Craig R. Rush - US grants

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Experimental Psychology

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The funding information displayed below comes from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools and the NSF Award Database.
The grant data on this page is limited to grants awarded in the United States and is thus partial. It can nonetheless be used to understand how funding patterns influence mentorship networks and vice-versa, which has deep implications on how research is done.
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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Craig R. Rush is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
1989 — 1990 Rush, Craig R
F31Activity Code Description:
To provide predoctoral individuals with supervised research training in specified health and health-related areas leading toward the research degree (e.g., Ph.D.).

Sedative-Stimulant Combinations: Effects On Human Learni

@ University of Vermont &St Agric College

1995 — 1999 Rush, Craig R
R29Activity Code Description:
Undocumented code - click on the grant title for more information.

Abuse Liability of Commonly Prescribed Hypnotics

@ University of Mississippi Medical Center

1997 — 2001 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Cocaine Discrimination and Pharmacological Specificity

@ University of Mississippi Medical Center

2001 — 2004 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Assessing Abuse Potential in Human--Cns Stimulants

@ University of Kentucky

2001 — 2003 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Gaba Agonists as Pharmacotherapies For Cocaine Abuse

@ University of Kentucky

2003 — 2006 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Human Cocaine Discrimination

@ University of Kentucky

2004 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavioral Effects of Drugs-Inpatient (02)

@ University of Kentucky

2004 — 2005 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavioral Effects of Drugs: Inpatient (05)

@ University of Kentucky

2005 — 2009 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Stimulant Abuse Pharmacotherapy: Novel Antipsychotics

@ University of Kentucky

2005 — 2008 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Preventing Cocaine Relapse: Developing Pharmacotherapies

@ University of Kentucky

2006 — 2009 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Agonist Replacement Therapy For Cocaine Dependence: Identifying Novel Medications

@ University of Kentucky

2006 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavioral Effects of Drugs 08

@ University of Kentucky

2006 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavorial Effects of Drugs 06 B

@ University of Kentucky

2007 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

University of Kentucky Laboratory of Human Behavioral Pharmacology Screening

@ University of Kentucky

2007 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavorial Effects of Drugs (Inpatient): 06

@ University of Kentucky

2007 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavioral Effects On Drugs: Inpatient (09)

@ University of Kentucky

2007 Rush, Craig R
M01Activity Code Description:
An award made to an institution solely for the support of a General Clinical Research Center where scientists conduct studies on a wide range of human diseases using the full spectrum of the biomedical sciences. Costs underwritten by these grants include those for renovation, for operational expenses such as staff salaries, equipment, and supplies, and for hospitalization. A General Clinical Research Center is a discrete unit of research beds separated from the general care wards.

Behavioral Effects of Drugs (Inpatient): 08

@ University of Kentucky

2008 — 2012 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Gabaa Modulation as a Target For Developing Medications For Methamphetamine Abuse

@ University of Kentucky

2009 — 2013 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Agonist Replacement Therapy For Methamphetamine Dependence: Human Lab Studies

@ University of Kentucky

2010 — 2021 Rush, Craig R
T32Activity Code Description:
To enable institutions to make National Research Service Awards to individuals selected by them for predoctoral and postdoctoral research training in specified shortage areas.

Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior

@ University of Kentucky

2012 — 2015 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

A Novel Anti Obesity Drug Combination as a Pharmacotherapy For Cocaine Dependence

@ University of Kentucky

2013 — 2014 Rush, Craig R
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Buspirone as a Candidate Medication For Methamphetamine Abuse

@ University of Kentucky

2013 — 2015 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Targeting Gaba and Opioid Systems For a Pharmacotherapy For Methamphetamine Abuse

@ University of Kentucky

2014 — 2017 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Topiramate-Phentermine Combinations For Cocaine Dependence

@ University of Kentucky

2015 — 2017 Rush, Craig R
R34Activity Code Description:
To provide support for the initial development of a clinical trial or research project, including the establishment of the research team; the development of tools for data management and oversight of the research; the development of a trial design or experimental research designs and other essential elements of the study or project, such as the protocol, recruitment strategies, procedure manuals and collection of feasibility data.

A Feasibility Trial For Inhibitory-Control Training to Reduce Cocaine Use

@ University of Kentucky

2016 Rush, Craig R
R56Activity Code Description:
To provide limited interim research support based on the merit of a pending R01 application while applicant gathers additional data to revise a new or competing renewal application. This grant will underwrite highly meritorious applications that if given the opportunity to revise their application could meet IC recommended standards and would be missed opportunities if not funded. Interim funded ends when the applicant succeeds in obtaining an R01 or other competing award built on the R56 grant. These awards are not renewable.

Monoamine Uptake Inhibition For Cocaine Dependence: a Novel Drug Combination

@ University of Kentucky

2018 — 2020 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

A Novel Drug Combination For Alcohol-Use Disorders: a Human Laboratory Study

@ University of Kentucky

2019 Rush, Craig R
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

A Novel Drug Combination as a Pharmacotherapeutic For Methamphetamine-Use Disorder

@ University of Kentucky

2021 Rush, Craig R
TL1Activity Code Description:
Undocumented code - click on the grant title for more information.

Nrsa Training Core

@ University of Kentucky