Stephen H. Wagner
Affiliations: | 2000 | Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States |
"Stephen Wagner"Mean distance: 24.14 (cluster 54) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorChristopher Parker | grad student | 2000 | Northern Illinois University | |
(Antecedents and consequences of employees thinking and acting like owners of the business.) |
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Ermasova N, Wagner S, Nguyen LD. (2017) The impact of education, diversity, professional development and age on personal business ethics of business students in Russia Journal of Management Development. 36: 410-426 |
Bowling NA, Wagner SH, Beehr TA. (2017) The Facet Satisfaction Scale: an Effective Affective Measure of Job Satisfaction Facets Journal of Business and Psychology. 33: 383-403 |
Park HI, Jacob AC, Wagner SH, et al. (2015) Job control and burnout: A meta-analytic test of the conservation of resources model Applied Psychology. 63: 607-642 |
Wagner SH. (2013) Leadership and Responses to Organizational Crisis Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 6: 140-144 |
Park HI, Monnot MJ, Jacob AC, et al. (2011) Moderators of the Relationship Between Person-Job Fit and Subjective Well-Being Among Asian Employees International Journal of Stress Management. 18: 67-87 |
Monnot MJ, Wagner S, Beehr TA. (2011) A contingency model of union commitment and participation: Meta-analysis of the antecedents of militant and nonmilitant activities Journal of Organizational Behavior. 32: 1127-1146 |
Pfieffelmann B, Wagner SH, Libkuman T. (2010) Recruiting on corporate web sites: Perceptions of fit and attraction International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 18: 40-47 |
Bowling NA, Hendricks EA, Wagner SH. (2008) Positive and negative affectivity and facet satisfaction: A meta-analysis Journal of Business and Psychology. 23: 115-125 |
Bowling NA, Beehr TA, Wagner SH, et al. (2005) Adaptation-level theory, opponent process theory, and dispositions: an integrated approach to the stability of job satisfaction. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 90: 1044-53 |
Quirk SW, Christiansen ND, Wagner SH, et al. (2003) On the usefulness of measures of normal personality for clinical assessment: evidence of the incremental validity of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Psychological Assessment. 15: 311-25 |