Derek GV Mitchell
Affiliations: | Psychiatry | University of Western Ontario, Canada, London, Ontario, Canada |
"Derek Mitchell"Mean distance: 19.04 (cluster 23)
Sign in to add traineeSalina Edwards | research assistant | The University of Western Ontario (Canada) | |
Steven G. Greening | grad student | University of Western Ontario, Canada | |
James Kryklywy | grad student | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
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Penner J, Ford K, Arcaro J, et al. (2018) T141. Emotion Regulation Abnormalities in Young Adults With Major Depressive Disorder and Adolescent Frequent Marijuana Use Biological Psychiatry. 83 |
Luo Q, Holroyd T, Mitchell D, et al. (2017) Heightened amygdala responsiveness in s-carriers of 5-HTTLPR genetic polymorphism reflects enhanced cortical rather than subcortical inputs: An MEG study. Human Brain Mapping |
Roach VA, Fraser GM, Kryklywy JH, et al. (2017) Time limits in testing: An analysis of eye movements and visual attention in spatial problem solving. Anatomical Sciences Education |
Vieira JB, Tavares TP, Marsh AA, et al. (2016) Emotion and personal space: Neural correlates of approach-avoidance tendencies to different facial expressions as a function of coldhearted psychopathic traits. Human Brain Mapping |
Roach VA, Fraser GM, Kryklywy JH, et al. (2016) Different perspectives: Spatial ability influences where individuals look on a timed spatial test. Anatomical Sciences Education |
Tavares TP, Logie K, Mitchell DG. (2016) Opposing effects of perceptual versus working memory load on emotional distraction. Experimental Brain Research |
Greening SG, Mitchell DG. (2015) A network of amygdala connections predict individual differences in trait anxiety. Human Brain Mapping. 36: 4819-30 |
Roach VA, Fraser GM, Kryklywy JH, et al. (2015) The eye of the beholder: Can patterns in eye movement reveal aptitudes for spatial reasoning? Anatomical Sciences Education |
Ruiz Vargas E, Mitchell DG, Greening SG, et al. (2015) Network analysis of human fMRI data suggests modular restructuring after simulated acquired brain injury. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing |
Gawronski B, Mitchell DG, Balas R. (2015) Is Evaluative Conditioning Really Uncontrollable? A Comparative Test of Three Emotion-Focused Strategies to Prevent the Acquisition of Conditioned Preferences. Emotion (Washington, D.C.) |