Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Doug Anders19961999 John Woodward (post-doc)
Michelle Arriaga Matthew Banks (grad student)
Silviu-Alin Bacanu
Stephen R. BakosPhysiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology Physiology and Biophysics2012 Richard M. Costanzo (grad student)
Matthew Banks Pharmacology and Toxicology20082010 S. Stevens Negus (post-doc)
Clive M. BaumgartenCardiac Electrophysiology
Patrick M. Beardsleydrug abuse, behavioral pharmacology, rat/primate self administration Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology19831985 Bob Balster (post-doc)
Jonathan BekensteinEpilepsy
Jill Bettinger
Dale L. Birklestress19781982 Earl F. Ellis (grad student)
S. Gaylen Bradley
Christina M. BurchStroke
Robert L. Campbellpharmacology, analgesics, clinical trials
Chris Chatzinakos20162019 Silviu-Alin Bacanu (post-doc)
Dong Chen Pharmacology & Toxicology20132015 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
david cifuTBI
Robert C. Coghillpain, brain imaging19861991 Don Price (grad student), David J. Mayer (grad student)
Jeremy C. Cornellisen Matthew Banks (grad student)
Silvia Cruz19971998 John Woodward (post-doc)
Andrew Davies
Mark A. DeCostercellular imaging, lipid messengers, cell signaling, nanotechnology19851989 George H. DeVries (grad student)
Robert J. DeLorenzoEpilepsy, calcium signaling, neural plasticity
Laxmikant S. DeshpandeEpilepsy, Calcium, Cannabinoids, Neurosteroids, Organophosphates
Seth M. Dever Pharmacology & Toxicology20102014 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
William L. Deweypharmacology, analgesics, opioids
Anna R. Docherty Michael C. Neale (post-doc)
Nazira El-HageNeuroimmunology, Neurovirology, Immunology, Dru a Pharmacology & Toxicology20072014 Kurt F. Hauser (research scientist)
Harrison J ElderPharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacology & Toxicology20192023 Patrick M. Beardsley (grad student), David M. Walentiny (grad student)
Lynn W. Enquistvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis S. Gaylen Bradley (grad student)
Sean P. Farris Pharmacology & Toxicology Michael Miles (grad student)
Sylvia Fitting Pharmacology & Toxicology20082014 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
Michael A. FoxSynaptic targeting and formation
Sara GerkePharmacy
John E GreerTraumatic brain injury Anatomy & Neurobiology John T. Povlishock (grad student)
William GuidoLGN, Visual System S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Stephen W. Harkins
Louis S. HarrisPharmacology, opioid, pain, analgesics
Kurt F. HauserNeuropharmacology, NeuroAIDS, Substance abuse, Glia
Blake Hutsell Matthew Banks (post-doc)
Kenneth M. Johnson William L. Dewey (post-doc), Louis S. Harris (post-doc)
Les Keniston David J. Mayer (grad student)
Eric KlannHippocampal plasticity and memory19841989 Keith Shelton (grad student)
Carl G. Kukulka Peter Clamann (grad student)
Kristen M LeeNeuroscience, Development, Behavior Human and Molecular Genetics20142019 Michael S. Grotewiel (grad student)
Diomedes E. Logothetisionic channels, physiology
Bruce G. Lyeth Neurosurgery19831986 Ronald L. Hayes (grad student)
Barton H. ManningPain19921996 David J. Mayer (grad student)
Madison Marcus Matthew Banks (grad student)
William D. MarksHippocampus, neurovirology, HIV, episodic memory, temporal processing Pharmacology & Toxicology20122017 Kurt F. Hauser (grad student)
David J. Mayerpain, analgesia
Michael Miles
David J. MoklerLimbic system, serotonin19841986 John Rosecrans (post-doc)
Duncan R. MorhardtVisual System, LGN, Retina, Retinogeniculate projections2006 William J. Adelman Jr. (grad student)
Max Myakishevstress, psychoneuroimmunology, neurogenic inflammation, photobiology Richard E. Straub (post-doc)
Bin Ni Internal Medicine20102014 Stuart Maudsley (post-doc)
Michael Ohene-Nyako Pharmacology & Toxicology20192022 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
David A. Padgett Roger M. Loria (grad student)
David M. PanchisionDevelopment, stem cells19891994 Robert J. DeLorenzo (grad student)
Jason J. ParisHIV/AIDS, Neuroendocrinology, Pharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology20142016 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
Jason J. ParisBehavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology Pharmacology & Toxicology2014 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
Arco Paul
Elizabeth E. Podhaizer
Azhar Rafiq Douglas A. Coulter (post-doc)
R. Mark Richardson Phsiology and Biophysics19971999 Richard M. Costanzo (grad student)
Hannah Robinson Matthew Banks (grad student)
Christina J. Schier Pharmacology & Toxicology20132016 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
Kathryn Schwienteckpharmacology and toxicology, behavioral pharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology Matthew Banks (grad student)
Keith SheltonNuclear proteins
Thomas Simcox
Corigan Smothers19972008 John Woodward (post-doc)
Mary E. Sorrell
Robert Spencervision
Dong Sun
Masami Suzuki20082009 Kurt F. Hauser (post-doc)
Drew Townsend Matthew Banks (post-doc)
Yali Tu20032006 John Woodward (post-doc)
Neil B. Varshneyapharmacology Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology20162020 Patrick M. Beardsley (grad student)
Michal Vascak Anatomy & Neurobiology20122017 John T. Povlishock (grad student)
Linda R. Watkins David J. Mayer (grad student)
Samuel James WestAggression and Violence, Social Cognition and Neuroscience, Psychometrics, Network Analysis Surgery20212022 Nicholas Thomson (grad student)
John Woodward