Alice Berners-Lee

Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
 Center for Neural Science New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Hippocampus, Memory
"Alice Berners-Lee"
Mean distance: 13.88 (cluster 17)


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Lila Davachi research assistant 2010-2013 NYU
Tom Carew research assistant 2013-2013 NYU
David Foster grad student 2014-2021 Johns Hopkins
Venkatesh N. Murthy post-doc 2021- Harvard
Adam G. Carter research scientist NYU
Andre A. Fenton research scientist 2013-2014 NYU
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Berners-Lee A, Feng T, Silva D, et al. (2022) Hippocampal replays appear after a single experience and incorporate greater detail with more experience. Neuron
Berners-Lee A, Wu X, Foster DJ. (2021) Prefrontal cortical neurons are selective for non-local hippocampal representations during replay and behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Tambini A, Berners-Lee A, Davachi L. (2017) Brief targeted memory reactivation during the awake state enhances memory stability and benefits the weakest memories. Scientific Reports. 7: 15325
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