Ball State University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Matthew C. AalsmaDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology2000 Daniel Lapsley (grad student)
Stefania AegidottirCounseling Psychology
Stefania AegisdottierCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Stefania AegisdottirClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Charlene AlexanderCounseling Psychology
Trent BarstadDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, GLBT Studies, Women's Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2009 Theresa A. Kruczek (grad student)
Marci A. BartonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Maria L. BeckerPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies2000 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Michele J. BobergEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Betty E. Gridley (grad student)
Ashley Boester-DeanCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2014 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Jenelle N. BooCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2010 Kristin Perrone (grad student)
Justin James BoseckNeuropsychological Assessment, Neurorehabilitation, Psychological Assessment, Pediatric Neuropsychology
Sharon BowmanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies, Women's Studies
Deniz Canel CinarbasClinical Psychology2007 Stefania Aegisdottir (grad student)
Kory L. CareyTheory and Methods, Black Studies, African American Studies, Sociology of Education Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Tim Carter
Christine M. ChamberlinGuidance and Counseling Education, Occupational Health and Safety, Personality Psychology2001 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Hongying ChenCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2009 Stefania Aegisdottier (grad student)
Seong-In ChoiGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2008 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Kelly M. ClougherCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Charlene Alexander (grad student)
Rik Carl D'AmatoLearning problems; neuropsychology; schooling; international psychology; cross-cultural education19791987 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Jamalat DaoudCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Charlene Alexander (grad student)
Rosalyn DavisClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies2006 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Raymond S. DeanNeuropsychology
Scott L. DeckerNeuropsychology2002 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Gary DodsonMating systems, entomology, animal behavior, ecology
Kathleen M. DuffyClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2008 Theresa A. Kruczek (grad student)
Lawrence GersteinGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Mona R. GhoshehCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Stefania Aegisdottir (grad student)
Betty E. GridleyEducational Psychology Education, Special Education
Patricia S. GroffSocial Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Theresa A. Kruczek (grad student)
Rebecca A. HansenCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2010 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Joel M. HartongCounseling Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Mental Health Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Stefania Aegisdottir (grad student)
Carolyn J. HeinemanSocial Psychology2003 Charlene Alexander (grad student)
Bjorg S. HermannsdottirCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2014 Stefania Aegisdottir (grad student)
Scot Kristian HillCognitive neuroscience; schizophrenia1998 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Matthew J. HolcombNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2012 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Misty K. HookGuidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education, Women's Studies2000 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Mark A. HopperGeneral Psychology2003 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Yueh-Ching HsuCounseling Psychology, Social Psychology, Gender Studies Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Bonnie L. HuxfordCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Betty E. Gridley (grad student)
Claudine C. HyattDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Kristin Perrone-McGovern (grad student)
Sarah C. JenkinsClinical Psychology, General Religion Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
K. N. JonesSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Heather K. KleinDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Theresa A. Kruczek (grad student)
Theodore J. KowalksiAdministration Education, Industrial Psychology
Brian T KrausEEG, fMRI, Individual Differences Psychology Psychology20142016 Stephanie L. Simon-Dack (grad student), Thomas Holtgraves (grad student)
Collin Kriegbaum
Theresa A. KruczekClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Tracy M. KsiazakCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2010 Kristin Perrone (grad student)
Daniel LapsleyDevelopmental Psychology
Benjamin M. LaskyEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology2000 Daniel Lapsley (grad student)
Tzu M. LeeNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2009 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Eric B. LesterCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Carolyn Y. LindquistAdministration Education, Industrial Psychology2000 Theodore J. Kowalksi (grad student)
Jacob T. LutzNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2012 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Anna Mazur-MosiewiczNeuropsychology Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Barbara R. MedlerSocial Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Women's Studies2002 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Karen M. MellumGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Women's Studies2000 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Karen L. Messmer-WilsonEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2006 Betty E. Gridley (grad student)
John D. MeteerCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Vanessa K Millersynaptic remodeling, glia, critical period, drosophila olfaction20192022 Douglas H. Roossien (grad student)
Valerie MinchalaClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies, Women's Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2009 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Guy Mittlemanneuroscience
Megan M. Morse Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Tiffany NealNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2014 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Abby R. NethawayCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Kristin Perrone-McGovern (grad student)
Donald NicholasCounseling Psychology, Women's Studies, General
Jodi L. NixonPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Gerald J. NovackDevelopmental Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Theresa A. Kruczek (grad student)
Michael P. O'HeronCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Stefania Aegidottir (grad student)
Scott G. OlenickCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Stefania Aegisdottir (grad student)
Lisa A. PassNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2014 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Kristin PerroneCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Kristin Perrone-McGovernDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Gurmal Rattanlearning disorders Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Patricia M. Roy-PetrickCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2010 Charlene Alexander (grad student)
Jane C. Royse RoskowskiCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2010 Lawrence Gerstein (grad student)
Courtney M. RyanGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2013 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Elizabeth D. SellersCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Charlene Alexander (grad student)
Nazar D. SeyalaCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2011 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Lee ShaskyEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Reading Education2007 Betty E. Gridley (grad student)
Dustin K. SheplerCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Kristin Perrone-McGovern (grad student)
Nathanael D SnowHistory of Economic Thought, Industrial Organization, Law and Economics, Entangled Political Economy, Economics of Religion, Public Choice
Erin R. SnyderClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2008 Sharon Bowman (grad student)
Thomas M. SproatZoology Biology2000 Gary Dodson (grad student)
Alan K. StageNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2011 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Jillian E. SullivanCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Michael J. TaglerSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Leo TaylorMating systems, animal behavior, conservation Biology20042007 Gary Dodson (grad student)
Keifer Titus Biology20162018 Tim Carter (grad student)
Jeffrey B. TitusNeuropsychology; epilepsy2002 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Beth A. TrammellNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2012 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Aarika VannatterCounseling Psychology Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services2012 Kristin Perrone-McGovern (grad student)
Fleeta R. VauxNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2009 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Theresa A. VeachClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Oncology2000 Donald Nicholas (grad student)
Amber WhitedNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2011 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)
Virginia (Ginger) B Wicklinenonverbal communication, cultural adjustment, intercultural competence, scholarship of teaching and learning Neuropsychology19971998 Raymond S. Dean (research assistant)
Scott A. WoitaszewskiEducational Psychology Education, Special Education2001 Betty E. Gridley (grad student)
Amy E. ZimmermanNeuropsychology Educational Psychology2014 Raymond S. Dean (grad student)