Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Babatunde AdeyemoNeuroscience, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry Neurology Steven E. Petersen (research scientist), Bradley L. Schlaggar (research scientist)
Samarth AggarwalNeuroscience, engineering, imaging sciences Neuroscience2022 Yao Chen (research assistant)
Carmen Azevedo Radiology2023 Patricia Ribeiro Pereira (grad student)
Megan E BoschNeuroscience
John Smith Del RosarioNeuroscience, Ion Channels, Neuroplasticity
Taitea Dykstraneuroimmunology, movement disorders Pathology and Immunology20202023 Jonathan Kipnis (research scientist)
Lisa Gorham Argyris Stringaris (research assistant)
Oscar Harari
Andrew Jo Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences2023 Daniel Kerschensteiner (post-doc)
Maria LyAlzheimer disease, aging, resilience Neuroradiology Neuroradiology Cyrus Raji (post-doc), Tammie Benzinger (post-doc)
Thomas E. MahanAlzheimer disease, Down syndrome Neurology20142021 David M. Holtzman (grad student)
Thomas M. MaloneTraumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, spinal cord injury, transcranial magnetic stimulation, neurogenesis, dementia, neuroimaging David L. Brody (research assistant)
Tamara Markovicaddiction, dopamine Neuroscience20152021 Jose A. Moron-Concepcion (grad student)
Nicolas MassalyPain - Opioid Systems
Sean M McCrackenNeuroscience, Visual Sciences Neuroscience2019 Philip Willaims (grad student)
Jamie C MoffaPain, CRISPR, RVM Anesthesiology20212025 Bryan A. Copits (grad student)
Derek C MolliverNeurobiology of pain, GPCR signal transduction, protein-protein interactions, mitochondrial dynamics19911997 William Snider (grad student)
Christian Monroy Hernandez
Ana Morales Benitezneuroscience, neuropathy, ALS
Gerson N Moreno RomeroBiomedical Engineering, Neural Engineering, Pain, Motor Biomedical Engineering2022 Jacob G. McPherson (grad student)
Demetrious Neophytou2020 Hysell V. Oviedo (grad student)
Asia Payne Neurology20162019 Robert Meller (grad student)
Tzvia Pinkhasov Neuroscience Adam Kepecs (grad student)
Cyrus Raji
Chen RanInternal sensory system
Gareth M RurakAstroglia & Development Neuroscience2023 Thomas Papouin (post-doc)
Kevin SpeharAging, Brain Aging, Plasma Factors, Alzheimer's, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Aging
Maggie E Zinkauditory neuroscience20182021 Jonathan E. Peelle (research assistant)