Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Teresa (McAdam)
Ramina Adameye movements, fMRI, attention
A Adamiac19981999 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Mary AinsworthAttachment Tutis Vilis (grad student)
Matti Douglas Allenneuromuscular physiology, electromyography, peripheral neuropathy, neuromuscular disease School of Kinesiology20072009 Timothy J. Doherty (grad student)
Prudence Allen
Brian L. Allmanauditory system
Daniel AnsariDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Chris Donlan (grad student)
Spencer A ArbuckleMotor Control Neuroscience Physiology and Pharmacology20162021 Jörn Diedrichsen (grad student), J. Andrew Pruszynski (grad student)
Giacomo ArianiMotor system, fMRI Computer Science20172021 Jörn Diedrichsen (post-doc)
Steven R. ArnottAuditory perception
Tanja BabicAutonomic Nervous System2007 John Ciriello (grad student)
Cassandra Wallace Bachervisual perception2020 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Rick Bains Tutis Vilis (grad student)
Michelle Bale20092010 Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student)
Ricardo M. BaltazarCircadian Rhythms Michael N. Lehman (grad student), Martin R. Ralph (grad student)
Henry Barnett
Michael Barnett-CowanMultisensory, perception and action, psychophysics, vestibular system20112013 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Murray Llewellyn BarrNeuroanatomy1938 Henry Alan Lawson Skinner (grad student)
Christian BattistaNumerical Cognition, Cognitive Development20092009 Michael Peters (grad student), Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Michael E. BattistaPersonality, attitudes, creativity, geomagnetic activity
Martin G. BauwensVisual perception, Neuroimaging, Music perception, Muliti-sensory intergration
Jason Beikolearning19952001 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Jillian C. Belroseneurodegeneration, TRPM2, neurotrophins
Richard J. BeningerDopamine, reward, incentive learning19711973 Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (research assistant)
H Bernans20002001 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
J Bernat19981999 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Ewart George BertramNeuroanatomy1949 Murray Llewellyn Barr (grad student)
Tyler Beveridge Anatomy and Cell Biology Anatomy and Cell Biology Brian L. Allman (grad student), Marjorie Johnson (grad student)
Alexander J. BilligAuditory scene analysis, auditory memory, speech and music perception Brain And Mind Institute2016 Ingrid S. Johnsrude (post-doc)
Indra R Bishnoi Neuroscience Program20182024 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Michael J. BoisvertAnimal cognition19992006 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Francis Boon19872010 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Jonathan Bourget-MurrayNeurophysiology
J. Edwin Boyd Douglas N. Jackson (grad student)
David R. BrodbeckComparative Cognition Psychology Psychology19931996 William A. Roberts (post-doc), Nancy Innis (research assistant)
Madeleine IR BrodbeckAnimal Cognition, Neuroscience Psychology Psychology2015 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student), David F. Sherry (grad student)
Vernon B. BrooksMotor system
Matthew Robert BrownEye movements Stefan Everling (grad student)
Liana E. BrownVision and Action20032007 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc), Paul L. Gribble (post-doc)
S Brown20022003 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Gavin BuckinghamObject lifting, Weight illusions, Vision, Laterality, Perception and action, Motor control2008 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc)
Stephanie Bugden Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Blake E ButlerAuditory system, neural plasticity, hearing loss, sensory systems development Physiology & Pharmacology Psychology Medical Biophysics Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Communication Sciences & Disorders20232018 Stephen G. Lomber (post-doc), Daniel Ansari (collaborator), Ali Khan (collaborator), Gerold Schmitt-Ulms (collaborator), Prudence Allen (grad student)
György Buzsákimemory, systems, oscillations, hippocampus Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (post-doc)
Laura Cabral20162019 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Nathan E. Cain Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Donald Peter Cainneural plasticity; learning; memory
F R. Calaresu
Daniel J. CameronNeuroscience, Rhythm Jessica Adrienne Grahn (grad student)
L Candussoanimal models19951996 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Kevin J. CanningGABAB receptors, Epilepsy, AD19931999 Lai-Wo Stan (LS) Leung (grad student)
Lucilla Cardinali20122016 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
David P. Carey Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Jerome CarriotVestibular system, perception, motor control, neurophysiology, spatial orientation, acceleration Robarts Institute20152017 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (post-doc)
Anthony CateCognitive neuroscience of vision20052006 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc), Stefan Kohler (post-doc)
Monica M. CaversonPhysiology John Ciriello (grad student), F R. Calaresu (grad student), Canio Polosa (post-doc)
Cristiana Cavina-Pratesiperception and action20042006 Jody C. Culham (post-doc), Sarah A. Khan (collaborator)
David F. Cechettoautonomic physiology and anatomy
Jason Lloyd Chan2011 Stefan Everling (grad student)
Ben Chang20142018 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Brendan ChapmanOculomotor neurophysiology Brian D. Corneil (grad student)
Craig S. Chapman Psychology Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Vivian ChauVision, Memory, Amnesia
Phil CheeversMolecular Virology
Jingyun ChenBrain Morphometry, Realtime fMRI Network Analysis
Ken Chenganimal cognition Psychology19871990 William A. Roberts (post-doc)
Charlotte Chiu20092010 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
John Ciriello F R. Calaresu (grad student), Gordon Mogenson (research scientist)
Sharon N. D. A. Clarke Psychology19931997 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Caylen Cloutier Psychology20122016 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Chantelle M Cocquytemotional memory, episodic memory Psychology20162019 Jennifer Sutton (research assistant)
David W. Conklin
Denise M. Connelly
Jason Connolly2004 Douglas P. Munoz (grad student)
David Cookemotor systems Vernon B. Brooks (post-doc)
Carol Coricellifood, visual system, neuroimaging The Brain and Mind Institute20202022 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Brian D. CorneilOculomotor neurophysiology
Nicholas Cothrosmotor control20022008 Paul L. Gribble (grad student)
J Douglas Crawfordvision, oculomotor, motor control Tutis Vilis (grad student)
J Douglas Crawford
Shelley Cross-Mellor Psychology19982004 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Jody C. CulhamVisual system, brain imaging, perception and action20042007 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc), Tutis Vilis (collaborator), Nichola J. Rice (collaborator)
Rhodri CusackNeuroimaging, Visual and auditory imagery and memory
Mark Daley20102011 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Stacey Danckert20012002 Jody C. Culham (research assistant), Sarah A. Khan (collaborator)
Olivia M DaubCommunication Sciences and Disorders, Spoken Language Development, Pediatric Hearing Loss,
Emil J DavidsonNaturalistic Perception
Emily Davidson20202022 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Michael R W DawsonFoundations of cognitive science, artificial neural networks Psychology1986 Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Trevor A. Day John Ciriello (post-doc)
Cleusa V. De Oliveira John Ciriello (post-doc)
Sheila deKergommeaux19771978 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Eva Deligiannis2023 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Sagar Desai N Rajakumar (grad student)
Joseph FX DeSouzaAttention, eye movements, frontal cortex, fMRI, dance/music20012004 Tutis Vilis (grad student), Stefan Everling (post-doc), Melvyn A. Goodale (research assistant), G. Keith Humphrey (research assistant), Deborah Saucier (research assistant), Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Amy S. Desroches Marc F. Joanisse (grad student)
Sarah L. DevantierCognition, Concepts, Categories, Medical Reasoning Psychology20062008 John Paul Minda (grad student)
Clayton T. DicksonBrain rhythms19881989 Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (research assistant)
Adriana Diez Mendieta2011 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Nancy Digdon Psychology Allan Paivio (grad student)
Dakota DiGirolamoComputational Neurobiology
Diana Dima2022 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Timothy J. Doherty Charles L. Rice (collaborator)
Ysabel Domingoauditory cognition, speech perception, speech-in-noise, cocktail party effect
Dennis W. Domoney Psychology19731974 Ian Spence (grad student)
Hans C. DringenbergSynaptic plasticity, Long-term potentiation, Visual system, Auditory system Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (grad student)
Sarah J. Duff-CanningNeuropsychology19931995 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Sean Dukelow Tutis Vilis (grad student)
Kelly Dyeranimal models20032006 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Roy EaglesonHuman-Computer Interfaces, Cognitive Science, Visualization19851993 Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Lisa A. EckelNeuroendocrine Psychology19921996 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Salina EdwardsMind perception
Colin Godfrey Ellardvisual system, navigation19811986 Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Jim Elsley Brian D. Corneil (grad student)
Ayelet Eppelanimal models19992000 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Mohammad Ali Esmaeili Martin L Duennwald (post-doc)
Stefan EverlingEye Movements Douglas P. Munoz (post-doc), John Duncan (post-doc)
Frederick Ezekiel J Bruce Morton (grad student)
Sara FabbriMovement planning and execution20112014 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Tara M. Farrellstress, song learning, development2008 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Justin R FeeneyTalent Management, Performance Management, Workplace Mental Health Psychology20092017 Richard Goffin (grad student)
Susanne FerberVisual system Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
Stephen S. FergusonG protein-coupled receptors
Teresa Figley20092014 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Ariel FinkielszteinDevelopmental Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics Gregory Mitchel Kelly (grad student)
Carol Finlaysonanimal models19971998 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Jonathan D. Fisk1983 Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Brian Flumerfelt
Kelly A. Foley Psychology20092013 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Kristen Angela Fordantisaccades, oculomotor system2001 Stefan Everling (grad student), Sarah A. Khan (collaborator)
Richard Fraynesmall vessel disease, MR angiography, stroke Medical Biophysics19891994 Brian Rutt (grad student)
Erez FreudCognitive Neuroscience , Visual system, Neuropsychology Psychology20152018 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Melissa Fudge Psychology20042008 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Ainsley A. Furlonger20092011 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student), Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Liisa GaleaPsychology Martin Kavaliers (grad student), Doreen Kimura (grad student), Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Jason GallivanPerception and action20052011 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Tzvi Ganelpeception, action, memory, attention20022005 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc)
Robert C. Gardner
Mohamed I. Gatie Biology Gregory Mitchel Kelly (grad student)
Bertram Gawronski
Maryam Ghahremanicognitive neuroscience
Aaron GibbingsNeuroscience, Rhythm Jessica Adrienne Grahn (grad student)
Candy Gibson
Bonnie Gillis19801982 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Richard GoffinIndustrial Psychology Psychology Douglas N. Jackson (grad student)
Claudia L. R. GonzalezVisually-guided movements Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc)
Laura E. Gonzalez-Lara
Melvyn A. Goodale20131969 Andrew Monjan (grad student), Jody C. Culham (collaborator), Michael Barnett-Cowan (collaborator)
Samanthi Goonetilleke Brian D. Corneil (post-doc)
Jeroen HHLM Goossens Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
Jessica Adrienne Grahnauditory system, rhythm perception, music neuroscience
Steven Grant GreeningAffective Regulation
Paul L. Gribblemotor control, computational neuroscience
Adam M.R. Grohneurobiology Anatomy and Cell Biology Physiology and Pharmacology Brian L. Allman (grad student), Cheryle A. Séguin (collaborator), Charles L. Rice (collaborator)
Melanie Guigueno2011 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Ramsay Gunton
Vladimir Hachinski Clinical Neurological Sciences Henry Barnett (research scientist)
Adam Hahn Department of Psychology20122014 Bertram Gawronski (post-doc)
Jeff Hallanimal models19911992 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Elizabeth Hampson
Paul Handfordbirdsong
Kara E. Hannahevent knowledge, autism spectrum disorder, autistic traits, social communication Psychology Psychology2018 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student), Ken McRae (grad student)
Eric L. HargreavesLearning and Memory, Parkinson's Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)19861993 Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (grad student)
Chenxi He Psychology2020 Blake E Butler (post-doc)
Matthew Heath
Denise Henriques Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
James L. Henrypain, inflammation F R. Calaresu (grad student)
Molly J. Henry2015 Jessica Adrienne Grahn (post-doc)
Jeff Hepburn-Elvidge20092010 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Andrew M. HerbertVisual System, Attention, Pattern Perception19871994 G. Keith Humphrey (grad student)
Alexandra M. HernandezAuditory Perception & Development2006 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
John Hiscottregulation of gene expression in cancer cells, development of immune response modifiers and analysis of the immune response to virus infection19751977 Phil Cheevers (grad student)
Rae E HoeppnerStatistical Learning, Multilingualism
Tim Hohlearning19952000 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Ronald R. HoldenClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology19761982 Douglas N. Jackson (research scientist)
Martin HollenbergRetinal Regeneration
Ian HollowayNumerical Cognition, fMRI, symbol mapping Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Emma HolmesAuditory perception, attention, cognitive neuroscience20152018 Ingrid S. Johnsrude (post-doc)
Melissa Hoppe20012002 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Jonathan Hore
Jennifer S. HoshooleyBehavioural neuroscience20002006 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Alan Hrycyshyn
Richard Humpartzoomiananimal models19982001 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
G. Keith Humphrey19972004 Jody C. Culham (collaborator)
R. Matthew HutchisonfMRI, resting-state, monkey, networks Lai-Wo Stan (LS) Leung (grad student)
Cindy Hutnik Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
Jason Hwang Biology Gregory Mitchel Kelly (grad student)
Koorosh Ighaniananimal models19941995 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Waseem Iqbalfetal development John Ciriello (grad student)
Jordana Jackson20052006 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Douglas N. Jacksonassessment, psychological testing
Lorna Jakobson Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Karin Harman JamesObject recognition, neuroimaging, action, development19982002 Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Thomas W. Jamesmultisensory perception19941996 Doreen Kimura (grad student)
Fiona M. K. JamesEpilepsy, Dogs, Electroencephalography, Brain Oscillations Tutis Vilis (grad student)
Iman Janemi20092010 Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student)
Bryan W. JenkinsBehavioral pharmacology, Neurophysiology, Preclinical disease modeling, Psychopharmacology Anatomy and Cell Biology20112012 Susanne Schmid (research assistant)
Marc F. Joanisselanguage, reading, language impariments
Mandar S. Jogmovement disorders
Marjorie Johnson
Ingrid S. JohnsrudeAuditory system, speech perception, fMRI
Patricia JordanDevelopmental Psychopathology, Cognitive Development J Bruce Morton (grad student)
Jenni M. KarlSensation & Perception, Goal-Directed Actions, Prehension, Development20142015 Jody C. Culham (post-doc), Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Albert KatzCognitive Psychology Psychology Allan Paivio (grad student)
Liam D. KaufmanInhibitory behaviours, fMRI, DTI, Aging, Dementia20042005 Jody C. Culham (research assistant)
J. C. E. Kaufmann
Martin Kavaliers Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Aras Kayvanrad Biomedical engineering Terry Peters (grad student)
Gregory Mitchel KellyDevelopmental Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics
Michaela Kent2020 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Laura Kentonanimal models20012003 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Jenna Kewin20082010 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Sarah A. KhanVisual system, development, thyroid hormone19992008 Brian Timney (grad student), Jody C. Culham (grad student), Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Ali Khan
Aneta Kielar2008 Marc F. Joanisse (grad student)
John A Kiernan
Doreen Kimurasex difference, cognition
James King20092011 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Maedbh KingCerebellum, Cognition, Motor Control, Neuroimaging, Machine Learning20152017 Jörn Diedrichsen (grad student)
Elaine Kiriakopolous John Ciriello (grad student)
Gilbert Kirouac John Ciriello (post-doc)
Dinant Kistemaker20072011 Paul L. Gribble (post-doc)
Fabian Kloostermanmemory, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex19971998 Lai-Wo Stan (LS) Leung (research assistant)
Stefan KohlerMemory
Bryan Edward KolbCortical plasticity/recovery of function Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (post-doc), Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Rick Kornelsenanimal models19921994 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Pralle Kriengwatana20072013 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Greg KroliczakPerception and action20052006 Jody C. Culham (post-doc), Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Shawn P. Kubli20092011 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Min-Ching Kuo
Kaitlin E W LaidlawAttention, action, social cognition Brain and Mind Institute Brain and Mind Institute20162019 Jody C. Culham (post-doc), Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
David T. Laidley
Rebecca Landeranimal models19961997 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Ruth Laniusneuropsychiatry, neuroimaging
Janet M. Lapierre20082010 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Mary Ellen Large Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
Sara B. LattanzioAnimal cognition20012007 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Sebastian Lauzon Psychology20172020 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student)
Steven R. Laviolette
Noah Lazaranimal models20042010 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Sebastian Lehmann Brian D. Corneil (post-doc)
Li-Ann Leow20132015 Jessica Adrienne Grahn (post-doc)
Jaana Liisa LeppalaVirtual reality, virtual avatar, actions, grasping, Shh signalling, neural fate Social Science20192022 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Lai-Wo Stan (LS) LeungEpilepsy, Theta Rhythm Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Cheryl Limebeer
Annika Linke
Chantelle Llyod
Stephen G. Lomber
Robin Ludwick-Rosenthal Richard W. J. Neufeld (grad student)
Thomas Luloff20092011 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Rogelio LunaVisual system, somatosensory system, system neurosciences
Stephen Jeffrey Lupkerword recognition, priming
Julian Lupovestibular psychophysics
Kathleen Lyons Psychology20212023 Ryan A. Stevenson (post-doc)
Liya MaPrefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, cognitive control, executive functions, eye movements, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, rodents, non-human primates
Penny A. MacDonald
Scott Macdonald20112017 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Scott A MacDougall-ShackletonBirdsong, Seasonality, Stress
Elizabeth MacDougall-Shackleton
Derrick F. MacFabeanimal models-autism Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Michael J. MacKenzie Zoology Gregory Mitchel Kelly (grad student)
Ewan A. Macphersonauditory neurophysiology, psychoacoustics
Rodrigo S MaedaSensorimotor Neuroscience, Motor Control, Neurophysiology Psychology2015 J. Andrew Pruszynski (grad student)
Nicole Malfaitmotor control20052007 Paul L. Gribble (post-doc)
Jeffrey G. MalinsSpoken word recognition, Tonal languages, Reading, Learning disabilities, Word learning, fMRI, ERP20072013 Marc F. Joanisse (grad student)
Margarita Maltseva20132020 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Jonathan J. MarottaPerception and Action19921998 Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
R Jeff Martin Biology2015 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Anna Matjeko Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Kathy N. Maxwell
Andrew G. McAdam Zoology19951998 John S. Millar (grad student)
Kevin McCann19801981 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Christina McDonnell Psychology20182019 Ryan A. Stevenson (post-doc)
Lucy McGarry2015 Jessica Adrienne Grahn (post-doc)
J. McKay20032004 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Douglas McKitrick19831984 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Jonathan Mcleod Biomedical engineering Terry Peters (grad student)
Christopher McNorganMultisensory Integration, Semantic Memory, Computational Models, Functional Neuroimaging Psychology20022009 Ken McRae (grad student)
Ken McRaesemantic memory, sentence processing
Ravi S. MenonNeuroimaging, MRI
Jonathan A. MichaelsNeuroscience, Motor Systems Physiology and Pharmacology2019 J. Andrew Pruszynski (post-doc)
Marla Mickleborough2001 Sarah A. Khan (collaborator), Ruth Lanius (grad student)
Daniel J. MillerNeuroanatomy Psychology20192022 Blake E Butler (post-doc)
John Paul Mindacognition, categories, concepts, thinking
John Paul MindaPsychology
Scott D. Moffatcognitive aging; behavioral endocrinology19931998 Elizabeth Hampson (grad student)
Gordon Mogensonmotivation
Simona Monaco20052010 Jody C. Culham (research scientist), Sarah A. Khan (collaborator)
Drew Moore20112013 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Jason M. Moreauneurobiology John Ciriello (grad student)
Nasim MortazaviEffective connectivity
J Bruce MortonDevelopment, cognitive control, frontal cortex
V Msi
Anne-Marie Muller Psychology20182020 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student)
Lyle Muller
Elizabeth Munn19801981 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Benjamin Nagy Brian D. Corneil (grad student)
Karli M Naveauditory neuroscience, timing, rhythm, music cognition, beat and meter, development, EEG Centre for Brain and Mind2022 Jessica Adrienne Grahn (post-doc)
Anthony Nazarov
Kristina Anne NeelyCognitive motor neuroscience Kinesiology20032010 Matthew Heath (grad student)
Amy E.M. Newmanneuroendocrinology, stress, comparative physiology, ornithology, ecophysiology Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Tram NguyenMusic, Rhythm, Psychology Jessica Adrienne Grahn (grad student)
Emily S. NicholsCognitive neuroscience, language, bilingualism Marc F. Joanisse (grad student)
Matthias Niemeier Tutis Vilis (post-doc)
Christopher P. R. Norris
Nadia Nosworthy Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Richard Desmond O'Brien
Brian J O'Neillleadership self, social-cognitive self, organisational context, concrete-abstract language, gender differences at work Psychology19681971 Alan Paivio (grad student)
Joseph B. Orange
Klaus-Peter Ossenkoppbehavioral neuroscience, psychobiology, psychopharmacology, animal models, behavioral pharmacology1980 Donald Peter Cain (collaborator), Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (post-doc)
Sarah J. Ouellette Psychology20152015 Donald Peter Cain (collaborator), Elizabeth P. Hayden (grad student), Elizabeth Hampson (grad student)
Tomomichi OyaMotor system, Neurophysiology Department of Physiology and Pharmacology2021 J. Andrew Pruszynski (post-doc)
Mike PaceOculomotor neurophysiology Brian D. Corneil (grad student)
Danielle Pace Biomedical engineering Terry Peters (grad student)
Joey Paciocco20102012 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Allan PaivioWorking memory, information processing1959 Wallace E. Lambert (grad student)
Alan Paivio
Lena Palaniyappan
Daniel R PalmerObject Recognition Memory, Multisensory Integration, Metacognition, Behavioural Flexibility, Visual Spatial Learning, Prefrontal Cortex Physiology & Pharmacology Physiology & Pharmacology2017 Timothy J. Bussey (post-doc), Lisa M. Saksida (post-doc)
Maryse Paquetneurotransmitter receptors, glia, mGluRs, excitotoxicity20062007 Stephen S. Ferguson (post-doc)
Min Tae Park Psychiatry Mallar Chakravarty (grad student)
Kaitlyn Parks Psychology20172020 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student)
Salonee Patel Anatomy and Cell Biology Brian L. Allman (grad student)
Donald W. PatyNeuroscience Biology, Pathology, Molecular Biology Calvin Stiller (grad student)
Sampo V. PaunonenPsychometrics Psychology Psychology Douglas N. Jackson (grad student)
Pauline Pearson Brian Timney (grad student)
Tara Perrot Psychology19941998 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant), Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Raymond P. Perry1967 J. Edwin Boyd (grad student)
Michael PetersNeuropsychology Andrew Monjan (grad student)
Charles Pettypiecekinematics, reaching, grasping, haptics20082010 Jody C. Culham (grad student)
Jessica PhilipsBasal Ganglia and Frontal Cortex in Primates
Anthony Phillipsmemory, motivation Gordon Mogenson (grad student)
Leslie S. PhillmoreSongbird, animal learning, neural basis of perception, seasonality20022005 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (post-doc)
Dominique A. Potvin Department of Biology20142008 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (post-doc), Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Kartik PradeepanStem cells, autism, electrophysiology, neuroepigenetics, genetics Neuroscience20182020 Julio Martinez-Trujillo (grad student)
Gavin Rhys PriceDyscalculia, Numerical Cognition, fMRI, Educational Neuroscience20092012 Daniel Ansari (post-doc)
J. Andrew PruszynskiMotor Control, Motor Cortex, Tactile Mechanisms, Neurophysiology
David Purcell Terence Picton (post-doc)
Derek J. QuinlanPerception and action20012008 Sarah A. Khan (collaborator), Jody C. Culham (grad student)
N Rajakumar Anatomy and Cell Biology Anatomy and Cell Biology Donald Peter Cain (collaborator), Brian Flumerfelt (grad student), Alan Hrycyshyn (grad student)
Sasha Reschechtko Physiology & Pharmacology20182021 J. Andrew Pruszynski (post-doc)
Sam Rezvani Brian D. Corneil (grad student)
Charles L. Rice
M Richardson
Michael J. RiederImmunopharmacology, Immune reactions
Allyson J. Ripley
Harrison RitzPsychology, neuroscience, speech perception, cognitive control, decision-making20142016 Ingrid S. Johnsrude (grad student)
Brittany Roberts2015 Jessica Adrienne Grahn (grad student)
William A. Roberts
Erin K. Robertson Marc F. Joanisse (grad student)
Jennifer Robertson
Terry E. Robinson Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (grad student)
Stefanie Roder John Ciriello (grad student)
Martin R. Roos
Patricia M. Rosas-Arellanorenal John Ciriello (grad student)
Stephanie RossitHemispatial neglect, perception and action
Carol Routhier19781980 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
David Rudko Department of Medical Biophysics Ravi S. Menon (grad student)
Walter Rushlow Anatomy and Cell Biology Brian Flumerfelt (grad student)
Carol Ruthier
Andrea Saberanimal models20002002 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Cailey Salagovic Psychology2019 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student)
Mozhgan Salimiparsa2024 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Yani Sarquis Adamson2008 Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Deborah Saucier Doreen Kimura (post-doc)
Nichole E Scheerer Psychology2019 Ryan A. Stevenson (post-doc)
Aubrieann Schettler
Susanne Schmid
William C. SchmidtVisual Psychophysics19921994 Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Kim L. Schmidtneuroendocrinolgy, development20092013 Scott A MacDougall-Shackleton (grad student)
Ashley Schormans Anatomy and Cell Biology Brian L. Allman (grad student)
Neil Schwartzvisual system, development, dendrite20022002 James L. Henry (grad student)
Jack M. ScottAural rehabilitation, Acclimatization, Amplification
Shannon Scratchanimal models20052006 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Cheryle A. Séguin
Janahan SelvanayagamCognition; Visual Attention; Primate Neurophysiology Physiology and Pharmacology20182023 Stefan Everling (grad student)
Philip Servossomatosensation, visual perception, multisensory processing Melvyn A. Goodale (grad student)
Fakhri Shafai Psychology20172020 Ryan A. Stevenson (post-doc)
Soaleha ShamsBehavioural Neuroscience20072009 Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student), Martin Kavaliers (grad student), Derrick F. MacFabe (grad student)
Paul Anthony Swaine Sheppard2019 Timothy J. Bussey (post-doc), Lisa M. Saksida (post-doc)
David F. Sherrymemory, avian brain, hippocampus, spatial orientation Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Sandy Shultzconcussion: animal models; human concussion20052010 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Sandy Shultzanimal models
Samantha Shultz Psychology / Social Sciences2016 Ryan A. Stevenson (grad student)
Christy D. SichLibrary and Information Science
Anne F. SimonSocial Behavior, Drosophila, Aging
Anthony Singhalmultisensory processing; attention, memory, action20042006 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Kevin J. SkoblenickSchizophrenia, Antipsychotic Drugs
Nicholas Slothouberphilosophy of psychiatry, neuroscience
Adrian Snihuranimal models; hormones20032005 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Jacqueline SnowfMRI, object recognition20082013 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
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