Roman Osipovich Jakobson

1946-1949 Columbia University, New York, NY 
 1949-1966 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 1958-1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Roman Jakobson"

(1896 - 1982)

Mean distance: 16.79 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree


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Nikolay N. Durnovo research assistant 1918 Moscow State University (LinguisTree)
 (Both left for Prague, but Durnovo returned)
Gerhard Friedrich Franz Gesemann grad student 1930 Deutsche Universität Prag (LinguisTree)
 (Über den Versbau der serbokroatischen Volksepen)


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Leonard Babby grad student Harvard (LinguisTree)
Victor Erlich grad student Columbia (LinguisTree)
Henry Kučera grad student Harvard (LinguisTree)
John Robert Ross grad student MIT (LinguisTree)
Thomas Sebeok grad student Chicago
Michael Silverstein grad student Harvard & MIT (LinguisTree)
Edward Stankiewicz grad student (LinguisTree)
Charles E. Townsend grad student (Literature Tree)
Olga T. Yokoyama grad student (LinguisTree)
Horace Gray Lunt grad student 1947 (LinguisTree)
Carl L Ebeling grad student 1950 Harvard (LinguisTree)
Morris Halle grad student 1955 MIT
Hreinn Benediktsson grad student 1958 Harvard (LinguisTree)
Calvert Watkins grad student 1959 Harvard (LinguisTree)
Irwin Weil grad student 1960 Harvard (LinguisTree)
Paul V. Kiparsky grad student 1965 MIT (LinguisTree)
Sheila E. Blumstein grad student 1965-1970
Claude Hagège grad student 1969-1970 Harvard (LinguisTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Jakobson R. (2008) Mutual Assimilation Of Russian Voiced And Voiceless Consonants Studia Linguistica. 32: 107-110
Sosa M, Jakobson R, Pomorska K, et al. (1989) Language in Literature World Literature Today. 63: 173
Shepherd D, Jakobson R, Pomorska K, et al. (1989) Language in Literature Modern Language Review. 84: 1049
Hart TR, Spitzer L, Forcione AK, et al. (1989) Representative Essays@@@Language in Literature Comparative Literature. 41: 170
Battistella E, Jakobson R, Waugh LR, et al. (1986) Russian and Slavic Grammar: Studies 1931-1981 Language. 62: 464
Galan FW, Jakobson R, Pomorksa K, et al. (1985) Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time World Literature Today. 59: 668
Senderovich S, Jakobson R, Rudy S. (1983) Selected Writings III: Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry Slavic and East European Journal. 27: 127
Brenneis D, Jakobson R, Waugh LR. (1982) The sound Shape of Language Journal of American Folklore. 95: 93
Graham J, Jakobson R, Waugh LR. (1981) Flip, Flap, Flop: Linguistics as Semiotics@@@The Sound Shape of Language Diacritics. 11: 29
Jakobson R. (1980) A Postscript to the Discussion on Grammar of Poetry Diacritics. 10: 21
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