Allan Berlind
Affiliations: | Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, United States |
Pattern generation by a rhythmic neural systemWebsite:
"Allan Berlind"Mean distance: 14.07 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeRichard I. Hume | research assistant | 1972-1975 | Wesleyan |
Jose Lemos | grad student | Wesleyan | |
Karen Ocorr | grad student | Wesleyan | |
Mark W. Miller | post-doc | 1983-1984 | Wesleyan |
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Miller MW, Benson JA, Berlind A. (2022) Excitatory Effects of Dopamine on the Cardiac Ganglia of the Crabs Portunus Sanguinolentus and Podophthalmus Vigil. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 108: 97-118 |
Miller MW, Benson JA, Berlind A. (1984) Excitatory effects of dopamine on the cardiac ganglia of the crabs Portunus sanguinolentus and Podophthalmus vigil Journal of Experimental Biology. 97-118 |
Ocorr KA, Berlind A. (1983) The identification and localization of a catecholamine in the motor neurons of the lobster cardiac ganglion. Journal of Neurobiology. 14: 51-9 |
Hume RI, Berlind A. (1976) Heart and scaphognathite rate changes in a euryhaline crab, Carcinus maenas, exposed to dilute environmental medium. The Biological Bulletin. 150: 241-54 |
Berlind A, Cooke IM. (1971) The role of divalent cations in electrically elicited release of a neurohormone from crab pericardial organs. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 17: 60-72 |
Berlind A, Cooke IM. (1970) Release of a neurosecretory hormone as peptide by electrical stimulation of crab pericardial organs. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 53: 679-86 |
Berlind A, Cooke IM, Goldstone MW. (1970) Do the monoamines in crab pericardial organs play a role in peptide neurosecretion? The Journal of Experimental Biology. 53: 669-77 |
Berlind A, Cooke IM. (1968) Effect of calcium omission on neurosecretion and electrical activity of crab pericardial organs. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 11: 458-63 |