Rohan H Palmer, PhD - Publications

2012-2016 Psychiatry & Human Behavior Brown University, Alpert Medical School 
 2016- Psychology Emory University, Atlanta, GA 
Behavior Genetics, Substance Addiction, Clinical Psychology

23 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Feurer C, McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Brick LA, Palmer RH, Gibb BE. HPA axis multilocus genetic profile score moderates the impact of interpersonal stress on prospective increases in depressive symptoms for offspring of depressed mothers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126: 1017-1028. PMID 29154563 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000316  0.576
2017 Micalizzi L, Marceau K, Brick LA, Palmer RH, Todorov AA, Heath AC, Evans A, Knopik VS. Inhibitory Control in Siblings Discordant for Exposure to Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy. Developmental Psychology. PMID 29058937 DOI: 10.1037/Dev0000423  0.596
2017 Bidwell LC, Marceau K, Brick LA, Karoly HC, Todorov AA, Palmer RH, Heath AC, Knopik VS. Prenatal Exposure Effects on Early Adolescent Substance Use: Preliminary Evidence From a Genetically Informed Bayesian Approach. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 78: 789-794. PMID 28930067 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2017.78.789  0.594
2017 Marceau K, Cinnamon Bidwell L, Karoly HC, Evans AS, Todorov AA, Palmer RH, Heath AC, Knopik VS. Within-Family Effects of Smoking during Pregnancy on ADHD: the Importance of Phenotype. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. PMID 28664227 DOI: 10.1007/S10802-017-0320-7  0.565
2017 Palmer RH, Beevers CG, McGeary JE, Brick LA, Knopik VS. A Preliminary Study of Genetic Variation in the Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Systems and Genome-wide Additive Genetic Effects on Depression Severity and Treatment Response. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 5: 158-165. PMID 28316879 DOI: 10.1177/2167702616651075  0.556
2016 Palmer RH, Nugent NR, Brick LA, Bidwell CL, McGeary JE, Keller MC, Knopik VS. Evidence of Shared Genome-Wide Additive Genetic Effects on Interpersonal Trauma Exposure and Generalized Vulnerability to Drug Dependence in a Population of Substance Users. Journal of Traumatic Stress. PMID 27214850 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.22103  0.591
2016 Pearson R, Palmer RH, Brick LA, McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Beevers CG. Additive genetic contribution to symptom dimensions in major depressive disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 125: 495-501. PMID 27124715 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000161  0.558
2016 Bidwell LC, Palmer RH, Brick L, Madden PA, Heath AC, Knopik VS. A Propensity Scoring Approach to Characterizing the Effects of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring's Initial Responses to Cigarettes and Alcohol. Behavior Genetics. PMID 27098899 DOI: 10.1007/S10519-016-9791-5  0.706
2016 Kudinova AY, Deak T, Hueston CM, McGeary J, Knopik VS, Palmer RH, Gibb BE. Cross-Species Evidence for the Role of Interleukin-33 in Depression Risk. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. PMID 27054346 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000158  0.505
2016 Palmer RH, Bidwell LC, Heath AC, Brick LA, Madden PA, Knopik VS. Effects of Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy on Offspring Externalizing Problems: Contextual Effects in a Sample of Female Twins. Behavior Genetics. PMID 26826031 DOI: 10.1007/S10519-016-9779-1  0.623
2016 Marceau K, Palmer RH, Neiderhiser JM, Smith TF, McGeary JE, Knopik VS. Passive rGE or Developmental Gene-Environment Cascade? An Investigation of the Role of Xenobiotic Metabolism Genes in the Association Between Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy and Child Birth Weight. Behavior Genetics. PMID 26803317 DOI: 10.1007/S10519-016-9778-2  0.614
2016 Knopik VS, Marceau K, Bidwell LC, Palmer RH, Smith TF, Todorov A, Evans AS, Heath AC. Smoking during pregnancy and ADHD risk: A genetically informed, multiple-rater approach. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. PMID 26799787 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32421  0.599
2015 Knopik VS, Marceau K, Palmer RH, Smith TF, Heath AC. Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Birth Weight: A Genetically-Informed Approach Comparing Multiple Raters. Behavior Genetics. PMID 26494459 DOI: 10.1007/S10519-015-9750-6  0.618
2015 Knopik VS, Heath AC, Marceau K, Palmer RH, McGeary JE, Todorov A, Evans AS. Missouri Mothers and Their Children: A Family Study of the Effects of Genetics and the Prenatal Environment. Twin Research and Human Genetics : the Official Journal of the International Society For Twin Studies. 1-12. PMID 26220592 DOI: 10.1017/Thg.2015.46  0.625
2015 Palmer RH, McGeary JE, Heath AC, Keller MC, Brick LA, Knopik VS. Shared Additive Genetic Influences on DSM-IV Criteria for Alcohol Dependence in Subjects of European Ancestry. Addiction (Abingdon, England). PMID 26211938 DOI: 10.1111/Add.13070  0.594
2015 Owens M, Harrison AJ, Burkhouse KL, McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Palmer RH, Gibb BE. Eye tracking indices of attentional bias in children of depressed mothers: Polygenic influences help to clarify previous mixed findings. Development and Psychopathology. 1-13. PMID 26030911 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579415000462  0.559
2015 Woody ML, Kudinova AY, McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Palmer RH, Gibb BE. Influence of maternal depression on children's brooding rumination: Moderation by CRHR1 TAT haplotype. Cognition & Emotion. 1-13. PMID 25648046 DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2014.998631  0.544
2015 Palmer RH, Brick L, Nugent NR, Bidwell LC, McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Keller MC. Examining the role of common genetic variants on alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and illicit drug dependence: genetics of vulnerability to drug dependence. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 110: 530-7. PMID 25424661 DOI: 10.1111/Add.12815  0.704
2013 Stone LB, McGeary JE, Palmer RH, Gibb BE. Identifying genetic predictors of depression risk: 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms are associated with rumination and co-rumination in adolescents. Frontiers in Genetics. 4: 246. PMID 24312122 DOI: 10.3389/Fgene.2013.00246  0.338
2013 Bidwell LC, Metrik J, McGeary J, Palmer RH, Francazio S, Knopik VS. Impulsivity, variation in the cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) genes, and marijuana-related problems. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 74: 867-78. PMID 24172113 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2013.74.867  0.553
2013 Palmer RH, Knopik VS, Rhee SH, Hopfer CJ, Corley RC, Young SE, Stallings MC, Hewitt JK. Prospective effects of adolescent indicators of behavioral disinhibition on DSM-IV alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug dependence in young adulthood. Addictive Behaviors. 38: 2415-21. PMID 23685327 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2013.03.021  0.644
2012 McGeary JE, Knopik VS, Hayes JE, Palmer RH, Monti PM, Kalman D. Predictors of relapse in a bupropion trial for smoking cessation in recently-abstinent alcoholics: preliminary results using an aggregate genetic risk score. Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment. 6: 107-14. PMID 23032639 DOI: 10.4137/Sart.S8866  0.62
2012 Palmer RH, Button TM, Rhee SH, Corley RP, Young SE, Stallings MC, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK. Genetic etiology of the common liability to drug dependence: evidence of common and specific mechanisms for DSM-IV dependence symptoms. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 123: S24-32. PMID 22243758 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2011.12.015  0.597
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