Isabelle Mansuy

ETH/Uni Zurich, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 
"Isabelle Mansuy"
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Arzate-Mejia RG, Mansuy IM. (2023) Remembering through the genome: the role of chromatin states in brain functions and diseases. Translational Psychiatry. 13: 122
van Steenwyk G, Roszkowski M, Manuella F, et al. (2018) Transgenerational inheritance of behavioral and metabolic effects of paternal exposure to traumatic stress in early postnatal life: evidence in the 4th generation. Environmental Epigenetics. 4: dvy023
Jawaid A, Woldemichael BT, Kremer EA, et al. (2018) Memory Decline and Its Reversal in Aging and Neurodegeneration Involve miR-183/96/182 Biogenesis. Molecular Neurobiology
Kremer EA, Gaur N, Lee MA, et al. (2018) Interplay between TETs and microRNAs in the adult brain for memory formation. Scientific Reports. 8: 1678
Bohacek J, Weber-Stadlbauer U, Mansuy IM. (2017) Paternal experience impacts cognitive function in offspring: a pre-existing concept. Molecular Psychiatry. 23: 794-795
Engmann O, Labonté B, Mitchell A, et al. (2017) Cocaine-Induced Chromatin Modifications Associate With Increased Expression and Three-Dimensional Looping of Auts2. Biological Psychiatry
Woldemichael BT, Jawaid A, Kremer EA, et al. (2016) The microRNA cluster miR-183/96/182 contributes to long-term memory in a protein phosphatase 1-dependent manner. Nature Communications. 7: 12594
Woldemichael BT, Mansuy IM. (2015) Micro-RNAs in Cognition and Cognitive disorders: Potential for Novel Biomarkers and Therapeutics. Biochemical Pharmacology
Bohacek J, Farinelli M, Mirante O, et al. (2015) Pathological brain plasticity and cognition in the offspring of males subjected to postnatal traumatic stress. Molecular Psychiatry. 20: 621-31
Gapp K, Soldado-Magraner S, Alvarez-Sánchez M, et al. (2014) Early life stress in fathers improves behavioural flexibility in their offspring. Nature Communications. 5: 5466
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