Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Greg E. AlbertoMEG, optogenetics Dwayne Godwin (grad student)
Alicia G. AllredAnimal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology2000 Debra I. Diz (grad student)
Antoine G. Almontehippocampus, amygdala, synaptic plasticity, protease-activated receptor, astrocyte-neuron interactions, alcohol, addiction Physiology and Pharmacology20142017 Jeff L. Weiner (post-doc)
Michael AschnerPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Toxicology
Elizabeth R. AstonBreath Alcohol Estimation, Binge Drinking
Jeremy Davidson BailooAnimal Welfare, Animal Cognition, Behavioral Neuroscience, Environmental Toxicology, Research Ethics and Policy20092011 Allyson Bennett (grad student)
Matthew Banks Michael A. Nader (grad student)
Caroline E. Bassneuropharmacology Physiology and Pharmacology20062011 David C. S. Roberts (research scientist), Allyn C. Howlett (post-doc)
Michael J. BecksteadPharmacology
Kimberly A. Bernoskybinge drinking20052006 Alexis C. Thompson (grad student)
Jeri L. BryantCerebellum, Epilepsy, SCN1A20022003 Ronald Oppenheim (research assistant)
Aditi Buch
David W. BusijaNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pharmacology
Tracy R. ButlerBehavioral neuroscience, alcohol, stress
Erin S. Calipari20092013 Sara R. Jones (grad student)
Brian N. CarriereNeuroscience Biology2008 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Christy S. CarterAging and Cognition William E. Sonntag (post-doc)
Erin H. CaulderEpilepsy
Samuel W Centanniaddiction
Steven R. ChildersSignal Transduction20122013 Lindsey Patricia Pattison (collaborator)
Keri A. Chiodococaine, behavioral pharmacology, addiction20042009 David C. S. Roberts (grad student)
Robert C. Coghillpain, brain imaging
Jennifer R. Collins-UnderwoodCell Biology2008 Mike E. Robbins (grad student)
Kelly R. Connerneurodegeneration2009 David R. Riddle (grad student)
Howard Casey Cromwellmotivation, reward, emotion, basal ganglia19992002 Donald J. Woodward (research scientist)
Tara L. CrowderAnxiety, Alcohol, Synaptic Transmission2002 Jeff L. Weiner (grad student)
Tara L. Crowder SkarpaasNeurostimulation, Epilepsy, electrophysiology, neuroplasticity Physiology and Pharmacology19982002 Jeff L. Weiner (grad student)
Cristine CzachowskiAlcohol, motivation19982000 Hank Samson (grad student)
Paul W. Czotybehavioral pharmacology, neuroscience, substance abuse research, brain imaging Michael A. Nader (research scientist)
Kerry A. Danelson
Jonathan D. Day-BrownVisual system Neurobiology and Anatomy20122013 Evgeny A. Budygin (collaborator), Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Michael De GregorioHuman hand, low back, scoliosis, orthopaedics, sport biomechanics, injury biomechanics Orthopaedic Surgery Kerry A. Danelson (post-doc)
Marvin R. DiazGABA(A) receptors, chronic ethanol, fetal alcohol20042009 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
Debra I. DizAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Dorothy L. DobbinsLearning and Memory Neurobiology2015 Dwayne Godwin (grad student)
Dustin W. DuBois20042006 Brian A. McCool (post-doc)
Thomas Leon Ellis Neurosurgery William Friedman (post-doc)
Paige Estaveneuroscience Physiology and Pharmacology2017 Sara R. Jones (grad student)
Ashley M. Fennell Physiology and Pharmacology2019 Mark J. Ferris (post-doc)
Mark J. Ferrisdopamine20082012 Sara R. Jones (post-doc)
Matthew M. FordBehavioral pharmacology, neuroendocrinology, addiction, drug discrimination, drug self-administration, nicotine, methamphetamine2002 Herman H. Samson (grad student)
Cory S. FreedlandDrug abuse, neuroimaging2002 Linda J. Porrino (grad student)
Lindsey K. Galbo-Thommabehavioral pharmacology Paul W. Czoty (grad student)
Brianna E GeorgeAddiction, dopamine, opioids, stimulants, alcohol, stress Physiology and Pharmacology20172022 Sara R. Jones (grad student)
David J. GifondorwaNeuroscience Biology2008 Carol E. Milligan (grad student)
Shea Gilliam-DavisPhysiology Biology, Pharmacology2009 Debra I. Diz (grad student)
Dominic GioiaNeurophysiology, alcohol abuse2012 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
Dwayne Godwinthalamic physiology, T-type calcium channels, nitric oxide, vision, alcoholism, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease
Thomas W. Gould19962002 Ronald Oppenheim (grad student)
Robert W. Gould
John D. Graefalcohol, epilepsy, T-type calcium channels
Kathleen A Grantalcohol abuse, behavioral pharmacology Hank Samson (grad student)
Joshua D. Grill2004 David R. Riddle (grad student)
W David D. Hairston20062008 Joseph A. Maldjian (post-doc)
Lindsey R. Hamilton
Robert E. Hampsonhippocampus, electrophysiology, memory Samuel A. Deadwyler (grad student)
Colleen A. Hanlonneuroimaging, motor control, addiction20052009 Linda J. Porrino (post-doc)
Chris K. Hauserperceptual decision making, motor systems
Scott E. Hembysynaptic pathology, cocaine, schizophrenia, antipsychotics, monkey, human, rat19911995 James E. Smith (grad student)
Lucien J. HouenouNeuroscience Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Kimberly N. HugginsDopamine Sara R. Jones (post-doc)
Tiffany Wallace HuittNeuroscience, Alcohol use and Circadian rythms20072010 Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Melody C. Iacino Physiology and Pharmacology Mark J. Ferris (grad student)
Jeremy P. Ingrahambrain aging2008 William E. Sonntag (grad student)
James E. Johnsonneurotrophins, motoneurons, visual system
Rasesh B. JoshiEpilepsy, seizure
Anushree KarkhanisAlcohol, Drug Abuse, Optogenetics, Visual system2011 Sara R. Jones (post-doc)
Sherry O. KasperAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2004 Debra I. Diz (grad student)
Navneet Kaur Cancer Biology2020 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
Michy P. Kellyschizophrenia, sensorimotor gating, learning & memory, cyclic nucleotides, phosphodiesterases, drug development19982002 Samuel A. Deadwyler (grad student)
Les Keniston Barry E. Stein (post-doc)
Amir S. Khanbrain aging2001 William E. Sonntag (grad student)
Samson G. KingElectrophysiology, Cognition, Circuits Neurobiology & Anatomy20132015 Christos Constantinidis (grad student)
Gale A. KlevenDevelopmental psychobiology, fetal learning Obstetrics and Gynecology20052009 April E. Ronca (post-doc)
David KlorigVisual system Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Ashkon Kouchecki Physiology & Pharmacology2018 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
Sarah A. Kromrey Physiology & Pharmacology2014 Paul W. Czoty (grad student)
Anna K. LackKainate receptors, ethanol20082008 Linda J. Porrino (post-doc), Brian A. McCool (grad student)
Amy C. Leach Physiology and Pharmacology Mark J. Ferris (grad student)
Melanie W. Leslie Terrence R. Stanford (grad student)
Glenn J. LesserGBM, cancer/oncogenesis, drugs/therapeutic agents
sihai licognitive neuroscience Neurobiology and Anatomy20152021 Christos Constantinidis (grad student)
Robin J. Lichtenwalner2003 David R. Riddle (grad student)
Anthony Liguori
Joshua A. Lile2002 Michael A. Nader (grad student)
Yu Liu20022007 David C. S. Roberts (grad student)
Samuel N. LockhartCognitive Neuroscience of Aging and Dementia
Exazevia M. LoganNeuroscience Biology2008 Debra I. Diz (grad student)
Wendy J. LynchDrug addiction, sex differences David C. S. Roberts (post-doc)
Joseph A. MaldjianRadiology, Image processing
Jennifer L. Martelle2008 Michael A. Nader (grad student)
Melissa Maffeo Masicampoalcohol, development, epilepsy2012 Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Anita K. McCauleySensory Systems Neuroscience; Visual System Development; Anatomy and Function of the Thalamus; Nitric Oxide-Mediated Neurotransmission2002 Dwayne Godwin (grad student)
Brian A. McCoolAlcohol neurobiology
Clinton B. McCrackenaddiction, compulsive behaviors, DBS19992005 David C. S. Roberts (grad student)
John G. McHaffiesuperior colliculus, visual orientation, pain, basal ganglia Barry E. Stein (grad student)
Travis MeyerLearning20022008 Terrence R. Stanford (grad student)
Steve L. MillerLearning, Plasticity, Intervention, Language, Dyslexia Neurology/Neuropsychology19901991 Frank B. Wood (grad student)
Carol E. Milligan
Melissa MoralesBehavioral pharmacology, neurophysiology2013 Brian A. McCool (post-doc)
Michael A. Nader Linda J. Porrino (collaborator), Travis Irving Thompson (grad student), James E. Barrett (post-doc), William L. Woolverton (research scientist)
Blake Robert NeylandAging, Mobility, Cognition, Functional Brain Networks, Reserve, Resilience Alzheimer's Disease and Research Center Radiology Samuel N. Lockhart (collaborator), Paul J. Laurienti (collaborator)
Ronald Oppenheimcell growth, differentiation,motor neurons , cognition/learning , neurosciences/behavior
Alexandru D.P. Papoiubrain mapping, nanotechnology, dermatology, pruritus20082010 Robert C. Coghill (post-doc)
Lindsey Patricia Pattisonsubstance abuse, neurochemistry
Thomas J. PerraultNeuroscience Biology2003 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Elizabeth V. Pittscell growth, differentiation,motor neurons , cognition/learning , neurosciences/behavior2005 Ronald Oppenheim (grad student)
Elizabeth G. Pitts Physiology and Pharmacology2021 Mark J. Ferris (post-doc)
Daniel Almeida PoradaMultisensory Integration
Linda J. PorrinoDrug abuse, neuroimaging
Michaela Price Physiology & Pharmacology2019 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
Alexandre S. Quevedopain, brain imaging2007 Robert C. Coghill (grad student)
Sriram RamananMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology2009 Mike E. Robbins (grad student)
Melinda M. Ramseybrain aging2004 William E. Sonntag (grad student)
Justin Rawley2009 Christos Constantinidis (grad student)
David R. RiddleCNS development, Brain Aging2008 Gabriel Gutierrez-Ospina (collaborator)
Melissa RiegleEpilepsy Dwayne Godwin (grad student)
Mike E. RobbinsMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology
David C. S. RobertsNeurobiology of Drug Addiction
Stacey Robinson20112015 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
April E. Ronca
Hank SamsonAlcohol
Herman H. SamsonPharmacology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Veronica E. ScerraNeuroscience, visual system, systems biology Neurobiology and Anatomy Neurobiology and Anatomy20132018 Emilio Salinas (grad student), Terrence R. Stanford (grad student)
Veronica E ScerraVisual system neuroscience, systems neuroscience, computational neuroscience, experimental psychology Neurobiology and Anatomy20132018 Terrence R. Stanford (grad student)
Matthew K. Schindlerneuroinflammation2008 David R. Riddle (grad student)
Jul Lea L. ShamyCognition, Psychiatric and Neurodegenerative disorders20002000 Mary Lou Voytko (research assistant)
Hong Qu ShanAlcohol, T type calcium channels, Electrophysiology, PKC Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Erin E. Shannonalcohol abuse, executive function, behavioral pharmacology2007 Linda J. Porrino (post-doc), Anthony Liguori (post-doc)
Amanda L. SharpePharmacology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Hank Samson (grad student)
Cody A. SicilianoDopamine Sara R. Jones (grad student)
John D. SimeralCortical neuroprosthesis, neuronal population decoding19962003 Samuel A. Deadwyler (grad student)
Sarah Sizer Physiology & Pharmacology2018 Brian A. McCool (grad student)
James E. Smithcocaine, neurochemistry
Tasha R. SmithLearning, Plasticity, Intervention, Language, Dyslexia2002 Steve L. Miller (grad student)
Tom V. Smuldersspatial memory, food-hoarding birds, hippocampus19982000 Robert E. Hampson (post-doc)
Tamara SpenceAlcohol Neurobiology
Jennifer Stapleton-KotloskiGustatory system, Visual system, Electrophysiology Dwayne Godwin (post-doc)
Christopher J. Starrpain, brain imaging2009 Robert C. Coghill (grad student)
Benjamin T StinsonBehavioral Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Addiction20202022 Paul W. Czoty (grad student)
Taylor A. Stowe Physiology and Pharmacology2022 Mark J. Ferris (grad student)
Woong Sun Anatomy and Neurobiology20002002 Ronald Oppenheim (post-doc)
Nathaniel Allender SwiftAlzheimer's Disease, epilepsy Neuroscience2021 Tao Ma (grad student)
Melissa Tapia Matthew J. Will (grad student)
Stephen B Tatterbrain and pituitary tumors, image-guided neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, trigeminal neuralgia, human brain catecholamine measurement Brain Tumor Center of Excellence Neurosurgery Radiation Physics20012011 Waldemar Debinski (collaborator), Thomas Leon Ellis (collaborator), J Daniel Bourland (collaborator)
Judy L. Tidwell2001 Michael Tytell (grad student)
Michael Tytell
Elizabeth V. Vernon-PittsNMJ neurotrophin19992005 James E. Johnson (grad student)
Ellen M. Walkerneuroanatomy, neural circuitry, neuroendocrinology Neurobiology and Medicine20172020 Barry E. Stein (post-doc)
Mark T. WallaceMultisensory Integration
Sara Jane WardReinforcement, Addiction, Cannabinoids, Feeding20002004 David C. S. Roberts (grad student)
Jeff L. WeinerAnxiety, Alcohol, Synaptic Transmission
Jeffrey L. WeinerPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology
Walter F. WigginsThalamus, Alcohol withdrawal, Epilepsy
Mark R. WitcherSynapse Structure and Function Neurosurgery20092015 Stephen B Tatter (post-doc)
Donna L. Wong-GibbonsAnimal Physiology Biology2003 Debra I. Diz (grad student)
Frank B. Wood
Marlena Wosiski-KuhnSynaptic plasticity, Neuroendocrinology2013 Carol E. Milligan (grad student)
Melanie Teresa Wyder2004 Terrence R. Stanford (grad student)