Georgetown University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Layla Stoer Rachel Barr (research assistant)
Mary O. Adedoyin Neuroscience2010 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Brittany Aguilar Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience20142018 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student), Ludise Malkova (grad student)
Seham Alaiyed Pharmacology2017 Katherine Conant (grad student)
Benedict C AlbensiAlzheimer, dementia, memory, NF-kB, plasticity Alan Faden (post-doc)
Yousef Aljohani Pharmacology & Physiology Ghazaul Dezfuli (grad student)
Megan Allen Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience Katherine Conant (grad student)
Pablo I. Altieri, II, M.D.Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience, Psychiatry19991999 Candace Pert (grad student)
Tenley Archer Elena S. Casey (grad student)
Richard C. ArevaloGeneral Physics, Biomechanics Biophysics, Polymer Chemistry Physics2013 Jeffrey S. Urbach (grad student)
Megan T. ArnettComputational neuroscience, molecular neurobiology Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Laura Babcock20072010 Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Kelly Anne Barnescognitive development, autism Psychology20032008 Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Ida Sue BaronPediatric neuropsychology, prematurity
Edward M. BarrowsBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Entomology Biology
Maryna BaydyukPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Pharmacology2010 Baoji Xu (grad student)
Barbara M. BayerNeuroscience Biology
Ilana Jacqueline Bennett Psychology20042009 Darlene V. Howard (grad student)
Kathryn K. BercuryNeuroscience20032005 Brent T. Harris (research assistant)
Alessandro BertolinofMRI, imaging genetics, MR spectroscopy, drug studies Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Alexander BillyEconomics Georgetown University Law Center Economics20152020 Neel U Sukhatme (grad student), Arik M. Levinson (grad student)
Douglas J. BlackistonGeneral Biology2007 Elena S. Casey (grad student)
Harriet Wood Bowden20032007 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student)
Carrie Bowman-Dalley Pharmacology20112017 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
Lorenzo Bozzelli
Andrew Breeden Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Natalie Hiromi BritoEarly Home Environment and Neurobehavioral Development20082013 Rachel Barr (grad student)
Paige Brooks Thomas M. Coate (grad student)
Claudia Brovettoneurolinguistics, memory systems2002 Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Irene Sanchez Brualla Pharmacology & Physiology Pharmacology & Physiology Patrick A. Forcelli (post-doc), Stefano Vicini (post-doc)
Mark P. BurnsAlzheimer's disease, neurotrauma
Yimei CaiSynaptic Transmission Pharmacology & Physiology2020 Tingting Wang (grad student)
Sandra L. CalvertDevelopmental Psychology, Technology of Education, Mass Communications
Carolina Campos-Rodríguez Pharmacology & Physiology Pharmacology & Physiology Patrick A. Forcelli (post-doc), Ludise Malkova (post-doc)
Carolina Campos-Rodríguez
Anthony Caputy
Helen S. Carpenterneurolinguistics, memory systems Linguistics2008 Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Casandra M. CartagenaMolecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease Neuroscience2008 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Richard B. Carterbehavioral pharmacology, drug discovery, drug development19831985 Donald M. Thompson (post-doc)
David E. Carter
Elena S. CaseyNeuroscience Biology
David D. CastellanoSynapse, Circuit, Pharmacology, Ion Channel, Receptors, Biophysics, Kinetics, Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Isaac Cervantes-SandovalLearning and Memory in Drosophila
Lalitha ChandrasekherCognitive Neuroscience Stephen Kosslyn (research assistant)
Daniel Chapman Neuroscience2023 Mark P. Burns (grad student)
Yulia E. Chentsova-DuttonSocial Psychology
Mark A. Chevilletsensory systems, cognitive computation2006 Max Riesenhuber (grad student), Josef P. Rauschecker (grad student)
Eun-soo ChoiSocial Psychology Psychology2014 Yulia E. Chentsova-Dutton (grad student)
Hayley M. ClearyDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2010 Jennifer L. Woolard (grad student)
Meredith A. CliffordNeuroscience Biology, General Biology, Human Development Neuroscience2012 Maria J. Donoghue (grad student)
Thomas M. Coate Biology Philip F. Copenhaver (grad student)
Laura A. CocasDevelopmental Neuroscience Neuroscience2010 Joshua G. Corbin (grad student)
Arman Cohan Computer Science20132018 Nazli Goharian (grad student)
Katherine ConantNeuroimmunology, MMPs
Teal E. Connor Neuroscience20092014 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Nancy P. CowdinNeuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology Neuroscience2014 John V. Meter (grad student)
Nancy A. CrowellEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Teacher Training Education Psychology2009 Deborah A. Phillips (grad student)
Maureen T. CruzBrainstem control of gastrointestinal function
Andrew Tesla DeMarcofMRI, aphasia, language, EEG Neurology20172022 Peter E. Turkeltaub (post-doc)
Luis Ernesto DettinStem Cells, Spinal Cord Injuries
Iain D. DeWittCortical Plasticity/ Sensory Neuroscience2013 Josef P. Rauschecker (grad student)
Ghazaul Dezfuli Neuroscience2014 Richard A. Gillis (grad student)
Amanda M. DiBattista2011 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
J. Vivian DickensAlexia, Aphasia, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuropsychology
James M. Dille Theodore Koppanyi (grad student)
John O Diraddo Pharmacology20092014 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
Maria J. DonoghueNeurobiology Biology, Human Development
Sonya B. Dumanis Neuroscience20082013 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Sara M. Dyslin Neurology Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Guinevere Edendyslexia
Catherine Elorette Neuroscience20152019 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student), Ludise Malkova (grad student)
Andrew C. EmeryNeuropharmacology, glutamate receptors Neuroscience2011 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
Laura Erickson2016 Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Tanya M. Evansdyslexia Neuroscience2013 Guinevere Eden (grad student)
Rebekah Coleman EvansBasal Ganglia
Danielle M. EversStructure/Plasticity of excitatory neurons Neuroscience2010 Daniel TS Pak (grad student)
Amanda L. ExnerDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2010 Sandra L. Calvert (grad student)
Miguel Ezeiza-OrtegaVisual pathway, neuronal morphology Department of Neuroscience20212023 Rebekah Coleman Evans (grad student)
Alan Fadentraumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury
Mackenzie Fama20132018 Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Li FengNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2012 Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss (grad student)
Norman J. FinkelClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology
Frank Anthony FishburnImaging, Autism2010 Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Christopher M. Florespain, nicotine19881992 Ken J. Kellar (grad student)
Patrick A. ForcelliNeuropharmacology, Epilepsy, Psychopharmacology, Behavioral Neurobiology Neuroscience2011 Ludise Malkova (post-doc), Alexei Kondratyev (post-doc), Stefano Vicini (grad student), Karen Gale (grad student)
Erika N Fountainjuvenile justice, legal decision making, adolescent development Psychology2017 Jennifer L. Woolard (grad student)
Rhonda Friedmanaphasia rehabilitation
Jens Fritzenwanker
Karen Galeneuropharmacology, epilepsy Akira Horita (grad student)
John T. Galebasal ganglia, electrophysiology20042005 Karen Gale (post-doc)
Selena Garcia DuBarSynaptic transmission, neurophysiology Pharmacology & Physiology Pharmacology & Physiology2018 Stefano Vicini (grad student), Daniel TS Pak (grad student)
Tara Gelb Pharmacology20102015 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
Thomas Genarelli
Quincy A. GibsonZoology Biology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2007 Janet Mann (grad student)
Richard A. Gillisbrainstem control of cardiovascular & gastrointestinal function
Laurie S. GlezerVison, Language Neuroscience2010 Max Riesenhuber (grad student)
Nazli Goharian
Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser Neuroscience2012 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Evan M. GordonFunctional connectivity, brain organization Neuroscience20082013 Steven E. Petersen (post-doc), Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Sarah E. Greyneurolinguistics, memory systems Spanish & Portuguese2013 Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Phillip S. GrossNeuroimmunity, Aging, Senescence Neuroscience20182024 Jeffrey K Huang (grad student)
Brent T. Harris
Joshua K. Hartshornepsycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, social cognition20002003 Michael T. Ullman (research assistant), Guinevere Eden (grad student)
Samantha A. HarvellDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology2008 Jennifer L. Woolard (grad student)
Hannah A. HathawayNeuropharmacology, glutamate receptors Pharmacology2014 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
William Hayward2016 Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Nicolette M Heinsinger Neuroscience20132016 G. William Rebeck (research assistant)
Melissa A. HermanSystems Physiology Pharmacology2010 Richard A. Gillis (grad student)
Angela L. HolmesNeurobiological substrates of learning and memory Pharmacology2011 Ludise Malkova (grad student)
Aaron F. HowardBotany Biology Biology2011 Edward M. Barrows (grad student)
Xiaoying Huang
Jeffrey K Huangoligodendrocyte, myelination, regeneration
Megan Huizenga Pharmacology20142018 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student), Ludise Malkova (grad student)
Gregory P. Hussmannnicotine Pharmacology2012 Ken J. Kellar (grad student)
Safwan Hyder Pharmacology & Physiology2017 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Katherine E. JacobsSocial Psychology2005 Fathali M. Moghaddam (grad student)
Jessica Jacobs Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience2020 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student), Ludise Malkova (grad student)
Megan Jayne Janssen Schroeder Pharmacology2010 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Jagmeet S. Kanwalaudiovocal communication, neuroethology
Ken J. Kellarnicotine
Alex Keselman20052006 Stuart Maudsley (grad student)
Tahiyana Khan Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience2018 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Daniel S. KjarEcology Biology, Entomology Biology2005 Edward M. Barrows (grad student)
Alexei Kondratyev Karen Gale (grad student)
Theodore KoppanyiPharmacology
Holly Korthas2022 Mark P. Burns (grad student)
Anthony J. Krafnickdyslexia Neuroscience2013 Guinevere Eden (grad student)
Lawrence F. Kromer
Esther I. Krook-Magnuson Pharmacology2009 Molly M. Huntsman (grad student)
Ewa B. KrzyszczykGeneral Biology, Behavioral Psychology Biology2013 Janet Mann (grad student)
Pramukta S. KumarCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Quantum Physics Physics2014 Jeffrey S. Urbach (grad student)
Pawel Kusmierekauditory cortex Josef P. Rauschecker (post-doc)
Elizabeth H. LaceyLanguage Neuroscience2010 Peter E. Turkeltaub (post-doc), Rhonda Friedman (grad student)
Elyssa LaFlamme Pharmacology & Physiology2015 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Rupa R. Lalchandani Physiology & Biophysics2013 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
James T. LamiellPersonality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Alexis R. LauricellaDevelopmental Psychology, Technology of Education, Mass Communications Psychology2010 Sandra L. Calvert (grad student)
Amber M. Leaver
YeunKum LeeStructure/Plasticity of excitatory neurons Pharmacology2012 Daniel TS Pak (grad student)
Matthew R. LeitaoSocial Psychology, Technology Psychology W. Gerrod Parrott (grad student)
Carrie E. Leonardneurodevelopment, synapse formation, dendritic morphology Biology20112017 Maria J. Donoghue (grad student)
Peijun LiInhibitory neurotransmission Physiology & Biophysics2011 Molly M. Huntsman (grad student)
Jordan V. LiNicotinic acetylcholine receptors Pharmacology2013 Barry B. Wolfe (grad student)
Michael Thomas Lippert20042005 Jian-Young Wu (research assistant)
Yuqi Liu Department of Neuroscience2019 Ella Striem-Amit (post-doc)
David Loane Alan Faden (post-doc)
Ermelinda Lomazzonicotine Pharmacology2011 Ken J. Kellar (grad student)
Amy E. LowensteinDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education Psychology2009 Deborah A. Phillips (grad student)
Alfred Luessenhop
Ruixi Luo Pharmacology2014 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Long LuuVision science, Decision-making, Computational modeling Neuroscience20122013 Max Riesenhuber (research assistant)
Charles Lynch Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Kathleen Maguire-ZeissNeuroscience Biology
Alexander William MaioneAPOE and cognition, behavioral animal models, EphA7/EphA5 KO, ADHD/ASD Models, Neuroscience Neuroscience2017 Lawrence F. Kromer (research assistant), G. William Rebeck (research scientist)
Heather S. Mallory Biology2011 Martha R. Weiss (grad student)
Hari Manev5-lipoxygenase, glutamate, gaba19891990 Alessandro Guidotti (post-doc), Erminio Costa (research scientist)
Janet MannZoology Biology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Brandon S. Martin Neuroscience2012 Jaideep Kapur (research assistant), Molly M. Huntsman (grad student)
Kelly C. MartinPlasticity, Language, Development, Stroke, MRI
Florencia A Martinez AddiegoNeuroscience, plasticity, computational neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience2020 Ella Striem-Amit (grad student), Max Riesenhuber (grad student)
Robert Martuza
Anna A. Matejkomathematical development, cognitive neuroscience
Stephanie N. Maxfield Panker Neuroscience2011 John VanMeter (grad student)
John Mazziottaneurology, brain mapping Neuroanatomy, Computer Science1977 H.K. Huang (grad student)
Kevin McGrail
Andrei V. MedvedevNeuroscience Biology
Monika S. Mellemlanguage Neuroscience2013 Rhonda Friedman (grad student)
Mary E. MeloyDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Social Work Psychology2012 Deborah A. Phillips (grad student)
John V. MeterNeuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology
Aaron M. Meyerlexical ambiguity, electrophysiology, eye-tracking Neurology2011 Rhonda Friedman (research scientist)
Kelly Michaelis20142019 Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Anna K. MikulakCounseling Psychology Psychology2012 Deborah A. Phillips (grad student)
Stephanie S. MinamiMolecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease Neuroscience2010 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Joseph M. Moerschbaecher Donald M. Thompson (post-doc)
Fathali M. MoghaddamSocial Psychology
Kara M. Morgan-ShortSecond language acquisition and processing20032007 Karsten Steinhauer (grad student), Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Vivianne E. Morrison Biology20132019 Jeffrey K Huang (grad student)
Eric R. MurphyEmotion/Attention interaction, Executive Function, Autism, ADHD Psychology20082013 Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Robert Thomas NaumannAmygdala, Auditory system, Affect, Communication Physiology & Biophysics20052011 Jagmeet S. Kanwal (grad student)
Joseph H. NealeNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Medical Biophysics
Elissa Newport
Mark Niedringhaus Neuroscience2012 Rhonda Dzakpasu (grad student)
David J. Nishioka
Hilary NorthNeurobiology Biology, Human Development Neuroscience2010 Maria J. Donoghue (grad student)
Chris Noto James W. Gnadt (research scientist)
Cristina M. NovoaEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Psychology2014 Fathali M. Moghaddam (grad student)
Alexandria L. NugentNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2008 Barbara M. Bayer (grad student)
Jonas ObleserAuditory System, Neural Dynamics, Communication20042005 Josef P. Rauschecker (post-doc)
Lauren Orefice
Devon Rene Oskvig Psychology2010 Miles Herkenham (grad student)
Daniel TS PakStructure/Plasticity of excitatory neurons
Guillermo A. Palchik Neuroscience2013 Alexei Kondratyev (grad student)
Devin Palmer Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience2020 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Scott M. Paluszkiewicz Neuroscience20062011 Molly M. Huntsman (grad student)
W. Gerrod Parrott Psychology1985 John Sabini (grad student)
John G PartridgeElectrophysiology Pharmacology & Physiology Stefano Vicini (research scientist)
Alaina Pearce Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Candace PertNeuroscience
Deborah A. PhillipsEarly Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Teacher Training Education
Douglas Piper Rachel Barr (grad student)
Ana Pocivavsekschizophrenia, cognition Neuroscience20042009 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Joey Posner2017 Rhonda Friedman (grad student), Peter E. Turkeltaub (grad student)
Jeremy J. Purcelldyslexia Neuroscience2012 Guinevere Eden (grad student)
Bridget N. Queenan Neuroscience Pharmacology & Physiology2014 Stefano Vicini (grad student), Daniel TS Pak (grad student)
Sean Quinlan Pharmacology & Physiology Patrick A. Forcelli (post-doc)
Epolia R. RamadanNeuroscience Biology2002 Joseph H. Neale (grad student)
Audrey A. Rasmussen
Josef P. RauscheckerCortical Plasticity/ Sensory
G. William RebeckMolecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease
Jessica L. (Ihne) ReedCognitive/Clinical Neuroscience, fMRI20112014 Adam E. Green (grad student)
Melissa N. RichardsDevelopmental Psychology, Technology of Education Psychology2015 Sandra L. Calvert (grad student)
Janell R. RichardsonPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Pharmacology2012 Niaz Sahibzada (grad student)
Max Riesenhuber David J. Freedman (collaborator)
Jonathan L. Ritterneuropharmacology, epilepsy Pharmacology2012 Karen Gale (grad student)
Daniel N. RobinsonHistory of psychology, Philosophy
Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo Rachel Barr (grad student), Rachel Barr (research assistant)
Ellen C. Roche20202022 Rachel Barr (research assistant)
Gustavo A. Rodriguezneuronal network dysfunction in AD2009 G. William Rebeck (grad student)
Crystal D. RogersMolecular and Developmental Biology Biology20032009 Elena S. Casey (grad student)
Lauren Rosko Muhammad Anwar (grad student)
William Rosoff
Ericka D. RuizExecutive function, Attention, Developmental disorders Neuroscience2012 Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Niaz SahibzadaPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Tory Sampson Ted Supalla (research assistant)
Victor R. Santos Pharmacology & Physiology2016 Patrick A. Forcelli (post-doc)
Brooke L. SargeantEcology Biology, Oceanography Biology2005 Janet Mann (grad student)
Katie Schuler Elissa Newport (grad student)
Jay Schulkin
Serena Scognamiglio Pharmacology & Physiology Ghazaul Dezfuli (grad student)
Kendra L SeamanDecision Making Learning Aging Neuroimaging Psychology20102015 Darlene V. Howard (grad student)
Jill Renee SettleMemory, Executive Functions, TBI, MS, Health Workforce Neurology20132015 Mitchell Wallin (research assistant)
Prachi Shahlearning and memory, drosophila, neurobiology, forgetting Biology2021 Isaac Cervantes-Sandoval (grad student)
Chien-Cheng Shih20102016 Baoji Xu (grad student)
Laura M. Skippercognitive, language, semantic memory Peter E. Turkeltaub (post-doc)
Stephanie Sloley Neuroscience2020 Mark P. Burns (grad student)
Michael S. Smirnov Neuroscience2015 Herbert M. Geller (grad student)
Luca SoldainiNatural Language Processing, Information Retrieval Computer Science20132018 Nazli Goharian (grad student)
Colin M. Soper20112014 Patrick A. Forcelli (research assistant), Ludise Malkova (research assistant)
Skylar M. Spangler2024 Gerard P. Ahern (grad student)
Margaret A. StantonOceanography Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Zoology Biology Biology2011 Janet Mann (grad student)
Deborah Stearns Psychology John Sabini (grad student)
Noah J SteinbergVisual system, computational modeling, functional neuroimaging20202024 Max Riesenhuber (grad student)
Karsten SteinhauerCognitive Neuroscience, Language, ERPs20032003 Michael T. Ullman (post-doc), Michael T. Ullman (collaborator)
Craig A Stockmeier Ken J. Kellar (post-doc)
Melanie L. StollstorffADHD, executive function, prefrontal cortex, dopamine, serotonin, genetics, reasoning Psychology2010 Chandan J. Vaidya (grad student)
Ella Striem-AmitSensory deprivation, Plasticity, Blindness, Dysmelia, Deafness
Kaitlyn M. Tagarellineurolinguistics, memory systems Linguistics2014 Michael T. Ullman (grad student)
Guy Rodrigue R. TakoudjouNeuropharmacology, glutamate receptors Pharmacology2012 Jarda T. Wroblewski (grad student)
Ellie K. Taylor
Donald M. Thompson
Masahiro TodaNeuro-oncology Robert L. Martuza (post-doc)
Yi-Jiun J. TsaiBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Entomology Biology Biology2014 Martha R. Weiss (grad student)
Edward W. Tuannicotine Pharmacology2014 Ken J. Kellar (grad student)
Peter E. TurkeltaubLanguage
Raymond Scott TurnerAlzheimer's disease19921995 Murray Grossman (post-doc)
Michael T. Ullmanneurolinguistics, memory systems
Lauren E. UllrichMemory, Mild cognitive impairment Neuroscience Neuroscience20102014 Rhonda Friedman (grad student), Raymond Scott Turner (grad student)
Divya B. UmaEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology Biology2010 Martha R. Weiss (grad student)
Jeffrey S. UrbachNeuroscience Biology
Chandan J. VaidyaExecutive function, Autism, ADHD, pediatric neuroimaging, dopamine, functional networks
Marie-Sophie Helene van der Goes
Filip VanevskiNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Neuroscience2012 Baoji Xu (grad student)
John VanMeter Chandan J. Vaidya (collaborator)
Ariele Giorgio Viacava Follisprotein structure-function, intrinsically disordered proteins, protein-protein interactions, chemical biology, tumor suppression Chemistry2009 Steven J. Metallo (grad student)
Stefano ViciniIon channels Erminio Costa (research scientist)
Sarah J. VidalDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2014 Jennifer L. Woolard (grad student)
Hannah Waguespack Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience2017 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Benjamin Walker
Mitchell Wallin
Tingting WangSynaptic homeostasis, Genetics, Cell Biology
Ze-Jun Wang
Zhirong Wang Thomas M. Coate (grad student)
Patricia M. WashingtonAlzheimer's disease, neurotrauma Neuroscience2013 Mark P. Burns (grad student)
Stuart D. Washington Physiology & Biophysics2008 Jagmeet S. Kanwal (grad student)
Emily G. WaterhouseNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Pharmacology2011 Baoji Xu (grad student)
Christine E. Watsoncognitive neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience20022004 Rhonda Friedman (research assistant)
Jana J. WatsonZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2005 Janet Mann (grad student)
Martha R. WeissEntomology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Elizabeth A. West Neuroscience Neuroscience20062012 Ludise Malkova (grad student), Karen Gale (grad student)
Evan Wicker Pharmacology & Physiology20152019 Ludise Malkova (research assistant), Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Charisse Winston Neuroscience2015 Mark P. Burns (grad student)
Eric Witherspoon Pharmacology & Physiology2019 Patrick A. Forcelli (grad student)
Barry B. WolfeNicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Brian S. WolffVoltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging Neuroscience2013 Jian-Young Wu (grad student)
Jennifer L. WoolardDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Jian-Young WuVoltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging
Rachel WurzmanBasal Ganglia, Striatum
Yingxian XiaoPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacy
Baoji XuNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Joongnam Yang James W. Gnadt (post-doc)
Tao YinAD Biochemistry and molecular biology IPN20152017 Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss (grad student), Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss (research assistant)
Xiaozhen YoufMRI Autism ADHD2010 Chandan J. Vaidya (post-doc)
Jose P. Young Castillo Physiology & Biophysics2010 Stefano Vicini (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Zack Psychology2010 Rachel Barr (grad student)
Christina M. ZelanoOlfaction2007 Max Riesenhuber (post-doc)
Xiping ZhanSynaptic integration, neurotoxicity, neurodegeneration, hearing, IPSCs induced neurons20082009 Josef P. Rauschecker (post-doc)
Jonas ZimmermannBrain Machine Interface20042005 Josef P. Rauschecker (research assistant)