University of Alabama Birmingham School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Stephen L. AitaNeuropsychology Neurology Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Neurology20192020 Kristen L. Triebel (grad student), Hal Thurstin (grad student), Thomas A. Novack (grad student), Amy J. Knight (grad student), Victor A. Del Bene (collaborator)
Jeroan J AllisonHealth Services Research
Cady Blockneuropsychology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation20082014 Thomas A. Novack (grad student)
Steven L. CarrollThe Role of Neuregulin-1 in Peripheral Nervous System Neoplasia
Ayanabha ChakrabortiStress, Cognition, Anxiety, Nitric Oxide, Oxidative stress, behavior James A. Bibb (research scientist)
Kenneth B. FallonNeuropathology20012003 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
Lacy Goode Karen L. Gamble (grad student)
Priyanka Gupta
J. Robinson Hackney20102012 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
D. Keith Harrison20062009 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
Leanne M Holtneuroscience, astrocyte, maturation
A. J. Kazmi20052007 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
Rong Li20112013 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
JiaBei Lin Aaron L. Lucius (grad student)
Amy R. NelsonAlzheimer's, learning and memory, neurovasculature, pericytes CDIB20072013 Lori L. McMahon (grad student)
Gina M. Nelson
Angelica Oviedo19971998 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
Cheryl Ann Palmerclinical neurology and histopathology, especially in the fields of neuro-oncology and epilepsy surgery
Sandipan Pati
Richard E. PowersNeuropathology of Alzheimer's Disease
Brandon Scott Pruettschizophrenia
Abhik Ray Chaudhury19982000 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
J Scott Richards
Kevin A. RothNeurotransmitter and Neurotrophin Receptors and Cell Signaling, CNS Cancer Biology and Treatment
Kenneth G Saag
John ShackaRegulation of Neuronal Survival in Disease and Injury by the Autophagy Lysosome Pathway
Bruce H. Wainer20072008 Cheryl Ann Palmer (post-doc)
Jianhua ZhangMechanisms and regulation of autophagy-lysosomal pathway in health and diseases
Morgan E. ZipperlyNeurobiology of Addiction