City University of New York

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ilana Y. Abeles Psychology20062011 Pamela D. Butler (grad student)
Mimi AbramovitzSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Lisa C. AbramsPsychology Psychology2010 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Gladys AcevedoClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Tsippa F. AckermanNeurotrophins Psychology2007 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Mervan S. AgovicNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology Biology2009 Theodore I. Lidsky (grad student)
Zaghloul AhmedNeuroscience Biology2006 Andrzej Wieraszko (grad student)
Gabriel O. AisembergNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Linell AjelloAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2012 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Sean AkermanDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Asian American Studies Psychology2011 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Najat Al-BashirRegeneration; cAMP Biology2011 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Ayanna K. Alexandergonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis Biology2010 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Sara E. AlgerCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, General Psychology Psychology2011 William Fishbein (grad student)
Margarita AlmonteIndustrial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2002 Walter Reichman (grad student)
Karin Alterescuemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2012 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Ted S. Altschuler Psychology2014 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Alicia M. AlveroBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Nicole J. AmadorPsychology Psychology2009 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Para AmbardarClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology2003 Laurence Gould (grad student)
Mirko AmicoQuantum computing Physics Oleg Berman (grad student)
Louise S. AmmentorpDevelopmental Psychology, Elementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education Psychology2008 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Ivan A. Anastassovretina Biology2013 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Jeanine K. AndreassiManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology2006 Abraham K. Korman (grad student)
Inge AnemaAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Speech & Hearing Sciences2008 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Stephen J. AnenClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Denise Hien (grad student)
Deidre M. AnglinClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, African American Studies, Black Studies
Michael Anshel
Johns S. AntrobusPsychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
John S. AntrobusCognitive Psychology, Gerontology, Psychometrics Psychology
Sara C. ApplebySocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2015 Maria Hartwig (grad student)
Paul ArgottBehavioral Psychology Psychology2010 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Lucy ArnotSocial Psychology2006 Richard L. Wiener (grad student)
Stephanie Assurasemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2010 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Jennifer AstutoDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Administration Education2006 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Seher Atamturktur
Tanja M. Auf der HeydeClinical Psychology, Music Psychology2012 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Robert AuschDevelopmental Psychology, History of Education, Sciences Education2003 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Jacqueline L. AustinGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Law, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Jennifer AyalaHigher Education, Social Psychology2005 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Anthony V. AzzaraMetabolic Disease19952000 Anthony Sclafani (grad student)
Harouna BaDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2007 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Jaclyn W. BabcockEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2015 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Stephanie P. BagliciEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Mathematics Education Educational Psychology2008 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Reon A. Bairdemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2007 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Daniella BakMathematics, Computer Science2000 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Mitchell B. BakerBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Entomology Biology, Ecology Biology
Kalindi P. BakshiNeuroscience Biology Biology2007 Hoau-Yan Wang (grad student)
Steven BallSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Theory and Methods2004 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Maryam Bamshad-AlaviNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
Shailesh P. BanerjeeNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Snigdha Banerjee Psychology2014 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Amari P. BarashMusic2002 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Virginia Barber RiojaClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Thomas Kucharski (grad student)
Dylan C. Barnes Psychology20082014 Donald A. Wilson (grad student)
Jack BarnhardtMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials2006 Hilary Gomes (grad student)
Ricardo E. BarrerasSocial Psychology, Public and Social Welfare2004 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Michael C. BarrisVisual system, color19721976 Thomas E. Frumkes (grad student)
Arlene BarrowEducational Psychology Education, Social Work Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Judy Barryemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2013 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Steven BashkoffClinical Psychology Psychology2007 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Mae K. BasowClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Denise Hien (grad student)
Juliana C. BatesMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials Psychology2008 Hilary Gomes (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Bauer2000 Louise Hainline (grad student)
Inessa BazayevMusic Music2009 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
David BearisonDevelopmental Psychology
Danielle L. BeattySocial Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Black Studies Psychology2007 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Lara M. BeatyDevelopmental Psychology, Technology of Education2005 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Jessica BeerDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2007 David Bearison (grad student)
Lisa S. BehrensMusic Music2013 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Anabel BejaranoSocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Vera S. Paster (grad student)
James BelanichExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Ryan Bell Psychology2013 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Christian A. BenavidesBehavioral Psychology, Special Education, Early Childhood Education Psychology2007 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Heidi A. Benderemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2007 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Selina BendockPersonality Psychology, Women's Studies2000 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Michael D. BenharTeacher Training Education, Industrial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Jonathan I. BenichovAvian Neurobiology, Vocal Communication
Lymari BenitezSocial Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Sciences Psychology2008 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Daniel L. BenkendorfIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2012 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
Geetal BensonEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology, Mathematics Education Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Susan H. BergSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies2001 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Ditza D. BergerEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology, Secondary Education2000 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Anni BergmanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Amanda Nicholson Bergold Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Jacquelyn BergsteinExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2006 Matthew H. Erdelyi (grad student)
Shira M. BerkovitsBehavioral Psychology, Higher Education Psychology2011 Alicia M. Alvero (grad student)
Nancy B. BerksonEducational Psychology Education2001 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
Sonia Y. BernalOpioid System Psychology2010 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Elizabeth BernbachClinical Psychology2001 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Haven BernsteinBehavioral Psychology Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Rebecca J. BerryBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2011 Christopher B. Braun (grad student)
Corrine C. BertramSocial Psychology, Women's Studies2004 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Susan P. BewleyDevelopmental Psychology, Human Development2000 Gerald Turkewitz (grad student)
Alpana BhattacharyaReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2001 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Michelle C. BilliesSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies Psychology2013 Michelle Fine (grad student)
David S. BimbiSocial Psychology, Gender Studies Psychology2007 Jeffrey T. Parsons (grad student)
Josephine L. BishopEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education Educational Psychology2008 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Libby L. BlackGeneral Psychology, Theory and Methods, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health Psychology2013 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Sasha C. BlackwellEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Jonathan F. BlaizeGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biology2013 William J. L'Amoreaux (grad student)
Victoria BlanshteynCognitive Psychology Psychology2012 Charles A. Scherbaum (grad student)
Jeanne P. BlausteinClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health2001 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Rebecca C. BlockClinical Psychology, General Literature Psychology2011 Jeffery Rosen (grad student)
Janice BloomSociology of Education, Higher Education2006 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Emily M. BlyClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Richard J. BodnarOpioid System
Diane M. BogdanBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroethology Psychology2009 Cheryl F. Harding (grad student)
Michelle M. BoileauCriminology and Penology, Analytical Chemistry Criminal Justice2012 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Thomas M. BorkowskiSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology2004 Jeffrey T. Parsons (grad student)
Graziela BortzMusic, Music Education2003 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Elizabeth Bostock
Dmitri Bougakovemotion, neuropsychology2005 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Elaine C. BowIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Walter Reichman (grad student)
Nancy E. BoyerReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2010 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Jody E. BrandtClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2005 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Alice Brown Brandwein Psychology2014 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Lisa BraunClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Christopher B. BraunBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Elisabeth BraunerIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Michelle K. BrennerGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Ethics, General Religion Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Kendra BrewsterSocial Psychology, Social Work, Higher Education Psychology2014 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Adam M. Brickmanemotion, neuropsychology2004 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Devorah BrimExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Sheila D. BrooksClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Black Studies2005 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Ann K. BrownBehavioral Psychology, Special Education Psychology2008 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Gerard BruderCognitive Psychology
Stefanie BrunoIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2013 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
Rebecca E. BuchtAnalytical Chemistry, Law Criminal Justice2010 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Katherine E. Burdick Jeffrey M. Halperin (grad student)
Stephen BurghardtSocial Work, Black History, Clinical Psychology, African American Studies
April BurnsSocial Psychology, Social Sciences Education, Sociology of Education Psychology2013 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Dmitry BurshteynExperimental Psychology, Personality Psychology2000 Ching-tse Lee (grad student)
Alejandra d. C. AlonsoCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
William D. CabinSocial Work, Public Health, Public and Social Welfare Social Welfare2009 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Miriam Caceres-DalmauClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Vera S. Paster (grad student)
Jane CaflischClinical Psychology, GLBT Studies, General Psychology Psychology2013 Margaret Rosario (grad student)
Caitlin CahillGeography, Social Psychology, Women's Studies2005 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Dongming CaiRegeneration; cAMP2001 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Daniel CalderoneExperimental Psychopathology Psychology2012 Pamela D. Butler (grad student)
Grace CampagnaClinical Psychology, Community College Education, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2012 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Vincent Campese Psychology2011 Andrew R. Delamater (grad student)
Elizabeth Caninoemotion, neuropsychology2001 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Gina Cantoneretina2005 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Zixuan CaoRegeneration; cAMP2003 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
John F CapmanSocial Psychology, I/O Pyschology
Carrie C. CapstickClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2008 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Nancy M. CardwellTeacher Training Education, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2014 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Sarah K. CarneySocial Psychology, Law, Women's Studies2004 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Belinda CarrascoGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2012 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Emilce Carrascogonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2002 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Maria R. CarreroPersonality Psychology2002 Walter Reichman (grad student)
Christine C. CarusoGeneral Psychology, Environmental Studies, Public Health, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Desiree CassarSocial Psychology, Law2005 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Giuseppe CataldoOpioid System Psychology2010 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Jeanne M. Cavanaugh-ToddEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Amanda CenerelliEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Counseling Psychology Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Lori ChajetAdministration Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education2006 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Benzion ChanowitzExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology
Richard L. Chappellretina
Heather J. CharatzPhysiological Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Gender Studies Psychology2011 David Bearison (grad student)
Vanessa A. ChartouniClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2003 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Sheila ChasePsychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Neil K. ChaudharySocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Personality Psychology2002 Glen Hass (grad student)
Anuj ChauhanOphthalmic Drug Delivery Chemical Engineering David S. Rumschitzki (grad student)
Chiu-Yuan ChenMusic, Asian American Studies Music2011 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Chia-Chien ChenNeuroscience Psychology2013 Joshua Craig Brumberg (grad student)
Rebecca S. ChenClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2007 Howard Ehrlichman (grad student)
Pei-Yao ChenEthnic and Racial Studies, United States History2003 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Yung-Chi ChenEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Eugenia CherkasskayaGeneral Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2014 Margaret Rosario (grad student)
Megan S. ChesinClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Elizabeth L. Jeglic (grad student)
Alexis Chestnut-AndrewsEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Mathematics Education Educational Psychology2007 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
Angeles M. CheungNeurotrophins2006 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Molly W. ChiltonReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2013 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Ting L. ChinClinical Psychology2004 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Christoforos Christoforouspeech, audition, computational modeling, EEG Computer Science2009 Lucas Parra (grad student)
Lisa M. ChrzanowskiExperimental Psychology, Mass Communications2006 Steve Penrod (grad student)
Yeunjoo ChungPsychometrics Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education Psychology2015 Elizabeth L. Jeglic (grad student)
Frank R. CiceroEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Jenifer ClarkClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Melanie Close Psychology2020 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Deborah L. CoatesSocial Psychology
Jennifer E. CohenClinical Psychology2004 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Yochi Cohen-CharashIndustrial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Jessica L. ColeClinical Neuropsychology Doctoral Program Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Karyn R. CollieBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Entomology Biology, Ecology Biology Biology2013 Mitchell B. Baker (grad student)
Deirdre ConlonSocial Psychology, Geography, Women's Studies Psychology2007 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Michael K. ConnSocial Psychology, Geography, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Peggy S. ConnerAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Speech & Hearing Sciences2013 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Abigail A. ConnollyEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Maureen O. ConnorBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Deirdre A. ConroyPhysiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2004 Arthur J. Spielman (grad student)
Catherine M. ConstableReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Speech & Hearing Sciences2010 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Richard J. ContradaClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology Psychology David C. Glass (grad student)
Hilary W. CooperClinical Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2007 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Christopher P. CorboCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biology2012 Alejandra d. C. Alonso (grad student)
Antonia E. CorderoSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies2000 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Peter C. CostelloClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2000 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Bonnie K. CreechClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2000 Judith Jaeger (grad student)
Caroline B. CrockerExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2010 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Alexander H. CrumbleyClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2009 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Isabel P. CuervoGeneral Psychology, Urban and Regional Planning Psychology2013 Roger Hart (grad student)
Kathleen M. CumiskeySocial Psychology, Personality Psychology2003 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Juraci M. Da SilvaDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Tarika Daftary-KapurSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Law Psychology2009 Steve Penrod (grad student)
Colette DaiuteSocial Psychology, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education
Suzanne M. DalalDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Amy E. DaleyClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Elizabeth A. DantoSocial Work, Women's Studies, Behavioral Psychology
Abhishek Dattaelectrical stimulation, computational modelling Engineering20042011 Marom Bikson (grad student)
Sara Davis-ConwayClinical Psychology2006 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Audrey O. DayClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies2003 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Fiona de VosClinical Psychology, Health Care Management2006 Roger Hart (grad student)
Diana DeaconCognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Pamela B. DegotardiDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2000 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Julie Dela CruzOpioid System Psychology2014 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Rebecca Dell'AglioBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Jo-Ann Della-GiustinaCriminology and Penology, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Maureen O. Connor (grad student)
Domniki J. DemetriadouIndustrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2003 Joel Lefkowitz (grad student)
Yoshiko DeMottaMarketing Business Administration Business2012 Sankar Sen (grad student)
Kangwen DengRegeneration; cAMP2005 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Jaime A. DeQuinzioBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2009 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Sarit DereyRegeneration; cAMP Biology2010 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Pamela DeRosseBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2007 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Peter DiaczukCriminology and Penology Criminal Justice2014 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Diana DiamondClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Samantha E. DiazPsychology Psychology2010 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Mariana Diaz-WionczekCognitive Psychology2002 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Nancy E. DibBehavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Music Education Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Jennifer F. DobbinsSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2009 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Bruce P. DohrenwendClinical Psychology
Rima Dolgoff-KasparNeurotrophins Psychology2008 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Marco DomeniconiCNS Regeneration2003 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Mary Rocco Donovansensorimotor physiology Psychology2008 Joshua Craig Brumberg (grad student)
Anne-Marie DonovanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Physiological Psychology2003 Howard Ehrlichman (grad student)
Gregory T. DonovanSocial Psychology, Information Science, Web Studies Psychology2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Corinne B. DonovanIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations Psychology2007 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Erica A. DoranSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2012 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Orly Dotan-EliazIndustrial Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2008 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
Jason A. DouglasGeneral Psychology, Geography, Environmental Justice, Social Psychology Psychology2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Boris DubrovskyPhysiological Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2006 Arthur J. Spielman (grad student)
Aleksey I. Dumeremotion, neuropsychology Psychology2011 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Robert O. DuncanVisual System
Lindsay S. DunckelDevelopmental Psychology2003 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Valkiria Duran-NaruckiEducational Psychology Education, Sociology of Education Psychology2011 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Cheryl T. DymOpioid System Psychology2012 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Matthew R. EbbenBehavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology2004 Arthur J. Spielman (grad student)
Yael R. EbensteinClinical Psychology2004 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Rachel J. EbnerReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2012 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Joyce A. EchoOpioid System2002 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Mark R. EdisonClinical Psychology2006 Laurence Gould (grad student)
Dvora B. EfratClinical Psychology2005 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Ryan EhrhartGeneral, Public and Social Welfare, Geography, Agricultural Economics Earth & Environmental Sciences2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Linnea Carlson EhriReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.
Yigal H. EhrlichNeuroscience Biology
Howard EhrlichmanClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Fiona I. EisenbergSocial Work, Women's Studies, Behavioral Psychology Social Welfare2011 Elizabeth A. Danto (grad student)
Anne-Britt Ekert RothsteinBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2012 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Abdeslem El-IdrissiNeuroscience Biology
Daphna El-RoyBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology2004 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Yasir N. El-SherifNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Andrzej Wieraszko (grad student)
Timothy M. Ellmorecognitive neuroscience
Mindy Engle-FriedmanIndustrial Psychology
Michael Lewis EpsteinPerception, Attention Psychology20142020 Tatiana Emmanouil (grad student)
Irwin EpsteinSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Jeffrey K. ErbeClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Social Psychology Psychology2014 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Matthew H. ErdelyiExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Matthew H. ErdelyiExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Chana M. EtengoffDevelopmental Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2013 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Andrew Evelo Psychology Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Susan Farella-BuschCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2003 Wilma Winnick (grad student)
Elie FederMathematics2003 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Herman Feifel1948 Otto Klineberg (grad student)
Galit Feinstein-MessingerIndustrial Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Black Studies, Hispanic American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2007 Walter Reichman (grad student)
Lynda J. Felderphonetics, speech perception2006 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Kimberly A. FeltnerPsychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2007 Sheila Chase (grad student)
Carolina Fernandes Henriqueslearning, fear extinction, circuits
John FernandezIndustrial Psychology, Personality Psychology2005 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
John J. FerreraCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Radiology Psychology2009 Joshua Craig Brumberg (grad student)
Jennifer M. FerreterCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2010 Charles A. Scherbaum (grad student)
Eric FertuckClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Social Psychology
Melanie B. FessingerPsychology and Law, Social Psychology
Eugene D. FestaPsychology2004 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Anne FetherstonDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Ian C. FiebelkornOscillations, Attention, Multisensory Psychology Psychology20062011 John J. Foxe (grad student), Sophie Molholm (grad student)
Desiree J. FieldsGeography, Urban and Regional Planning Psychology2013 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Lanny FieldsBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Michelle FineSocial Psychology
Katherine Finleyemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2011 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Lori L. FinnBehavioral Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Kirsten B. FirmingerSocial Psychology Psychology2012 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Marian C. FishEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education
William FishbeinCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Natalie K. FisherClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Social Psychology2000 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Janine D. FloryClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Janet Dean Fodorpsycholinguistics
Regan FongCognitive Psychology2000 Wilma Winnick (grad student)
Cecilia FontanesiParkinson's disease, DMT, dance, theatre,
Peter D. ForestCriminology and Penology, Neuroscience Biology
David A. FosterSignal transduction, Cancer research, PLD
Donna Foster-PaleySocial Psychology Psychology2008 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Madeline C. FoxSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2014 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Peter FraenkelClinical Psychology, Women's Studies
Steven FranklinEvaluation Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Anderson J. FranklinClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Black Studies
Briendy Fried-SternSocial Work, Adult and Continuing Education, Women's Studies, Jewish Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Social Welfare2012 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Erica J. Friedman Psychology2014 Sarit A. Golub (grad student)
Tamara S. FriedmanCognitive Neuroscience and Schizophrenia Psychology2013 Daniel C. Javitt (grad student)
Pasquale Frisinaemotion, neuropsychology2005 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Margery E. FroschClinical Psychology, Mental Health Psychology2010 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Joan FurmanSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Public Health2005 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Valerie A. FutchSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Gregory J GagnonLGBT health, health psychology, clinical psychology Psychology Psychology20132020 Margaret Rosario (grad student), Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Kim A. GallelliDevelopmental Psychology, Women's Studies2003 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Anne GallettaSocial Psychology, Sociology of Education, Black Studies2003 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Elizabeth E. Gallettaaphasia, language2003 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Kristine E. Gamarel Psychology2014 Sarit A. Golub (grad student)
Charles W. GambleMusic2001 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Qinghai GaoComputer Science Computer Science2008 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Ying GaoRegeneration; cAMP2002 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Claudia Garcia Jou Psychology20162019 Guillermo Esber (research assistant)
Eric Garr Andrew R. Delamater (grad student)
Michelle C. GarrutoBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Nathan A. GatesExperimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Gerard Bruder (grad student)
Dalia R. GefenHigher Education, Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2010 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Ellie GelmanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Lisabeth W. GertnerClinical Psychology2003 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Dana Geva-GrofmanClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Rajendra GharbaranMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, General Biology Biology2008 Gabriel O. Aisemberg (grad student)
Jen GiesekingGeography, Social Psychology, GLBT Studies, Women's Studies Psychology2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Karen K. GiulianiDevelopmental Psychology, Nursing Psychology2009 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Joanna I Gizasynapse, BDNF, autism, PTSD, synaptic plasticity, synapse formation, synapse elimination Biology Mitchell Goldfarb (grad student)
Vasiliki GkiokaRegeneration; cAMP Biology2009 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Robert M. GladdenSocial Psychology, Administration Education2005 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Joseph GlickPsychobiology Psychology
Erika GoldbergClinical Psychology Psychology2007 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Claire R. GoldenEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Lisa GoldfineClinical Psychology, Linguistics Language Psychology2010 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Mirele B. GoldsmithSocial Psychology, General, Environmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning2006 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Harold GoldsteinIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations
Adina GoldsteinSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies Social Welfare2007 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Hilary GomesMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials
Juan L. Gomez Psychology2012 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Manuel Gomez-RamirezAttention, Multisensory Integration Psychology20042009 John J. Foxe (grad student), Glenn R. Wylie (grad student)
Cheng-Xin GongNeuroscience Biology
Mira GoralAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2001 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
William H. GottdienerClinical Psychology
Aaryn P. GottesfeldClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Laurence GouldClinical Psychology
Larry GouldClinical Psychology
Elizabeth P. GrafClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Sarah M. GreathouseGeneral Psychology, Law Psychology2009 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Lisa Greco-JosephDevelopmental Psychology, Law Psychology2013 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Georgina R. GreenEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2014 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Joan GreenbaumGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies
Phyllis GreenfieldExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology2002 Benzion Chanowitz (grad student)
Daniel GreenspunDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2011 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
John F. GrienenbergerSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Jennifer L. GroscupSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Jillian Grose-FiferCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Angela R. GrottoIndustrial Psychology Psychology2013 Karen S. Lyness (grad student)
Deborah J. GruberBehavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2008 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Beiye GuDevelopmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, General Religion2005 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Elizabeth Guerrero BerroaCognitive Psychology Psychology2011 Alan Kluger (grad student)
Josephine S. GuevarraSocial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Black Studies, Public Health, Women's Studies2000 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Hindi M. GuglielmoEarly Childhood Education, Special Education2000 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Gad GutermanAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2011 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Diana M. GutierrezClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Ju-Yong HaMusic Music2010 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Priscila HachimineVTA, NMDA AMPA receptor antagonists, dopamine, learning, motivation, memory, addiction Psychology20082017 Robert Ranaldi (grad student)
Maria M. HadjimarkouOpioid System2004 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Sibel HalfonClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Susan Jo Hall2001 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Halperin Psychology1979 Steven J. Ellman (grad student)
Elizabeth F. HammelEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2012 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Julie B. HanauerDevelopmental Psychology2005 Tina Moreau (grad student)
Vered M. HankinClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Daria V. HanssenSocial Work2003 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Anita B. HaravonAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2002 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Benjamin H. HarrisClinical Psychology Psychology2007 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Faith Harrowretina2005 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Roger HartGeography, Developmental Psychology, Theory and Methods, General
Maria HartwigClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Glen HassExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies
Teresa A. HatfieldEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Elementary Education, Mathematics Education Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Huifang HeRegeneration; cAMP Biology2010 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Sachelle HeavensSocial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2012 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Daliah HellerPublic Health, Social Work, Criminology and Penology Social Welfare2010 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Iris M. HellnerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Anni Bergman (grad student)
Nancy HemmesBehavioral Psychology
Darryl O. HendersonClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology2001 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Lori HeningerSocial Work2005 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
James P. HermanEye movements, Visual Attention, Motor Learning Biology20042012 Josh Wallman (grad student)
Andrew S. HermannCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2001 John S. Antrobus (grad student)
Arild Hestviklinguistics & experimental psychology Richard G. Schwartz (post-doc)
Inbahl HethCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Wilma Winnick (grad student)
Denise HienGeneral Psychology, General, Physiological Psychology
Eve Higbybilingualism, aging, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Speech-Language-Hearing Sceinces Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences20112016 Loraine K. Obler (grad student), Valerie L. Shafer (grad student)
Diogo F. HildebrandMarketing Business Administration Business2013 Sankar Sen (grad student)
Hannah HochBehavioral Psychology2006 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Shira Z. HochbergEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Amber B. Hodgesgonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2004 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Paula HoffmanAlcohol; neuromodulation; genomics Physiology1974 Roderich Walter (grad student)
Alexandra HolbertonBehavioral Psychology2006 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Edward HoncharskiEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education, Individual and Family Studies2001 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Sunkyoung HongMusic2002 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Steven A. HooverCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2011 Jillian Grose-Fifer (grad student)
Eileen HopkinsPharmacology, Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2004 Benjamin Kest (grad student)
Mark A. HorneyClinical Psychology2006 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Frances Degen HorowitzDevelopmental psychology
Courtney HoughamGeneral Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Law Criminal Justice2011 Maureen O. Connor (grad student)
Karen A. HowardEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Special Education2000 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Blake HoweMusic Music2010 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Oshika Howell-WhittakerEducational Psychology Education, Multilingual Education Educational Psychology2012 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Patricia L. HowlandMusic Music2010 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Tsai-Shiou HsiehBehavioral Psychology, Sustainability, Environmental Philosophy Psychology2011 Roger Hart (grad student)
Yvonne HungGeography, Developmental Psychology, Theory and Methods, General Psychology2010 Roger Hart (grad student)
Deirtra HunterPsychology Psychology2008 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
JungMoon Hyun Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Abdeslem E. IdrissiNeuroscience Biology, Human Development, Toxicology
Elizabeth IjalbaAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Speech & Hearing Sciences2008 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Melissa IlardiClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2010 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Tomoaki D. ImamichiPhysiological Psychology, Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2012 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Tomoko Inagakigonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis Psychology2010 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Caglar IrmakMarketing Business Administration Business2007 Sankar Sen (grad student)
Zaur J. IsaakovBehavioral Sciences Psychology Psychology2010 Robert N. Lanson (grad student)
Malka IsmachEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Early Childhood Education Educational Psychology2010 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Kikuyo Itophonetics, speech perception Speech & Hearing Sciences2012 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Aida IzadpanahjahromiClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Multimedia Communications Psychology2012 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Sharlene D. JacksonAfrican American Studies, Black Studies, Women's Studies Psychology2011 Vera S. Paster (grad student)
Melissa L. JacobsClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2014 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Luis F. Jacomegonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2007 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Judith JaegerClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Robert D. JanssenMusic2000 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Deborah JaspenEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2012 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Elizabeth L. JeglicClinical Psychology
Ida JeltovaSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Shirzad JenabPsychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Megan B. JenkinsMusic, Theater Music2010 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Mira A. JensenEducational Psychology Education, Special Education Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Stephanie Jensen-MoultonMusic, Women's Studies Music2008 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Jared JeromeBehavioral Psychology Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Jaicy M. JohnSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2009 Colette Daiute (grad student)
DeShaunta JohnsonClinical Psychology, African American Studies, General Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2013 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Marla JohnstonDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2013 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Kristyn Jones Deryn Strange (grad student)
Jean E. JonesAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2002 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Yasemin JonesEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education, Mathematics Education2005 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
Patricia A. JoyceSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Aaron N. JuniNeuroscience Biology Psychology2008 Benjamin Kest (grad student)
Elliot JuristClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
Eliott Jurist Irving "I.H." H. Paul (grad student)
Patricia A. Kabitzke Psychology2010 Christoph Wiedenmayer (grad student)
Luke KacherskyMarketing Business Administration Business2008 Sankar Sen (grad student)
Rachelle KaliskyVocational Education, Educational Psychology Education, Rehabilitation and Therapy2002 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Brooke W. KammrathAnalytical Chemistry, Criminology and Penology Criminal Justice2012 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Lauren M. KaneIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational Psychology2014 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
Theodora KanellopoulosGeneral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Lisa D. Ravdin (grad student)
Peninah R. KanovskyMusic2002 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Brij J. KapadiaRadiology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology2000 Bernard Z. Karmel (grad student)
Rebecca KaplanEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education Educational Psychology2011 Ida Jeltova (grad student)
Lillian Kaplan Psychology2011 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Bernard Z. KarmelRadiology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
d. b. karronblast TBI, neuroimaging
Lora J. KasselmanObesity2006 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Cindi KatzDevelopmental Psychology
Jennifer B. KatzCounseling Psychology, Law Psychology2011 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Dahlia KaufmanEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Patricia Kavanagh-MinerOpioid System Psychology2012 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Ann M. Kavanagh-ReillyClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Chitra Raghavan (grad student)
Seta Kazandjianvisuospatial processing; cross-cultural; neuropsychology2006 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Kristen M. KellyClinical Psychology2004 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Lynne M. KemenPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Julia C. KennardGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2011 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Maria C. KennedyEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Secondary Education Educational Psychology2014 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Allison S. KertEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Benjamin KestNeuroscience Biology
Minchi KimSocial Psychology Psychology2010 Steve Penrod (grad student)
Ye-Ree KimMusic2006 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Jessica KindredDevelopmental Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Industrial Education2005 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Kristen L. KirklandGeneral Psychology, Organizational, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Chris N. KladopoulosBehavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Toni A. KladopoulosCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2005 Howard Ehrlichman (grad student)
Gad KleinNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2008 Benjamin Kest (grad student)
Cara F. KleinClinical Psychology2001 Vera S. Paster (grad student)
Lisa Kleiner Hoffmanvisual system, development2006 Louise Hainline (grad student)
Olena Kleshchova Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Mariann R. Weierich (grad student)
Emily Z. KleymanExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2000 Glen Hass (grad student)
Otto KlinebergSocial Psychology
Alan KlugerCognitive Psychology
Meredith E. Kneavelgonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2001 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Maria Knikou
Malgorzata E. Knutelska2005 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Dawn M. KochanekRegeneration; cAMP Biology2010 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Vladimir KochkineSocial Work, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2006 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Juline A. KokenSocial Psychology Psychology2009 Jeffrey T. Parsons (grad student)
Judith L. KomakiIndustrial Psychology
Ilene KopsteinPsychometrics Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2004 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Abraham K. KormanIndustrial Psychology, Personality Psychology
J. T. KostmanIndustrial Psychology2004 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Kimberly M. KotovClinical Psychology2002 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Joe KovatchIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration Psychology2011 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Margaret Bull KoveraSocial Psychology, Law
William J. Kowalczyk Psychology2012 Sarit A. Golub (grad student)
Anna KramarskyClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Diana Diamond (grad student)
William H. Krauseemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2014 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Susan S. KraussTechnology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Teacher Training Education2000 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
Denise Krchemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2008 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Kurt T. Kreiteremotion, neuropsychology2003 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Jason W. Krellman Psychology2009 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Kira L. KrenichynGeneral Psychology, Women's Studies, Recreation2004 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Jason C. KrukGeneral Psychology, Social Work, Physiological Psychology Psychology2011 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Eliza KrzanowskaOpioid System2001 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Tzipora KubaPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Thomas A. KubicAnalytical Chemistry2003 Peter D. Forest (grad student)
Thomas KucharskiClinical Psychology
Grazyna KusmierskaClinical Psychology Psychology2011 William H. Gottdiener (grad student)
Carina L. KuttenplanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Kam-Man K. KwongSocial Work, Oncology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
William J. L'AmoreauxMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Andrea A. La RoseMusic Music2012 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Elizabeth K. LakeSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Elementary Education, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2014 Roger Hart (grad student)
Marina LalayantsSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare Social Welfare2010 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Damaris-Lois Y. LangNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Biology2011 Maryam Bamshad-Alavi (grad student)
Alba B. LangenthalReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2004 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Mary ( LankovskyMusic, Music Education Music2009 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Robert N. LansonBehavioral Sciences Psychology
Enrique Lanz OcaEnvironmental Studies, Environmental Management, Alternative Energy Earth & Environmental Sciences2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Hiuyan LauCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2011 William Fishbein (grad student)
Mark LauterbachReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2011 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Franzo I. Lawphonetics, speech perception Speech & Hearing Sciences2011 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Mauricio LeandroSocial Psychology, Urban and Regional Planning, Transportation Psychology2011 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Victoria M. LeavittSchizophrenia, EEG Psychology2009 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Ching-tse LeeExperimental Psychology, Personality Psychology
Ronald LeeBehavioral Psychology, Special Education, Clinical Psychology2006 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Joel LefkowitzGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology
Elisa LegonAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2011 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
David I LeitmanSchizophrenia, emotion, face perception, prosody2006 Daniel C. Javitt (grad student)
Corina Lelutiu-WeinbergerSocial Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2007 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Janice R. LenzerEpilepsy Psychology2014 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Nilde LeoSocial Work, Industrial Psychology Social Welfare2011 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Hilary A. LevineClinical Psychology2002 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Dahlia W. LevyClinical Psychology2003 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Kenneth N. LevyClinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy19941999 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Erika S. Levyphonetics, speech perception2004 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Sarah R. Lewis-LevyOpioid System Psychology2009 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Kimberly LibmanSocial Psychology, Public Health, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Philosophy Psychology2012 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Theodore I. LidskyNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Eric A. LiebermanIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2006 Karen S. Lyness (grad student)
Andrew LivanisEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2007 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
David E. LivertSocial Psychology2004 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Michelle D. LividiniEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Humberto LizardiClinical Psychology
Milton LoayzaAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2008 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Jacqueline J. LoBosco2006 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Alison Locker-FormanClinical Psychology2005 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Teresa Lopez-CastroClinical Psychology Psychology20022012 Denise Hien (grad student), Kenneth N. Levy (research assistant)
Mayra Lopez-HumphreysSocial Work, Social Sciences Education, Multilingual Education Social Welfare2011 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Cristina C. LosadaMusic2004 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Michelle M. Lubomskiemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2012 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Joshua N. LucanMultisensory Integration, Somatosensory, Vision2006 John J. Foxe (grad student), Sophie Molholm (grad student)
Luka LucicSocial Psychology, Sociolinguistics Psychology2012 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Rachel LumsdenMusic, Women's Studies, Gender Studies Music2012 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Jenny J. Ly Psychology2013 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Karen S. LynessIndustrial Psychology
Catherine MaSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Health Education Psychology2012 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Abbe H. Macbethgonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2006 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Harold I. MagazineCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Jeannette R. MahoneyMultisensory Integration; Spatial Attention John J. Foxe (grad student)
Brenda Malcolm
Danielle C. MalkuszOpioid System Psychology2013 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Rachel L. ManesDevelopmental Psychology, General, General Psychology Psychology2014 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Jennifer A. MangelsEpisodic memory, attention, ERPs
Kathleen A. MangiapanelloBehavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Erica B. ManiagoGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2010 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Carlye G. Mannaemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2009 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Louise MarchiniEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education Educational Psychology2011 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Isabelle MareschalVisual psychophysics
Avrohom MargolisClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Sheldon Solomon (grad student)
Sara C. MarkeseSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2007 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Keith A. MarkusClinical Psychology19871996 Joel Lefkowitz (grad student)
Letisha MarreroClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Michael E. MarroquinDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Daniela MartinSocial Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Higher Education2006 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Ana MartinezAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2013 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Jacqueline MassaMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials Psychology2008 Hilary Gomes (grad student)
Sean G. MasseySocial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2004 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Tina MathewPsychology Psychology2013 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Pamela J. MathewsAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2003 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Janet T. MatsunagaClinical Psychology Psychology2007 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Kristen K. Maulspeech, audition, computational modeling, EEG Speech & Hearing Sciences2009 Lucas Parra (grad student)
Claudia MausnerRecreation, Behavioral Psychology, Geography, Land Use Planning, Cultural Anthropology, Natural Resource Management, Landscape Architecture2004 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Mario MazzoliMusic Music2014 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Melissa McCardleSocial Work, General Social Welfare2008 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Andrew McCarronPersonality Psychology, General Literature Psychology2010 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Sara I. McClellandSocial Psychology, Gender Studies, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2009 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Mary E. McDonaldBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Gerontology2004 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Tracy A. McFarlaneSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Higher Education2006 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Abigail S. McNameeDevelopmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 Roger Hart (grad student)
Kathryn B. McReynoldsClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2004 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Cristina MedellinEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology Psychology2015 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Juan C. MejiasClinical Psychology, Gender Studies, Hispanic American Studies Psychology2009 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Carmen V. Melendez VasquezGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Zelda Z Mendelowitz
Melania E. Mercado-PimentelNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2002 Gabriel O. Aisemberg (grad student)
Donald E. MerrimanEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Phyllis Mervis-ItzkowitzSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Industrial Psychology2002 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Victoria B. MesaClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2012 Louis B. Schlesinger (grad student)
Vienna MessinaLeadership Education, Policy Education, Clinical Psychology, Military Studies Psychology2014 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Carolyn MessnerSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Oncology2004 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Dragana MicicGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2010 Howard Ehrlichman (grad student)
Katharine P. MilesReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2015 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Tiffany C. MillerSocial Psychology, General, Individual and Family Studies2006 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Maia R. MillerClinical Psychology Psychology2008 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Jillian MillerClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2010 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Barbara E. MiltonSocial Work, Black History, Clinical Psychology, African American Studies Social Welfare2009 Stephen Burghardt (grad student)
Jennifer MincinSocial Work, International Relations, Theory and Methods Social Welfare2012 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
AnaChristina E. MinerlyPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Nadia MinianDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology2004 David Bearison (grad student)
Michelle L. MinnichIndustrial Psychology Psychology2007 Judith L. Komaki (grad student)
Andre S. MinottUrban and Regional Planning, Architecture2003 Roger Hart (grad student)
Diane M. MirabitoSocial Work2000 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Whit MissildineIndustrial Psychology, Organizational, Gender Studies2007 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Jessica L. MitchellClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology2002 Arthur J. Spielman (grad student)
Lorianne D. MitchellBehavioral Psychology, Management Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Yochi Cohen-Charash (grad student)
Karima Modjadidi Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Sunita MohabirClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Nutrition2006 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Govini MohanBehavioral endocrinology Psychology2008 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Sophie MolholmAttention, Multisensory Integration, Event-Related Potentials, Neuroimaging, Autism, Mismatch Negativity20022005 John J. Foxe (post-doc), Walter Ritter (grad student)
Luke MonckIndustrial Psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2009 Abraham K. Korman (grad student)
Catherine MonkPregnancy, Depression, physiological development Psychology19901997 Steven J. Ellman (grad student)
Marisa A. Monteleonephonetics, speech perception Linguistics2009 Winifred Strange (grad student)
J. C. MoralesNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pharmacology2000 Martin S. Muntzel (grad student)
Tina MoreauDevelopmental Psychology
Catherine J. MorganDevelopmental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology2004 Gerald Turkewitz (grad student)
Michael J. Morganvision
Kristen Paula Morie Psychology2014 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Christina E. Morrisonemotion, neuropsychology2001 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Patricia MossBehavioral Psychology Psychology2009 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Ana Motta-MossSocial Psychology, Public Health Psychology2007 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Angela MouzakitisEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Jeff Muller2002 Joseph E. LeDoux (grad student)
Carolina Munoz ProtoGeneral Psychology, Peace Studies, Theory and Methods Psychology2013 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Martin S. MuntzelNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pharmacology
Jeremy William Murphy Psychology2015 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Peregrine L. Murphygonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2002 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Martin MuscholOptical recording, protein aggregartion, light scattering1992 Herman Z. Cummins (grad student)
Lucille Nahemow1963 Otto Klineberg (grad student)
Sangeeta Nair Psychology20062012 Matthew J. Hoptman (grad student)
Nidal K. NajjarBehavioral Psychology Psychology2007 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Anupama NallariClinical Psychology, Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2014 Roger Hart (grad student)
Arbi NazarianPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Marie C. NazonSocial Work, Higher Education Social Welfare2010 Elizabeth A. Danto (grad student)
Elijah C. NealyGLBT Studies, Gender Studies Social Welfare2014 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Roxana I. NedelcuGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, General Education Psychology2014 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Katherine Johnson Nelson
Amber NemethClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2014 Denise Hien (grad student)
Lorenz S. NeuwirthNeuroscience Biology, Human Development, Toxicology Biology2014 Andrzej Wieraszko (grad student)
Johnny Ng Engineering2012 Marom Bikson (grad student)
Toni Nichollsemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2008 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Jamie N. Nicoletti Psychology2008 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Vasiliki NicolopoulosIndustrial Psychology2005 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Darlene Nigro-BruzziBehavioral Psychology, Teacher Training Education, Special Education Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Olga M. Nikelshpur Psychology2012 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Elena NikulinaRegeneration; cAMP2003 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Maja NinkovicIndustrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology2012 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Tipyamol NiyomchaiPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Simone R. Nunes de CarvalhoReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2012 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Nora O'Brien-SuricGerontology, Social Work, General Social Welfare2011 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Monica N. O'Connell Cognitive Neuroscience20062014 Charles E. Schroeder (grad student)
Barbara A. O'Connor WellsAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Speech & Hearing Sciences2011 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Robyn O'SullivanEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education Educational Psychology2008 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Rebecca OakesGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Social Work2005 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Loraine K. OblerAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism
Anna Obraztsova Psychology2008 Sarit A. Golub (grad student)
Jeremy OffensteinIndustrial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2008 Yochi Cohen-Charash (grad student)
Carolyn OglioDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2009 David Bearison (grad student)
Sweene OscarClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Black Studies Psychology2009 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Jessica OsedachIndustrial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2013 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Suzanne C. OuelletteSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Susan C. OuelletteSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Women's Studies
Meltem PakerDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Anna K. PalegaCognitive Psychology, Aesthetics Psychology2011 Roger Hart (grad student)
Mari H. Palokangas-MilleryDevelopmental Psychology2000 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Melanie R. PanitchSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Women's Studies, General2006 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Debra PaoneBehavioral Psychology2006 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Luena Paparetina Biology2008 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Pablo ParamoBehavioral Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Roger Hart (grad student)
Henry C. ParkDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2015 Martin D. Ruck (grad student)
Sukwon ParkSocial Psychology, Urban and Regional Planning2002 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Ina ParkMusic Music2009 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Marie P. ParnesBehavioral Psychology, General Language, Social Psychology2000 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Lucas Parraspeech, audition, computational modeling, EEG
Jeffrey T. ParsonsSocial Psychology, Gender Studies
Vera S. PasterAfrican American Studies, Black Studies, Women's Studies
Jennifer J. PastorSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Teacher Training Education2006 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Yasser A. PayneSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology2005 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Ken D. PeakeSocial Work, Health Care Management2000 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Joshua A. Peckdopamine, learning and motivation Psychology2014 Robert Ranaldi (grad student)
Steve PenrodSocial Psychology
Steven D. PenrodSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Law
Jonathan Perelmuter Psychology20132019 Paul M. Forlano (grad student)
Rafael A. Perez TorruellaSocial Psychology, Public Health Psychology2010 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Jennifer T. PerilloGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Legal Psychology Psychology2013 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Anita PerrGeneral Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Developmental Psychology Psychology2014 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Megan A. PerrinCognitive Neuroscience and Schizophrenia Psychology Psychology2013 Daniel C. Javitt (grad student), Joshua Craig Brumberg (grad student)
Marjan Persuh
Constance PetropoulosReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2012 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Lawrence H. Pickemotion, neuropsychology2002 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Portia L. PieterseClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Black Studies Psychology2009 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Gianni PirelliClinical Psychology Psychology2010 William H. Gottdiener (grad student)
Lauren M. PolvereDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2009 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Eve PoudrierMusic2008 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Claire L. PoulsonBehavioral Psychology, Dance, Physical Education
Robyn L. PowersClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2012 Janine D. Flory (grad student)
Olga PoznanskyClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2010 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Lucia Pozzanlanguage acquisition, psycholinguistics Linguistics2011 Virginia Victoria Valian (grad student)
Sheindy PretterSocial Psychology, Gerontology, Individual and Family Studies, Oncology2002 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
David J. ProttasManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2006 Hannah R. Rothstein (grad student)
Allison L. PulizziExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2011 Glen Hass (grad student)
Dale K. PurcellGeneral Chemistry, Optics Physics, Philosophy of Science, Analytical Chemistry Criminal Justice2013 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Lawrence A. QuarinoCriminology and Penology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Peter D. Forest (grad student)
Nelida L. QuinteroClinical Psychology, Speech Communication, Architecture, Women's Studies Psychology2014 Susan Saegert (grad student)
Laura QuirosSocial Work Social Welfare2009 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Amy M. RacanelloGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2012 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Thomas Radmancortical plasticity, electrical stimulation Biology20052009 Marom Bikson (grad student)
Kevin M. RafterUrban and Regional Planning, Public and Social Welfare Psychology2008 John Seley (grad student)
Chitra RaghavanClinical Psychology
Andre K. RagnauthOpioid System2000 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Sanjana RagudaranSocial Work, Theory and Methods, Women's Studies Social Welfare2011 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Venkatesh RamakrishnanStructural Biology, NMR, Crystallography
Kimberly RamirezAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2009 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Archna RandallEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology Educational Psychology2012 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Sheetal RanjanCriminology and Penology, Individual and Family Studies Criminal Justice2009 Maureen O. Connor (grad student)
Brenda Rapplanguage Richard G. Schwartz (grad student)
Lisa D. RavdinPsychobiology Psychology, Neurobiology Biology
Caren RawlinsDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2008 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Stephen M. Redentiretina2006 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Brian F. RedmondGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2011 Joel Lefkowitz (grad student)
Sharon A. ReeveBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Walter ReichmanIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology
Marta ReillyMusic, Performing Arts, Performing Arts Education Music2014 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Dana R. ReineckeBehavioral Psychology2005 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
H Jonathon Rendina Psychology20082014 Jeffrey T. Parsons (grad student)
Tracey A. RevensonSocial Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Black Studies
Joseph S. ReynosoClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2007 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Lindsey M. RheadSocial Psychology, Law Psychology2015 Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Donya V. RhettClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Jenna Rieder Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Mariann R. Weierich (grad student)
Christine RissanenEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Corinne D. RiveraGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2013 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Marla S Rivera-Oliverspinal cord injury
Tony RoAttention and Perception
Adrienne RobekBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology2007 Alicia M. Alvero (grad student)
Rosemarie A. RobertsSocial Psychology, Teacher Training Education, Dance, Black Studies2005 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Rommel R. RobertsonIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2009 Elisabeth Brauner (grad student)
Katherine E. RobertsonClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Astrid S. RodriguezReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2010 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Errol O. RodriguezClinical Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Developmental Psychology2006 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Eric M. RodriguezPersonality Psychology, Social Psychology, General Religion2006 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Dario N. RodriguezSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Deryn Strange (grad student)
Louis RodriguezSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare Social Welfare2010 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Melanie S. RogersExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2003 Richard L. Wiener (grad student)
Erica C. RogersClinical Psychology, Environmental Studies Psychology2013 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Jeanne N. RolihEducational Psychology Education2003 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
Maria-Teresa RomeroCircadian Rhythms Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Margaret RosarioSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Public Health
Lisa H. RoseSocial Work, Higher Education2000 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Jeffery RosenClinical Psychology, General Literature
Stephen RosenheckSocial Work, Mental Health Social Welfare2007 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Frederick J. Rosensteinretina2002 Richard L. Chappell (grad student)
Julie RosenthalReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2005 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Beth RosenthalSocial Work, Clinical Psychology
Lars A. RossMultisensory Integration, Speech, Event-Related Potentials Psychology20022008 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Kristen A. RostExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2012 Alicia M. Alvero (grad student)
Hannah R. RothsteinManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Hannah R. RothsteinManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Hilary J. RubensteinClinical Psychology2002 Larry Gould (grad student)
Martin D. RuckSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, East European Studies
Henry H. RuizNeuropsychology, Neuroimmunity Psychology2014 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Kevin C. RuminsonIndustrial Psychology2004 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Tomasz RusielewiczGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology Biology2013 Carmen V. Melendez Vasquez (grad student)
Scott J. Russodrug addiction, stress disorders, neuronal plasticity19992003 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Carolyn S. RyanBehavioral Psychology2006 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Rubina W. SaeedCell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Harold I. Magazine (grad student)
Susan SaegertSocial Psychology, Public Health
Kaliris Y. Salas-RamirezExposure to Drugs during different stages of development
Elisa A. SalerniNeuropsychology, Epilepsy, Neuroprotection Psychology2013 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Herbert D. SaltzsteinDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Michael F. SalwenMathematics, Computer Science2001 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Jamuna S. SamuelMusic, Biography, Theater2005 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Shoshanna SandersEducational Psychology Education, Social Work, Individual and Family Studies2001 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Mahia SaracosttiSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare Social Welfare2008 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Randi A. SarokoffBehavioral Psychology2006 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Kimberley R. Savageemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2012 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Janina L. ScarletLearning, Memory Psychology2010 Andrew R. Delamater (grad student)
Lynn A. SchaeferClinical Neuropsychology, rehabilitation19962002 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Nicole Schaefer-McDanielDevelopmental Psychology, General, Public Health Psychology2007 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Esther Y. ScheinerReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2005 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Charles A. ScherbaumCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Lori B. ScheurBehavioral Psychology2002 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Louis B. SchlesingerClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Barbara T. SchmidtAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2003 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
J. M. Schmidtemotion, neuropsychology2003 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Ariane B. SchneiderEducational Psychology Education, Special Education Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Eric W. SchrimshawSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Public Health Psychology2009 Margaret Rosario (grad student)
Cynthia SchupakPsychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Sheila Chase (grad student)
Marjorie SchwartzClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2007 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Edythe S. SchwartzSocial Work, Organizational Social Welfare2007 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Kerri A. ScorpioNeurotrophins Psychology2012 Susan D. Croll (grad student)
Gillian L. ScottClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, African American Studies, Black Studies Psychology2011 Deidre M. Anglin (grad student)
Stephanie D. Scott-MelnykSocial Psychology, General, Social Structure and Development2000 John Seley (grad student)
Seth SeboldEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Educational Psychology2012 Ida Jeltova (grad student)
Banu K. SeckinClinical Psychology, Cinema2007 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Puleng J. SegaloClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Laura SeiverlingBehavioral Psychology Psychology2010 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
John SeleyUrban and Regional Planning, Public and Social Welfare
Sankar SenMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Alicia J. SeniaReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2010 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Carolyn A. SgandurraClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Valeriy Shafirophonetics, speech perception2004 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Simon ShagrinClinical Psychology Psychology2011 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Amee P. Shahphonetics, speech perception2002 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Kimberly ShamounBehavioral Psychology Psychology2009 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Randi M. ShaneOpioid System2002 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Ruth Sharf2006 Robert Ranaldi (grad student)
Lee'at J. SharoniIndustrial Psychology2005 Mindy Engle-Friedman (grad student)
Robin B. ShawEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Special Education2000 Carol K. Tittle (grad student)
John Shelley-TremblayCognitive Neuroscience, Health Psychology2003 Diana Deacon (grad student)
Yingjing ShenRegeneration; cAMP2000 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Ka Lee Sheng Biology2013 Josh Wallman (grad student)
Alice R. ShepardClinical Psychology, African American Studies, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2009 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Benjamin ShepardSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare2006 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Marina ShikhmanCognitive Psychology Psychology2007 Gerard Bruder (grad student)
Kai-Yvonne ShiversPsychology Psychology2009 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Adina H. ShmidmanReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2008 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Marina Shpaner Psychology2011 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Barbara A. ShultzBehavioral Psychology2001 Nancy Hemmes (grad student)
Ellen ShustorovichClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Teresa M. SignorelliAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Speech & Hearing Sciences2008 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Robert M. SilvaOpioid System2002 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Karen W. SingletonClinical Psychology2004 Anderson J. Franklin (grad student)
Allison G. SitrinClinical Psychology2001 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Andreas Skiadopoulosbiomechanics, neurophysiology Physical Therapy2021 Maria Knikou (post-doc)
Agnieszka B. SkorupkaGeneral Psychology, Design and Decorative Arts, Architecture, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Gary Winkel (grad student)
Vasilios SkoulosEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Yolanda E. SladeEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies Educational Psychology2012 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Arietta SladeSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Jana SladkovaSocial Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Psychology2007 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Lyn K. SlaterPublic and Social Welfare, Higher Education Social Welfare2007 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Diane L. SlonimReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2002 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Tzachi SlonimClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2014 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
Nina P. SlotaDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2009 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Stephen P. SlottowMusic2001 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
David SmeyMusic, Cognitive Psychology Music2014 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Kelloir L. SmithSocial Psychology Psychology2008 Steve Penrod (grad student)
Alison SnowSocial Work, Medicine and Surgery Social Welfare2013 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Adam C. SnyderAttention, Working Memory, Decision-making, Multisensory Integration, Complex Dynamics, Neural Population Coding Psychology20072011 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Alison G. SofferEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2003 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Jocelyn SolisDevelopmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Cultural Anthropology2002 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Sheldon SolomonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Kristin L. SommerIndustrial Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Frances Sommer-AndersonClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Monika L. SonDevelopmental Psychology, Higher Education, Higher Education Administration Education Psychology2013 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Jeeyoung SonMusic Music2008 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Collette SosnowyGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2013 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Amber SousaGeneral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Howard Ehrlichman (grad student)
Timothy K. SpencerMotor Neuron Maturation and Pathology20002005 Marie T. Filbin (grad student)
Mieko Sperbeckphonetics, speech perception Linguistics2010 Winifred Strange (grad student)
Arthur J. SpielmanNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology
Stephanie U. SpinaSocial Psychology, General2002 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Sally SpitzerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Toni SpringDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2009 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Joshua M. SrebnickClinical Psychology2001 Laurence Gould (grad student)
Virginia A. StanickCognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2001 Diana Deacon (grad student)
Evan StarkSocial Psychology, General, Marketing Business Administration2000 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
David P. SteinkeEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education Educational Psychology2010 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Michael J. StirrattSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Public Health2003 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Brett G. StoudtSocial Psychology, Social Sciences Education, Theory and Methods Psychology2009 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Deryn StrangeSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Winifred Strangephonetics, speech perception
Joseph N. StrausMusic, Cognitive Psychology
Andres W. StuckyNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology Biology2013 Hoau-Yan Wang (grad student)
Peter SturmeyBehavioral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Public Health
Yuzhuo Suspeech, audition, computational modeling, EEG Engineering2009 Lucas Parra (grad student)
Alison B. SullivanEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Educational Psychology2009 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Wei-Lun SunPsychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2009 Shirzad Jenab (grad student)
Gretchen SusiSocial Structure and Development, Social Psychology, Public and Social Welfare2005 Cindi Katz (grad student)
Elyse Sussmanauditory system Walter Ritter (grad student)
Meghan R. SwansonAutism spectrum disorder, brain development Psychology20082012 Michael J. Siller (grad student)
Charles SwartzCriminology and Penology, Geodesy Psychology2010 John Seley (grad student)
Matthias H. Tabertemotion, neuropsychology2001 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Janto TachjadiMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Biology2013 William J. L'Amoreaux (grad student)
Behdad Tahayorispinal reflex regulation Maria Knikou (grad student)
Yoko TakagiDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2014 Herbert D. Saltzstein (grad student)
Neta TalGeneral Psychology, General, Physiological Psychology Psychology2012 Denise Hien (grad student)
Jennifer A. TallonSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2009 Jennifer L. Groscup (grad student)
Chaim Y. TarshishCognitive Psychology, Gerontology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2008 John S. Antrobus (grad student)
Ella B. Teagueemotion, neuropsychology Psychology2014 Joan C. Borod (grad student)
Rivka Tenenbaum-PrecelDevelopmental Psychology, Gerontology Psychology2011 David Bearison (grad student)
Alan TenerReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development. Educational Psychology2008 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Binyamin TepferSocial Psychology, Jewish Studies Educational Psychology2009 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Meredith L. TheemanGeneral Psychology, Mental Health, Environmental Studies, Clinical Psychology Psychology2010 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Nicole K. ThornClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Humberto Lizardi (grad student)
Elizabeth C. TingleyClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2003 Arietta Slade (grad student)
Julie TisonExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Glen Hass (grad student)
Danielle TittelbachBehavioral Psychology Psychology2009 Alicia M. Alvero (grad student)
Carol K. TittleEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Mathematics Education
Julia C. Tomassilli Psychology2010 Sarit A. Golub (grad student)
Joseph A. ToomeyClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2013 Maria Hartwig (grad student)
Howard TopoffPsychobiology Psychology, Entomology Biology
Lidiya TornyovaLinguistics Language Linguistics2011 Virginia Victoria Valian (grad student)
Maria E. TorreSocial Psychology, Social Sciences Education, History of Science Psychology2010 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Robert W. TravisCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Leora TrubBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Kimberlee J. TrudeauSocial Psychology, Higher Education, Nursing2005 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Nhan TruongSocial Psychology, Gender Studies, GLBT Studies Psychology2010 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Georgiana TryonEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology
Diamanto TsakanikasPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology2006 Lisa D. Ravdin (grad student)
Steven B. TuberClinical Psychology
J. E. TuckSociology of Education, Philosophy of Education, Administration Education Urban Education2008 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Natasha TumbarelloEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Individual and Family Studies Educational Psychology2010 Marian C. Fish (grad student)
Gerald TurkewitzDevelopmental Psychology, Human Development
Maja TurniskiSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, East European Studies Psychology2012 Martin D. Ruck (grad student)
Jasmine Y. Ueng-McHaleClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Arietta Slade (grad student)
James L. UlrichMathematics2006 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Emily D. UpshurClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2010 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Jannette A. UrciuoliSocial Work, Clinical Psychology Social Welfare2008 Beth Rosenthal (grad student)
Lisa G. Van BrackleSocial Work, Management Business Administration, Finance Social Welfare2011 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Suzanne V.H. van der Feestchild phonology, phonetics, speech perception
Kathleen M. Van Dyk Psychology2015 Nancy S. Foldi (grad student)
Antonios VarelasBehavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Lanny Fields (grad student)
Susan M. VenerEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Teacher Training Education2002 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Rachel VerniSocial Psychology Psychology2012 Suzanne C. Ouellette (grad student)
Suzanne M. VickbergClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Oncology2000 Tracey A. Revenson (grad student)
Frances VictoryDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2014 Martin D. Ruck (grad student)
S. A. Villafranca-WestClinical Psychology Psychology2010 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Mohan K. VinjamuriSocial Work, GLBT Studies, Gender Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology Social Welfare2012 Mimi Abramovitz (grad student)
Malena VinocurClinical Psychology Psychology2013 Denise Hien (grad student)
Edward J. VinskiEducational Psychology Education2007 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Parsla VintereBehavioral Psychology, Dance, Physical Education Psychology2007 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Joseph VollaroCognitive Psychology2000 Wilma Winnick (grad student)
Hans von GizyckiNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2008 Arthur J. Spielman (grad student)
Petra VospernikClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2014 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Akshat Vyas"Behavioral Neuroscienec, Neuroethology, Songbirds, mate-choice, auditory processing" Psychology2007 Cheryl F. Harding (grad student)
Ja'Nina J. WalkerBehavioral Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies Psychology2011 Joseph Glick (grad student)
Maureen E. Wallacegonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2007 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Kelly A. WalshAnalytical Chemistry, Criminology and Penology Criminal Justice2012 Thomas A. Kubic (grad student)
Roderich Walter
Erin J. WamsleyPsychobiology, Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience2007 John S. Antrobus (grad student)
Hoau-Yan WangNeuroscience Biology
Jen-Yi WangMusic2000 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
John C. Ward-HornerBehavioral Psychology Psychology2011 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Bryan WardePublic and Social Welfare2005 Irwin Epstein (grad student)
Angelica WareSocial Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology2006 Colette Daiute (grad student)
Karen N. WassermanEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Women's Studies2001 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Mari Watanabe-RoseBehavioral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Public Health Psychology2007 Peter Sturmey (grad student)
Susanna A. Waterman"Songbirds, song learning, catecholamine, neuroendocrinology"2002 Cheryl F. Harding (grad student)
Philip Watson Psychology2014 Justin Storbeck (grad student)
Amanda R. WaxmanPhysiological Psychology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2012 Benjamin Kest (grad student)
Christine P. Webergonadal hormones, adrenal hormones, monoamines, memory, lordosis2000 Victoria N. Luine (grad student)
Michal WeberClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2007 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Jamieson WebsterClinical Psychology, Philosophy Psychology2009 Lissa Weinstein (grad student)
Xinzhou WeiComputer Science2002 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Karen M. WeierstallPsychology2006 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Jan M. WeinerPsychology Psychology2007 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Lissa WeinsteinClinical Psychology Psychology1982 Steven J. Ellman (grad student)
Karen L. WeiseClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology2000 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Susan WeseenElementary Education, Social Psychology Psychology2012 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Joyce F. WestGeneral, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology
Sarah R. WhitneyEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology Educational Psychology2011 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Alison M. WichnickGeneral Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Special Education Psychology2013 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Debra A. WienerAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism2000 Loraine K. Obler (grad student)
Richard L. WienerIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration, Industrial and Labor Relations
Andrzej WieraszkoNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Keith WilcoxMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Business2009 Sankar Sen (grad student)
Shaun WileySocial identity, intergroup relations, immigration Psychology20022009 Kay Deaux (grad student)
Preston T.J.A. Williamsdevelopmental plasticity, motor control, recovery from brain injury John H. Martin (post-doc)
Addette L. WilliamsClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Black Studies2001 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Skye A. WilsonClinical Psychology2001 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Gary WinkelDevelopmental Psychology, General, Public Health
Karen WinklerClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Developmental Psychology2003 Diana Diamond (grad student)
Wilma WinnickCognitive Psychology
Greta WinogradEducational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Georgiana Tryon (grad student)
Alan WinsonAtypical language development, aphasia, bilingualism Theatre2013 Jean E. Jones (grad student)
Ryan J. WinterIndustrial Psychology, Law, Industrial and Labor Relations2007 Richard L. Wiener (grad student)
Virginia M. WolfsonMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials Psychology2008 Hilary Gomes (grad student)
Jennifer WoodsBehavioral Psychology Psychology2007 Claire L. Poulson (grad student)
Pamela J. WridtSocial Structure and Development, Geography, Social Psychology, United States History, Individual and Family Studies2004 Roger Hart (grad student)
Donna-Marie WrightReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2004 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Marcin Wróblewskipsychoacoustics, auditory electrophysiology, classroom acoustics Speech Language and Hearing Sciences Speech Language and Hearing Sciences20042009 Glenis R. Long (research assistant), Valerie L. Shafer (research assistant)
Hui-Bing ( WuPsychology2005 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
John WykoffMusic Music2012 Joseph N. Straus (grad student)
Philip YanosClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Mougeh R. YasaiClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Peter Fraenkel (grad student)
Po L. YauNeuroscience Biology, Endocrinology Biology, General Psychology Psychology2011 Alan Kluger (grad student)
Yeh-Min E. YiinAppetite, Learning2006 Anthony Sclafani (grad student)
Juran YoonIndustrial Psychology, Speech Communication Psychology2008 Kristin L. Sommer (grad student)
Seungyeun Annie Yoon Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Mariann R. Weierich (grad student)
Lauren YoungDevelopmental Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2011 Elliot Jurist (grad student)
David YoussefniaIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2001 Harold Goldstein (grad student)
Weizhen YuOpioid System2001 Richard J. Bodnar (grad student)
Judith ZacksonClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Steven B. Tuber (grad student)
Charles M. ZaroffVisual psychophysics2001 Thomas E. Frumkes (grad student)
Sarah Zeller-BerkmanGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2011 Michelle Fine (grad student)
Margaret R. Zellnerdepression and kappa opioids Psychology20022008 Robert Ranaldi (grad student)
Jianliang ZhengElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Michael Anshel (grad student)
Luyi ZhouPsychology Biology2009 Vanya Quinones-Jenab (grad student)
Elizabeth ZickClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Diana Diamond (grad student)
David M. Zimmerman Margaret Bull Kovera (grad student)
Marcy ZipkeReading and spelling acquisition and disability, literacy, psycholinguistics, cognitive and language development.2007 Linnea Carlson Ehri (grad student)
Tina M. ZottoliDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology Psychology2011 Jillian Grose-Fifer (grad student)
Marc ZuckerMathematics2005 Michael Anshel (grad student)