Dept neurosciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
William E. Armstrongneuroendocrine neurophysiology19811983 Jean-Jacques Dreifuss (post-doc)
Sven Collettecognitive Neuroscience, decision-making2016 Patrik O. Vuilleumier (research scientist)
Hamdi EryilmazNeuroimaging, resting state, emotions Patrik O. Vuilleumier (grad student)
Arnaud L. LaliveBasal ganglia, motor systems20082012 Christian Lüscher (grad student)
Balazs Laurenczy20102012 Denis Jabaudon (research assistant)
Virginie Chloe Pointet Psychiatry20142021 Daniel Scott Schechter (post-doc)
Etienne B. RoeschAttention, Emotion, Modeling20042008 Dirk Kerzel (grad student)
Tomas Rosneurofeedback, EEG
Daniel Scott SchechterPrefrontal Cortex; Developmental Neuroscience if attachment and traumatic stress; psychophysiology of stress Psychiatry Neurology20142020 Alexandre G. Dayer (research scientist), Christoph Martin Michel (collaborator)
Natale A. StucchiPerception, motor control19851992 Paolo Viviani (grad student)
Roberto VincisNeuroscience20092013 Alan Carleton (grad student)