Herbert A. Simon
Affiliations: | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |
Artificial intelligenceWebsite:
"Herbert A. Simon"Bio:
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978 was awarded to Herbert Simon for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations
Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 55)
Cross-listing: MathTree - Econometree - PoliSci Tree
Sign in to add mentorHarold Lasswell | grad student | 1943 | Chicago (PoliSci Tree) |
Charles E. Merriam | grad student | 1943 | Chicago (PoliSci Tree) |
Henry Schultz | grad student | 1943 | Chicago |
Sign in to add traineeCollaborators
Sign in to add collaboratorWilliam Chase | collaborator | Carnegie Mellon | |
Gerhard Fischer | collaborator | CU Boulder | |
Yuji Ijiri | collaborator | (Econometree) | |
James G. March | collaborator | (SocTree) |
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Aksyutina Y, Aumann T, Boretzky K, et al. (2013) Structure of the unbound nucleus Be-13: One-neutron knockout reaction data from Be-14 analyzed in a holistic approach Physical Review C. 87: 64316 |
Chase WG, Simon HA. (2013) The mind's eye in chess Readings in Cognitive Science: a Perspective From Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. 461-494 |
Feigenbaum EA, Simon HA. (2007) Performance of a reading task by an elementary perceiving and memorizing program Behavioral Science. 8: 72-76 |
Klahr D, Simon HA. (2001) What have psychologists (and others) discovered about the process of scientific discovery? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 10: 75-79 |
Simon HA, Gobet F. (2000) Expertise effects in memory recall: comment on Vicente and Wang (1998). Psychological Review. 107: 593-600 |
Anderson JR, Greeno JG, Reder LM, et al. (2000) Perspectives on Learning, Thinking, and Activity Educational Researcher. 29: 11-13 |
Gobet F, Simon HA. (2000) Five seconds or sixty? Presentation time in expert memory Cognitive Science. 24: 651-682 |
Gobet F, Simon HA. (2000) Reply to Lassiter Psychological Science. 11: 174-174 |
Simon H, Bibel W, Bundy A, et al. (2000) AI's greatest trends and controversies Ieee Intelligent Systems. 15: 8-17 |
Klahr D, Simon HA. (1999) Studies of scientific discovery: Complementary approaches and convergent findings Psychological Bulletin. 125: 524-543 |