Bryan Alvarez | Visual attention and perception, Synesthesia | | 2004 | 2006 | Robert H. Wurtz (research scientist), James R. Cavanaugh (collaborator) |
Ramon Bartolo | Systems neurophysiology, Motor control, Decision making, Color Vision | | | | |
Felix Bartsch | Visual System, Computation, Oscillatory Brain Activity | | 2019 | 2024 | Bevil R. Conway (grad student) |
Michele A. Basso | | | 1995 | 2000 | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Adrian Gopnik Bondy | perceptual decision making | | | | |
Eric M. Bowman | dopamine, single neuron recording, neurphysiology, learning, reward | | 1989 | 1991 | David L. Robinson (post-doc) |
Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin | Dopamine, reward learning, information-seeking | | 2009 | 2013 | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Verity J. Brown | cognitive neuroscience | | | | David L. Robinson (post-doc) |
Claudio Busettini | Eye movements | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Ronald A. Bush | visual system, retina, genetics, retinal degeneration, gene therapy | | | | |
James R. Cavanaugh | vision | | 2002 | 2008 | Kerry McAlonan (collaborator), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Pierre M. Daye | eye-head coordination, bottom-up modeling approach | | 2011 | | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Heiner Deubel | visual attention, eye movements | | | | Frederick A. Miles (research scientist) |
Charles J. Duffy | vision | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Jay A. Edelman | Eye movements | | 1993 | 1999 | Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc) |
Emad Eskandar | | | 1990 | 1991 | Lance M. Optican (grad student) |
Stefano Ferraina | behavioral neurophysiology | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Oliver John Flynn | Vision Science, Perception, Retinal Disease | Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications | 2019 | | Catherine-Ann Cukras (post-doc) |
Hannah C. Goldbach | | | 2021 | | Richard J. Krauzlis (grad student) |
Jacqueline Gottlieb | attention, parietal cortex, visual search, learning | | 1995 | 2000 | Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc) |
Tom N. Greenwell | opioids, plasticity, anatomy, retinal physiology | | | | |
Whitney S. Griggs | Visual system, decision-making, value-systems, brain-machine interfaces | Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research | 2014 | 2017 | Okihide Hikosaka (research assistant) |
Okihide Hikosaka | | | | | |
Simon S. Hong | | | 2006 | 2008 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc), Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Wilsaan M. Joiner | oculomotor, vestibular, dynamical models | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Julian S. Joseph | | | 1995 | 1997 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Incheol Kang | visual neurophysiology | Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research | 2013 | | Bruce Cumming (post-doc) |
Kenji Kawano | Vision and Oculomotor Research | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Hyoung Kim | Neuroscience, working memory, neural circuit | | 2009 | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Hubert G. Kimmig | | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Yasushi Kodaka | Brain Science | | | | Frederick A. Miles (research scientist) |
Hidehiko Komatsu | | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Richard J. Krauzlis | visual neuroscience | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Hyunchan Lee | | | 2017 | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Philippe Lefèvre | Saccades | | 1996 | 1999 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Kazutaka Maeda | | | 2015 | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Guillaume Masson | Visual System | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Kerry McAlonan | Visual thalamus, visual attention | | | | Verity J. Brown (grad student), Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
John W. McClurkin | Vision Science | | 1991 | 1996 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Frederick A. Miles | Eye Movements, Vision | | | | |
Kenichiro Miura | | | 2002 | 2004 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Ali Moeeny | Neural Bases of Visual Cognition | | 2009 | | Bruce Cumming (post-doc) |
ilya e. monosov | cognitive neuroscience | | 2010 | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc) |
Douglas P. Munoz | | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
William T. Newsome | Vision, Decision | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Lance M. Optican | Neural Systems Modeling | | | | |
Martin Pare | | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Steven E. Petersen | | | | | David L. Robinson (post-doc) |
Nicholas Lindman Port | | | | 2005 | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Keith D. Powell | | | 1995 | 2001 | Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc) |
Christian Quaia | Eye Movements | | 1995 | 2000 | Lance M. Optican (post-doc) |
Holger A. Rambold | | | | | Frederick A. Miles (research scientist) |
Jenny C.A. Read | Visual psychophysics, computational neuroscience | | 2001 | 2005 | Bruce Cumming (post-doc) |
Gregg Recanzone | Age-related hearing loss | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Barry Richmond | | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc), Lance M. Optican (collaborator) |
David L. Robinson | | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Urs Schwarz | oculomotor system, optomotor system, visual system, functional neuroanatomy, neurology, neuroscience, brain research | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Mark A. Segraves | Eye Movements | | 1982 | 1988 | Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc) |
Boris M. Sheliga | Eye movements, vision | | | | Frederick A. Miles (research scientist) |
Paul A. Sieving | visual system, retina, genetics, retinal degeneration, gene therapy, Biomedical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience Biology | | 1990 | | Ronald A. Bush (collaborator) |
Erik C. Sobel | Computer Vision | | 1990 | 1991 | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc), Thomas Collett (post-doc) |
Marc A. Sommer | vision, cognition, and eye movements | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Bharath Chandra Talluri | Cognitive Neuroscience | Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research (LSR) | 2021 | | Hendrikje Nienborg (post-doc) |
Kirk G. Thompson | Visual system | | | | |
Jason Trageser | Thalamocortical processing | | | | Kirk G. Thompson (post-doc) |
David M. Waitzman | Oculomotor System | | | | Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc) |
Robert H. Wurtz | Oculomotor system | | | | Lance M. Optican (collaborator) |
Pengjing Xu | Sensorimotor Research | | 2007 | 2011 | Kirk G. Thompson (post-doc) |
Dongsheng Yang | Eye movements | | | | Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |
Masaharu Yasuda | | | 2007 | | Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc), Hidehiko Komatsu (grad student) |
Gongchen Yu | saccades, microsaccades | Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research | 2019 | | Richard J. Krauzlis (post-doc) |
Ari Zvi Zivotofsky | ocular motility, visual perception | | | | Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc), Frederick A. Miles (post-doc) |