Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sarah Adler-Louzon Asaf Gilboa (grad student)
Daniel Afik
Rahela Alfasi Movememnt & COgnition LAboratory2023 Gerry Leisman (post-doc)
Karen Banaiauditory system; perceptual learning and development
Gili Barkai Shai Gabay (grad student)
Edi BarkaiOlfaction learning and memory
Miriam Ben-PeretzCurriculum development and evaluation, Teacher thinking, Teacher education and professional development, Policy making in education
Maya Benish-Weisman Education Ariel Knafo-Noam (post-doc)
Michal Biran Naama Friedmann (grad student)
Tali Bitan
Eli Carmeli
Aniruddha DasBehavioral and molecular neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience,Neurodegenerative disease , Ubiquitin pathway Sagol Department of Neurosciences20132016 Raphael Lamprecht (grad student)
Baruch EitamMotivation-Cognition Interface Psychology Psychology Ran Hassin (grad student), Yaacov Schul (grad student)
Shai GabayPsychology; Attention; Perception; Subcortical mechanisms
Eynat Gal
Asaf GilboaMemory disorders, hippocampus, confabulation
Yael Goldfarb Ofer Golan (grad student), Eynat Gal (grad student)
Eitan Hemed Psychology20152022 Baruch Eitam (grad student)
Sharon Israely Gerry Leisman (grad student)
SUBHAJIT JANAMemory. Lateral amygdala. Optogenetics. EphB2 receptor.
Hanoch KaphzanNeuroscience, Psychiatry
Noam Karsh
Sam Khamis
Rutie Kimchi
Ruth Kimchiperceptual organization
Sailendrakumar Kolatt ChandranNeuronal plasticity and Memory Sagol Department of Neurobiology School of Psychological Sciences,2022 Kobi Rosenblum (post-doc), Inna Gaisler-Salomon (post-doc)
Raphael LamprechtLearning and memory Yadin Dudai (grad student)
Gerry LeismanComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive-Motor Interaction, Communication Systems, Cognitive Neurosciences, Systems Theory, Clinical Electrophysiology, Memory, Neuropsychology, Autism Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Zur Oz (collaborator), Sam Khamis (collaborator), Eli Carmeli (collaborator)
Micah Leshempsychobiology
Mouna Maroun Neurobiology19931996 Micah Leshem (grad student)
Robert MelilloNeuropsychology, Sensation, Autism Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences2018 Gerry Leisman (grad student)
Alok Nath MohapatraSocial Behaviour20182024 Shlomo Wagner (grad student)
Genela Morrisdecision making, dopamine, reinforcement learning, striatum, hippocampus
Gili Mozes Shai Gabay (grad student)
Orit Nafcha Shai Gabay (grad student)
David NavonAttention
Rama Novogrodsky Naama Friedmann (grad student)
Ana Parabucki Neurobiology20132015 Roman Shusterman (post-doc)
Ami M PedahzurPolitical Science Political Science19951999 Yael Yishai (grad student)
Arie Perliger20022007 Ami M Pedahzur (grad student)
Noa Peskin Shai Gabay (grad student)
Torr Polakow20132015 Roman Shusterman (grad student)
Anat PriorSecond language acquisition, bilingualism
Or Rabani Shai Gabay (grad student)
Tal-Chen Rabinowitch Music therapy Ariel Knafo-Noam (post-doc)
Kobi RosenblumLearning Memory, Molecular mechanisms, Taste Yadin Dudai (grad student), Tim Bliss (post-doc)
William Saban Shai Gabay (grad student)
David Share Education Anthony F Jorm (grad student)
Tali Sharon (Atir)New semantic memory in amnesia Asaf Gilboa (grad student)
Adam Y. ShavitVision, Chemosensation19981999 David Navon (research assistant)
Avishag ShemeshNeuroscience Visual Perception Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences Movement & Cognition Laboratory2023 Gerry Leisman (grad student), Gerry Leisman (post-doc)
Roy Shoval
Roman ShustermanOlfaction, electrophysiology, optogenetics, behavior
Nofar Strommer Shai Gabay (grad student)
Shlomo WagnerOlfaction, Vomeronasal system, social interactions, oxytocin
Shani WaidergorenRemote memory, amnesia Asaf Gilboa (grad student)
Irit Weismann-Fogel
Adonis Yiannakasassociative learning, cognition, memory, neural circuits, interneurons Sagol Neurobiology20162021 Kobi Rosenblum (post-doc)
Yael Yishai
Yoram Yovel Yadin Dudai (grad student)
Abed Zubidat