
Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Selen Atasoy2013 Joel Pearson (post-doc)
Patric Bachsocial perception, mirror neurons, action cognition, predictive processing, intentional action20012004 Gunther Knoblich (grad student)
Philip Beamanworking memory, auditory cognition Dylan M. Jones (grad student)
Johanna Bergmann2015 Joel Pearson (grad student)
Shuai ChangPsychology, Vision20122019 Joel Pearson (grad student)
Yacila I. Deza-Araujo Fundamental Neurosciences2019 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (post-doc)
Susan EmbretsonPsychometrics Psychology Psychology19701973 Rene V. Dawis (research scientist)
Michael J HautusPsychophysics, Sensory science, Sensory evaluation, Signal detection theory R John Irwin (grad student)
Christopher Hilton20162020 Jan M. Wiener (grad student)
Kate Rebecca IsherwoodMotivation, Positive Psychology & Behaviour Change Bangor John A. Parkinson (grad student)
Zoey J Isherwoodvisual perception, natural scene statistics, fMRI Science Social Sciences20202020 Michael A. Webster (post-doc), Mark M. Schira (post-doc)
Matthew James/J. Kerrypsychogy, item response theory, psychometrics Quantitative Industrial and Organizational20142015 Susan Embretson (grad student), Ruth Kanfer (grad student)
Rozainee Khairudin
Galang LUFITYANTO2016 Joel Pearson (grad student)
Nicolás Marchant20192022 Sergio E. Chaigneau (grad student)
Charles Roger Myers
David W NgAssociative learning2018 Jessica C. Lee (grad student), Peter F. Lovibond (grad student)
Victoria Nicholls Bournemouth University20162020 Jan M. Wiener (grad student)
Edwina R OrchardMotherhood; Neuroplasticity; Neurodevelopment; Cognition Arts and Sciences2022 Avram J. Holmes (post-doc)
Danny OsborneSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology David Sears (grad student)
Hiran Perera-W.A.Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG, ERP, Decision-Making, Poverty, Brain Disorders Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Robert Kentridge (grad student), Jason Connolly (grad student), charles a. heywood (grad student), Rozainee Khairudin (grad student)
Pia Bienstein, Ph.D.
Jacob M Pogsonthe vestibular system, eye movements Science20102013 Ian Stewart Curthoys (research assistant)
Susan Robinson-Whelen
Oscar J Romerocognitive modeling, intelligent systems, computational and machine intelligence Psychology20132014 Christian Lebiere (post-doc)
Büşra San
Lucy Paloma SomersColour vision Life Sciences Jenny Bosten (grad student)
Alfredo SpagnaCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Cognitive Control, Visual Perception, Mental Imagery Maria Casagrande (grad student)