Douglas G. Barron, Ph.D.

Zoology Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
"Douglas Barron"
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Hubert G. Schwabl grad student WSU
Hubert Schwabl grad student 2014 WSU
 (Proximate causes and ultimate consequences of phenotypic variation in male red-backed fairy-wrens.)
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Uysal AK, Martin LB, Burkett-Cadena ND, et al. (2018) Simulated viral infection in early-life alters brain morphology, activity and behavior in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Physiology & Behavior
Lindsay WR, Barron DG, Webster MS, et al. (2016) Testosterone activates sexual dimorphism including male-typical carotenoid but not melanin plumage pigmentation in a female bird. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 219: 3091-3099
Potticary AL, Dowling JL, Barron DG, et al. (2016) Subtle benefits of cooperation to breeding males of the Red-backed Fairywren Auk. 133: 286-297
Barron DG, Gervasi SS, Pruitt JN, et al. (2015) Behavioral competence: How host behaviors can interact to influence parasite transmission risk Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 6: 35-40
Barron DG, Webster MS, Schwabl H. (2015) Do androgens link morphology and behaviour to produce phenotype-specific behavioural strategies? Animal Behaviour. 100: 116-124
Schwabl H, Lindsay WR, Barron DG, et al. (2014) Endocrine correlates of mate choice and promiscuity in females of a socially monogamous avian mating system with alternative male reproductive phenotypes Current Zoology. 60: 804-815
Barron DG, Webster MS, Schwabl H. (2013) Body condition influences sexual signal expression independent of circulating androgens in male red-backed fairy-wrens. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 183: 38-43
Barron DG, Weatherhead PJ, Brawn JD. (2013) A test of radio-transmitter effects on parental investment and productivity in the Northern Cardinal Condor. 115: 669-676
Sperry JH, Barron DG, Weatherhead PJ. (2012) Snake behavior and seasonal variation in nest survival of northern cardinals Cardinalis cardinalis Journal of Avian Biology. 43: 496-502
Barron DG, Brawn JD, Butler LK, et al. (2012) Effects of military activity on breeding birds Journal of Wildlife Management. 76: 911-918
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