Iryna Babik | Developmental and Quantitative Psychology | | | | |
Jeremy Davidson Bailoo | Animal Welfare, Animal Cognition, Behavioral Neuroscience, Environmental Toxicology, Research Ethics and Policy | Psychology | 2006 | 2011 | Amber N. Tyler (grad student), Douglas L. Wahlsten (grad student), Walter L. Salinger (grad student) |
Aaron Joseph Brownstein | Behavioral theories and applications, rule-governed behavior, schedules of reinforcement | | | | Robert G. Eason (post-doc) |
Julie M. Campbell | Biological Psychology | | | | George F. Michel (grad student) |
Yoojin Chang | Memory, Persuasion, Testing Effect | | | | |
James Chok | | Psychology | 2000 | 2006 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
Charlotte A. Chun | | Psychology | 2012 | 2018 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
John Timothy Dunlosky | Cognitive Psychology | | | | |
Robert G. Eason | | | | | |
Jennifer Marie Ferrell | Developmental, Cognitive Development, Intergenerational Contact, Social Cognition, Group Dynamics, Counterfactual Reasoning | Psychology | 1999 | 2005 | Robert E. Guttentag (grad student) |
Georgina M. Gross | | Psychology | 2011 | 2017 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
Melvin Russell Harter | Visual System | | | | Robert G. Eason (grad student) |
Leslie Horton | | Psychology | 2004 | 2010 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
Jessica Kaczorowski | | Psychology | 2006 | 2012 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
Michael J. Kane | Working memory, Cognitive control, Individual differences | | | | |
Bruce Kirchoff | morphology, systematics, Zingiberales, visual characters, visual keys, teaching | | | | |
Robin Kowalski | Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration | | | 1990 | Jacquelyn White (grad student) |
Thomas R. Kwapil | Schiizotypy, Bipolar Spectrum Psychopathology, Experience Sampling Methodology | | | | |
Kathryn E. Lewandowski | | | | | |
George F. Michel | developmental neuropsychology, behavioral endocrinology | | | | |
Eliza L. Nelson | Developmental Neuroscience, comparative sensorimotor development | | 2010 | | George F. Michel (post-doc) |
Harry Rybacki | Citation Analysis | | | | |
Joseph M Santin | | | | | |
Rebekah E. Smith | | Psychology | | | R. Reed Hunt (grad student) |
Molly A. Walsh | | Psychology | 2007 | 2013 | Thomas R. Kwapil (grad student) |
Anna Gabrielle Warner | temperature regulation, sociality, animal behavior, developmental psychobiology | Psychology | 2017 | 2018 | George F. Michel (research assistant) |
Margaret Whedon | | Human Development & Family Studies | 2013 | 2019 | Susan D. Calkins (grad student) |