Karim S. Kassam

Harvard University - Psychology Department, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Karim Kassam"
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Moshe Bar research assistant 2003-2005 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Daniel T. Gilbert grad student 2004-2010 Harvard
 (Assessment of emotional experience through facial expression.)
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Scopelliti I, Min HL, McCormick E, et al. (2018) Individual Differences in Correspondence Bias: Measurement, Consequences, and Correction of Biased Interpersonal Attributions Management Science. 64: 1879-1910
Chin A, Markey A, Bhargava S, et al. (2016) Bored in the USA: Experience Sampling and Boredom in Everyday Life. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Scopelliti I, Morewedge CK, Min L, et al. (2016) "Measurement, Consequences, and Debiasing of Correspondent Inference Making" Academy of Management Proceedings. 2016: 12389
Barton M, Symborski C, Quinn M, et al. (2016) The Use of Theory in Designing a Serious Game for the Reduction of Cognitive Biases Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association. 2
Symborski C, Barton M, Quinn MM, et al. (2016) The Design and Development of Serious Games Using Iterative Evaluation Games and Culture. 12: 252-268
Scopelliti I, Morewedge CK, McCormick E, et al. (2015) Bias blind spot: Structure, measurement, and consequences Management Science. 61: 2468-2486
Morewedge CK, Yoon H, Scopelliti I, et al. (2015) Debiasing Decisions Policy Insights From the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2: 129-140
Gray K, Schmitt P, Strohminger N, et al. (2014) The science of style: in fashion, colors should match only moderately. Plos One. 9: e102772
Kassam KS, Morewedge CK, Gilbert DT, et al. (2011) Winners love winning and losers love money. Psychological Science. 22: 602-6
Kveraga K, Ghuman AS, Kassam KS, et al. (2011) Early onset of neural synchronization in the contextual associations network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 3389-94
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