Jeremy R. Egbert, Ph.D.

Zoology Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
"Jeremy Egbert"
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Hubert G. Schwabl grad student WSU
Hubert Schwabl grad student 2011 WSU
 (Ovarian physiology in a non-domesticated bird: Mechanisms behind the accumulation and variation of yolk androgens in house sparrows.)
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Egbert JR, Jackson MF, Rodgers BD, et al. (2013) Between-female variation in house sparrow yolk testosterone concentration is negatively associated with CYP19A1 (aromatase) mRNA expression in ovarian follicles. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 183: 53-62
Welty JL, Belthoff JR, Egbert J, et al. (2012) Relationships between yolk androgens and nest density, laying date, and laying order in Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) Canadian Journal of Zoology. 90: 182-192
Lucas JR, Freeberg TM, Egbert J, et al. (2006) Fecal corticosterone, body mass, and caching rates of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) from disturbed and undisturbed sites. Hormones and Behavior. 49: 634-43
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