Moshe Gur
Affiliations: | Technion IIT, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel |
"Moshe Gur"Mean distance: 13.89 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeIgor Kagan | grad student | Technion IIT | |
Moran Furman | grad student | 1997-2004 | Technion |
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Gur M. (2024) Seeing on the fly: Physiological and behavioral evidence show that space-to-space representation and processing enable fast and efficient performance by the visual system. Journal of Vision. 24: 11 |
Gur M. (2023) There is a fundamental, unbridgeable gap between DNNs and the visual cortex. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e393 |
Gur M. (2016) The anatomical and physiological properties of the visual cortex argue against cognitive penetration. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 39: e245 |
Gur M. (2015) Space reconstruction by primary visual cortex activity: a parallel, non-computational mechanism of object representation. Trends in Neurosciences. 38: 207-16 |
Hendel T, Gur M. (2014) Saccadic amplitudes during combined saccade-vergence movements result from a weighted average of the target's locations in the two retinas. Experimental Brain Research. 232: 315-28 |
Hendel T, Gur M. (2012) Evidence against the facilitation of the vergence command during saccade-vergence interactions. Experimental Brain Research. 223: 415-27 |
Furman M, Gur M. (2012) And yet it moves: perceptual illusions and neural mechanisms of pursuit compensation during smooth pursuit eye movements. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36: 143-51 |
Snodderly M, Gur M. (2010) Evidence for a motion-selective pathway from V1 to the ventral cortical stream for object recognition Journal of Vision. 6: 108-108 |
Kagan I, Gur M, Snodderly DM. (2008) Saccades and drifts differentially modulate neuronal activity in V1: effects of retinal image motion, position, and extraretinal influences. Journal of Vision. 8: 19.1-25 |
Gur M, Snodderly DM. (2008) Physiological differences between neurons in layer 2 and layer 3 of primary visual cortex (V1) of alert macaque monkeys. The Journal of Physiology. 586: 2293-306 |