National Eye Institute

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Bryan AlvarezVisual attention and perception, Synesthesia20042006 Robert H. Wurtz (research scientist), James R. Cavanaugh (collaborator)
Ramon BartoloSystems neurophysiology, Motor control, Decision making, Color Vision
Felix BartschVisual System, Computation, Oscillatory Brain Activity20192024 Bevil R. Conway (grad student)
Michele A. Basso19952000 Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Adrian Gopnik Bondyperceptual decision making
Eric M. Bowmandopamine, single neuron recording, neurphysiology, learning, reward19891991 David L. Robinson (post-doc)
Ethan S. Bromberg-MartinDopamine, reward learning, information-seeking20092013 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Verity J. Browncognitive neuroscience David L. Robinson (post-doc)
Claudio BusettiniEye movements Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Ronald A. Bushvisual system, retina, genetics, retinal degeneration, gene therapy
James R. Cavanaughvision20022008 Kerry McAlonan (collaborator), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Pierre M. Dayeeye-head coordination, bottom-up modeling approach2011 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Heiner Deubelvisual attention, eye movements Frederick A. Miles (research scientist)
Charles J. Duffyvision Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Jay A. EdelmanEye movements19931999 Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
Emad Eskandar19901991 Lance M. Optican (grad student)
Stefano Ferrainabehavioral neurophysiology Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Oliver John FlynnVision Science, Perception, Retinal Disease Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications2019 Catherine-Ann Cukras (post-doc)
Hannah C. Goldbach2021 Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student)
Jacqueline Gottliebattention, parietal cortex, visual search, learning19952000 Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
Tom N. Greenwellopioids, plasticity, anatomy, retinal physiology
Whitney S. GriggsVisual system, decision-making, value-systems, brain-machine interfaces Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research20142017 Okihide Hikosaka (research assistant)
Okihide Hikosaka
Simon S. Hong20062008 Lance M. Optican (post-doc), Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Wilsaan M. Joineroculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Julian S. Joseph19951997 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Incheol Kangvisual neurophysiology Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research2013 Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Kenji KawanoVision and Oculomotor Research Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Hyoung KimNeuroscience, working memory, neural circuit2009 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Hubert G. Kimmig Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Yasushi KodakaBrain Science Frederick A. Miles (research scientist)
Hidehiko Komatsu Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Richard J. Krauzlisvisual neuroscience Frederick A. Miles (post-doc), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Hyunchan Lee2017 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Philippe LefèvreSaccades19961999 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Kazutaka Maeda2015 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Guillaume MassonVisual System Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Kerry McAlonanVisual thalamus, visual attention Verity J. Brown (grad student), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
John W. McClurkinVision Science19911996 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Frederick A. MilesEye Movements, Vision
Kenichiro Miura20022004 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Ali MoeenyNeural Bases of Visual Cognition2009 Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
ilya e. monosovcognitive neuroscience2010 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Douglas P. Munoz Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
William T. NewsomeVision, Decision Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Lance M. OpticanNeural Systems Modeling
Martin Pare Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Steven E. Petersen David L. Robinson (post-doc)
Nicholas Lindman Port2005 Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Keith D. Powell19952001 Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
Christian QuaiaEye Movements19952000 Lance M. Optican (post-doc)
Holger A. Rambold Frederick A. Miles (research scientist)
Jenny C.A. ReadVisual psychophysics, computational neuroscience20012005 Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Gregg RecanzoneAge-related hearing loss Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Barry Richmond Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc), Lance M. Optican (collaborator)
David L. Robinson Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Urs Schwarzoculomotor system, optomotor system, visual system, functional neuroanatomy, neurology, neuroscience, brain research Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Mark A. SegravesEye Movements19821988 Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
Boris M. SheligaEye movements, vision Frederick A. Miles (research scientist)
Paul A. Sievingvisual system, retina, genetics, retinal degeneration, gene therapy, Biomedical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience Biology1990 Ronald A. Bush (collaborator)
Erik C. SobelComputer Vision19901991 Frederick A. Miles (post-doc), Thomas Collett (post-doc)
Marc A. Sommervision, cognition, and eye movements Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Bharath Chandra TalluriCognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research (LSR)2021 Hendrikje Nienborg (post-doc)
Kirk G. ThompsonVisual system
Jason TrageserThalamocortical processing Kirk G. Thompson (post-doc)
David M. WaitzmanOculomotor System Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Robert H. WurtzOculomotor system Lance M. Optican (collaborator)
Pengjing XuSensorimotor Research20072011 Kirk G. Thompson (post-doc)
Dongsheng YangEye movements Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)
Masaharu Yasuda2007 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc), Hidehiko Komatsu (grad student)
Gongchen Yusaccades, microsaccades Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research2019 Richard J. Krauzlis (post-doc)
Ari Zvi Zivotofskyocular motility, visual perception Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc), Frederick A. Miles (post-doc)