Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sameer Aryallearning and memory, neurobiology of disease, RNA biology in neuroscience Biology20112012 Tim J. Lebestky (research assistant)
Jack E Berry Biology20112012 Tim J. Lebestky (grad student)
Masen L Boucher Neuroscience Program Noah Sandstrom (research assistant)
Matthew E. Carterfeeding, optogenetics
Joe CruzCognitive Science
Graeme W. Davis Steven Zottoli (research assistant)
Eric W. FishBehavioral pharmacology1996 Betty Zimmerberg (research assistant)
Amie Ashley Haneprenatal stress, maternal sensitivity, mother-infant attachment, infant temperament, psychophysiological measures of stress reactivity, behavioral inhibition, exuberance, vocal coregulation, and communicative and social competence
Kylie A Huckleberry Neuroscience20092011 Noah Sandstrom (research assistant)
Mike KirwanERP, EEG, fMRI, decision making, temperament, and attention bias to threat20072008 Amie Ashley Hane (research assistant)
Tim J. Lebestky
Anna Keen Leonard
Tracy K. McIntosh Lee C. Drickamer (research assistant)
Jason R. MeyersVisual system, zebrafish19931997 Steven Zottoli (research assistant)
Lauren Philbrook Amie Ashley Hane (research assistant)
Ned T. SahinAutism, Language, Intracranial EEG, fMRI19961998 Betty Zimmerberg (research assistant)
Noah SandstromBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Ben K. StaffordRetinal Physiology19962000 Betty Zimmerberg (research assistant)
Tracey A. Van KempenNeuroanatomy, estrogen, menopause, hypertension20052008 Betty Zimmerberg (research scientist)
Heather Williamsbirdsong
Safa Zaki
Betty ZimmerbergDevelopmental psychopharmacology
Steven Zottoli Donald Faber (grad student)