohn A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Heaton P, Vuust P. Do musicians with perfect pitch have more autism traits than musicians without perfect pitch? An empirical study. Plos One. 7: e37961. PMID 22666425 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037961  0.484
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