Thomas J. Balkin, Ph.D. - Publications

Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD, United States 

154 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Balkin TJ, Simonelli G, Riedy S. Negative health outcomes in long sleepers: The societal sleep restriction hypothesis. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 77: 101968. PMID 38936221 DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2024.101968  0.705
2024 Thomas CL, Carr K, Yang F, Fleisher S, Um P, Clemens B, McNutt R, Balkin T, Collen JF. From trenches to technology: a narrative review of sleep medicine in the military. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. PMID 38420974 DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.11088  0.645
2022 Chaisilprungraung T, Stekl EK, Thomas CL, Blanchard ME, Hughes JD, Balkin TJ, Doty TJ. Quantifying the effects of sleep loss: relative effect sizes of the psychomotor vigilance test, multiple sleep latency test, and maintenance of wakefulness test. Sleep Advances : a Journal of the Sleep Research Society. 3: zpac034. PMID 37193402 DOI: 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpac034  0.846
2022 Picchioni D, Schmidt KC, Loutaev I, Pavletic AJ, Sheeler C, Bishu S, Balkin TJ, Smith CB. Increased rates of brain protein synthesis during [N1,N2] sleep: L-[1-C]leucine PET studies in human subjects. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 271678X221121873. PMID 36071616 DOI: 10.1177/0271678X221121873  0.588
2022 Swift KM, Thomas CL, Balkin TJ, Lowery-Gionta EG, Matson LM. Acute sleep interventions as an avenue for treatment of trauma-associated disorders. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. PMID 35678060 DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.10074  0.607
2022 Reifman J, Kumar K, Hartman L, Frock A, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Ramakrishnan S, Vital-Lopez FG. 2B-Alert Web 2.0, an Open-Access Tool for Predicting Alertness and Optimizing the Benefits of Caffeine: Utility Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24: e29595. PMID 35084336 DOI: 10.2196/29595  0.824
2020 Vital-Lopez FG, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Models for Predicting Sleep Latency and Sleep Duration. Sleep. PMID 33249507 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa263  0.707
2020 Skeiky L, Brager AJ, Satterfield BC, Petrovick M, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Ratcliffe RH, Van Dongen HPA, Hansen DA. G308A genotype, resilience to sleep deprivation, and the effect of caffeine on psychomotor vigilance performance in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Chronobiology International. 1-4. PMID 32933332 DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1821044  0.556
2020 Alger SE, Brager AJ, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G. Effect of cognitive load and emotional valence of distractors on performance during sleep extension and subsequent sleep deprivation. Sleep. PMID 32016401 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsaa013  0.722
2020 Mantua J, Brager AJ, Alger SE, Adewle F, Skeiky L, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G. Self-Reported Sleep Need, Subjective Resilience, and Cognitive Performance Following Sleep Loss and Recovery Sleep. Psychological Reports. 33294119899896. PMID 32000581 DOI: 10.1177/0033294119899896  0.756
2020 Demiral SB, Doty TJ, Ratcliffe RH, Hughes JD, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF. 0290 Caffeine Efficacy Varies as a Function of Individual Vulnerability to Sleep Restriction Sleep. 43. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsaa056.287  0.849
2020 Skeiky L, Hansen DA, Satterfield BC, Petrovick M, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Ratcliffe RH, Brager AJ, Van Dongen H. 0274 Associations of TNFα Gene Polymorphism with Resilience to Sleep Deprivation and Caffeine Sensitivity Sleep. 43: A104-A104. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsaa056.272  0.68
2020 Vital-Lopez F, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. 0034 When Should You Sleep to Maximize Alertness Sleep. 43. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsaa056.033  0.871
2019 Pichard LE, Simonelli G, Schwartz L, Balkin TJ, Hursh S. Precision Medicine for Sleep Loss and Fatigue Management. Sleep Medicine Clinics. 14: 399-406. PMID 31375208 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsmc.2019.05.006  0.755
2019 Devine JK, Burke TM, Skeiky L, Choynowski JJ, Quartana PJ, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Brager AJ, Simonelli G. Objective changes in activity levels following sleep extension as measured by wrist actigraphy. Sleep Medicine. PMID 31213393 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2019.04.003  0.722
2019 Ritland BM, Simonelli G, Gentili RJ, Smith JC, He X, Oh H, Balkin TJ, Hatfield BD. Sleep health and its association with performance and motivation in tactical athletes enrolled in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Sleep Health. 5: 309-314. PMID 31208712 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleh.2019.01.004  0.673
2019 Mantua J, Skeiky L, Prindle N, Trach S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Brager AJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G. Sleep extension reduces fatigue in healthy, normally-sleeping young adults. Sleep Science (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 12: 21-27. PMID 31105891 DOI: 10.5935/1984-0063.20190056  0.857
2019 Ritland BM, Simonelli G, Gentili RJ, Smith JC, He X, Mantua J, Balkin TJ, Hatfield BD. Effects of sleep extension on cognitive/motor performance and motivation in military tactical athletes. Sleep Medicine. 58: 48-55. PMID 31096123 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2019.03.013  0.713
2019 Ritland B, Simonelli G, Gentili R, Smith CJ, He X, Mantua J, Balkin T, Hatfield B. Immediate and Residual Effects of Sleep Extension on Performance and Motivation in Tactical Athletes Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 51: 751. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000562737.52323.19  0.745
2019 Kumar K, Vital-Lopez F, Ramakrishnan S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. 0324 2B-Alert Web 2.0: An Open-access Tool to Determine Caffeine Doses That Optimize Alertness Sleep. 42: A132-A133. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsz067.323  0.635
2019 Vital-Lopez F, Ramakrishnan S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. 0206 Personalized Caffeine Recommendations To Maintain Alertness: You And I Need Different Doses Sleep. 42: A84-A85. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsz067.205  0.635
2019 Alger SE, Brager AJ, Andrews M, Prindle NE, Ratcliffe RH, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G, Doty TJ. 0182 The Role of Sleep Extension and Deprivation in Processing Threat-Related Information Sleep. 42: A74-A75. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsz067.181  0.832
2019 Doty TJ, Mantua J, Alger SE, Ratcliffe RH, So CJ, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF. 0178 The Short-Lived Benefit Of Caffeine On Positive Mood During Chronic Sleep Restriction Sleep. 42: A73-A73. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsz067.177  0.836
2018 Simonelli G, Mantua J, Gad M, St Pierre M, Moore L, Yarnell AM, Quartana PJ, Braun A, Balkin TJ, Brager AJ, Capaldi VF. Sleep extension reduces pain sensitivity. Sleep Medicine. 54: 172-176. PMID 30580190 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2018.10.023  0.71
2018 Capaldi VF, Balkin TJ, Mysliwiec V. Optimizing Sleep in the Military: Challenges and Opportunities. Chest. PMID 30218649 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chest.2018.08.1061  0.747
2018 Reifman J, Ramakrishnan S, Liu J, Kapela A, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Kumar K, Khitrov MY. 2B-Alert App: A mobile application for real-time individualized prediction of alertness. Journal of Sleep Research. e12725. PMID 30033688 DOI: 10.1111/Jsr.12725  0.806
2018 Vital-Lopez FG, Ramakrishnan S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Caffeine dosing strategies to optimize alertness during sleep loss. Journal of Sleep Research. e12711. PMID 29808510 DOI: 10.1111/Jsr.12711  0.806
2018 Picchioni D, Schmidt KC, McWhirter KK, Loutaev I, Pavletic AJ, Speer AM, Zametkin AJ, Miao N, Bishu S, Turetsky KM, Morrow AS, Nadel JL, Evans BC, Vesselinovitch DM, Sheeler CA, ... Balkin TJ, et al. Rates of Cerebral Protein Synthesis in Primary Visual Cortex during Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation, a Study in Human Subjects. Sleep. PMID 29771362 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy088  0.615
2018 Mantua J, Grillakis A, Mahfouz SH, Taylor MR, Brager AJ, Yarnell AM, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G. A systematic review and meta-analysis of sleep architecture and chronic traumatic brain injury. Sleep Medicine Reviews. PMID 29452727 DOI: 10.1016/J.Smrv.2018.01.004  0.681
2018 Ramakrishnan S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. 0313 2B-Alert App: A Tool to Predict Individual Trait-like Responses to Sleep Loss in Real Time Sleep. 41: A120-A120. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.312  0.811
2018 Prindle NE, Bessey AF, Powers Armstrong M, Burke T, Capaldi VF, Balkin TJ, Doty TJ. 0238 Subjective Stress During 62 Hours of Total Sleep Deprivation and Recovery Sleep. 41: A92-A92. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.237  0.83
2018 Bessey AF, Prindle NE, Powers Armstrong M, Burke T, Capaldi VF, Balkin TJ, Doty TJ. 0236 Changes in State Anxiety over 62 hours of Sleep Deprivation and Subsequent Recovery Sleep. 41: A91-A92. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.235  0.831
2018 Carlsson KE, Bessey AF, Skeiky L, Prindle NE, Powers Armstrong M, Devine J, Capaldi VF, Balkin TJ, Doty TJ. 0231 The Impact of At-Home Actigraphy on Performance and Sleepiness in the Lab over 62 Hours of Total Sleep Deprivation Sleep. 41: A90-A90. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.230  0.864
2018 Vital-Lopez F, Ramakrishnan S, Doty TJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. 0215 Caffeine Dosage Strategies that Efficiently Enhance Alertness during Sleep Loss Sleep. 41: A84-A84. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.214  0.848
2018 Skeiky L, Chownowski J, St Pierre M, Carlsson KE, Mantua J, Burke T, Alger S, Prindle NE, Ratcliffe R, Balkin T, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G, Doty TJ. 0170 Shifting to Earlier Sleep Times during Sleep Extension: The Impact on Total Sleep Time and Self-Reported Fatigue and Stress Sleep. 41: A67-A67. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.169  0.861
2018 Ogilvie RP, Simonelli G, Sotres-Alvarez D, St-Onge M, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Perreira K, Petrov M, Kim Y, Balkin T, Wallace D, Reid KJ, Daviglus M, Zee PC, Patel SR. 0152 Caffeine Use And Sleep In U.S. Hispanic/Latinos: Findings From HCHS/SOL Sueño Ancillary Study Sleep. 41: A59-A59. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.151  0.681
2018 Alger SE, Prindle N, Brager AJ, Doty TJ, Ratcliffe RH, Ephrem D, Yarnell AM, Balkin TJ, Capaldi VF, Simonelli G. 0114 Effects of Sleep Extension and Deprivation on Performance Using a Cognitively Demanding Emotional Task Sleep. 41: A45-A45. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.113  0.796
2018 Brager A, Grant D, Satterfield B, Ratcliffe R, Capaldi V, Balkin T, van Dongen H, Petrovick M. 0017 Genetic Polymorphisms Of Sleep Resilency, Sleep Intensity, Morning Preference, And Caffeine Sensitivity Are Not Associated With Neurobehavioral Performance Under Repeated Cycles Of Total Sleep Deprivation Sleep. 41: A7-A8. DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsy061.016  0.75
2017 Killgore WDS, Balkin TJ, Yarnell AM, Capaldi VF. Sleep deprivation impairs recognition of specific emotions. Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. 3: 10-16. PMID 31236499 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nbscr.2017.01.001  0.691
2017 Doty TJ, So CJ, Bergman EM, Trach SK, Ratcliffe RH, Yarnell AM, Capaldi VF, Moon JE, Balkin TJ, Quartana PJ. Limited efficacy of caffeine and recovery costs during and following 5 days of chronic sleep restriction: Caffeine and Sleep Restriction. Sleep. PMID 29029309 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/Zsx171  0.866
2017 Liu J, Ramakrishnan S, Laxminarayan S, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Real-time individualization of the unified model of performance. Journal of Sleep Research. PMID 28436072 DOI: 10.1111/Jsr.12535  0.564
2017 Trach S, Prindle N, Mahfouz S, Ratcliffe R, Moore L, Ephrem D, Simonelli G, Yarnell A, Capaldi V, Balkin T, Doty T. 0807 COMPARING MOOD FOLLOWING SLEEP EXTENSION AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep. 40: A298-A299. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.806  0.871
2017 Skeiky L, Luo Q, Prindle N, Ratcliffe R, Simonelli G, Yarnell A, Balkin T, Capaldi V, Doty T. 0805 THE ROLE OF SLEEP EXTENSION AND DEPRIVATION ON EMOTIONAL ATTENTIONAL BIASES IN HEALTHY ADULTS Sleep. 40: A298-A298. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.804  0.808
2017 Prindle N, Trach S, Mahfouz S, Ratcliffe R, Moore L, Yarnell A, Capaldi V, Balkin T, Simonelli G, Doty T. 0751 EXPLORING SELF-REPORTED STRESS DURING SLEEP EXTENSION AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep. 40: A278-A279. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.750  0.855
2017 Picchioni D, Schmidt K, McWhirter K, Loutaev I, Pavletic A, Speer A, Zametkin A, Miao N, Bishu S, Balkin T, Smith C. 0126 NEUROIMAGING OF CIRCUIT-SPECIFIC PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN HUMAN SUBJECTS DURING SLEEP-DEPENDENT MEMORY CONSOLIDATION Sleep. 40: A47-A47. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.125  0.565
2017 Mantua J, Mahfouz S, Grillakis A, Taylor M, Schoomaker K, Pichard L, Yarnell A, Capaldi V, Balkin T, Simonelli G. 1174 SLEEP ARCHITECTURE FOLLOWING TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS Sleep. 40: A438-A438. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.1173  0.559
2017 Simonelli G, Brager A, Stowie A, Prindle N, Duncan E, Bergman E, Gad M, Powers M, Ephrem D, Payne C, Ratcliffe R, Yarnell A, Bergmann-Leitner E, Capaldi V, Balkin T. 0073 DYNAMIC CHANGES IN HUMAN INNATE AND ADAPTIVE IMMUNE CELL NUMBERS IN RESPONSE TO SLEEP EXTENSION AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep. 40: A28-A28. DOI: 10.1093/Sleepj/Zsx050.072  0.686
2017 Doty T, Prindle N, Trach S, Mahfouz S, Moore L, Ratcliffe R, Yarnell A, Capaldi V, Simonelli G, Balkin T. Exploring self-reported stress during sleep extension and sleep deprivation Sleep Medicine. 40: e81. DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2017.11.233  0.855
2016 Reifman J, Kumar K, Wesensten NJ, Tountas NA, Balkin TJ, Ramakrishnan S. 2B-Alert Web: An Open-Access Tool for Predicting the Effects of Sleep/Wake Schedules and Caffeine Consumption on Neurobehavioral Performance. Sleep. PMID 27634801 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.6318  0.732
2016 Ramakrishnan S, Wesensten NJ, Kamimori GH, Moon JE, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. A Unified Model of Performance for Predicting the Effects of Sleep and Caffeine. Sleep. PMID 27397562 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.6164  0.569
2016 Wickwire EM, Williams SG, Roth T, Capaldi VF, Jaffe M, Moline M, Motamedi GK, Morgan GW, Mysliwiec V, Germain A, Pazdan RM, Ferziger R, Balkin TJ, MacDonald ME, Macek TA, et al. Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. What We Know and What We Need to Know: Findings from a National Working Group. Neurotherapeutics : the Journal of the American Society For Experimental Neurotherapeutics. PMID 27002812 DOI: 10.1007/S13311-016-0429-3  0.722
2016 Seelig AD, Jacobson IG, Donoho CJ, Trone DW, Crum-Cianflone NF, Balkin TJ. Sleep and Health Resilience Metrics in a Large Military Cohort. Sleep. PMID 26951391 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.5766  0.69
2016 LoPresti ML, Anderson JA, Saboe KN, McGurk DL, Balkin TJ, Sipos ML. The Impact of Insufficient Sleep on Combat Mission Performance Military Behavioral Health. 4: 356-363. DOI: 10.1080/21635781.2016.1181585  0.742
2015 Ramakrishnan S, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. A Unified Model of Performance: Validation of its Predictions Across Different Sleep/Wake Schedules. Sleep. PMID 26518594 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.5358  0.741
2015 Mcwhirter KK, Morrow AS, Lee BA, Bishu S, Zametkin AJ, Balkin TJ, Smith CB, Picchioni D. A PILOT STUDY ON THE ENCODING OF A PERCEPTUAL LEARNING TASK FOLLOWING SLEEP DEPRIVATION (.) Perceptual and Motor Skills. PMID 26226287 DOI: 10.2466/23.Pms.121C11X9  0.692
2015 Chapman DP, Liu Y, McKnight-Eily LR, Croft JB, Holt JB, Balkin TJ, Giles WH. Daily insufficient sleep and active duty status. Military Medicine. 180: 68-76. PMID 25562860 DOI: 10.7205/Milmed-D-14-00158  0.718
2015 Ramakrishnan S, Lu W, Laxminarayan S, Wesensten NJ, Rupp TL, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Can a mathematical model predict an individual's trait-like response to both total and partial sleep loss? Journal of Sleep Research. 24: 262-9. PMID 25559055 DOI: 10.1111/Jsr.12272  0.721
2015 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Belenky G. Countermeasures for Mitigating Fatigue in Motor Vehicle Operators Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 10: 115-137. DOI: 10.1177/1557234X15574827  0.548
2014 Killgore WD, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Caffeine improves the efficiency of planning and sequencing abilities during sleep deprivation. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 34: 660-2. PMID 25058815 DOI: 10.1097/Jcp.0000000000000184  0.662
2014 Ramakrishnan S, Laxminarayan S, Wesensten NJ, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Dose-dependent model of caffeine effects on human vigilance during total sleep deprivation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 358: 11-24. PMID 24859426 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2014.05.017  0.628
2013 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. The challenge of sleep management in military operations. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal. 109-18. PMID 24146248  0.705
2013 Newman RA, Kamimori GH, Wesensten NJ, Picchioni D, Balkin TJ. Caffeine gum minimizes sleep inertia. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 116: 280-93. PMID 23829154 DOI: 10.2466/29.22.25.Pms.116.1.280-293  0.723
2013 Chow HM, Horovitz SG, Carr WS, Picchioni D, Coddington N, Fukunaga M, Xu Y, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH, Braun AR. Rhythmic alternating patterns of brain activity distinguish rapid eye movement sleep from other states of consciousness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 10300-5. PMID 23733938 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1217691110  0.668
2013 Rajdev P, Thorsley D, Rajaraman S, Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. A unified mathematical model to quantify performance impairment for both chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 331: 66-77. PMID 23623949 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2013.04.013  0.739
2013 Ramakrishnan S, Rajaraman S, Laxminarayan S, Wesensten NJ, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. A biomathematical model of the restoring effects of caffeine on cognitive performance during sleep deprivation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 319: 23-33. PMID 23182694 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2012.11.015  0.657
2013 Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Newman R, Balkin TJ. PER3 and ADORA2A polymorphisms impact neurobehavioral performance during sleep restriction. Journal of Sleep Research. 22: 160-5. PMID 23171222 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2012.01062.X  0.559
2013 Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. Trait-like vulnerability to total and partial sleep loss (Sleep (2012) 35, 8, (1163-1172)) Sleep. 36: 959. DOI: 10.5665/sleep.2736  0.716
2013 Chow HM, Horovitz SG, Carr WS, Picchioni D, Coddington N, Fukunaga M, Xu Y, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH, Braun AR. Erratum: Rhythmic alternating patterns of brain activity distinguish rapid eye movement sleep from other states of consciousness (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013) 110:25 (10300-10305) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1217691110) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110. DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1312631110  0.49
2012 Ramakrishnan S, Laxminarayan S, Thorsley D, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Individualized performance prediction during total sleep deprivation: accounting for trait vulnerability to sleep loss. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2012: 5574-7. PMID 23367192 DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347257  0.506
2012 Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. Trait-like vulnerability to total and partial sleep loss. Sleep. 35: 1163-72. PMID 22851812 DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.2010  0.743
2012 Rajaraman S, Ramakrishnan S, Thorsley D, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. A new metric for quantifying performance impairment on the psychomotor vigilance test. Journal of Sleep Research. 21: 659-74. PMID 22436093 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2012.01008.X  0.564
2012 Killgore WD, Grugle NL, Balkin TJ. Gambling when sleep deprived: don't bet on stimulants. Chronobiology International. 29: 43-54. PMID 22217100 DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2011.635230  0.664
2012 Balkin TJ. PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH: Human Sleep and Cognition Sleep. 35: 583-584. DOI: 10.5665/Sleep.1752  0.589
2012 Balkin TJ. The true nature of sleep loss-induced “neurocognitive performance deficits”: A critical appraisal Sleep Deprivation, Stimulant Medications, and Cognition. 1-6. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511783005.003  0.671
2011 Balkin TJ. Behavioral biomarkers of sleepiness. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 7: S12-5. PMID 22003322 DOI: 10.5664/Jcsm.1344  0.303
2011 Rupp TL, Balkin TJ. Comparison of Motionlogger Watch and Actiwatch actigraphs to polysomnography for sleep/wake estimation in healthy young adults. Behavior Research Methods. 43: 1152-60. PMID 21512871 DOI: 10.3758/S13428-011-0098-4  0.76
2011 Picchioni D, Horovitz SG, Fukunaga M, Carr WS, Meltzer JA, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH, Braun AR. Infraslow EEG oscillations organize large-scale cortical-subcortical interactions during sleep: a combined EEG/fMRI study. Brain Research. 1374: 63-72. PMID 21168395 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2010.12.035  0.602
2011 Killgore WD, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Caffeine protects against increased risk-taking propensity during severe sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research. 20: 395-403. PMID 20946437 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2010.00893.X  0.649
2011 Swanson LM, Arnedt JT, Rosekind MR, Belenky G, Balkin TJ, Drake C. Sleep disorders and work performance: findings from the 2008 National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America poll. Journal of Sleep Research. 20: 487-94. PMID 20887396 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2010.00890.X  0.735
2011 Wesensten NJ, Hughes JD, Balkin TJ. Countermeasures to the neurocognitive deficits associated with sleep loss Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. 8: 139-146. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ddmod.2011.03.005  0.759
2010 Rupp TL, Killgore WD, Balkin TJ. Socializing by Day May Affect Performance by Night: Vulnerability to Sleep Deprivation is Differentially Mediated by Social Exposure in Extraverts vs Introverts. Sleep. 33: 1475-85. PMID 21102989 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/33.11.1475  0.631
2010 Killgore WD, Killgore DB, Grugle NL, Balkin TJ. Odor identification ability predicts executive function deficits following sleep deprivation. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 120: 328-34. PMID 20402570 DOI: 10.3109/00207450903389396  0.714
2010 Guerrero ML, Kim D, Rupp TL, Balkin TJ. Oral appliance titration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea induces the appearance of periodic limb movements. Sleep & Breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 14: 359-63. PMID 20099083 DOI: 10.1007/S11325-009-0321-Z  0.635
2010 Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. Sleep history affects task acquisition during subsequent sleep restriction and recovery. Journal of Sleep Research. 19: 289-97. PMID 20050993 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2009.00800.X  0.733
2010 Olofsen E, Van Dongen HP, Mott CG, Balkin TJ, Terman D. Current Approaches and Challenges to Development of an Individualized Sleep and Performance Prediction Model~!2009-03-22~!2010-05-11~!2010-07-15~! The Open Sleep Journal. 3: 24-43. DOI: 10.2174/1874620901003010024  0.643
2010 Picchioni D, Cabrera OA, McGurk D, Thomas JL, Castro CA, Balkin TJ, Bliese PD, Hoge CW. Sleep symptoms as a partial mediator between combat stressors and other mental health symptoms in Iraq war veterans Military Psychology. 22: 340-355. DOI: 10.1080/08995605.2010.491844  0.559
2010 Balkin TJ. Performance Deficits during Sleep Loss: Effects of Time Awake, Time of Day, and Time on Task Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine: Fifth Edition. 738-744. DOI: 10.1016/B978-1-4160-6645-3.00065-7  0.504
2010 Guerrero ML, Kim D, Rupp TL, Balkin TJ. Erratum to: Oral appliance titration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea induces the appearance of periodic limb movements Sleep and Breathing. 14: 395-395. DOI: 10.1007/s11325-010-0401-0  0.597
2009 Killgore WD, Lipizzi EL, Grugle NL, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ. Handedness correlates with actigraphically measured sleep in a controlled environment. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 109: 395-400. PMID 20037993 DOI: 10.2466/Pms.109.2.395-400  0.749
2009 Picchioni D, Killgore WD, Balkin TJ, Braun AR. Positron emission tomography correlates of visually-scored electroencephalographic waveforms during non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 119: 2074-99. PMID 19863262 DOI: 10.1080/00207450903139770  0.593
2009 Rajaraman S, Gribok AV, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. An improved methodology for individualized performance prediction of sleep-deprived individuals with the two-process model. Sleep. 32: 1377-92. PMID 19848366 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/32.10.1377  0.552
2009 Horovitz SG, Braun AR, Carr WS, Picchioni D, Balkin TJ, Fukunaga M, Duyn JH. Decoupling of the brain's default mode network during deep sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 11376-81. PMID 19549821 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0901435106  0.467
2009 Rupp TL, Wesensten NJ, Bliese PD, Balkin TJ. Banking sleep: realization of benefits during subsequent sleep restriction and recovery. Sleep. 32: 311-21. PMID 19294951 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/32.3.311  0.769
2009 Killgore WD, Kahn-Greene ET, Grugle NL, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ. Sustaining executive functions during sleep deprivation: A comparison of caffeine, dextroamphetamine, and modafinil. Sleep. 32: 205-16. PMID 19238808 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/32.2.205  0.482
2009 Benitez PL, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ, Greene A, Johnson ML. Modeling fatigue over sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm, and caffeine with a minimal performance inhibitor model. Methods in Enzymology. 454: 405-21. PMID 19216936 DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(08)03816-0  0.568
2009 Killgore WD, Grugle NL, Reichardt RM, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ. Executive functions and the ability to sustain vigilance during sleep loss. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 80: 81-7. PMID 19198192 DOI: 10.3357/Asem.2396.2009  0.729
2009 Zhou X, Boyce S, MacAuslan J, Carr W, Balkin T, Picchioni D, Braun A, Espy-Wilson C. Erratum: 1aSCb14. Effects of sleep deprivation on nasalization in speech [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 2499 (2009)] The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 126: 1607-1607. DOI: 10.1121/1.3192342  0.689
2008 Killgore WD, Muckle AE, Grugle NL, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ. Sex differences in cognitive estimation during sleep deprivation: effects of stimulant countermeasures. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 118: 1547-57. PMID 18853333 DOI: 10.1080/00207450802323970  0.577
2008 Killgore WD, Grugle NL, Killgore DB, Leavitt BP, Watlington GI, McNair S, Balkin TJ. Restoration of risk-propensity during sleep deprivation: caffeine, dextroamphetamine, and modafinil. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 79: 867-74. PMID 18785355 DOI: 10.3357/Asem.2259.2008  0.557
2008 Balkin TJ, Rupp T, Picchioni D, Wesensten NJ. Sleep loss and sleepiness: current issues. Chest. 134: 653-60. PMID 18779203 DOI: 10.1378/Chest.08-1064  0.744
2008 Killgore WD, McBride SA, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ, Kamimori GH. Baseline odor identification ability predicts degradation of psychomotor vigilance during 77 hours of sleep deprivation. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 118: 1207-25. PMID 18698505 DOI: 10.1080/00207450801941368  0.667
2008 Picchioni D, Fukunaga M, Carr WS, Braun AR, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH, Horovitz SG. fMRI differences between early and late stage-1 sleep. Neuroscience Letters. 441: 81-5. PMID 18584959 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2008.06.010  0.568
2008 Killgore WD, Rupp TL, Grugle NL, Reichardt RM, Lipizzi EL, Balkin TJ. Effects of dextroamphetamine, caffeine and modafinil on psychomotor vigilance test performance after 44 h of continuous wakefulness. Journal of Sleep Research. 17: 309-21. PMID 18522689 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2008.00654.X  0.659
2008 Fukunaga M, Horovitz SG, de Zwart JA, van Gelderen P, Balkin TJ, Braun AR, Duyn JH. Metabolic origin of BOLD signal fluctuations in the absence of stimuli. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 28: 1377-87. PMID 18382468 DOI: 10.1038/Jcbfm.2008.25  0.507
2008 Rajaraman S, Gribok AV, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reifman J. Individualized performance prediction of sleep-deprived individuals with the two-process model. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 104: 459-68. PMID 18079260 DOI: 10.1152/Japplphysiol.00877.2007  0.57
2008 Killgore WD, Kahn-Greene ET, Lipizzi EL, Newman RA, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Sleep deprivation reduces perceived emotional intelligence and constructive thinking skills. Sleep Medicine. 9: 517-26. PMID 17765011 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2007.07.003  0.614
2008 Horovitz SG, Fukunaga M, de Zwart JA, van Gelderen P, Fulton SC, Balkin TJ, Duyn JH. Low frequency BOLD fluctuations during resting wakefulness and light sleep: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping. 29: 671-82. PMID 17598166 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20428  0.639
2008 Killgore WDS, Killgore DB, McBride SA, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Odor identification ability predicts changes in symptoms of psychopathology following 56 H of sleep deprivation Journal of Sensory Studies. 23: 35-51. DOI: 10.1111/J.1745-459X.2007.00139.X  0.606
2007 Killgore WD, Kahn-Greene ET, Killgore DB, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Effects of acute caffeine withdrawal on Short Category Test performance in sleep-deprived individuals. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 105: 1265-74. PMID 18380127 DOI: 10.2466/Pms.105.4.1265-1274  0.712
2007 Killgore WD, Richards JM, Killgore DB, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. The trait of Introversion-Extraversion predicts vulnerability to sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research. 16: 354-63. PMID 18036080 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2007.00611.X  0.689
2007 Killgore WD, Lipizzi EL, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. Caffeine effects on risky decision making after 75 hours of sleep deprivation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 78: 957-62. PMID 17955944 DOI: 10.3357/Asem.2106.2007  0.675
2007 Wesensten NJ, Reichardt RM, Balkin TJ. Ampakine (CX717) effects on performance and alertness during simulated night shift work. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 78: 937-43. PMID 17955941 DOI: 10.3357/Asem.2055.2007  0.554
2007 Rupp TL, Balkin TJ. An unfounded conclusion from a confounded study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : Jabfm. 20: 420; author repply 4. PMID 17615426 DOI: 10.3122/Jabfm.2007.04.070061  0.734
2007 Bliese PD, McGurk D, Thomas JL, Balkin TJ, Wesensten N. Discontinuous growth modeling of adaptation to sleep setting changes: individual differences and age. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 78: 485-92. PMID 17539442  0.673
2007 Killgore WD, Killgore DB, Day LM, Li C, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ. The effects of 53 hours of sleep deprivation on moral judgment. Sleep. 30: 345-52. PMID 17425231 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/30.3.345  0.739
2007 Kahn-Greene ET, Killgore DB, Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ, Killgore WD. The effects of sleep deprivation on symptoms of psychopathology in healthy adults. Sleep Medicine. 8: 215-21. PMID 17368979 DOI: 10.1016/J.Sleep.2006.08.007  0.673
2006 Bliese PD, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. Age and individual variability in performance during sleep restriction. Journal of Sleep Research. 15: 376-85. PMID 17118094 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2006.00557.X  0.652
2006 Killgore WD, McBride SA, Killgore DB, Balkin TJ. The effects of caffeine, dextroamphetamine, and modafinil on humor appreciation during sleep deprivation. Sleep. 29: 841-7. PMID 16796223 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/29.6.841  0.657
2006 Killgore WD, Balkin TJ, Wesensten NJ. Impaired decision making following 49 h of sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research. 15: 7-13. PMID 16489997 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2006.00487.X  0.64
2006 Mcbride SA, Balkin TJ, Kamimori GH, Killgore WDS. Olfactory decrements as a function of two nights of sleep deprivation Journal of Sensory Studies. 21: 456-463. DOI: 10.1111/J.1745-459X.2006.00080.X  0.655
2005 Bonnet MH, Balkin TJ, Dinges DF, Roehrs T, Rogers NL, Wesensten NJ. The use of stimulants to modify performance during sleep loss: a review by the sleep deprivation and Stimulant Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep. 28: 1163-87. PMID 16268386 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/28.9.1163  0.724
2005 Wesensten NJ, Killgore WD, Balkin TJ. Performance and alertness effects of caffeine, dextroamphetamine, and modafinil during sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research. 14: 255-66. PMID 16120100 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2005.00468.X  0.665
2005 LaJambe CM, Kamimori GH, Belenky G, Balkin TJ. Caffeine effects on recovery sleep following 27 h total sleep deprivation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 76: 108-13. PMID 15742825  0.685
2005 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Reichardt RM, Kautz MA, Saviolakis GA, Belenky G. Daytime sleep and performance following a zolpidem and melatonin cocktail. Sleep. 28: 93-103. PMID 15700725 DOI: 10.1093/Sleep/28.1.93  0.732
2004 Balkin TJ, Bliese PD, Belenky G, Sing H, Thorne DR, Thomas M, Redmond DP, Russo M, Wesensten NJ. Comparative utility of instruments for monitoring sleepiness-related performance decrements in the operational environment. Journal of Sleep Research. 13: 219-27. PMID 15339257 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2869.2004.00407.X  0.638
2004 Wesensten NJ, Belenky G, Thorne DR, Kautz MA, Balkin TJ. Modafinil vs. caffeine: effects on fatigue during sleep deprivation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 75: 520-5. PMID 15198278  0.488
2004 Balkin TJ, Kamimori GH, Redmond DP, Vigneulle RM, Thorne DR, Belenky G, Wesensten NJ. On the importance of countermeasures in sleep and performance models. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 75: A155-7. PMID 15018278  0.689
2004 Johnson ML, Belenky G, Redmond DP, Thorne DR, Williams JD, Hursh SR, Balkin TJ. Modulating the homeostatic process to predict performance during chronic sleep restriction. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 75: A141-6. PMID 15018276  0.706
2004 Hursh SR, Redmond DP, Johnson ML, Thorne DR, Belenky G, Balkin TJ, Storm WF, Miller JC, Eddy DR. Fatigue models for applied research in warfighting. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 75: A44-53; discussion A. PMID 15018265  0.562
2004 Hursh SR, Balkin TJ, Miller JC, Eddy DR. The fatigue avoidance scheduling tool: Modeling to minimize the effects of fatigue on cognitive performance Sae Technical Papers. DOI: 10.4271/2004-01-2151  0.462
2004 Grugle NL, Kleiner BM, Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ. Refining the Walter Reed Sleep Management System: An Exemplar for Systems Improvement Using a Macroergonomic Approach Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 48: 1620-1624. DOI: 10.1177/154193120404801413  0.564
2003 Russo M, Thomas M, Thorne D, Sing H, Redmond D, Rowland L, Johnson D, Hall S, Krichmar J, Balkin T. Oculomotor impairment during chronic partial sleep deprivation Clinical Neurophysiology. 114: 723-736. PMID 12686280 DOI: 10.1016/S1388-2457(03)00008-7  0.767
2003 Belenky G, Wesensten NJ, Thorne DR, Thomas ML, Sing HC, Redmond DP, Russo MB, Balkin TJ. Patterns of performance degradation and restoration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep dose-response study. Journal of Sleep Research. 12: 1-12. PMID 12603781 DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2869.2003.00337.X  0.641
2002 Balkin TJ, Braun AR, Wesensten NJ, Jeffries K, Varga M, Baldwin P, Belenky G, Herscovitch P. The process of awakening: a PET study of regional brain activity patterns mediating the re-establishment of alertness and consciousness. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 125: 2308-19. PMID 12244087 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awf228  0.525
2002 Wesensten NJ, Belenky G, Kautz MA, Thorne DR, Reichardt RM, Balkin TJ. Maintaining alertness and performance during sleep deprivation: modafinil versus caffeine. Psychopharmacology. 159: 238-47. PMID 11862356 DOI: 10.1007/S002130100916  0.505
2002 Kamimori GH, Karyekar CS, Otterstetter R, Cox DS, Balkin TJ, Belenky GL, Eddington ND. The rate of absorption and relative bioavailability of caffeine administered in chewing gum versus capsules to normal healthy volunteers. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 234: 159-67. PMID 11839447 DOI: 10.1016/S0378-5173(01)00958-9  0.312
1999 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Belenky G. Does sleep fragmentation impact recuperation? A review and reanalysis. Journal of Sleep Research. 8: 237-45. PMID 10646163 DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2869.1999.00161.X  0.766
1998 Braun AR, Balkin TJ, Wesensten NJ, Gwadry F, Carson RE, Varga M, Baldwin P, Belenky G, Herscovitch P. Dissociated pattern of activity in visual cortices and their projections during human rapid eye movement sleep. Science (New York, N.Y.). 279: 91-5. PMID 9417032 DOI: 10.1126/Science.279.5347.91  0.497
1997 Braun AR, Balkin TJ, Wesenten NJ, Carson RE, Varga M, Baldwin P, Selbie S, Belenky G, Herscovitch P. Regional cerebral blood flow throughout the sleep-wake cycle. An H2(15)O PET study. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 120: 1173-97. PMID 9236630 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/120.7.1173  0.748
1995 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Davis HQ, Belenky GL. Reversal of triazolam- and zolpidem-induced memory impairment by flumazenil. Psychopharmacology. 121: 242-9. PMID 8545530 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02245635  0.33
1995 Wesensten NJ, Balkin TJ, Belenky GL. Effects of daytime administration of zolpidem versus triazolam on memory. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 48: 115-22. PMID 7589024 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00192735  0.553
1992 Balkin TJ, O'Donnell VM, Wesensten N, McCann U, Belenky G. Comparison of the daytime sleep and performance effects of zolpidem versus triazolam. Psychopharmacology. 107: 83-8. PMID 1589566 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02244970  0.654
1992 Kamimori GH, Balkin TJ, Wesensten NJ, Crowley J, Pearson N, Iwanyk E, Cymerman A. THE EFFECT OF TRIAZOLAM ON SLEEP ARCHITECTURE DURING ACUTE EXPOSURE TO HIGH ALTITUDE (4300 M) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 24: S156. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199205001-00932  0.617
1991 Lawlor BA, Newhouse PA, Balkin TJ, Molchan SE, Mellow AM, Murphy DL, Sunderland T. A preliminary study of the effects of nighttime administration of the serotonin agonist, m-CPP, on sleep architecture and behavior in healthy volunteers. Biological Psychiatry. 29: 281-6. PMID 2015332 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(91)91290-8  0.705
1989 Balkin TJ, O'Donnell VM, Kamimori GH, Redmond DP, Belenky G. Administration of triazolam prior to recovery sleep: effects on sleep architecture, subsequent alertness and performance. Psychopharmacology. 99: 526-31. PMID 2594919 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00589903  0.768
1989 Lawlor B, Newhouse P, Balkin T, Molchan S, Mellow A, Murphy D, Sunderland T. A preliminary study of the effects of m-CPP on sleep architecture and behavior in healthy volunteers Biological Psychiatry. 25: A52. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(89)91592-8  0.646
1989 Balkin TJ, O'Donnell VM, Kamimori GH, Redmond DP, Belenky G. Sleep inertia following triazolam-induced recovery sleep Human Psychopharmacology. 4: 291-296. DOI: 10.1002/Hup.470040409  0.643
1988 Balkin TJ, Badia P. Relationship between sleep inertia and sleepiness: cumulative effects of four nights of sleep disruption/restriction on performance following abrupt nocturnal awakenings. Biological Psychology. 27: 245-58. PMID 3254730 DOI: 10.1016/0301-0511(88)90034-8  0.767
1988 O'Donnell VM, Balkin TJ, Andrade JR, Simon LM, Kamimori GH, Redmond DP, Belenky G. Effects of Triazolam on Performance and Sleep in a Model of Transient Insomnia Human Performance. 1: 145-160. DOI: 10.1207/S15327043Hup0103_1  0.562
1986 Badia P, Harsh J, Balkin T. Behavioral control over sleeping respiration in normals for ten consecutive nights Psychophysiology. 23: 409-411. PMID 3774926 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1986.Tb00654.X  0.688
1985 Badia P, Harsh J, Balkin T, O'Rourke D, Burton S. Behavioral control of respiration in sleep and sleepiness due to a signal-induced sleep fragmentation Psychophysiology. 22: 517-524. PMID 4048351 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1985.Tb01642.X  0.662
1985 Balkin T, Badia P, Harsh J, Klempert A. Behavioral responsivity during recovery sleep Biological Psychology. 20: 17-20. PMID 3995119 DOI: 10.1016/0301-0511(85)90037-7  0.673
1984 Badia P, Harsh J, Balkin T, Cantrell P, Klempert A, O'Rourke D, Schoen L. Behavioral control of respiration in sleep. Psychophysiology. 21: 494-500. PMID 6473618 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1984.Tb00231.X  0.659
Show low-probability matches.