Year |
Citation |
Score |
2024 |
Khalki H, Lacerda DC, Karoutchi C, Delcour M, Dupuis O, Kochmann M, Brezun JM, Dupont E, Amin M, Darnaudéry M, Canu MH, Barbe MF, Coq JO. Early movement restriction impairs the development of sensorimotor integration, motor skills and memory in rats: Towards a preclinical model of developmental coordination disorder? The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 39523702 DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16594 |
0.756 |
2023 |
Benoit S, Henry M, Fneich S, Mathou A, Xia L, Foury A, Jouin M, Junien C, Capuron L, Jouneau L, Moisan MP, Delpierre C, Gabory A, Darnaudéry M. Strain-specific changes in nucleus accumbens transcriptome and motivation for palatable food reward in mice exposed to maternal separation. Frontiers in Nutrition. 10: 1190392. PMID 37565037 DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1190392 |
0.755 |
2022 |
Seal SV, Henry M, Pajot C, Holuka C, Bailbé D, Movassat J, Darnaudéry M, Turner JD. A Holistic View of the Goto-Kakizaki Rat Immune System: Decreased Circulating Immune Markers in Non- Obese Type 2 Diabetes. Frontiers in Immunology. 13: 896179. PMID 35677049 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.896179 |
0.739 |
2021 |
Cardinal P, Monchaux de Oliveira C, Sauvant J, Foury A, Darnaudéry M, Vancassel S, Castanon N, Capuron L. A new experimental design to study inflammation-related versus non-inflammation-related depression in mice. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 18: 290. PMID 34895261 DOI: 10.1186/s12974-021-02330-9 |
0.744 |
2020 |
Inczefi O, Bacquié V, Olier-Pierre M, Rincel M, Ringot-Destrez B, Ellero-Simatos S, Eutamène H, Bétoulières C, Thomas J, Laine J, Gros L, Lévêque M, Leonard R, Harkat C, Robbe-Masselot C, et al. Targeted intestinal tight junction hyperpermeability alters the microbiome, behavior, and visceromotor responses. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. PMID 32147490 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcmgh.2020.02.008 |
0.765 |
2020 |
Darnaudery M. Early life stress and high fat diet: From comfort food to nutritional stress Nutrition Clinique Et Metabolisme. 34: 5. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nupar.2020.02.005 |
0.522 |
2019 |
Rincel M, Darnaudéry M. Maternal separation in rodents: a journey from gut to brain and nutritional perspectives. The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 1-20. PMID 31250784 DOI: 10.1017/S0029665119000958 |
0.814 |
2019 |
Rincel M, Olier M, Minni A, de Oliveira CM, Matime Y, Gaultier E, Grit I, Helbling JC, Costa AM, Lépinay A, Moisan MP, Layé S, Ferrier L, Parnet P, Theodorou V, et al. Pharmacological restoration of gut barrier function in stressed neonates partially reverses long-term alterations associated with maternal separation. Psychopharmacology. PMID 31147734 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-019-05252-W |
0.778 |
2019 |
Rincel M, Aubert P, Chevalier J, Grohard PA, Basso L, Monchaux de Oliveira C, Helbling JC, Lévy É, Chevalier G, Leboyer M, Eberl G, Layé S, Capuron L, Vergnolle N, Neunlist M, et al. Multi-hit early life adversity affects gut microbiota, brain and behavior in a sex-dependent manner. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. PMID 30872090 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbi.2019.03.006 |
0.793 |
2019 |
Morley-Fletcher S, Marrocco J, Leger H, Mairesse J, Reynaert M, Van Camp G, Bouwalerh H, Benecke A, Darnaudery M, Harduin-Lepers A, Nicoletti F, Nicoletti F, Maccari S. Grandma's stress programs transgenerational transmission of hippocampal glutamatergic synaptopathy associated with stress-related responses Psychoneuroendocrinology. 107: 58. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2019.07.168 |
0.784 |
2018 |
Berenguer M, Darnaudery M, Claverol S, Bonneu M, Lacombe D, Rooryck C. Prenatal retinoic acid exposure reveals candidate genes for craniofacial disorders. Scientific Reports. 8: 17492. PMID 30504818 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-35681-0 |
0.757 |
2018 |
Gueye AB, Vendruscolo LF, de Ávila C, Le Moine C, Darnaudéry M, Cador M. Unlimited sucrose consumption during adolescence generates a depressive-like phenotype in adulthood. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. PMID 29487370 DOI: 10.1038/S41386-018-0025-9 |
0.774 |
2017 |
Rincel M, Lépinay AL, Janthakhin Y, Soudain G, Yvon S, Da Silva S, Joffre C, Aubert A, Séré A, Layé S, Theodorou V, Ferreira G, Darnaudéry M. Maternal high-fat diet and early life stress differentially modulate spine density and dendritic morphology in the medial prefrontal cortex of juvenile and adult rats. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 29022091 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-017-1526-8 |
0.806 |
2017 |
Janthakhin Y, Rincel M, Costa AM, Darnaudéry M, Ferreira G. Maternal high-fat diet leads to hippocampal and amygdala dendritic remodeling in adult male offspring. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 83: 49-57. PMID 28595087 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2017.05.003 |
0.791 |
2017 |
Darnaudéry M, Rincel M, Minni A, Olier M, Oliveira CMD, Maytime Y, Gauthier E, Grit I, Costa A, Lepinay A, Layé S, Ferrier L, Parnet P, Theodorou V. Pharmacological inhibition of gut leakiness prevents the long-term effects of early-life stress in rats European Neuropsychopharmacology. 27. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(17)31275-0 |
0.796 |
2017 |
Rincel M, Aubert P, Chevalier J, Grohard P, Basso L, Monchaux C, Oliveira D, Lévy E, Chevalier G, Leboyer M, Eberl G, Vergnolle N, Neunlist M, Layé S, Capuron L, et al. Gender specific behavioral alterations are associated with gut dysbiosis in mice exposed to multifactorial early-life adversity European Neuropsychopharmacology. 27. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(17)31269-5 |
0.788 |
2017 |
Rincel M, Minni A, Olier M, Oliveira CMd, Matime Y, Thomas J, Gauthier E, Grit I, Costa A, Lépinay A, Layé S, Ferrier L, Parnet P, Théodorou V, Darnaudéry M. Early restoration of gut barrier function abrogates the long-term neurobehavioral effects of early-life stress in rats Psychoneuroendocrinology. 83: 79. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2017.07.450 |
0.799 |
2017 |
Darnaudéry M, Romaní-Pérez M, Lépinay A, Rincel M, Bailbé D, Rande M, Layé S, Capuron L, Portha B, Movassat J. Non-obese type 2 diabetes impairs emotional behavior and leads to medial prefrontal cortex alterations Psychoneuroendocrinology. 83: 7-8. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2017.07.258 |
0.761 |
2016 |
Romaní-Pérez M, Lépinay AL, Alonso L, Rincel M, Xia L, Fanet H, Caillé S, Cador M, Layé S, Vancassel S, Darnaudéry M. Impact of perinatal exposure to high-fat diet and stress on responses to nutritional challenges, food-motivated behaviour and mesolimbic dopamine function. International Journal of Obesity (2005). PMID 28025577 DOI: 10.1038/Ijo.2016.236 |
0.805 |
2016 |
Rincel M, Lepinay AL, Delage P, Fioramonti J, Theodorou VS, Laye S, Darnaudery M. Maternal high-fat diet prevents developmental programming by early-life stress. Translational Psychiatry. 6. PMID 27898075 DOI: 10.1038/Tp.2016.235 |
0.814 |
2016 |
Delpierre C, Fantin R, Barboza-Solis C, Lepage B, Darnaudéry M, Kelly-Irving M. The early life nutritional environment and early life stress as potential pathways towards the metabolic syndrome in mid-life? A lifecourse analysis using the 1958 British Birth cohort Bmc Public Health. 16: 815. PMID 27538482 DOI: 10.1186/S12889-016-3484-0 |
0.372 |
2016 |
Rincel M, Lépinay A, Gabory A, Théodorou V, Koehl M, Daugé V, Maccari S, Darnaudéry M. [Early life stressful experiences and neuropsychiatric vulnerability: evidences from human and animal models]. MéDecine Sciences : M/S. 32: 93-9. PMID 26850613 DOI: 10.1051/Medsci/20163201015 |
0.777 |
2016 |
Darnaudéry M, Rincel M, Amandine L, Pauline D, Vassilia T, Sophie L. Maternal high-fat diet prevents developmental programming by early life stress Psychoneuroendocrinology. 71: 64. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2016.07.165 |
0.805 |
2016 |
Dufresne M, Gandarillas S, Lulka H, Dubus P, Darnaudéry M, Gabory A, Junien C, Cordelier P, Kelly-Irving M, Delpierre C, Torrisani J. Early life exposure to stressors promotes pancreatic carcinogenesis in KC mice Pancreatology. 16. DOI: 10.1016/J.Pan.2016.05.082 |
0.331 |
2015 |
Boitard C, Maroun M, Tantot F, Cavaroc A, Sauvant J, Marchand A, Layé S, Capuron L, Darnaudery M, Castanon N, Coutureau E, Vouimba RM, Ferreira G. Juvenile obesity enhances emotional memory and amygdala plasticity through glucocorticoids. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 4092-103. PMID 25740536 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3122-14.2015 |
0.786 |
2015 |
Barboza Solís C, Kelly-Irving M, Fantin R, Darnaudéry M, Torrisani J, Lang T, Delpierre C. Adverse childhood experiences and physiological wear-and-tear in midlife: Findings from the 1958 British birth cohort. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E738-46. PMID 25646470 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1417325112 |
0.768 |
2015 |
Lépinay AL, Larrieu T, Joffre C, Acar N, Gárate I, Castanon N, Ferreira G, Langelier B, Guesnet P, Brétillon L, Parnet P, Layé S, Darnaudéry M. Perinatal high-fat diet increases hippocampal vulnerability to the adverse effects of subsequent high-fat feeding. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 53: 82-93. PMID 25614359 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2014.12.008 |
0.776 |
2015 |
Ferrier L, Inczefi O, Lépinay A, xia l, Leveque M, Layé S, Turner JR, darnaudery MD, Theodorou V. Tu1877 Targeted Epithelial Barrier Disruption Reveals IBS-Like Pathophysiology and Behavioral Modifications Gastroenterology. 148: S-925. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(15)33147-4 |
0.758 |
2013 |
0.78 |
2004 |
Lesage J, Del-Favero F, Leonhardt M, Louvart H, Maccari S, Vieau D, Darnaudery M. Prenatal stress induces intrauterine growth restriction and programmes glucose intolerance and feeding behaviour disturbances in the aged rat. The Journal of Endocrinology. 181: 291-6. PMID 15128277 DOI: 10.1677/Joe.0.1810291 |
0.801 |
2003 |
Morley-Fletcher S, Darnaudery M, Koehl M, Casolini P, Van Reeth O, Maccari S. Prenatal stress in rats predicts immobility behavior in the forced swim test. Effects of a chronic treatment with tianeptine. Brain Research. 989: 246-51. PMID 14556947 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(03)03293-1 |
0.791 |
2003 |
Maccari S, Darnaudery M, Morley-Fletcher S, Zuena AR, Cinque C, Van Reeth O. Prenatal stress and long-term consequences: implications of glucocorticoid hormones. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 27: 119-27. PMID 12732228 DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7634(03)00014-9 |
0.814 |
2001 |
Maccari S, Darnaudery M, Van Reeth O. Hormonal and behavioural abnormalities induced by stress in utero: an animal model for depression. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 4: 169-81. PMID 22432138 DOI: 10.3109/10253890109035016 |
0.639 |
1997 |
Le Moal M, Vallée M, Darnaudéry M, Pallarès M, Simon H, Mayo W. S.01.05 Memory and cognition: A role for neurosteroids European Neuropsychopharmacology. 7: S80-S81. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(97)88360-5 |
0.663 |
Show low-probability matches. |