University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Christopher D AdamLearning & Memory, Epilepsy, TBI Neurosurgery20182024 John A. Wolf (grad student)
Puneet BaggaMRI, MRS, Parkinson's disease, Glutamate Department of Radiology2014 Ravinder Reddy (post-doc)
Julie E. BaggsAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics20042009 John B. Hogenesch (post-doc)
Jacques P. BarberClinical Psychology Psychiatry Lester B. Luborsky (post-doc)
Michael P. CancroImmunology, B cell development. B cell homeostasis, B cell activation, Immune tolerance, autoimmunity, Pathology Pathology (CHOP) Microbiology David M. Allman (collaborator), Paula M. Oliver (collaborator), Drew Weissman (collaborator)
Anna Rose Childressaddiction neuroscience
George Cotsarelis
Paul Crits-ChristophDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology19721978 Lester B. Luborsky (research assistant)
Alice C Dallstreamdecision making, mental health, neuromodulation Neuroscience Neuroscience2016 Joshua Gold (grad student), Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Jason P. DeBruyne Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics20082011 John B. Hogenesch (post-doc)
Naz Dikecligilgustatory cortex
Ronny Drapkin David M. Livingston (post-doc)
Chantell S. Evans
Stacy E. Ferguson19881990 Michael P. Cancro (post-doc)
Mayank GautamPain, Somatosensation Department of Neuroscience2019 Wenqin Luo (post-doc)
Liisa HantsooPNI, women's mental health, acoustic startle, PMDD Psychiatry20052007 James C. Coyne (research assistant)
Yi Hao Michael P. Cancro (post-doc)
Susan M. HarlessSkin Immunology
Kevin R. HayesGenetics Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics20052007 John B. Hogenesch (post-doc)
David M. Hilbert Immunology Graduate Group19831987 Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Benjamin Hsu Rheumatology Michael P. Cancro (post-doc)
John Johnson Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Laura J. Kienker Immunology Graduate Group19841988 Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Jamie Knox Immunology Institute Microbiology2017 Michael P. Cancro (post-doc), Michael R. Betts (grad student)
Nicholas F. LahensCircadian Rhythms, Functional Genomics Genomics and Computational Biology20112014 John B. Hogenesch (grad student)
Sherri L. Levy (Sandel) Michael P. Cancro (research assistant)
Sophie Liebergall Neuroscience2021 Ethan M. Goldberg (grad student)
Lester B. Luborsky
Martina Ly
Joanna H. Mattis Neurology20192022 Ethan M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Steven Lee MeislerCognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, DWI, Development, Reading, Dyslexia Psychiatry2024 Ted D. Satterthwaite (post-doc)
Julie Priya Merchant Neuroscience2019 Ethan M. Goldberg (grad student)
Arpita Myles Michael P. Cancro (post-doc)
Martin S. NaradikianCellular and Molecular Immunology Immunology Graduate Group Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Daniel T OhmNeuroscience, Neuroanatomy, Neuropathology, Neurodegeneration
Anthony O. Olarerin-GeorgeCircadian Rhythms, Functional Genomics Genomics and Computational Biology20072013 John B. Hogenesch (grad student)
Thomas S Price Pharmacology20042007 Garret A. FitzGerald (post-doc)
William J. Quinn
Syamal Raychaudhuri19831986 Michael P. Cancro (post-doc)
David J. Reinerneuropharmacology, ingestive behavior, motivated behaviors, drug addiction
Jonathan D. RumleyGene Regulation Genetics20132022 John Isaac Murray (grad student)
Alex P. Sah Michael P. Cancro (research assistant)
Raquel Adaia Sandoval Ortegapain, sleep, thalamo-cortical loops
Hailong SongTraumatic Brain Injury, Neurodegeneration Neurosurgery2019 Douglas H. Smith (post-doc)
Nathaniel Phelps Sotuyo Neuroscience2016 Ethan M. Goldberg (grad student)
Jennifer StisoComputational Neuroscience
Akiyuki TarunoTaste, Ion Channels Department of Physiology20102013 James K. Foskett (post-doc)
Mary Ann Thompson Pathology and Laboratory Medicine19801984 Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Mary M. Tomayko Immunology Gradaute Group Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
John F. Treml Immunology Graduate Group Michael P. Cancro (grad student)
Huaishan WangCancer Immunotherapy Pathology and Laboratory Medicine2018 Xiaowei Xu (post-doc)
Mathieu E. WimmerCocaine addiction, sleep, learning and memory, aging
Ruthie Wittenberg Neuroscience2017 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Qihui WuNeuroscience, TIRF imaging, electrochemistry/electrophysiology
Xiaowei Xu Dermatology19992001 George Cotsarelis (post-doc)
Ki-Jun YoonNeural Stem Cell Biology