University College London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elnaz AlikaramiSocial neuroscience, Decision making, Orofacial somatosensory, Olfaction cognitive neuroscience Bahador Bahrami (research assistant)
Sascha R.A. AllesChronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research20172019 John N. Wood (post-doc)
Roaa Alsulaimanstuttering, child language Experimental Psychology2017 Peter Howell (grad student)
Ian Max AndolinaVisual system, visual perception, cortical feedback Institute of Ophthalmology20022008 Adam Sillito (post-doc)
John Ashburner19972000 Karl John Friston (grad student)
Marius BauzaSpatial navigation, spatial cells
Shomi Bhattacharya
Roberta Bianco
Lynn J. Bindmansynaptic physiology1960 Olof J. C. Lippold (grad student)
James Blair19891993 John Morton (grad student)
Peter Brown
Ruth CampbellDeafness, face processing, lipreading,neuropsychology, neuroimaging
Alessandro CarolloSocial Neuroscience Dagmara Dimitriou (grad student)
Danlu CenPerception and Action, Navigation, Spatial Memory20122013 Vincent Walsh (grad student)
Vic Chiang20152016 Shin-ichi Ohnuma (grad student)
Francesca M. Cordeiro Ophthalmology19951998 Peng Tee Khaw (grad student)
Ana V. CruzBasal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, In vivo rodent electrophysiology, Computational neuroscience Sobell Department20072012 Peter Brown (grad student)
Damian M. CummingsElectrophysiology, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Long-term potentiation, Synaptic plasticity,
Tanya DenmarkAutism, Deafness Ruth Campbell (grad student)
Kitty (Katherine) F. Emeryanthropology, archaeology, environmental archaeology, zooarchaeology, Mesoamerica, Maya Archaeology Elizabeth Graham (research assistant)
Edwin Furshpan Biophysics Bernard Katz (post-doc)
Joana M GalvaoNeurodegenerative Diseases Ophthalmology20102014 Francesca M. Cordeiro (grad student)
Marcela Garita-HernandezRetina cell and gene therapy20082012 Shomi Bhattacharya (grad student)
Marta I Garrido20092012 Ray J. Dolan (post-doc)
Gwenaelle S.G. GeleocInner ear physiology, hair cells, gene therapy Physiology19961999 Jonathan F. Ashmore (post-doc)
Ruaridh Gollifer2015 Sergiy Yakovenko (grad student)
Gareth J. Hathway Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology Maria Fitzgerald (post-doc)
Chengjie G HuangNeuroscience Nicholas A. Lesica (post-doc)
Aisha Jawedsleep, eating disorders LiLAS Lab Dagmara Dimitriou (grad student)
Gwilym Jenkins Statistics Norman Lloyd Johnson (grad student)
Norman Lloyd Johnson
Jason A. Keller Neuroscience20102011 Michael Häusser (research assistant)
Peng Tee Khaw
Carmen KivisildGABAA receptors Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology20162021 Trevor G. Smart (grad student)
Ami KlinAutism, Development Psychology1988 Uta Frith (grad student)
Friedrich KlingOptical Biology, Systems Neuroscience2021 Angus Silver (grad student)
Mateusz Wojciech KucharczykNociception, Pain, Descending Modulation NPP20152018 Anthony H. Dickenson (grad student)
Johnathan Labbadia Genetics, Development and Environment20122017 Richard I. Morimoto (post-doc)
Roger N LemonMotor neuroscience
Olof J. C. Lippold
Mairead MacSweeneybrain imaging, deafness Ruth Campbell (grad student)
Bilal Malik Institute of Neurology Salvador Soriano (post-doc)
Jason Anthony Martinpsychology, perception and action, neuropsychology, fMRI, sport science, exercise physiology
Svetlana Mastitskayacardiovascular regulation, autonomic neuroscience
Elizabeth MilneAutism, Perception Ruth Campbell (grad student)
Salvador Moncada
Dollyane MuretNeuroscience
Filipe Nascimentoneuroscience; motor circuits; spinal cord; motoneurons; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; electrophysiology
Jonathan NortonIONM, FES, rehabilitation, spinal cord, motor physiology Physiology19941997 John A. Stephens (grad student)
Thomas Stephen Otis
Amanda J. Page Geoffrey Burnstock (grad student)
Oriol Pavón ArocasNeuroscience Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour Cell and Developmental Biology Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology20172022 Tiago Branco (grad student), Jason M. Rihel (grad student), David Attwell (grad student)
Michael PetridesBehavioral Neuroscience Anatomy and embryology John O'Keefe (grad student)
Joaquín RapelaVisual system Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit2019 Maneesh Sahani (research scientist)
Juha SilvantoConsciousness, Visual awareness, Cognitive Neuroscience20022006 Nilli Lavie (grad student)
(Frederick) Horace Smirk19321935 Thomas Lewis (research scientist)
David Stansbysolar physics, solar wind, heliosphere
Steven J. Sullivanretina neuroscience physiology & pharmacology Stuart G. Cull-Candy (post-doc)
Yujiao Jennifer SunVisual neuroscience, cortical plasticity, neuromodulation, circuit, development
Konstantinos TsetsosDecision making, decision neuroscience, computational modeling
Antoine M Valera2014 Angus Silver (post-doc)
Annemarie Weber Archibald Vivian Hill (post-doc)
Heather Tian Whittaker Frances Wiseman (grad student)
Ziyang Xia
Ningyu Zhang Experimental Psychology2016 Kate J. Jeffery (grad student)
Yunxuan Zheng