Gregory R. Lockhead

Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Gregory Lockhead"
Mean distance: 14.23 (cluster 15)
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Lawrence McCue Ward grad student 1966-1970 Duke
Scott Huettel grad student 1994-1999 Duke
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Lockhead G. (2009) Wendell Richard Garner (1921-2008) The American Psychologist. 64: 149-150
Lockhead GR. (2004) Absolute judgments are relative: A reinterpretation of some psychophysical ideas Review of General Psychology. 8: 265-272
Huettel SA, Lockhead G. (2001) Variability is not uniformily bad: The practices of psychologists generate research questions Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 24: 418-419
Huettel SA, Lockhead G. (2000) Psychologically rational choice: Selection between alternatives in a multiple-equilibrium game Cognitive Systems Research. 1: 143-160
Huettel SA, Lockhead GR. (1999) Range effects of an irrelevant dimension on classification. Perception & Psychophysics. 61: 1624-45
Lockhead GR, Huettel SA. (1999) Isomorphisms and subjective colors Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 22: 959-960
Huettel SA, Lockhead GR. (1998) A framework for structural constraints on feature creation Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 21: 29-29
Lockhead GR. (1992) Psychophysical scaling: Judgments of attributes or objects? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 15: 543-58
Lockhead GR. (1992) 4 On Identifying Things: A Case for Context Advances in Psychology. 93: 109-143
Lockhead GR, Wolbarsht ML. (1991) Toying with the moon illusion. Applied Optics. 30: 3504-7
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