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Heida Maria Sigurdardottir

Brown University, Providence, RI 
"Heida Sigurdardottir"
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Arni Kristjansson research assistant 2004-2006 University of Iceland
David L. Sheinberg grad student 2007- Brown
Michael J. Tarr grad student 2007- Brown
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Sigurdardottir HM, Ólafsdóttir IM. (2024) Objects, faces, and spaces: Organizational principles of visual object perception as evidenced by individual differences in behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Sigurdardottir HM, Omarsdottir HR, Valgeirsdottir AS. (2024) Reading problems and their connection with visual search and attention. Dyslexia (Chichester, England). 30: e1764
Kristjánsson Á, Sigurdardottir HM. (2023) The Role of Visual Factors in Dyslexia. Journal of Cognition. 6: 31
Jozranjbar B, Kristjánsson Á, Starrfelt R, et al. (2023) Using representational similarity analysis to reveal category and process specificity in visual object recognition. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 166: 172-187
Sigurdardottir HM, Arnardottir A, Halldorsdottir ET. (2021) Faces and words are both associated and dissociated as evidenced by visual problems in dyslexia. Scientific Reports. 11: 23000
Sigurdardottir HM, Ólafsdóttir IM, Devillez H. (2021) Words as Visual Objects: Neural and Behavioral Evidence for High-Level Visual Impairments in Dyslexia. Brain Sciences. 11
Jozranjbar B, Kristjánsson Á, Sigurdardottir HM. (2021) Featural and configural processing of faces and houses in matched dyslexic and typical readers. Neuropsychologia. 162: 108059
Thorudottir S, Sigurdardottir HM, Rice GE, et al. (2020) The Architect Who Lost the Ability to Imagine: The Cerebral Basis of Visual Imagery. Brain Sciences. 10
Sigurdardottir HM, Hjartarson KH, Gudmundsson GL, et al. (2019) Own-race and other-race face recognition problems without visual expertise problems in dyslexic readers. Vision Research
Sigurdardottir HM, Arnardottir A, Halldorsdottir ET, et al. (2019) Visually driven reading deficits: The role of object perception and visual attention Journal of Vision. 19: 172c
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